The Lucknow Sentinel, 1948-08-26, Page 2s • ti PAGE TWO O U N C 1 L ASSISTS NEW FAIR HALL THE LUCKNOWtl SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO " THURSDAY, AUGUST 26, *194 The West Wawanosh Township Connell' held the regular meeting an .August 10th: with all the mem- :hers present and with - Reeve Fin- nigan ,presiding.. The minutes of last meeting were read and ac- cepted oil motion of .Councillors Durnin and Gaunt:. On motion of Councillors Gaunt and Johnston the clerk was instructed, to not- ify the ' tax collector ,,,to return the 1947 tax roll by . September '14th. e taiga_ non:=Fair Board was present and requested that the Township . as- .silt i the. eonstrtyction ;of the new Ball. On motion of 'Council- lors Durnin and Johnston a grant . of $150 was ordered paid to the' board. • It was mowed by Councillor Gaunt and seconded by. Council- lor Johnston 'that the. Reeve con,- . tact the engineer, Mr Coombe, .and, if _possible ' obtain permission to instal •metal culverts' on the Emerson .sideroad and the side- 1Toad 'west. of, Auburn.. The mo-: • SCOTTISH GIRL AT DICKSON- ARMSTRONG ICKSON-A tMSTRONGREUNION. The 15th annual picnic of the Dickson -Armstrong family was held in Harbor. Park, Goderich,' last Wednesday afternoon attend- ed by 100 representatives, , des- cendants of 'Robert and George Armstrong of . Teeswater, and their sisters, Mrs: Thomas Dick- ' sort; of Ashfiel4 and MSrs. Walter Richardson of 'Teeswater, The family eame to Canada from Dumfriesshire, Scotland; 92 years ago, • • Ari honored young guest. at the cnz-c-Was-M- ss :Boris-*rxnstro _ who arrivedby plane from Glas- gow, :.Scotland, August 1st this year, •Others were present from. Lucknow, Teeswater, Stratford, Guelph, • Ridgetown, • Goderich,. Dungannon,. St. "Marys, Toronto, Watrous, . Sask.,. and • Medicine Hat, Alta. Games and children's races' were followed by support in thea pavilion. ,• Held ' Tea For Neighbors • Mrs. W. V. •Johnston was hos- te,ssat a tea . for the neighbors last Thursday afternoon, in honor! ti •. d • of her daughter Catherine, whose on tarn w On .motion. of, Councillors'iGauzi and. Dickson the Towns! ip rate for 1948 was set at 41/2 mills. This includes • the Government• ,subsidy 'of one. mill. I 'Thee ,Kirke • drain• was ' finally. passed On motion of . Councillors Johnston and Gaunt. The clerkwas instructed to ad `' vertise for tenders for the con . struction • of .tyle Kirke drain, all ' tenders' to bein• by .September s ~marriage .toci1 place.,..on,.Saturdaayv- C,: D: McALPINE, newly; appoint 'ed manager of th'e Bank Of Mon- treal. at :Mildmay, 'assumed. -his, duties the first of. last "week: 1.30 p.m..: Durnin' 'Phillips; Clerk.. 13th :. On motion • of Councillors Dick= son and Gaunt the meeting :was adjourned. to .'September. 14th;• at en: she's #ree 4111itt it of inset • • Tormenting ffies can cut your , cattle's weight and', milk .yield through •f estlessness,, • ,,, k. as SHELL LIVESTOCK:SPRAY Tormenting flies can cut your, cattle' weight, • .:and milk.yield.,Shell Livestock Spray is the sureway to rid your herd of insect ,pests: ' Clear the `air .at milking time, morning and night .. spray Shell Livestock' Spray directly' , bn, cattle before putting them out to pasture and before bedding, them • down:.:' Insects and flies are repelled 'round the clock with Shell Livestock Spray—$1.65 an Imperialgallon, }i, N J' NIA •.4• SM`ELL. DDT BARN SPRAY Get the jump on flies. this year by spraying their breeding places 'with powerful, Shell DDT;Ba�rn Spray. On stalls„ on doorways, on •` inside surfaces and caves, on manure piles— ' Shell, DDT Barn Spray, forms 'a long-lasting "film' of death" ... dries hard stays put — won't •'blow away. For .lasting protectiohi 'against flies -kill them' where .they breed with. Shell DDT Barn Sprays $2.,25 an Imperial • gallon. Get' Shell Livestock :Spray and 'Sh@11 DDT Barn $pray from your local . dealer— „right away: •• • LOOKING::'BACKWARDS THROUGH THE ' SENTINEL FILES A Forty. Years. Ago • ' Sixty Years Ago Members e f the L,ueknow "Drop Shots" lacrosse team were W. Harnley,• Q. Kerr, D. Thomp- son, A. McIntyre,' A. *hitely, : B. McCorvie; A. Davidson, 'H. Grun- dy; A, Grundy, J. Grundy, • D. Lawrence, J. Hornell, . Officers of Belfast lodge; ,I, 0. 