HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1948-10-07, Page 6•
The September meeting •of the
Women's Institute was A record breaking • crowd, -es .
The mpnthly . meeting of, the
Paramount . Women's Institute
was' held at the home of Mrs.
Walter DexterThe vice president
Mrs. J, Ketchabaw had- charge of
the meeting., The roll calf . was
answered -by .giving a health hint.'
A splendid report of the conven-
tion held at Guelph. was given
by" the delegate, Mrs. Robert Reid.
•Mrs. Al Irwin gave current
events and. Mrs. • Harvey' Brooks'
*on - the draw. Mrs. Jack Haarr.Yil-
.ton 'gave a reading: There 'was
.. ga . ��,�
a contest by Mrs. Oliver M Char-
les and a.,reading by :Mrs.; J. MC-
. Tavish.' At the conclusion Of. the.
i ` a which lunch was.
.,enjoyed dor _ �i ,
served. The next meeting .will be
held on : •Tuesday, :October:; 19th
at 'the home of : MrS. Harvey.
:Brooks: Program committee, Mrs.
Wm. -Stanley and Mrs, 'Kelso Mc
at 40 50
Ladies. please note that. the Oct-
ober Meeting of the. W6onnen's In-
stitute• Will be held at the home
of Mrs. A. J. woods on Friday
"afternoon instead of -Thursday.
Mr:and Mrs. Gordon Miller. 434
Larry, Miss Doris Taylor, student
at. Well's Academy 'and Miss Mar-
garet McPherson, student nurse
at St. Joseph's Hospital of Len -
don were home for the week -end.
• Mrs. Al. Martin and Nedcly re-
turned 'to • ;Toronto on Friday..
They .Were accompanied by. Mrs.
, D
E. J. , Thom:""" • •
'Mr. -and Mrs..' Andrew: Gaunt
spent. a. few .day's in. Toronto this
Kairs ea. .
heldat the home of Mrs. I•i.mLavis timated as. high' as 5,000, s rrni-
with a very good attendance. The ed ;over the . Ackert Farina,.he o t
. r re- Holyrood : last Friday..on .t.
president, Mrs. A. MacTnty eo, p
sided. •cas}on of the. Bruce County Plow -
we are gov-� ing Match. It was: 17 years since
topic, "How
erned" was very 'educational and : the match had previously been
was well read by Mrs. T. •A. Mae-, 'held ;there, and
Mrs.. A. Sutherland read Rain early that morning,, i •
Donald. troth ng.
the motto. Readings were • given the:first . in . weeks, didand
i t ers and Annie!: to help plowing conditions, Hugh Coming," ,.ecretary ttfasur-
byM Amelia Carruh
A. u. hes.gave.an a sharply• redticed number of er, R. • W. Andrew executiv-
nteresY. 1Virs.. H g re entered in the
i teresting 'report of the district' contestants sdid ;members, Leonard MacDonald...
n ,
l - , .'. i virions• • Glasse 'those who Gordon, Fisher, Chas, Webster
.The ladies • give a shower of.'tackle the joh bad an exhausting trantransportationcommittee;.'`W. B
fruit and •vegetabl
es to the new task in their efforts. to make the Anderson' Ernie Crawford, 'Rug;
THURS6AY, Q�CTQBER 14, .19*8
• Sport • * ,•
• A re--organiz, ,-ions meeting �f
the Intermediate a Rocker Clift
was held in the . Town Hall on
Thursday evening, when officer;,
and 'committees were. named,. and'
pplans launched ' in . the hope., of
assembling' a strong rntermediat,.
club aga b :this year.
Pres.,, • Robert Rae; 1st vice•,
Man,.You"rel Crazy
l� orget % tir age!' Thousands are peppy al 70. n7
MOD= no' with Ostrea. Contains tonle for weak..
rundown. feeling due solely to body'. leek of frog
whish many men and Women eall. "old."
Oetreg Tonto Tatzltttte for De, younger feeling WIN
tea salvery e at aailwd etto� e eryww.he[! MM i0r.
®u c ami y., • e.
