HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1948-07-29, Page 611
t t'
AS "OZARKS?' W. 14-4 . •
(Coria b ed)'
The local Pee Wees trounced,
the Goderieh Lions. Pee., Wees 14-
4, Donald Thompson, Lucknow s
ace. southpaw,, • turned in abrill
Mrand Mrs F ,.--- ,
an; .and 'fain-
ily have.moved' • to the store. We
• • Keei- pace with 'other dis- welcoixi these to
g the community
trict centres, .most of them much Mr, -and M(is, James Donaldson
larger than this, Lucknow • and and family spent Friday evening
district sport fans thrilled on Fri- and rs, Farsh Moffat.
I wit,h Mr. a ;. M_
day evening to see the newly in M. and Ws. Jim Moffat of
stalled park floodlighting system Llo d inster Alberta, are, visit-
yn ,
turned o
� M
officially ing with., Mr. and Mrs. Peter
mound effort as he set the • The two homne,teams—the Scot -
.fa and other relatives here,
sant m or ik _ ` t,l
naires • s .ark i •
Goder><ch' •Pee Wees dawn. with ties. and the. Legion p Mr. .and Mrs: J, W. Ross ,•of
r ch hits.
two. �c at Thompson Pson •.had
game well in hand through-
out, fanning 12 batters and oddly
enough he struck out the last
' batter • in each of the 7 • innings
he 'toiled.
• The "Qzarks" finally solved the
• offerings of • Bill .MacDonald for
12 - hits 34 for extra bases. Luck-
third they .combined 4 hits and
a hit batter for 3 runs and in
the '4th, 5 hits. • and 2 .walks;' for.
six °runs:
"• •They aided' their .04 cautse by
executing a double •play, Mac
Donald to Chin: to Baker. Baker
also pulled the hidden ball trick Jack Cook, who had been' clouting
at first. - the ball all evening, . drove one
r h' e to the right, field fence that was
100.002 1' 2 3 goodeded r;the circuit had • it , been
103 •622 x-14•12
* . The floodlighting project and
led" under the lights • and added
much ,to the success of the night
by :playing to a draw and a otic-
°tory,; respectively. .
The Scotties; playing their best l will be in charge of the church
ball. of the year, held the highly services during August which
touted Listowel girls to •a 13-13 will. be Sunday School at 10 a,rn.
draw,, a. and service at"11. a,m.
The Legionnaires took orf Lin The ,Ladies; Aid held their July
od and nosed out a 14 to 1
Toronto and. Mrs..• McNaughton of
Brandon,. Man., are • visiting • at.
Mr. F. G. Moffat's.
The . Young ' People's 'Society
:.. . -_ - • , , . • „ham Tu.i
victory, over the team that "edged'. Evans the resideht; was. in, the
them out of the W:0 A,A,. "B" chair. �' Readings wetr�, given by
championship. last fall:. Luckniow.. the me ` b.ers and lans`�were dis-
h m P
sse for the bazaar . e a
' Linwood, r, d
it ha H h Cumin is$° Christina`'Moffat of Tor
the.... if g
'THURSDAY, .JULY 29th, 14
• On, Tuesday night; .July 20th,,
tlie'monthly i>i0eting of,the Dun-
gannon Junior 'Farmers and Jun-
tor•Institute ' was : held in the form
of .a. picnic at Port Albert beach.
An'"enthusiastic crowd of nearly
10.0 Members enioy1ed , a 8M/itn
before .a bounteous picnic supper.
Much credit is given tc�,,the pres
idents, Mary :.Smith and . Ross.
Eedy and theif • executives for
such a Well' organized ' "get -to-
The August monthly meeting
will be. held in: the 4 form of • a
joint church %service with the.
Clinton Junior Farmers on Aug-
ust 8th. : This. will take place at
the ,Clinton Collegiate . grounds at
2.30 ::. ,m. in the' afternoon.. The
service 'r1-be-'cOt ducted--.
ly. by the Clinton Junior°Farmers
•and George Faris '•of. the . Junior
Farmers• Association = of Ontario
will .tie' guest. speaker. •
had', a 13 10. lead going into. the in th F ll.,
9th, • ,but Li -knotted`'the
count in ug onto is visiting • with Mr. and .Mi s.
got on, in the last of the. 9th, and Peter Moffat and other friends
here: •
Mr. and` Mi s. Gerry Schoop and
daughter Sandra of Galt are Vis-
iting -her parents, .Mr. and .Mrs.
Robert Donaldson.
A :number from here attended
Lucknow •
air • Perform Tonight` , new ,slate -grey bleachers is a pro-
Lucknow Legionnaires. will per. jest pr.oinoted'and fnanced`solely
Th iron under by the Legion and is an achieve
form. tonight. ( u Y) ..
the lights with the snap`yees
water nine as the. opposition; Ad -
ment 'that merits much • credit: ,• •
The opening. •was conducted be- 1 Effects
ween. games when President -Bob Suf f eyed No. I 1
t ga+• 'ffeied no *Ci-
•-�:.Dark.-Hbfi?:te:-;. .
