HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1948-09-23, Page 1$2,00. A Year—In Advance; 50c Extra. to U. S. A.
stifle],d �'oung Min
Car. AcciIen1 Vicfjm
James Farriih, 28=year-olc'As� BROTHCRS WIN'
PRIZES !Township young man,
fatally injured when his car •
rolled over on the Blu,ewatei; The annual .Clansmen Carnival.
' Highway, south of Kingsbridge, vuaa , held last,Thursday •i
in,, the early. hours of 'Sunday ,•< eweriing,
With ith a erOwd' s
r ^r.
morns • t u5tial A detailed .re' or'
p t is' not
Mr: John Cowazi..of .Ashfield;
who,was with :him; suffered head
injuries and a fractured' pelvis,
• and his' condition"was"'f.oi• s time
reggrded. as critical, but has since
• > •
yet '4available but: • indications
point, to n(jt proceeds.' of about
$400 to* bde%lot toward assist-
ing in :the •comp1etion'tof the- Re=
creational Centre.
" West Wawanosh . Township. •
Council, inregular session
last week,. authorized.' a $200
grant to. the Community Re=
r reational Centre in• Luck ,
now, The -grant is subject to
the approval of the Municipal
Board. ,
Mr. J A Thompson at-
. -s . • �..
solicit. the m. unicipalitv'•sup-
su .-
port of the project.
.: hL OI�itiIALITES• . .
*,CHOSEN "FOR;:. •
shown .some ,;'improvement, Ex- The Bl Yt}i'Bo Ys''•a •
y y nd .Chis Band 1�Iiss' Shirleytent of his head injuries was not G Shervvrood a stud
certain • early' in the week until I tion of A, C. Robin ,art .of London, was n
a one of four Normalites rhos,
presented a well: �receivecl
'A •number' of local university,
students are resuming their stud=
cies` this week and .r ext. At Tor-
onto University Ronald Johnston
is commencing his . 4th year. in.
medicine; Allan McKim and Ger-
aid Culbert are conemncing their
'fourth year in engineering;' Bill
Treleaven • commences r his tliird
year • in engineel ng 'and-. Alex.
.ac n . re • wax enter is first
year 'in medicine.
Mary Porteous.•hal cgmmexiced•
her second year at, Alma. College,••
St. Thoxnas and next Meek• Mary
.Johnston ,and Mary Marshall will
resume .their ,,studies at Western
University, London.. • •
•35 'strung,- and udder, the direc- ent at Stratford Normal. -
. an • x-ray. could- be taken. It. is an en to, sing a .Stratford church
• p
expected he will be hospitalized' H r i
S , YEAR..
for � several weeks, , _ i a orma
dance Normal students were all, given
Hon, Geor e ' H. • Doucett crow. are'•the remaining
concert, . prior . to the vaudeville -choir,. during her to •m t Normal, W T
show by the CK'�tX arn ..-colorful ,one..' Good, weather, and
Final •. details have been ar-
ranged for the Lucknow, Agricu1-
' tural Society's 83rd annual: Fall
Fair to,. be held ,next week; Tues.
day and Wednesday, September
28th and. 29th.
'With fine crops' and garden pro -
:duce • lu . ,r - •
stock :toanywhere,
'be found this
year's 'agricultural display should
ke tops. School children are also
• :.•
busyin preparing for their part
in, the show- 'and this . feature
'shouldsurpass" any previbus
school • children's. exhibits. The
prize money has been . substant
ialiy increased in :this class:
The Fall Fair is the show win-
dow of: the community. This year
ORK it promises to be a ,particularly.
• i
The car, a 1941, Ford 'owned bytroupe',
Jim, `was practically demrlished; n a voice test .by Mr, W., B. Rath- ' . • H George.'14. , pro-•ra big d •
Caine.: -1 games drier ' dancing well, and four..of the -Student nt bod * vi' tial Minister' "o i •factors on dependent..
its• complete sac-• ` :
There were no eye-Vtnesses cif rfallo«ti�d:. .At- m'H ghways, ac cess i de endent. :Adm
n f
r • idnight: Miss _elected .for. his .choir. Mr, Roth-companied ,by . J:..M.,: Marshall, e., ori; is, �.