0:"F„. were...E A. McKenzie,. Jas. Stothers,. T. H. Alton; W. A. Hack: - eft,' ack-eft, 1N,: -os y; J: ' earnpbe-H, Brown, J. Thompson; ;W, Reid, W. Crosby,, Jr.: .:• 'Re—V. D .G.:" Canieron . of Dun- Bannon and • Mr: Robert Harrison' of Ashfield left. for Halifax to' at- tend tthe General Assembly : of the Presbyterian church. ' D. C: Taylor was agent for the Daisy :butter churn, "which Prom- ises to co' 'pletely, revolutionize the labor Methods- of, the old. chimp", ' W, S, McCrostie and Wrri. Mc- Quillin were cellectors for. the Lucknow Agricultural Society. The following pupils in the 3rd department, were taught by S. A. Burgess, A, Mitchell, M; McMor-. ran,' L. Mitchell, R. Alexander, E: McLean, E..Greer, L. Morrison, M. Little, McLean Johnston, C. Cook, C, .Allin; E. ,Rogues, V. Mc-. A cyclone on . July 13th ; eat swath about a mile wide; running north of Kinlough, through the • 12th: Con of Huron and over the Kinloss -Huron boundary.' . 13s,xns - and windmills in the Path of the. . Storm . Were demolished, erops destroyed,' poultry killed by hall stones, and livestock injured when blown through ba,i b wire fencing. The death occurred of Jessie. :Anderson, `a sister:'of Rev.,.i. S.' G: Anderson, pastor at . St, Helens and East Ashfield for several years.: Howes WildlI West exposition was exhibit d 'm. the old Market Square. .� MrY-.%•-M., hff the.J.ocal�.f ir'in.. of. Cliff and. Stovel, , was United in marriage. to 'Minnie, daughter of. Mr.• and Mrs: Joseph Foster •bf West Wawanosh. Mrs. Edward Odlur`n died: in , Tokio,. Japan. Mr. Walter.' Treleaven conclud- ed a year's(service in Kincardine. Methodist church, as a .colleague of Rev; James • ;Hannan: .At. the Parish Church St., Au •- iis'tine, Rev. Father West .united in marriage;, Wallace Grenache. of Lucknow and Miss .Maggie Ann. McCabe of St ,Augustine. The 32nd. Battalion went under canvas ' at S:tratf ord under com- mand of Capt Jefferis of Kansas and . 1.i'eutenants •. Campbell , and Cameron. . Henry Caesar died at his home, ,Con 4,: Kinloss. • Richard and George: Twamley shot a: black bear` on their. 'farm on, Con. 8, °Ashfield: .It weighed 207. pounds: The .Bruce County ,equalization committee fixed :,Kinloss _Town- ship's ownship's` assessrnentat. $1,380,1.70 and Lucknow•'s• at $229,750 :`A 2. An, autographed quilt bearing more than 200 : names _` was pre- sented to Rev. and Mrs,, F: E:. Nugent before leaving Lucknow for . his' new 'Methodist Charge, at 'Listowel -4 J • W. Morgan, high 'school tea- cher, at Harriston; was appointer( county.exarniner. • Reeve; Robert Graham a n d Councillor John 'Grundy, dis- agreed on :Municipal; matters, to the point 'ofcoming to•.blpws. The,, -average, .salary for lady teaches in the province Was' '$290. Men teachers averaged E. Gaunt & Sons of West: *a-.- Wanosh. sold .16:.•head of fine cat- Ile for$1,200;' .Master . Harry` Whitely's Valu able collie :dog was poison d,' ,Rev,- R.. Shaw called~ donderry, Ireland. , Mrs; John ` Potcher suffered severe rnj ivies when thrown from the.. buggy 'asthe horse., took. fritt. .Little Harry MdCharles; , wh': accompanied her,• was 'un- hurt, • F; W. Rooklidge was transfer. re.cl;ti, Toronto from. the Waterloo branch of the Melsons bank. •Bet'tcrr: fire protection was dis- cussed at a public meeting,re- su1ting.'in a motion 'by M. Camp- bell and T. Matthie 'being carried that, "this meeting instruct the council to submit a by=lawto the People for the. purchase of a' steam fire . engine".' Anengineer had .p'reviotisl r'•made a survey' of. Purvis' Lake, but it was firund, that the lake', was not at a high enough altitude to provide suf- ficient pressure for fire purposes, Irwin, ' G. Smith,: A. McLeod, T: Sennett, F. McInnis, ' L. Howey,. E, Mathersi A Cameron, ,L.. Ag- •new,T:•Ait :bison, E. •Irving, N: Steele, C. Reid, G. Alexander, ,L Campbell, J. McLeod, • E. Blake, C, Fitzekl.. ,.a .'