HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1948-09-30, Page 3Tams., SEPTEMBER 30, 1948,
L�c.i.1 and General
- Mr. •aid Mrs: A. E. Millson. of.' John MacKenzie has comment-
Weston spent•, the week-end..with,I ed •, his fourth year in medieine
Mr. and Mrs. J.. W; Joynt. at Queen's University. ,
Mr.. and, Mrs. Wm. Robb spent V'is- s Vetta Phillips
Qf Wing;
last week'at Collingwood . with ham spent the . week -end at .her
. home at Forst
Mr., and Mrs. Andrew Hamilton. vee:
Miss Mary Lyons of Montreal
'has been the guest of Miss. Jane.
Mr. WO Mrs. William 'Scrim -
*our of Palmerston called • on
.friends here one ..day last' week.
Mrs. Lloyd.,Htinter and Hetbie
d Mrs. Herb Curran' spent last
week in.. Hamilton with •Mr.• and.
Mrs: ,Bertram Currap, a
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Phillips and
Laurel •.of Mount Forest •spent
,Sunday waif Mr. and 1Virs: •George.
. y
Phillips - and family. •
Mr, and ' Mrs :; Ben Pearlman
aUct Dr. ` and Mrs.Morris. Pearl-.
Mali. of Sarnia called ori friends
• here last week.' '•
• Herb •'•Graham of `Toronto 'iis
visiting .here 'and making some
repairs to, the Graham • building
on Main St.:
Mr. ;and Mrs: Thomas' England
son ° Gordon 'nd: aidy• Irienct
of ` Galt"spent Sunday'\with. Mr,.
and' Mrs Joseph England and
ether relatives.
Letters To The Editor
L.ucknow, R. R. 2,
September 27, 1948.
To .the Editor:
What is' the matte; with the
.eiti ens.of •Lucknow and the-fag—
moil; that fill the ' streets on.. a`•
busy 'afternoon that a boy and,
Mr, . and Mrs. Howard John- his dog, anybody's boy, anybody's
stone*' and Marlyn • were recent dog, could, be tortured and 'pro-
visitors with Mr, and Mrs. P, M. yoked as on Saturday fast and,
Jcihnstone.no one to raise a voice or a hand'
Mr..Mhn MacMillan, Boundar
; • in protest? Some seemed .to • have
y been watching not in disgust •or
East, is not enjoying good ,hea•lth dismay, but with tolerance; even
and is at present a patient in with amusement,
Wirigham• Hospital. . Do we . want a Beanery Gang
11' a.m._Sacrament 'ef the
Lord's, Supper.
:Story,: ",Pass', It On"
1215:: Sunday School,'
'pm: "The Light of the
'. D�
1o,,r�, . e a e °vi age ma•e : rep •of the
Kitchener visited .last. week awith sons of respected citizens to prey
his parents, Mr, and. Mrs. Philip on and bulky anyone .,they feel
like abusing? •
It wQuld•_have been comforting ,
•if `even one „triad had 'stepped: `up,
'and. applied the•toe' of his boot
to.. the seat .of the.pants ;of those
he saw demolishing and taking.
Stewart, while returning• 'from
their wedding tri
.Mrs, T...S: Reid of Orillia•and
Mr,. Austin .Reid of. 'London � visit=
ed the . la°tte .part cit;' the week at
'the :borne cif. Mr.: and Mrs. R. H.
'away an old cart. • Nowwouldn't community.
Thompson. •
Mi . and 'Mrs. Ted :Richmond
and Mrs. Torn Moore .•of Smooth
Rock Fall's; visited Mrs. James
Webster rind wellington 'on•.
Rev. : C. H: MacDonald was. in.
Toi onto them f rstT of -the:week:.
when he gave . the opening :ad_
dress' at the meeting .of. the Cqun-
•cil::of the W.M;S. of the Presby-
terian Church.-: •
Mr. and Mrs.
