HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1948-07-29, Page 8sk. rAgE. EIGHT THE LUCKNOW SENTI,NEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • munsmansumpaamaniMaairnasmaallifillIMPOIMIRIMIS CHURCH 'PICNIC , a a•Templeton .a • • 1117,1 . • ' 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111M011111.11111011111.111110111111M11111111111111.1111 .ASHFEELD CENTENNIAL • Allan MacLean a n d Duncan . . TempletOn's Invite All Home-CoMers. WW1enk's—Stbie. During°. Reunion Week: q' N • (Continued from. page I) fiatthe Centennial, read -letters, of tegre om some ho • not be present-,- , Sunday Serviceg • Stmday services were conduct- ed :by „Dr., ;William Otterbein Rhoad,.pastor of the church since ...December, 1941. quest .speaker , in 'the, morning. was Professor F. • Scott MacKenzie of Montrealand • in the- evening, Rev, F. 'Reynoldg .' Esler of. Brantford arid pastor of • the congregation • from 1938 -until. - succe0ed by Dr! Rhoad! • • Special - music was supplied by • the choir underthe direction. of 'Finlay • MacDonald, with 'less *.,* Sally 1VlacDonald • at the organ. •Intlie morning Mra.,Edwards of Goderieh was soloist and Mr. and • Mrs. Duncan McKay rendered a diret ,At the evening Service Al- lan Stewart was soloist ii addi- tion to a male ,quartette'* Fin, lay M2aoPoP,a1dr-Muncan McKay, eart e corn 1.10,MiP'SPN'.S Sincere Wish .t your -stay .in our SePoy" Town will be a gala one.. 'Ike Store of Friendly Service' • serving Lucknow & Vicinty for years. Simpson. " • : Tribute To 'Pioneers •Professor MacKeniie touchd the hea strings_at the inorning s,envice as " he paid reminiscent tribute, •the pioneers. Dr. Rhoad remarked • fact that when kicking, Boris Taylor, Edna Reid, the present church' was built rn Betty Johnston; who is straight 1906, Sunday, •morning's' speaker was then a youth in -the Congre- north? Rospila HoWald, Ruth Em- gation and. acted as an Usher on herlin••' " the occasion of the dedication of the new ' , •STORES WELL. BE OPEN Rev,referred to ihe ' . MacK H ELD;THURSDAY . • The Lucknow ,United Church picnic - was held a -Kincardine on Thursday and was well atten- ded. •Showers didn't •prevent a program :races and an interest- ing bail game. Capping 'the out- ing was a bountiful picnic supper. Sports results Were as ',follows: 5'and under, Bobby Andrew, Geo. Gibson; 6 and 71. girls, Joanne 'Hunter.; hoys, Art Ilowild, Robin .Treleaven, Jimmie Johnston; 6 and 9, gitls;'Rosella HowaId, Ruth • Dave ,Burns,Bob- bie Johnston, •Gardner;' boys, .10, - 11., Kenneth .McNay, •Charlie Chin, George •Richards; 12. and 13, girls, Edna Reid, Car, olyn Gibson, Betty ,Johnston;, • boys;Donald, Thompson, Dennis Emberliri, Billy blathers:. 14-20.; . girls, Gladys Gibsonf, Mary,. Jo lAnderson; ' boys, Harold Howald; Donald McNay;. young ' ladieg,. Jean •Treleaven, Doris 'Taylor, Mary. Struthers; Married ladies, IVlirs. Vernon. Hunter; . Mrs. .Mel Stewart,,• Mrs. Stuart Collyer "(ties); m•arried mem,. Mel Stew- • art,- Vernon •Hunter, Armstrong Wilson; hand-in-hand, Donald Thompson and ,Maty :Jo Ander- son, Donald McNay. and Edna Reid; Haroldlivivald- and -Gladys - Gibson; ' •challenge race,: Harold Howald, .Donald McNay; _shoe enzie , tender and sacred memories. that Were stirred on this Centennial occasion. He recalled the previous church • with its • lack , of adorn: Ment ..and frosted windows. to prevent the attracting of theln- terest of the: Younger members of ' the congregation to the out, • There was, no 'vestibule in the old church; and. •in,' spite of a huge , box . stove,. fired to a .red- hot heat: 'with four -foot wood, the. winter blasts *lie chilling every •time ' the chnrch door -Opened. The elders occupied dentte, , seats in • the frontof the Church, .and -a predrot-l ewed-iir--th-e'singing—r- ...t , .. , . • • Rev, , MacKenziek -Said he , ha rio pergonal rilemory •,' of , the Church's first settled pastor, Rev; Alexander Grant" but he kne-4.V: of the affection in which he was, • held and of his faithful, devoted service . of oyer 20 years:. To hirii Must be, aecorcleci a high, Place, ialthotigh„ his successors each have exerted an influence worthy. of recognition and remembrande. • Up to 1909, at the time of the conclusion. of 'ReV.' Alexander' Mil7. lar'S ministry.;, it, had been essen- tial . to; have the Gaelic which wag iegularlY preachesi. 