HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1948-07-29, Page 4PAGE' ANL THd LUCKNOWvENTINF•L, LUCKNCfW "WANT AD"", RATES--Ist insertion .2 cents a word, subsequent insertions 1 cent a word. Minimum .charge '25 cents. Replies care of The Sentinel 10 cents extra. Legal advertising 10 cents per count line first insertion, 5 cents per line subsequent insertions, MUSIC LESSONS for piano: Mrs. Shaddick, Lucknow., • : FOR .. SALE -8 .pigs six weeks, George " Fisher, R. 1, Lucknow. 14 • r: ,4 I • A • • , • • SPRAY. PAINTING -a11 types of work done, cars,. buildings; . etc. 'Fred, Emberlin, Lucki ow-� NOTICE. Re Outstanding Accounts All :outstanding accounts 'must be paid on or before Saturday, August 7th, 1948, or.:they. will be placed ,in s ther hands. ,for, col - ,lection.: ONTARIO' T IURSDAY, JULY 29th, 1943 FOR SALE --.Clyde mare, 6 years old, around. 1350 lbs., with her month old colt off Colson's Clyde horse of Blyth, mare broke single and double. A good quiet mare. Reason 'for selling; have 6 horses. Frank N. Miller, R.. 5, Lucknow. MAN WANTED For Rawleigh business. No experience or capi- tal necessary. Saless easy to make and ' profits large: Start immedi- ately. Write Rawleigh Dept. ML - G=271 -190, Montreal, Quebec. CARD OF. THANKS John McKinnon' wishes to ex- press his sincere thanks to all home to Mimics). with her parents who visited 'him while. in the hos- ,on Sunday, pi'tal, and who'so .,kindly'remem- Mrs. James Ramage; of the West tiered. him invarious. ways: (formerly.: Miss . _Edna • Cuyler+). WHITECHURCH. Mr. and. Mrs, James ./Moffat of. Lloydtninster, Alberta, are here visiting• her sisters, Mrs. Mac Ross and "Mrs. Thos, Moore and other relatives and to attend the Old Boys and Girls reunion in. Luck- now this week. • Mr. ;arid' Mrs. Will Shaw and daughter, Miss.- Catherine • Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clark.' of New Toronto, Mac. and' Mrs. Mal- colm Ross and. little son Ian of Mimico spent the week -end with Mr. and. Mrs, Thos. Moore and Mrs: Mac Ross. Little Miry Ellen Ross, who has spent three weeks' with her grandparents, returned, R E 4 -burner McClary ' ' Mr's. Chas. • Burt wishes to •most v�-ho was 'visiting er son near' FOR 'electric stove, Apply J, C. John- NOTICE e .. :sincerely. thank all those, who so Lucknow, visited Mr. and' Mts. '• T thereby : ve : notice ..that all her in vari- Gibson ,Gillespie; and Mfrs. stone 'L•ucknow. •• y gi kindly: remembered in ari.. Watt and called. -at her old home • . v ous ways• while in the :hospital. ?OR SALE-20,pigs, ¢ weeks old. ' weeds'are to be dest oyed' before. This "thou fitfulness. was• deeply where Mrs. David 'Kennedy lives; 'Lloyd Cline, Phone 68-1 Dungan- going to seed as rovided.. for by . . g , and Mrs. 'Ken is of De the • Weed , Control . Act, Chapter •appreciated,. • non, ' •�� • •• ' � � ' li 'ti�oit visited one day last week: 344, Section 4, Any. -person, ora � .wishes to i'.with Mrs. Mac. Ross.. ' �1Vir. Elliott. Little gratefully acknowledge the kind-• Mrs: 'C. 1V1urray who went to ness and sympathy of friends and Vancouver over a year ago • oto neighbors in his bereavement and •visit with he ..hrre,ther, Mr,.Mat=-., Lista to Mc ONTARIO STOCK. XARDS BULLETIN .'. ' Jay sig WALLY "FORD my Tuesday Owning CIt14X, 920, 7.30 a.m. 1 RADIO FOR SALE —• G; E. car radio, good • condition. Apply to Clarence Ritchie, R. 8, Lucknow. FOR 'SALE — convertible „baby ,carriage Al -condition. , Apply at Sentinel Office.