HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1948-09-23, Page 3THU°RS.,, SEPTEMBER 723, '194$
:. tyi:owitrupwra,i isirt tii�
. and
Miss Freda. Hunter is assisting
in the Fruit Market,.Lucknow.
Mr. Philip Stewart made a
business.. trip to • Toronto last
Fred Martin of Paramount was
judge of light ,horses. ` at ...the .Sea
forth Fall Fair. •
` • Doris Taylor, daughter "of M
and Mrs. 'Ewart Taylor, is ern
ployed at •McKim's• Drug Store.
Miss "Maty. MacLeod, who wa
a ,patient in Wingharn Hospit.
. for .. a •short; time, was able .to• re
• Mrs. 'George Phillips has been
in London visiting Mrs. Rena
azier and attending the Fair, ,
Mr. Jim Grant of Chicago". is
visiting in Ashfield with his par-
ents,..Mr. and Mrs., R. A. Grant;,
•- . <DonaId Fiiriayson , or Stouff-
ville and Camerorr - E inlayson of
Tordnto visited last week at their
.turn .home. last eek. g
Miss Freda Hunter, dau hte
home here. •
Garfield Ostrander has received
delivery of a new half -ton Ford,
s truck„ which he is retaining for
a1 his p.ersQnal `use
Mr, and ii
anid Mrs.- Alice Robb left la
r st.
I week, on .a trip""to• Wirinipegt to
visit the latter' _.tv.o
• Mrs. Robert•Strulhers is assist:-
, ing at the Post Office Miss Nei-
, lie Venning of. the office: staff
:ws' .at 'present on • holidays. .
.. of Mr, and. Mrs:. Jake Hunter o
Ashfield, is clerking. in- the Luck
scow, Fruit Market.
Mys, Jtihn MaceLan, Donald
Sa ralz• Jane and James °af Evari
5tnn,, Ill.; spent a week here With
Mr.- Donald: MacLean•. - '
Miss Ella Anderson of Toronto
who, has been. visiting with her
sister, Mrs. Q. E. Bower and Mr
Bower will be returning to. Tct,r -
(-a°.at the end of this week.
Mir:, and Mrs. D. M Bell. of
London, have been .'holidaying at
:the home: of her parents,_ Mr and
`lets, Russell . Bisset: They, aai�•c.
buildi•ng--a• cott�a:ge • at --4f The~-Fgot
of ,the .Boundary".
Mrs. G: A. Bower and°son Law
• ence have returned . to ,their
• home=- ' in Kirkland •Lake • after
visiting for about two'; months
with' Mr. and Mrs..George ' E:
Bower,' of `town.
M•rs Jack Oliver and son Doug-
las. of .Sault St -e. Marie, MISS
..Grace Maclntosh of ' Ottawa .,and
Dave :McGill of `Saskatoon.
ti isited. last.. week -With. . C:. ands J.
Lucknciw U• nited Church. has
had. a n;eu• alum'inu'm• 'roof, put on
to replace the slate 'shingles. Thebrick. work has 'been spray." pa'i'r-
ed With, red paint, and the' build-
ing' now stands out p,rori�in.ently.
',. `J� lletl_ a ..i'ciar I ithe . ,
1 la b ng .._pillage
eXtensit'e program of sinter -
lot.. decorating
intertot •'decorating, and- •renoyating is
also planned. '
Attending Normal :..
.Students. from •this- conimunit_
•tit; Stratford •Normal School are,
A1•etta , M'ar;garct Gt`abam,. 'R.
Lucknow;-. Beverley .'Rose' .Mead,
Ripley; . Shirley , Elizabeth' Sher-
wood., R: i,'Duriga•ni-kin.
• Miss' Lena l:.tobins-on accompan-
(.•r hei• 'sister ;.:Elizabeth, to Lo'n
clt' ti tt e • first of the week',' where
• Elizabeth :is hospitalized and • un-
d('i' • :observation' • in • connection
• ,with a '.recurring: ailnieut_.41at
ni-ati require surgery.