' l�' T•rrtt;sh• . ex i. esse
"c P crus injuries in his'scooter : acci-1
to all' whoa 'had assisted in .'thewreck'
success.' of the undertaking and ;dent; a, week ago and':after a .
in• hospital is aable to be 'about
i • i e two stand the
x�cliss on.. s nlY
starting hour .is • 8.30 'There will
be bingo. and dancing after the
game • The Legion is promoting lied. on. Reeve. W. A. Solomon
the night's .do and is .splitting. the .. rho 'extended congratulations.
ee' of the W.O.A,A;; said 'L'ucknow •
the 61st. 'anniversary ' of White=
church W.M,S. on:.Thursday'evee-
g •
,iia _ •
with the Reunion Commit, •
t • • M. L. "Tory” `Gregg; president.
Sn�[ men�r�ome
gain 5;1Of15lbs,
Get New Pep, Vim, Vigor,
VW'hat a thrill Bony limbi 1111. out ugly sill,
till up. neck no longer nerawny. btadk lo�t'v Ir
starved. alckly • bean -pole.' look. rhouaunil,.
Rltiii..women, men, wtio nlver could gain bet
aro now rou
U d• ot at a1>elY. feulthy-luoking'hnd
They stank tlhe eneelal visor-bnlld l n, flesh -bulb.
tonic, tee: its tonins, stimulants lnvlit•tr°tr
lrq . Yltautln H cerium eiiriel• blirud. Metre
appetite and . distetltion• yu food Rives• yon n
etrengtb end •tion. rlwhment put flesh an bare bo
1)ot►'1 tear getting fou rat step %then yun %•e i,; r
the 5, id. 18•ors 21)1be. you need tor n,irtnal
;Coates little New ;t get ac,futlinte t size '„t u
try tamouy Ostrew Tonic 't•ablet. ?or n;•,v %•
atnl added pounds. thea. very day At utl d�,tgu
- Ideal weather 'favored the r
NaIl;1VIccabe pichic held 'at
home •of Mr. and •Mrs, Sam D
Nall ' at • Benniiller . on• Sund
as a•out •
present' to take part in the •tat
tunts, .tug of ,war and a; slip
contest in• Awl ich . Mrs ' Mal y
•tan of Goderich•won tate prize.;
had • her piet•ure taken. All t;
D U N G A•N 'NON ticipated in a good b ll
a hal
Miss Mary Hall, Dungannon, The . guitar and • .m.outh cert
g- playing by Mr:'' Rl„g ,McMicli
quietly Observed heir 92nd birth -.was greatly en o a ''
g , Y J Y d. by •all, a1
day on• Wednesday at the home which a .lunch was •sere ed >n::
of Mrs. „W. )..;Andrew, whe e .spaciou wn.• Relativ '3..
she .spends her summers• with• her £, ��
p pewee from God,oricht 1)•,t
Harristoi , Au.bu 3n. Luckey:':
Denver, Colorado.
brother, Godfrey Hall, who
is 99 .years. of -age, Both- are in
good' health.. :Miss Hall,..who. has.
•beori •afflicted, with blindness for
the past 12 years, remains cheer-
'fal and brightand keeps up; hei•
habby of knitting,; doing work of
Home :From Hospital -
Mrs;. G. hatles Burt' of •Kin
dine 'andfornrell.y .of .1initi'E
hi an .one would be "proud:"" re' urned""home of 7Thul•scll
v ell, .Y
She is a:, native of the Blake set- 'Wingham Hospital whore '.1 hi*
tternent;'in'. the: 'Township, of Ash- been. a • patient for • two ate
field;•1 since undergoing '• an operatirm
Tong .. been noted as one of
;lel their first go under, the lights '•
the trotter sporting centres; 'and
last Friday night, Chas. We
crew played smart ball' and g e.
the . fans a 'real --,game :in; edging
• Linwood 14-13.
bytes the floodlighting system just went
to prove that this Village was not.
content. to lag • behind: "Tory said
•that the ',W O.A.A. now had.nine
centres .playing ball' under •the
-lightsc;. Ning'harn had installed the
nights last year and this season
•eight other centres have •followed;
• suit,' :Southampton, : Port
Kincardine,. Seaforth, B 1 y. t h.,'
Lucknow,' : Walkerton and' Ches-
Alex Hackett went the • nines
inning..'tri'p, •which✓is 'good pitch
ing' against •a slugging Outfit.'' like
But we . can.'t. overlook .:The
. Scotties. Trim in ' their. . yellow
uniforms the: girls galve a ,good'
.exhibition'' on opening, night , to. excellence of. the new bleachers,
earn ,a draw. '.The Dovincis-Halter• and complimented 'Lucknow on
coached -lassies'• turned• in their having Linwood back for. the
best.: show of, the' season;' opening, a team 'that had bested.
them'' in both softball and hockey.