Jim Hessor . of
Stratford, spent Sunday with Mr,
and :Mrs. S.'J •' Kilpatrick, •
Miss- Ethel Finnigan' has been
Spending ' a... ew' = days with .: her
brother- Bert and Mrs. 'Finnigan
and with other relatives' in the
it? .
Sincerely yours, M. . G. Kinahan.
Mr ..Campbell Thompson, •
Lucknow 'Sentinel.
Dear Mr.' Thompson:..
. During the years I : had the
.privilege of--servin 7the -PeoPle
of Toronto. as mayor 1 forriied a
keen: appreciation of the value:
of the support given by " news-
-papers, in furthering':any Worthy
cause' vitally, associated,with the
Mr. Joseph_ Mallough and °Miss welfare of the c•itizens.
Sarah • Mallough • are going. •to :It' :is ' that knowledge • Which
Goderich• this week where they prompts me to address myself to
plan to spend the; winter, Mis• you at this time, as your. Hydro
T. H. Alton. Will 'visit:in. Walker '.Chairman 'to enlist your support
ton before going:AO London. f•or
the wi:nter.a
• ;Tack: Stewart sand Jimmie•
rison2spen't a` W'e•ek's holidays at
• the h rrespc. eti.vc hoine here. They
vvei e on a .passenger' boat during;
the surnmei' and .left heretol sign
Up v<'ith d' lake fi'c'lghtei crew'' fol'
the balance'"of 'the • season Tom
MacDonald who has also. been
sailing this summer; .spent' last•
week 'with }i'is iziiither• 1VIrs
and 'co-operation in helping, in
levery, way possible, to save .Row-
er during,. . the fall and -winter
Hydro, as 'you, probably • know
is pressing forward , on `;schedule
with. its $320: Million construction
p1 ogr'.an ine,' which, progressively'
over the next two .,or thre ,years,:.
will, ince ease. out;power''.re u.rces
by ' of er :. • 1,000,000 ` ,horepower.
But, , pendingj completion • of .that
Mr.,' and Mrs.. Jack Swan and
family of.. Bervj,e spent Sunday
afternoon with 'Mr. .and Mrs.
Raymond Finnigan ' .
Mr. and • Mrs. Earl Blake of
Clinton spent Sunday at Mr. Dave
eWlir?e 's.
Mr. ' and .x Mrs: Cecil B.Iake and
f arriily and . Mr: and Mrs. •Be
.Comfort of St. Catharines• called`
On : Mr. and Mrs:• S. J. Kilpatrick
on• un •ay. a .ernoon. •
We extend best •wishesto t'he "•
'bride, and groom, Mr. and Mrs...
Tom:: Phillips 'and a'hearty wel-
come 'from the cQinmunity • tof.\. •
thein: We hope'`' their ata e
p i� y. b �.e..
will. be a ' long and happy one.
Presbyterian Y. PR S. , .
The :regular meeting of the'
Guild' was held on Monday, Sep-
ternber 27th; The meeting :open-
ed with. the singing'• of hymn 569
followed' by the Lord's., prayer ir•
Unison.' .Miss Dean. MacLeod, .took
the • Bible ; study : and .hymn. 461
was -sting-bila.dys..Chi-n,.a-nd Ruth•
Johnstone 'favored with a duet'
•.which was followed -by hymn '460;.
Miss Marion MacDonald.. closed•
the ::meeting with prayer.
• pas■suualu■I oasis u■■uauai■•uiuu■•••i■ A.■uu■■ar.
• •
■ N
■ F
,a ee `•Pick UP 'nd:DelivrY
■ .. '.•
■ � Leave' Or d. eAt.r
Thelina M acDonald : iiiOg.ramnie; and:particularly' in : ; : ■
■ �-
.■aamps■a■ arsala■■smsmaIas•aau■Ua■a■smiagi■U ■.■a ',.