The.. Women's institute is Spon- in this community.
-oring a dance` in the community M T A MacDonald gave a
.. .
best poss•i-bae-...sh,owing:.,•7 in • the • $utto 1yer,;.....ptC .ss. rt..
cement. like soil: The; plowing porter, Stuart Collyer rnanal t..i
competitions were held on Ernest Wellington McCoy; :coach PAW
Hoag and,Cha's. Webster, •.
'hall, following • the free Picture . of thanks to. Mrs .f avis A.ckert,'s home place ' known at•
Vote. , r: •
wovided` tby the Sliur Gain' Which ll' replied to and Sunrise Farrn. . •
:pr ev w; is : was ' we Save
Feed Coin an on meeting closed. with God ...The . Bruce County Gro15'^Irlt-
p Y . the meet g • ,. o,o, � er-
erring,• October, 13th, • Ladies are .T.)1.e K'n A social • hour and provem•ent• Association C. p
requested to bring, unch', g interesting
• lunch. f�llovved, .. •. *ted in prrovidrng
•Anniversary services will . be •The, next •meeting will be at machinery. demonstrations and
d'tctr u
held . in ' the Unitled Church on Mrs. 'Wm. > 1Vi'aclntyre's, The. dig -
October 17th.' This .is the :, Lockhart, .Mrs,
, 'iarxiday, . • , ..•ctors ,are. Mrs, G. 50th anniversary of the, opening 1. 'Dickie, Mrs. R. NfacDougall
of the present church Wand Rev, Mrs, D.'''MacConnell.
Wm �I'aplor. of Dorchester. will be.•
the- guest speaker: •
displays including r ing,
doz.mg, corn harvesting and pick- ,which was scheduled to . open , :
ing and sub -soil': cultivating. The Tuesday of this week, has in --%
latter •demonstration was canduo-: blacked 'out ' by .the. Lew ,
The ••indoor° Softbal'1. It's.;,
ted by Hugh Hill. }�dro shortage, and there app
Appreciate' Support• Plowing winners were.:. ' p
;,, r tie 'chance of the .situation `n .
int r lows=Barden-wFentcn, proving sufficiently to permit tr..
or.. 10 e la . loop to : o�pperate at:a later "date' C
Tara; Gordon Fawcett; Tara; ,I is n'bt ''ex ected that hh �:: ,:
• lain• and jointer plow.s, first, • s p
•! time winlaer:.Hugh Simpson, .of •sh:artages�,��,' will ,: interfere �t•.t�
'�Whitechurch•,•• Deug.. •Simpsrin...Qf, hockey activities. this winter. ()�
tafio "Hydro officials. expla n * r - '
'Teeswatel'. hoc:key's ••popularity. eoncentrt.ni•.,
Plain or. jointer, plows, pnd.er so many people at one point, ih,;.t
savings . that, ;result in dont st i• •
consumption daring• 'that t`nl,.•
more' than •compensate for t•u: s.'
;reinconsumed fpr the game.. -
Lucknow Girl Guides are. mast
The'average modern apartment appreciative .of the support given
is' no place like ' e.'thele which . made their •cookie
.lay saps very'�•successful,
`kteturned ;From West '
Clare Lani}an of Ashfield who
has been�iat• Weyburn,• Sask., for
'a time,., returned •horne last week
arid.'has 'gone to Hamilton. where
he : is: now employed.
Order today frog:,
20:• Donald Donaldson, R. 3, . Tees-
water- -
Tractors ' in, sed, 2 -furrow T.
P. . O'Malley,..Tceswater; Farrish• .
Moffat; R: ,3; Teeswater.
Indopr softball, hQw ever }
\ T•in.sod.3 furrows' KEIT not drawn sufficiently 1,1r,,
HIGH SCHOOL NEWS M'ractors Ka ue Teeswater.
Tractors, Junior. 1hv Or girls: crowds to'entitle it .to such :eon ..
ideration; 'and, the•''activ rile s.
;The. opening ymn • was o. owe Mildmay; • .. y' 'j,
by prayer, The•scripture was read' chTr • cancelled as ' cantrik�utu,11
Tractors, utility, scored'. Gln.