the tragedy and po.ice recon-. -.Lucknow Ardo w 3a cents, 'wth: >: lic'school i '
nna Johnston, :well is director of music at Stmt chief engineer. ; Rix. municipalitie's p b child -7'
structing:the accident, say the car made; rhe.' size draw. The wiri. ford Normal School ren free. •
may have. rolled ; ove'i:. thi;ec of , p is president f in. Ontario, and J. A. Coombs,, d'is-
nei s ` were: 1st, *Miss ' Elizabeth ; Of' the • Stratford' musical; festival i t ict engineer; •. 'sere in ode i 'In. our last issue we reviewed ' •:
four tizzies. It came to•• rest.'•on :its � . ,•>.. ' • . u r ch
a d' 'Zan- •some .=id-•the..hi lili ht e per e`rair. "" ",
_,.-� RtE�1„.i-,�ii.t,l�ow, _studio .,::couch,..=anl., a.�d,hector=of-�competiti-on-s~~ •. last Thda an 'eld a :con- .:
- wheels on the h:ighway;_'Both meta 2nd; . Thomas 'Hae ett the T ronto 'K” i. •' i 'fes— ' Y' but did not givegthe'' 'Personnel d
.were, thrown cle, r. Jim,suffered R R. 7, . o iwans musical ference with the Huron County
of. the afternoon 'grandstand -
Lucknavt,. •cedar c est; 3rd, Pat- •tical, Roads' Commission •'with• respect ,
Severe cites ies that.result' i icia� .Henderson, Goderich, .elect Shirley is the dao liter of Mr. to district rod en .,� : sh.ovv.:These, ,acts; which inter=.
ed an ..his death, twenty _ minutes, ..g. , ds. Present also,
r is •blanket, 4th Robert" "Bark- and Mrs James:Sherwood of 'A h-• 'officials,- sperse • other" events•. throughout...
gein admitted to Cr de rich a' ''•
• s vve as County were the 'afternoon will be _esent�d.
after g q �;�ela, R, 6; .Luckn.ow. ressure field, and is fo be Congratulated Johne W:. Hanna; .1Vi'.P.P•, for Hur-.• '
•; i. .coo kei ; ; 5th Lloyd Bark on being chosen'' The K:napps; a•, comedy team;'
ide Y vt ell g "on -Bruce and 'Thomas' P vd , M.
cc nt occurred' : at • a•i L• .uckno�t� ca S l da
t set of dishes th RP. P.P. Huron
'The 'a
• Nora negrove,
neer e
:highway; curve. south of McKen- 1 Mrs.. F. Baintop, Blyth, automatic •
• Queen `of Rhythm", -and• Pearl.
., zie's: Store, :which . was, formerly • iron`; ;- ' HiJohnston, : coy=.girl••• singer; , with.
, 1 • : ': ....: HYDRO OFF �, HERE R.E . Highway 86of Lucknow,...
the. Martin Store. There 'was no Tom Hackett''• re eived...an• 'ad
west ' zVlavbelle Snith as .accamparast: •
e c Mr.. Hanna. stated that, demands ,
-w evidence that; the cal. went .`into d7tiioriaa $6..00' cash ,ride •for be -AFTERNOON. ::; on. ,the Provincial • .•budget_._• this. • .
These artists ::represent the .de-
TH IS ..
• .ear were such' as to curtail high:- pendable.',Armstrong Studio; of,
the ditch, but it.appeared• to�'have.ing the ;.firsti;:winner to be;present .y g•
.London,' and assure a entrtain-
had ;one wheel off , the highway -when the drat+s `Was•made.. There will be,a local hydro se way. :expenditures..: acrid' no neve
• and iri trying' to .right the cai•'it Ted' Brewer' acting'presider t of vice •interru tion this' 'afternoon' coristructioii work- would be un-:.
p #
Questioned. later: as'to Work' on. "' 1
sh was. The.. Hari`iston Dramatic' Soc-
The. Clansmen, . a�nnoun d t} �' Th d dertaken on the drtothe6-milefoundthe• that• from•
y iety has been booked � to. ,,pr�s ent•"
"Aunt Cleans Ulf
iii 'the
aid to have them .rushed to God coming for the Recreational Cen= the Villages. consumption of completed, ,but no . extension of
.�. � should attend. the -first night show
erich Hospital tre,•. word. having been, received hydro power._ Heretofore the Onlythis work is planned. this season: ;
� to be sure of a seat. A. dance will:.
-Coroner':: Dr.- W. F..Gallow de- that day to that .effect cheek has been at the meter. at ' WO& , has corrimence,d ` ons :re-.
' cided that: no' :inquest; 'would ' •be e e ci on a nes ay night
Holyrood, which .also includes the:
consumption.`'of some fpur,
dred .:'rural users, .connected with
the local system '
;The .present: estimated ` Village:
consumption exceeds the -;ahoea
placing; one - of .,two ;narrow 'cern-
ent bridges between.Locrhalsh andl
Am erey. Traffic is bein g.' .de-
toured around` the bridge' while
construction is . underway,
Dungannon. Fair' October 1st
Father DiedSuddenly b 1
:Another ..district fair . is sched-
Sud enl in ;1937' '
Y � . tiled for: next. week, Friday,.. Oct--
ct- ,.