"It was a fine 'gesture", Tory said, •
"As` the : 'bights were off curly r •
"flicked". by Harold. Ritchie, Tory'
wished Lucknow ' ; and•• district
many' successfib' years •of good
sport. •.
A cky
Muprogram draw . was.
conducted With three attractive'
•n He made ; special mention of the
Ma-ybe=itshe.-glamour oLthe
lights and •a' crowd, •of fans tc
cheer;. them, that did the - trick
Bi11�Chin's Pee: Wees were slat-
ed t� play their final scheduled
hardball.' game last 'night (Wed-
nesday) with Clinton, a game grocery :' baskets : being won by
that would :decidethe holder • of Harold..Ritchie,':J. C: McNab arid.
; first .place. ' •This fixture was to
have- been played Monday,' but •
some of'. the . Clinton.' boys•`were
`holiding",,. so they declined to
• ''orae, • %
The Pe es. got one game cool an excellerit crowd'(consid- "
'Donald Thompson. •
• Raind
• anovercast skies, all day
Friday threatened to' force a Post-
ponement of the opening, but the
evening cleared and while it was
Take hiiine
a carton•
e We
by default from the Auburn' kids, eying) of some 700 fans. was on
furnished. by `•th`e., 21st Anti -Tank `
wlo.,aren t ; able to get, into the
and this ° for 'occasio' �n. Music was
Regimental = and of Wingham.• " '
Cl ntori,: Lucknd'r Goderich &'
Wingharn 'will...battle it -out: for
:.... the, -group 'title
Try -Out • Camp.
• .ine-ups.
Listowel: Bergey,, 3rd, Hymers
• 2rid; .Gross. ss, -O'1VDara. 1st, Arm-.
itage if,. Denstedt' rf,: Barton',cf, •
Bell. c,' Kaufman p,
a games
The Thamesville • Chamber of
•"Cominerce has . `made' . arrange-
ments, .with the • Pittsburgh • base
ball club... to-' •conduct • a try-otlt
Luckn,ow:. r' Mrs. • T. ' .I al.ler cf,
• Hien Salkeld • Ss, Wanda:Spur-
rah 1f, Margaret Chin :lst, Winnie:
camp at Thafnesville;: 'on• August. Stewart 3rd, Gladys Gibson 2nd,
23rdto 28th:Ari application form Edith • Elliott ' c, Mrs: H.' Cowan
can be• obtained from Charlie i`f, Shirley Johnston rf, Marilyn
Webster for any:•. boy between 16 r CuIp;, p ' •
• • and 21 •w;ho ,would like to try, out. " Linwood: $,K.narr p, tt. Decks
* r: 1' ' '.Vert ist, "Schummer 2nd, S • Deck -
Three ',rinks of local bowlers ert .3rd,: wp, Deckson c, 'McCallum
took ,part ,in ,the' Goderch 'doublese-
ss .p, L: KrlarP lf, Jones , Kra
:tournament' last Wednesday, but mer:'rf. •
• failed to get• into the .money, al -.I Lucknow Ar.CA.ndrew• 'cf, Geo.
' though R.y Finlayson and ,Isaac ' Chin."'lf, Jack MacDonald ss, 13ar=
Miller came close.; 'First • prize old •Greer,'rf, Clarence Greer' .c,
suits of• clothes, went ,to. Fred.?. Hugh, Curring 3rd; pill Chin,3rd,
Armstr..o'ng.'and I•i:ltiicNee:; . •, ., i rf, Glen Tasker rf, Jack•Cook 1st,
Alex Hackett p: :
Has' Old , Watch ,„Fob
. mp,ires: Russ Johnston, flow -
V r. Fin. Malcolm' rif .town is ard Agnew;,.'
• fob souvenir of the 1910 reunion. Makin " Splendid among those who possess a.•watch :
g p id Ilrecovery
•'7'he metal', fob •on a leather strap John McKinnon was discharged''
has a- picture of, • Donald. Dinnie from, Wingham Hospital the early
and under' it • the wor•dirig,--.°'We part... of '..last week; with.: sorne•..
fear nae foe". On• the back is. cracked ribs and bruises the chief
'other particulars of the event in remaining affects' ,of being run' '
.eluding ,the • date, ,July. 31st 'to over by a tractor. His escape from
August 4th,' 1910. •1 -e' iouy injuries was remarkable;
r —war .,Price . •.:' ¢.'
Wa*titn:e Taxes & Orders 1, j.14
You ' pay. 360
•Authori ed B'7ittler of Coca-Cola 'under contract 'with Coa-Cola ••L;in itt.?