} y Mary Jo Ande wsati: after<which time: Earl Harris; Holyrood;; Geo;,r•hydi saving .pirogrnm
a vocal duet.• was. siing by Shirley A hl enti;. Elmwood- Hodgins and Donna 'Hamilton: A ren horse Gets Hockey Release
BE stplrjw•hig, It nliass, .
speech on : the Lucknow Fall. fol.:: ' spe ial: IIugh, Simpson C:e Itg,c Chin ha • re7c ie
was given by, :Marie Percy Tr actors in : sod Kinloss•'•spec-.1 releast' from the Wlnd>in -,
lowed by.the announeernents and la}, . Ferri h Moffat. fires• junior A s u<rrl "T'
The King. Tractors, utility Knloss ' sjwe-
.At the 'Playhouse Theatre: last• Ia1, Earl Hal IIS.
•Woe_ ••s
hf 11 d M r Y ' 'the loop have been sluff., i;,
Assembly . was :hel l on; 'Friday: MarY° ers Tara;
Thursday` the HighV School: were
Cull CiSS• rneci,l,, horse? : draw -n;.
shown, sorne, 'interesting and in, Douglas 5 lir scin tractors, T. f'.
struc.tive :films on.sprinting, ur: ,- O 1�7a11c y `'
lirng, 'r.elays and one on, the:early Salads Teo Special; . elgibl`e ,for..
Settlers. Films will be • • shown International Borden Fenton
weekly if 'possible ' from 'now* on Esso Tractoi Sliec al,.= e}lgi.hie
.through the 2cOtirtesy of MI S •
for Interlla:tltinal 'T P Ci'Malley,
Pappas, the theatre preprietnr
Best plowing'teirrls'D loaned by
• The High' School. hadadisplay E. Ackert and son l•st,,.•Raynard
at the Lucknow. fair iii which ACkei t, :end and 3rd',' Ernie Ack=
were Shown shields, scholarships t
and.' medals of :the:, school. •
The • annual Field Day :.will be:
lease w, s issued by. •Lloy 1
lack; managef of the it�4t.r
is -a Ripley. native, George w'
fordand the call: earne •il:
. the first • of • the "W eek.
Baden Won TropIi
Baden::'Pirate5, «:lis
Lucknow: ..Ijegi nry i cDs iia
W:. O. 'A. A, .,B • series -
semi fin t1s •went ten
the: silverware• by trimmiu-
ton R C.A l+": four Hanes, It)
er . ' Ban net At N>< a 'frost of° seven series
9 g, Clinto PP
• } d d
afternoon .(Thugs ay) �l.
• the ,Townshi • Hall, �Holyro.od•,• at
athletic events for the. Senor and' which 'the prizes were awarded
.�: V I o Junior •boys, and girls., champiorf- by Secretary.. Herb ladies
ell.' The
— - — - :.. catering was by' the ladies of .tile
ow■Ojn�RRA,�1�1i.a1nnni ��Bmdillnn�BaRam■ Holyrood,WQmen's institute, who> I"t'viwill':do a,d ainage job that •gas .
Served .a splendid. meal...and Were at one time `accompl,ished In the
highly . complimented for it :.by roots of'. the trees. By loosening.
the dons • speakers:: The`. ladies the' . • sub -.soil he 'claims,. v'h1I *•Fire -
also• operated 'a booth in: 'the. of -1 doing what The Almighty intend
t,ernoon when :they. served sand- 'ed the trees to do .•'Mr.: Hill says
wiches ,for a ' dime _ and tea '' for i:t.h�is action tends to preYent thros
a . nickle which; as President 1♦ os
ter Moffat pointed out, . were
ht•n . dro. cc]
held, in the''Caledoti.ia.n :Par.'k this'; :The. Plowing Match cone u e u
with .a banquet . that evening.'• in lame .12 to 9, •arid• rats t�d , .o•at ti'.
when • stu� voice to no avail against" the 'um-
the !clalnlc d ;S::a •
pining ' 'v'hach• y ,
'the worst -"they ever saw.