A sorbin,` Jr,,
$1.1% 12 'oz. $2.39
Save $1.38
Alka-Seltzer• •
8'a--29c;45's 57c
Save $ 3c
Bromo Seltzer::
8 'dose 25c; 45 .dose 95c
S ve 45c"
''.Sal Hepatica
"21/ oz. •33c; 13 oz. '$127
Save 63c
Colgates `Dental Cream
25c and 75c
Save 18c
Eno's , Fruit Salt :
• 4 oz. 59c, 8 oz. 98e
. Save. 2Oc
FeejI*A-Mint •
8's 19e; 36's 69c ,
Save 16c.
25c; 654 oz. 98c
Save; $1,18
Noxema. -
2�!� oz • 43c; 14 oz...$1.29
;Save $1.38
• Tampax
f5sq,.250, 40's $1.39
Save -7.1t7
Templeton's' `T.R.0
36's $1.25;. 216's'15:00'
Save: $2.50''.
Chases. Nerve Food
• '60's 69c;. 180's,• $L79
Save, '28c
Castoria '
2 oz. • 33c; 41 • oz. 69c
Save 5c
son Baby"Powder
4 oz, 28c; 10, oz. 55c•
' Save. 15c
2V2' oz.. 35c; 14• oz. $1.25
Save 71c
3 oz, 29c; 14 o¢. • ;89c,
gave- 46c
!Phone. 32, . •Luc%n.,
;the coming fall: ;arid 'winter; ,it.is
important that' every. man, , wo
man amt. •child in Ontario play
Nis or . her part . in , saving: elect;
'ricity • in Girder •that we may main
tain maxiinum ' employment arid,
ptosperity..'We` must :not..•lo'se
sight Of the `fact :thata'.Ontario is
•experiencing th'e : greatest : Period
'of industrial. and: economic ;:expan
cion in its :history. •.The fact that
'thea e• is ; a ' power shortage is an,.
eloquent,' indication of that hap:.
py con•dtion.,
Trues- we are irttroducing re-,
,stiictions in the':uss' of••.el'ectricity:
,for certain' :purposes. However;
: , we must attain , our:° .greatest sa:v
in through Ithe voluntary efforts
of, all hydro consumers. That' sav-
ing can be:. achieved in many
ways.' It is important: that people
`:form • the habit:of using:: power
fol 'lights ; and the operation of
• the , many electrical, appliances
oiY•iy 'when,• it is rdquired.. If the
habit. 'of saving, power every ,day,
anti 24 hours: a day, rcan,be form-
ed we will .all .get through. this
period without very much in
I :ani; , therefore,' enlisting the
co-btion of the press in re-
iterating the "waste'.,. not, want
'not`'. maxim as related to the use
of ,'power during. the fall :.and
winter .months. Any support you
can give hydro through your news
and editorial columns will •be
sincerely app,reciated :for ynu will
be rendering a great publicser-
vice, 'not only to your hydro' tut
to. all your ' fellow citizens`•and
to the province .of .Ontario.
'Yours; sincerely, .
Robert H. Saunders,..
ON STRIKE for fourteen, weeks,
employees of the Ball Furniture.
Company at Hanover retuned to
work last' week. , •
e.n; to Winners ,of EssO .:Lasses
Qt O:.P. A:.Br,anch Matches
.,AIN ATHIS YEAR, Imperial Oil Limited offers a
prize of a free trip to the •British, Isles • to
•each of the two ' top . men in the "Esso Champions"
Tractor Class at the international .Plowing . Match
at Lindsay on October 15th
The "Esso Champions". Class is open to winners off' 4 "
•- "Esso• Champions Special'i classes•: at O.P.A.. branch.
matches. Don't fail 'to enter. ,this, class 'at your• local
county .match. Yotq may be one of the "luucky, two." `•
Get full particulars' from the secretary of your
county branch of the' Ontario, Plowmen''s Association:
'NOTE:: Winners of Esso classes 'al
branch matches held last fall;, after the 1947,
,International match, are ' eligible for the'
"Esso Champion,.," class on October 15th.
Farm Division
,�r,�:wr•�-�z.� _ ,: �. . _.. ;hrirr�+!»:+'li�9"^`41'�iY�'�:''�`'��'.i.�'i�'1