THE BRUCE' . R)JUNIQN' deficit
�n .Patti ey: amount4d to $720,00;
Which fui•'the timebeing at least:
hr)::: been a.5surned. by,,the Pa'islev '
Cou icii.. On the :other:':;irand Ches-
1(��' i< n,inen . \\'ho sp()tisorE'd r c
.unrof',actii,ities in thEit..town, v�•ill
h(t'vet'n •$1.200 '•ancl 81,500
ern th(a_" t-entur e.:•
WAY ..,'
:Letters To The, Editor.
Dear Sir. • ,
This is the. first of two articles
addressed to the people of Luck -
now and District in' an effort. to
bring about -a keener. and more
active 'interest in the Community
Recreational Centre. The erection'
;o• a building" for recreational
purposes was undertaken :by, TheClansmen some months ago; and
to. date over $6,000 has been spent
•to make it. in readiness. _Despite
this. large expenditure •much re-
maihs', yet to be. .done, It has
proved a greater undertaking.
than at first expected, but en-
couraged by the rapid •arid suc-
cessful _ rowth - bf _
• Ii U .•
creational centres elsewhere, The
Clansmen have gone ;forward and
-backed :the, projeet to. the limit
of their resources. On the 'prom,
of • a: pro`vincial• grant; 'it was
•f rgk red , that . the:.building. could
be "successively completed and
activities` gotten underway, but
as -X-t4...:Mt having been .received,
.work on the "building' rerilains at
a standstill _until further finances
are,• available. This lack ••of cap-
itol has seemed to cause 'a geri;-
eral la'x-a dazie l attitude• to-
w r•ds.. an early completion. As
this writer sees it, however, Much.
could be done through volunteer
help in beautifying' the''grou-rids,,
• in -painting, and in a general, in -
gide, cleanup 'Trhr�`'woik""'should
not left to the Cla'snrnen alone
but • is. the responsibility, of us
a11: The Centre is FOR: Lucknow.
and Vicinity and 't:ip :to .Lucknow
nd . ; Vi'.i.
c oily'- to :make success
of . it, not only. while , it . awaits,
completion, • but'.•also when it is
ready and working.'
•The • plans of this Community
prosect were generally• 'community
by those present at a' public.meet-
:n•; held in the. Town 'Hall last
Fall. at •Whicli time' .the idea iwvas1
•expinmed; Later. a Community
Recreational tional Council'. 'Was, form
consisting•of so.nie 25 members-
r.capr:esenting interested ori
in%nations" franc Luckridw and
qua i �i}nding country: _ :Fro'm this
tiOdy'`' a . `Corr rcil` Executive. was
forme ,, who, together with the::
remaining, rneirl• a. ;: will have
•('a-rge of • dtr ;ctirib and rrnnin
lie;'.Lu.ild ng. Zt. pori •completion o;f,
e Centre,. the Clansnien: shall
• Li.r;.to., the Village, and
1.a11 take their seat bn the7Com-=
unity Council.through the•memri-
i• electedas their• reprresenfa-
Free • Pick Up, And : Delivery
:Leave:Orders-:At .-:
.Baur'■'►'' i essi■satilt■ia.,■■■I■■■uims■■■r■■solloosell.
uiar: schedule, The :'aini of the ture lesson was .read by Mrs:'. T:
County Federation . aiid. the Nat- . MacDonald:, 'After''.•the :•business:
ional Film : Board;, is. to • bring period. Margaret Rae gave a 'read=
these fine educational films to as ing •.and contests 'and, a social
many people. as possible,.'and to haif hour followed; •
increase the- use .;`of',f rots. as a
recreational arid. educational. past- A ;SIX=DAY open deer. season has
time. .been requested Of the Depart-
Women's .Association Group 1''
. Group No. • i, of -. the; Women's
Association 'of' .the ..United church
held their •September . meeting at
t lie . Nome of'Mrs_;' Garfield Os-
trander.. After: the opening hymn
and the Lord's. prayer, .,the , scrip=
nent;by" St. Edrriunds, Township.