.Neil •Campbell raised the frame of a new. barn on the. Second • b: J: 1VIacCharles sold . his "gr oe ery business to Mark ,Casseks.who" had been employed at. King 41ros,,' Win g.ham. 0 Mrs. Moorehouse. Mitchell' and • daughter;; Alicia, '' left• on a trip to Europe. John Hill died a tragic dt ath Concession.: at his ;home near Iangside. Jane cQuillin, beloved wife Foster Moffat' 'd�ifeated•' M ' A. of • D' vi rcher passed. away at , • • � � � MacCallurn•in the 'South .hei home on Rose St: Bruce � .election ..by a' inajQrity 'of uvi� The ` fol'lov:�ing pupils ,passed, 1400. `Lucknow gave' Mr.. Moffat :tLehtii._seeokiiii:: tranceexamination'satthea'20-votmajority.owcentre`: Annie G, Pt- rs HenrPiercedidat Ho1i.-.Ionaa.,.Patterson,.. Cara1ine .. is . �000"'n �lier:M85th years. Hawey, Rose Smith, Mary Antler Murdoch C. MacKenzi. n Frank Graham Neil Graham c die d in ' Ashfield . He w:,s'a$67::::1')Is:it:i'r."119:*' ClevelandAitchison,. 11ertha Swit azer, Nlargaret Murray, LexayHaroldWalkr ofh'. alk of Morrta�ealtaf# Kennedy, Amy Clarkson,, Aylmer• Zurich. aid ' was :succeed(: N • Strong' of Kitchenei ' 'We. . Samuel Reid and 'Miss . Leen • Smithresi ned h �i.. . uru t•.ed- in mar- 8 c. pusi f illy: Jarvis •were , , •tion. oh 'The 'Sentinel St• 'f:. riage ,by Rev J: ' E. . Ford.: assistedt " Mr. Jaynes Fisher, age 7,;1;.years., : passed' on. ` • About 500 volumes froni; the Rev; D: T: L. McKerroll: united in; .private library .of the:late Samuel McDonald were bequeathed. . to . marriage Donalda McLeod nd the Lucknow Public Libi ar}r: John• A. McLennan Harold Parker,.' mechanic at ._ W. 'J MacGregor was Noble Mullins Garage, bought ihe•'busi-' Gravid of, ' Lucknow Lodge ,..L.:0•' O F•• Hess from:`Mr. "' >ri11tn. s Edna s sRiers .ccciveil •the , , • Alex .Stewart raised the frame ;medal for '.the highest standing of a large. 'barn at St: iiielens, • :13. z � among graduates of the Hanov•er ` D N. Lawrence's new residence. Memoi•ia1' Hospital -• on tStauffer St. at nearing, c m 1, The' 12th of July was celeutat • " John Jo t • urc ed t ed ,n Lucknow for .the fii`,t:time, ". by ., Rev, ' . Mr,. Finlay: of: White c urch At the home of Allan.•McLeod • . w -- 20 al s-ltl 8 new • boot - and shoe stock,: ` with Mr Agnew,. as 'Manager of the business A new cement and steel bridge, was being built over the mill •race. ..on Campbeal: St:; East. The.' 'death . occurred; Of Mrs:: Samuel Alton, .:'formerly'''Rachel Webster, in. 'her : 71st year. • Mr. 'and• Mrs. George: W, Cater observed their 50th wedding 4n- niversary.•` A; T: • Iiavison attended Masonic ,Grand Lodge' at .Niagara Falls.. • Murdoch, ,MacDonald of ,Loch' alsh received •d.e'livery:- of •a new Sawyer Massey threshing outfit. , . Earls. purchased .'a groc- ery busi'n'ess in. Winnipeg. 11 Walter Sturdy ' escaped serioui:. ink ury in a,; fall at a .barn raising' at John • McLeod's :Teams were - captained by Rey: F. E. ' McLen= nan. and Rev. C.' W: Sanders 1Vliss Margaret J,; Taylor died. in :Winnipeg at :the; ho.m.e.'lf licr niece,: Mrs M..Shoebottom. Richard Webster, w`as scve'rei\• inprcd and iend9red unconscious for son time, in' a fall do' n the. stairway above the. picttirc•sho«' James :Irving •was •badly. shat.- ` 'en up • in;.•a • fall ..frontt tiic .1110W', while assisting Frank Gl ahtui ••• • Win; Connell , arrived lo,nlr:, from.Ediri'oriton..whcrc he•attend:. .. ed 'tlie General ' Assembly • of ilk- Presbyterian Church .Dr...A...A. Cameron •mot iid'ti din' Peterboroigli to Otta int• to iioc- • tise, de.naistryr Mrs,- A. T. Davison died. at per home • in . Lucknovv, Shc .: y `,i>'. her '78th year. Joh.n.,Graham, ,age 93, ri.lrii"nes. of the: n1ough district oicd' at :. the .• of his son, }lerbert .Graham.. !Old, Disabled .:or Dead ,. Farm Animals Witte, uildam'aged' hides and according to size and, condition COWS, up to $8.Q0 (HORSES. up .to .$7,00 HOGS 000 lbs. each) $2:00 plus, $2.00 per 100 lbs. for additional weight AT YOUR FARM (HONE COLLECT. W"rngham; 1214;` ,Ripley, 59-16 or 38-19; Ingersoll, 21 1F'or prompt, efficient, Courteous serVice WILLIAM STONE SONS LTD. INGERSOLL, ONTARIO AN ALL -CANADIAN FIRM, ESTABLISHED 1870 4