- - ' HOUSE FdR SALE -frame •house,, 18x26. ,.ft, and 1 -shape wing' 12 x16 ft. •Apply Milton Kilpatrick; Box '985, Goderich. • : FIRE EXTINGUISHERS f r o in $2,50 up. All types from ' bombsLorne Ivers, Road Si}pt. to automatic , sprinklers.. See Art Breckles,., Lucknow, proprietor FARM FOR: SALE:. 'The' East. Sentinel Fire. Extinguishers If • quarter. of. Lot.. 2, Concession '6, 'Eastern Division, Ashfield Town- ship; consisting oaf•50 acres of clay land with: good ,house; barn and some timber. Must be sold to 'close an' estate. For further particulars Terms - cash.. John, McCharles, 'apply to Herbert C. -Curran; R. Frog,; Well.. Henderson, .Auc: R. 7, Lucow, Ontario, or Frank I�onnelly,- G oderich Ontario: persons failing to comply with' these provisions twill be liable' to. • a penalty as, provided.. by the • Aet. Win. R. Dougall, a • to- especially thank all those who thew Scott, returned by plane on Huron County Weed Inspector. sohis fathez d irittg July la:titto Toronto and then by were• illkind. . to his. ss train and car here. We'welcome •y . •.'NOTICE ` ' •I wish 'to'express mythanks' her back Ito. our coinmuii.ity and • pto attend , the IQ•ld 'Boys and Girls • - to ll who contributed to my' corn- �...,..r,...b �, „--• ----i.eunion s . thing' else: on the roadsides in:the ford. and .well-being while a" pat- ' •Hos i- Mrs. Ford. Cherry of the,.West, Township of West Wawanosh is lent in.Wingham Generalp , formerly 1Vliss~ Elizabeth; Murray - ...all •_.wh v`:sit strictly' prohibited by:order of.the• .til.. To. n,-. i ed•,•me,: sent, �ownshi of West Wawanosh. ' letters, cards; flowers and treats, '�'f•: k tigside, ' arrived.• --here last; T p week to ,attend the reunion and also to.the doctors; purses and Staff again' I say;thank you for is visiting with Mi and Mrs. Vie - thing 3rtgir many kindly acts. for Emerson , • ' ' T.: • A."• Cameran. Mr. and •'.Mi s. Victor Emerson and •Mrs. • F. Cherry ' Motored to, 'The. familyi�aof •'the •' late' Mrs. Drayton; on. Sunday •where. Mrs. Richard Johnston:' wish to. thank Cherry 'visited her brother -in-law their friends and .•neighbors'.for.1 for a :few, days: the kindness' shown them during ` Mr, Russell McKay :of, Detroit visited.day last week :with Mr. 1, ' a n Gillespie. ' �nd , Mrs.. � Gibso • , sp •. Mr. Janes. McKay Of the West 1 and' a brother of Russell , McKay: daylast week with 'MT. visited., a .. •and Mrs..,Ezra • :Wellwood and. Pother ..old; acquaintances:. He • is here :for the reunion. ,.. Mr',` and Mrs. Joe • Hetherington of Saskatchewan: are .visiting here With 'friends" and relatives. • • The 61st ..and '. ofd' the W. ' M•:• 'S. of •: the- : Presbyterian church Was. held last Thursday evening in, the churchwith a good attendance ..present. Lucknow, Winghain,Teeswater;.: Langside, AUCTION SALE of household ef= fects . at the:: residence: of ' John McCharles, Lucknow; on ,Satur- day, .August. 7th 'at• 7.30. o'clock.. FARM FOR ',SALE 200• •- acre e; at FARINA • FORS:.SALE• I00 acre ,f farm,' Kinloss'. Twp:,'about.i mile. west .of Kinlough, clay loam,: •80 acres workable,: balance bush and: yw e . � 'ri Mand at �. • • tore;: goodMbuildi gsR„ .,has ,. supply,' close to -paved, .highway,, some ''''spring crop, mixed • grain. and about- 8 acres of flax: For particulars' call or ,write Reginald McBride, R �'1, Holyrood:. farm, ..comprising WH of • Lot 21 '.. and. EH of" 'Lot: 20, Con. ,10,, Wes Wawanosh, known' as the