J Kenneth M D ld • • :,; •
J•,a m e s': ac Vona -
• d `ober 1st: It•; is .the ever `popular • '•
.Parrish was one of a. family ,:of g
Dungannon Fair and is a one -day•
exhibition . which ,"..this . year ` will.
feature such speed events as a'
classified race fora purse of $150,
with seven sure starters,.'gentle..
men's '. road race; two ruining
races.; two hurdle jumping events,
and a"'clariot race. A :couple of
Goderich' youths will give a dig -
play of,,speed whileg standinon
their mounts.
With a new hall being erected,'
there will be some indoor 'exhib
its in `the new building, which
will not however' be officially
opened until' a later date:. ,
A ,play by Ripley' talent fol-
lowed .by .a • dance . will . be :'held
in the Parish Hall in the even-
seven children of Mrs. • Kenneth,
Fairish and ,the ,late Mr:: Far-.
rish His father dropped dead
-, from, a heart seizure' in May ..pf
Jim was ' born 'o i the home
farm. on. Concession .12, .Ashfield,
but of late -has owned the former
• Long farninearby, and was op-,
erating it .quite. successfully:
He:}was. a popular: young man
and.' the cormriunity mourns'.' his'
untimely; death, and extends its
sympathy to the•grieving mother,
and brothers and sisters, Duncan;
William; and Douglas of .'h r ie;
H.ugh•M•acKenzie. (Margaret)
•of:: Ashfield; 'Miss ' Muriel Fairish;
Reg.N., of Sunnybrook. -Hospital,
Toronto and Mrs. Alvin...Gilders
(Sadie)' of Goderich. •
Th e fungal :service was held
at held
horse" ' of iris ,mother on
;'Tuesday afternoon conducted; liy
Dr. W. •:0....Rhoad . 'of Ashfield
Presbyterian Church. Interment
was' in Greenhill Cemetery. The
pallbearers were :•George • Mon-
crief, Alvin Robb,Gordon Robb,
Dave Cowan,•'Jack. McKenzie and'
• i•
• Little. Joyce MacDonald:, :. dao-
ghter : of Mr. `'arid Mrs.` Charles
MacDonald, recently underwent
a delicate heart operation in
London, and .LS getting along real
well Without surgery .' Joyce's
lif e• span wouldhave been quite
Phe Ontario Motorways bus de-'
veloped Motor trouble on Tues-'
'day dors ing Which 'stranded it
a mile north of town. Passengers
for London were taken by carto
Wingham to sae
and Toronto bound passengers re
mnained here until a bus came it..
from` Kitchener. It was ..shortly
afters ten o'4lock before they got
The funeral of•„Mr. Jesse. Bae
chlei,. a:;:native Of 'the Blackhorse
district :was held 'last Thursday
morning with requiem mass cele-
brated at R•iveradale R Ci. Church
.at ,10, a.m. •Interment Was in Riv
ersd.ale' CeMetery., ..
Mr:, Baechlerdied. theP•revious
Monday fr orb; injuries , he •receiv
ed in a mishap while sowing fall ' .... •
wheat at, hia .farm at ;Greenock •
better. known . as Ennis', DAYLIGIHT TIME ENDS•
tion. of pourer, under the restrict=..
ed : use regulations which will
continuein effect ;during the fall•
and winter. The new meter
record actual :: Village ; consump,
tionr and' according-Tto how much:
it exceeds the local quota,, Will
depend what course will: be pur-
sued here- to: effect the demanded
r.y Baeehler • ' vvas just corn -
le tinhis days' 'work v ith 'a. Daylight:: Saving Time ,will; of -
tractor -drawn
tractor -drawn seed drill %,lien ficially end in Lucknow atmid-
�e ;1. o f 'the drill' went o•er night ,on •Sunday,,;September 26.
one wheel
the' bank of 'a gravel e1 pit and pull- This is - in - . accordance with a.
Meeting at i; Cranbrook • a last.
.week. the ',Presbytery. of: 'Huron
Maitland accepted • the resignation
'of Revs -Angus Smith . as min-
ister: ..
ister:, of South Kinloss and Kin
lough. Presbyterian churches. Mr.
Smith's . resignation will', become
effective about • mid-October..' He
goes from here to • Ohio.,
Rev. ; .C.,H. MacDonald was ap='.
pointed. interim moderator -•of Mr.'
Smith's charge. 7 •
Presbytery : elected Rev.•. Alex
Nrnmo of •'Wingham as' modem-.
;tor -for : the 1.948-49 •: term.
ccl the tractor on w:hieh•,Mr Bae- motion• ��tvhe .Village. ; Council
chler was, seated. down .a 20 -foot bastsprine.vhen``fastti tl'' was r-
embankinent::•In• the. tuinble the instituted.