'The Eng- • lish sermon up to. thenhad been Very secondary. Mt. MacKenzie. made reference to the Highland custom of observing communion from' Thursday ' t� . Monday,. and of :the summer einninuriions held • in ,:McIrityre's grove,nearbyi_be- cause the church .would not.hold thorn.,. .• 1 • . ' ' -• One phase in. the life' of the ,cOngregation concluded in . 1910, • when , the Gaelic was dispensed with as Re, fv. John.S. Hardie coni7 mended; p..;fitteen-year-pastorate., I Early in hisministry at Ashfield •1 an organ was •-installed and the • Precentor's duties reverted to -that 1• of 'choir.: leaderMr. Donald ' Mae, Lean, Was the 1st., precentor to officiate in • .Ashfield,• succeeding to the duties of choir leader, and served, in' both 'capacities.for al- most two score years. • Local business places will be openall day Friday for the cork veniences, of the reunion day crowd. The following Monday be- ing Civic Holiday, will be ob- served as such. .'• 9 ”.• " 9 THIJRSDAY, JULY 29th, 1946 - While we .area comparatively new .business here, we are 'happy to.. welcome 01d Boys and , • Girls on their return to The.Old Hoine.TOwn... And We CORDIALLY INVITE YOU . • O rsq OUR .. ., , ,..Pausing briefly at this. Mile,. stone to took back over 100 years, ' Rev : . MacKenzie', said that • such retrospection had its Place in bet- ter preparing us to meet the. de- mands of this chaOtic,,,topsy-tkvy world, H * • : .' If. we are to learn at all; we • must learn froin the past We ,,,inuSt lionor-ansLemulate-theAestl- ,_ • .. : , %,•.%%N.• N. ---,MI we may enter into the reward -1K- _ _ .._ . • i.••..•-----:"-c.".N..N.N.......%‘...........•..,..•••,..........•N, a traditions of ciur forefathers tlt 1 • ,f their labors. ,. • •..: •• • ° • Today parents are interested In bettering: conditionsfor their 1 children far beyond the linagina-I tion or ability Of the_pioneers;-but our forefathers 'knew „what was : essential to wellbeing4 ,,.Today,. too often, this well being is sought by Material things alone. ' • . The pioneers 'recognized Prito-; arilY the necessity 4 education and the worship of Ahnighty•qod: It was on. this ,solid 'foundation that they built and which' found expression in :their daily' lives, their home . ife, farnilY worship, • faithful a't daniCe. in the . Lord's place,- stric observance of the Sabbath, and the moral direction .. of , their childten.. While their religious' obser- vance was more •stern than Was ever intended, their "faith was something real, and tot be. prac- tised, and gave them attength to live and labor. ;• :` • Are.!We being true to this faith • in preparing our children- to fade -life?-ltev.„-MacKenzie queried .in conclusion. ,• '. ' , AiihmiloughiStlehres OA:hC.tilieuldrenton• gr.e: hundred 'years ago, it Roi. Alexander Grant 1865:1886 Rev. Peter M.' Colquitottn .. Rev.. George S.: Ritchie 1927-1928 . - - gation. was :first recognized as a since then are Rev 1865 that the congregation ,ReV. J;ohn Ro:e..:,..... ....... 18808621889961 was not l'ev. Kenneth MacDonald .• • . . . .. 19291932° mission field; by Presbytery, one had . a reSident, minister., ThosolResv. Alexander Millar, 18964909 ',4Reeyv. 1 .J.I:o. hRneynK0.1:11se"GEsilliel.rvria:3'8-441., who have served the CAngre.gatiopIRev. John S. Hardie__ 1910-1025 .Rev. W. 'ID: .R.shpaci...:. ... ........ :993421: -1938. ' (Chas. Webster, IProp. EXTENDS .GREETINGS. • d HEARTY. 'WELCOME Reunion Visitors to The SepOiTow:n. May your visit :,back long remain Pleasant MeinorY! 1•.7•-• R4THWELL'S SHOE 4TORE. • 'BIDS YOU .1.ARTY. WELCOME well B •N•NNNNN\••••‘‘••••.‘ •NN\‘‘‘‘‘‘‘.\\‘‘S"‘‘• • ligualibilltits:111,11111111111•111111111uslosikl•Milommillmilimmosaliainemsemasemammossuoilaaasumillinlaiiiniiilmlialiilisimassamilamillaillimullimilligniall • • .• WELCOME HOME OLD, BOYS AND GIRLS. SITCIAL SALE 7-7- Meir's ari:d Boys' Shirts; Hats, Ties,, Socks; Suspenders, 'Underwear., Speiali or Bruce County Old Boys' Reunion. The StoreWith: The Stock lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllll eau • . . at 1 1 2- .• '.„ • 44 •