Wilson. Woods ; farm, , ' mile east of St Helens: Good 'barn,`. frame hous 40' acres' of :bush. Available Oct ober" lst: For particulars' appy" Sentinel. Office. ; STOCK FOR ' SALE Durham • cow, 3 ;years, freshening 4th ;,:of October; Durham, cow, ',3' • years; milking; freshening -.1st ,of Nov.; Durham •cow, 5 years, milking, ,:suppo`sed to 'be in •calf; Durlam . cow, 5 years, milking, supposed to be:.in calf; spring calf 5..rnonths csld and • .about 100 "1-. .ear. -old laying .hens.:: Reginald. •McBride, R..1; Holyrood, 1 mile west of Kinlough. • . TENDERS ,• NOTICE TO. CREDITORS • • In the. tiatter'of the Estate' of Elizabeth): Anderson; ,late of, .the Village of • LucknOve in' the County. of Bruce, Widow, .deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant S T . H' E. L E N S. to' the Statute -in that behalf, that . all Creditors and• others having ' There ' will ' be nO .seiivice " In claims" or 'demands against the the .United. Church - next Sunday! Estate.of the' Said Elizabeth And- Th Au t'me tin' of the.Wo- e. Meeting erson who .died 'on":or about the '.men''s ..Institute -will., be :held' at Twenty-ninth days' of 'February the:he oaf Mrs: Elwood. Barbour. A. D:.1948, Fare required'' -on or be on on:.Thursda afternoon, " August. Y Ca vin= and the, United Church -fore--:- th' �"`Secontl da of Ari ust g 5-h , at- 2:30: RISIl call; A 'o'r:m of aid t were invited 'A good ;program:: A.D. 1948 to send,by post;prep , 1 lit Hess' I' admire' 'in a et -son.'. S e P . wasgiven : with • Mrs. '• Johnson, g or deliver;. r to the., Undersigned ''Subject, Citizeriship� in .charge of. n'> McGee as • the , i Conn, and Mrs: Joh Administrator of the estate of Mrs,..Lorne ;Woods. Program cam pianists. The welcome to .visitors said deceased, their names,: ad- 'inittee and hostesses; ,NYrs. James._.. givenby Mrs •.•Robert Mow' dresses' and descri tions `. the full was p P itchison, ,Mrs ..;Norman• lVlcDon- bray t The guest speaker was Mrs. particulars of their..; claims, a ;aid. ; ' , ' •; :. �` :Ge'or; e A:. Milne. of Brussels. •'A st ternent of'' their •accounts`' and: Mr: an'd:1Vlrsz'.Todd',and? `play. w esented . b the' nature .of the securities ' (if Stanley 'religious as pr y dol verified' Andrew are holidaying_ at Owed Mr. 'Mac McGregor and some. of ' any) " held by th'em.. duly,verified ound. N' le k .notice S the young people: A�id•tae by affidavit.. • • ..i � ._ that after such"last Mentioned ° Visitors in the; community fp- ° clod Mr. Bob . Miller. `and his'cis-. Meet . Prince Mike Romanof f: • date ; f he said' Administrator will.e • •:ter Mrs- ,Huh McCabe of Els He's everything ,from ` a banker proceed to . distribute;the:. assets' � 8, _ relatives; of the said deceased among'' the, tour,. Sack:, .with relatives;.. Mr, .to..a• Brooklyn pants :Presser. Be G. S. meint •re .of. Toronto. with. sure' to'read•'the fabulous story of parties -entitled •'thereto,.• having y regard only to 'the claims of which he shall,. then have 'notice, ,an,. it that 'the •said Administrator w�• R. S. H.etherington K. • Barrister, Etc • Winghaun and Lucknrw. iUCKNOW .Each' Monday & Wednesday Located o1i• • the ground floor in- •the: front of 7. •John Kilpatrick's Building 'Phone Wjingharn, Office 48" ' Residence 97 their recent bereavement. Spec- ial thanks for.''the kind exp>'es Skins of ,sympathy, the beautiful. floral tributes and: to •all , who so' tenderly cared. for . her or helped in. any other Way during her