,unfortunate man .�ti•as' pinned be, Church sevtices'in• the Village
,cath. the•, heavy tractor and his. on. Sunday .will•be held on. Day -
leg 'broken.: Aft r .digging .large. light,' Saving. ,Time, -
stone's and gravel loose • with his Most. municipalities . will . turn
bare ;hands, he eventua11y sue- 'their clocks, back on ,Saturday;
ceeded in getting free and ' crawl- night •••
ed to a spot where' he. Vas able .
t.attention from his ho.i e e en Operation attraG.
and avas rushed: at once to the 14T•
i5s. Gwen Stew
- art, daughter
at' Walkerton.
• The broken 'leg wasplaced in
a cast and it ` was thought that
Mr Baechler would recover from
his injuries, but he: passed'awa :'
op: Monday '.morning,
The late 'Mr. 'Baechler w.as bora, AUTUMN IS HERE:
in Kinoss TOWnS]]} 'p 56 yearsgo •
of Mr. and Mrs, . Philip . Stewart,
underwent an „operation in Wiig-
ham ' Hospital on Monday ° morn-.
ing, and •,is getting. along well•
l- a
arid ss as a son 'of the ' late • 'Mr
and Mrs: Chas. Baechler. He spent,
his early life there, but for many
.years has successfully . farmed at
Greenock, Village where he also
operated a Sawmill..
Bes.ic1'cs his wife, who' was t} e
former. Cdee.1•isi” Hehn of., Chep:
oow', • whom. he .Married Seritein-,
bar 2Oth. ,.1 O21., he i,: survived by
a 'family of two, datighter•s and.
one son, all at home, Irene, Fier-,
.once. and 'Henry.' He also' leaves'
two brothers, .Fred and ,Frank of
.ss "•and, • two; sisters.Lil-
lian, .1Vli s. 'Herman ' Wilhelm of,.
Walkerton and.:: Minnie, Mrs. Ser-
aphine Schutter of C iepstow•
Autumn officially arrived last
.night; (Wednesday) at 11.22 "p.m.,
when, the sun crossed the equator
for vt•hat is spoken of as the aut.:,
umnal equinox, arid which brings.
with it equal ,hoard of. daylight.
•and darkness.
The • Lucknow . ' Hockey Club
will hold , a public meeting in the
Town Hall, Lucknow next Tues-
day .night,. September 28th at 8
o'clock sh-arp:,A large attendance
is 'important....
t A;ppoy0:
The Community ,`Recreational
Centre `in Lrckriow has' been ofl.
facially-approved--under-�the -.Coi-
f munity •Halls Act, 'and •.is 'eligible
for a provincial.grant.'Under. this
Act grants are based' on 25 . per-
cent 'of a roved expenditures,
with a maximum of $5,000., on any
project; h•
On the basis of, expenditures to
date, . the Lucknow Recreational
Centre is entitled ,to a grant Of
about $1,000,' but this is far° from
sufficient to ' properly •complete,
furnish and equip the building,
so that a : good • deal of local as-
sistance'is ,yet' required. •
Mr. J: A. • Carroll 'of ,the De-
partment of,,Agriculture, Queen's.
Park, inspected the •Centre .two
-weeks ago; in con•pany with John
W. Hanna; M,P.P:, and' withina
Week 'Mr. Cai mfr's �appro'M• 'of
the project' was' :received, witch
assurance that $1,000 would be
made.' as an ' advance' payment
when expenditures, on the project
had: been audited and submitted
Mr. Carroll's letter; dated, Sep
• tember- 13th, read :impart
`Qtr September°9tli..we..�inspect:- `:.
ed 'the .'building being Prepared"
for recreational Service ' in • the
Virlage of :Lucknow: We, inspect
ed' also %other halls in , the village.
Based on 'these observations: and
the • explanations which were •giv
en 'by .your committee, we are
!lbw 'prepared to 'approve . this
project for a 'grant under :the
Community Halls Act.
"We have a copy ./of expenses
to: May 1st, : and if: desired; an
adtiance payment on • .grant of
$1:000 could. be made on • this.. If
expenditures have been made in
the interval, perhaps you would.
prefer to 'nave•.such included. In
any rase. the statement should
be signed by a chrai•teic d :teoui�t-
ant or other- : eeognaed •au:ditor,
such'as the:firrn. which 'r:::di'tss• the
books for the atttiniciga ty-.
Mr. Carroll enclosed a copy of
a, by -lav, and an agreement to be `
signed with the. Minister of Agri-
culture in connection with the un.
, j to his department., dertaking. •.
i�ar%..sir 1? iliRi� r:• ..,., 1'+1lti ' ,Itte+