Council.: They want . dogs 'barred
but no limit .,on:' the number of
resident.., •• licenses "issued'. ' The
Board requests that non-resident'
licenses' be limited" to 300, with.
an 'additional,' '50: for American
visitors: t. ' . •
• In past:: rnontlis` various organ-,`
nations: have sponsbi`ed ;'events'
«•ith' proceeds for, the Recrear.
tronal Centre, and in the months
to come this will no.. doubt also°
be. tile' case , • Xorzr support of"
to ,will'•be giving :a real boost
:the , C:enti e:."and :%yelping ''to
,..finance this, worthy undertaking.
This article" cis; no( writterr'a` with'
the intention of soliciting funds;'
f although" it might w_ elh serve as,
''such),. but `is done "n- the' hope '
than .i ,will. Make you, the public,'
Cornunity�' Centre coii'sciou,
Let'stogether • on this and
make; this; one of Lucknos great
ac'complishm'ents as,' have.. been
•.our 'Arena, the'Legion Floodlight
Mg : project and others:
;`One Who. Is Interested".
Every morning,before the bank is
open for busiz ess, branches of the ,
Bank of Montreal all over Canada are
making deposits for the-;day'sirst
customers ...,.
Banking by mail is safe, speedy an'd Acon-
:venient..For those who cannot get,to :the
bank,'and who do not want to run the risk
• of• having loose cash around the house, it
can't be beaten..,'
, Next time you're passing a'kranch•of the
B of M, why not drop in and ask about this
' service?Or-hif you won't becominginto_
town soonT.—write today far
our t'older, "How to._:B•ank
by, Mail". With it, you . can
open your account right • .
away►—without even a visit.
,,urn, {710 1111
is. your safeguard. against
'deperidenty.in your old`age..'
'Preps -e for your future now•
—then you will never need..
to.•look back cnd;,sby. re-
gretfully, .".If Only
Cby H V. Roy)
At the last executive .meeting
•r motaon thy' Charles:Coultes -and
Wilfred' 'Short':eed • was passed,
raising the annual membership'.
•tee of, thiejcounty.. unit to 60 per.
•rent• ri`_.th1'e'amount raised: or col
lected by the township units, and
that .the county Federation, •with.
thehelp•. of the county co -Opera,
it es, Shall. provide. "The Rural
Co-operator` •for every farm
;borne in the . County.
'A motion to amend the consti=
'.tution was also' passed, and,
due course, will be brought ,up.
at .the annual trieetrrxg. a •
A meeting of :the -county di -
ectprsis being ;held: in r lint
tin `'Tuesday 'ev.ening, Sept, •'21st.
.The National' Film Board cir-
chit in 'the" county is again • this.
: tlg spo,
. year bei nsored by 'the. Co. I
I�uckt w`•Brand A.7THOMPSON : �Mana .�.er Federation. This service is.• ever-
increasing in popularity and is
.i ailable to any organization,
school or : society, ,wishing to
First Bagnads Nil . TN caws, 1N EVEAT not
o t of lift sioct inl sponsor a 'showing. Application
o�atlmust be made well in advance, so
as not 'to' conflict with the 'reg
• A slow -cost' Canadian ' Government
Annuity guarantees you as, much: as
$1200 a year,for` life.
o•No Medical Examination is required.
• Your Annuity' cannot be::seized under; .�'
any law. ` You cannot lose ''your•
money, even if your payments 'fall
into arrears. ..
• Anyone, from., 5 to.85 is eligible:.`;"
Annuities Brunch' y
Deputy Minist r ..
�a�ad.'OZ7 """overmwe./?R'
P,v,ae lo.- 9/01N46.'..
Mal) !his Coupon today 'POSTAGE FREE
•Andvtties • Mvnch,
b Department Of Labeur. Oftawo:
• Plepsu ;arid. tura COMPLETE INFORMA'flON about Canadian G.vernmenf Annultius.
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