° will com ete rn various p
dents, p
Will chop 1,000 bushels of
grain, on one set of plates-,
and chop it Ane. Driven with
two : V -Belts. .Clutch allows
'Grinder to be started without
load on motor. Simple plate
adjustment. , is dust free.'
With grain shut-off wide
open feed wormy pull* .in '
right , amount of grain,, pre-:
Venting straw from stopping
grain Bow. Three feed worms
supplied: for • fine, ;medium.'
and coarse chop. ,
All .'parts. of Little , Beaver
precision made from highest
.quality materials, ' assuring
years . of trouble-free service.
The two V -Belts run directly'
• between two heavy duty ball'•
bearings, a8suring even pull
on ;bearings gs' and allowing
Grinderto run true. .••
ion, and with :his ;critics he argues
that it .is better- to have, .top soil
worth a quarter at least: fertisulity •dowthan.'tn'
'o18 h"ave 'iinch'ets` , t� l.1.a>lithecct
• `
Mr Moffat, who has been prey- b soil
ident of the:. Brute Plowmen's away by .surface water.: I
•Association for' several years, was • A `Dignified Occupation
banquet chairman: ;:He • said this ..' Rev. W S. Sutherland of Ny.11 to
• was his ' last terra as . President,. church, • who pronounced •!..1-1
but .promised,: '"I'll. ,be with you
,as long: as 'I .live"
Mr. Moffat 'thanked.all.those
who had' helned .the match in any
way arid firstly made:.mention of
. Ernie Ackert .and 'his son Ray-
rlard for all•.th.e•-had•'donc, "Mr,
• Moffat con 'rented :on the "care
.11-w• Ac kcrt f arms• were receiving
• ranch were'praclut•ing twice' as.
much as 'they sii.d _a..t one time.
`Keeping • the texture . ie.' the. soil•
an no Plowing,are• n i
anProfitable.' ' .
'Mr. George. Gear,. Bruce Conn
Grace,: was later . called on and
stressed•..the .importance el i rel'
ers realizing• the :dignity' ui nor :`
occupation.. .Your. ,chldl, r.. qtr
listening. when you vine!, r,„•of
farming; , and unless •part D ,"1 ,
hancc.tlie occupation in t.h' . ,�y(�
there . • will be a cr,nt�.:, ,.rice.
of " 'the •depopplatien u eJ.
areas. ."Tarring is a • ern , 11'iu3
occupation "arid • it,' 1 t'1r•;,It .
:you people,to•raisi~ it in 1-' .;' .';t�.;1
d good;
essential' �.'l--;eq :,and •' in 'the' .t'.ye, `the
d. world", '.he 'said,:
Others uealled. nn t� lin• �li;ike
Ag,, B:ep, advocated.• good old: briefly 'were Messes. Li iilt : c'k`' ..
fashioned fanning: You've got to .ert, Elgin Cu>nmings; Ai,,l\ :'Vic"•
feed• the soi:l,,'plow• down clover, •`ravish president of , ttrt• crop
Tmpr'ovement Associatyon, John
barnva:rc� rrranure, use fertilizers, '
practts�erotation, so that one crop 'Kilpatrick, Reeve Alct ;�'G,•rlren'
prepares for theone: that follows: zie, Alfred. Brunton'. and t .Yt"tli►t
To th s.care of the..soi'i,'one must McGavin:' who judged .tl,t l,l'w.
``turn ort: ,.the drafts.", in tare form . ing. '
.of:�phy.s. cal�.effor.ts,..to..achieve. the -
pro u+c lye results that are boss
' Sipeaks 'On SubuSo : er'
d t" 1 A, subscription to �'he 'st r;lniiM'.
rbl he "d � makes a most accQpta•b�e ��•i'?i•drrig.
e gift. •
. Hugh ,Hill, who had demon .
strated his sub sinter that after -i • It isn't What the .voter ; tatYds
troori, sliolre. briefly about it at for nearly las. much as: it is : `hat
the banquet, 'fills thedt'y '.is that he falls fot...