long illness.) • .I • W. ANDREW Barrister and Solicitor L'UCKNOly, ONT i1;io- Office in`'the ` Joynt ijl;irk. Telephone , :Office 135'.Residenr.e 3 P. Stuart MacKenzie RRISTER &' SOLICITOR BA Walkerton; Ontario:; IN LUCKNOW. Each Wednesday OFFICE �I11 • HENDEtSON BLOCK ' Service:, for the ` Small Mer - ACCOUNTANCY chant; , Professional, Man and the Farmer: I ' In Lucknow Tues.. Thurs.: and Friiday.; Office in .' . ilp rick Block.' . S. J. PYMM P.O.,Box 74; Luc know, O`nt • 'Phone , .23• . not be liable for . the said assets or any part' thereof to '.any person .=WOOD TENDERS • .or persons. of whose claims notice, ;TENDERS• will be .received, by shall not:;have. been' received•by the . undersigned up to August ' him: 2nd, 1948, for ten cords'of; 16_inch' Dated at.Lucknow,�Ontario,this elm, ';top wood, 'not- less than 6 8th day' of July A.D. 1948. inches, nor more than' '10 , inches Thomas Henry. Anderson,.. •' in diarrteter,: 'Joseph. Agnew, Clerk'RR. .No. 2,•.Lucknow, Ont. Village of .' Lucknow. • Administrator. eart31►. i�Velcont : To, All Those Who Are: Returning• To, The. Old Home•�Co-irimunity • On • This. Special Occasion.' Here's • Hoping You , Enjoy Ever. i n u y Mini#e. of'' Your Stay. AWFORD'S Feed Stoor� ' ' - now Try Our Service ,'hon 7'I W, Ludt • • ft 1Vr!s.'. McIntyre. and. Donald Mr: Prince ' Mike's rise'from a - dank ion'. to.a position' . ,Island s Robe t Of ''cell on 'Ellis, and: Mrs: Pckwoad .and . r I1� New York withMr: and Mrs. as. reigning Monarch.. of Holly John Cameron Mr. Angus Mc- wood's social set' Read "Roman•- Donald•of Saskatchewan with his off�'.'`in, The. 'American • Weekly, brothers, Messrs. Donald'and Col.- great magazine with this Sun - in• McDonald, •Mr. and Mfrs., Wm;1i day's •(August ' 1). issue of • The Blue of ,Detroit „with Mr: and.)' Detroit Sunday Times.. Mrs. °J: D., Anderson,, Dr.. George•. and Dr. Wm McGregor .Of Chi- :....�.. cago,' ':• Mr. Alex . MIc:Gregor. 'of : r Graham, Alberta and Mr. Charlie Stuart , of Regina with Mr. and. •Mrs. • 'George Stuart; Mrs. Alex Murdie and Bobby' of Toronto, and ' Mrs. J, D. Andrew.' of.' Sierra. Andre, Cal., with Mir..and Mrs.' R. Woods; Mr. and Mrs. S. • J. Kiipatrck of, Crewe • and Mr. and Mrs: Palmer Kilpatrick and children of Toronto..and Miss Caryl Gardner of .Zion with Mr. and Mrs. L. 'Woods... QTINTETTI IN: THE NEWS A quinte•tte of Luckribwites arid. local 'Old Boys 'were' featured • in the Free Press on Mionday. They: had attended., the 'Port Elgin re- union oh Saturday, and a "FP" cameraman shot `. a picture of them. The quintette included Rod Mclean, Pierson, Man., son of'i the late Kenneth McLean• Mike I�ragan,..Luclrnaw, Alex McMillan' of Whitehorse, Yukon; Herb Gra- I ham, of Toronto • and ,James T. Lyors••of Lucknow, Automobile; Owners':. Don't pay' -two prices :for , your, insurance. For the most •economical • and • reliable protection in AUTOM•BILE INSURANCE LIFE INSURANCE FIRE INSURANCE SICK , & , ACCIDENT • INSURANCE and HOSPITALIZA'T'ION See or, Call ►: (AMEON e'.ALucknow, Ontario. 'Phone' ,Dungannon 10-r-10 . ' INSURANCE •FIRE, - 'CASUALTY' and .:AUTO 'Q lLE TOProtect'. Your Jack • Insure With Jack Today. J. `J... A. McDONAG.H :RA'. 3 'Luckniiw, Oat:. Phone. 61.=5 : Dungannon Insure, In Sure' Insurance ' Confederation '' Life ,WIND, CAR, FIRE -Preferred Rates for preferred risks: ACCIDENT & SICKNESS ar Consult JOHN FARRIS'H ''Phone 1:r-15, ,Dungannon' F. T. ' ARMSTRONG .. OPTOMETIUUST IN LUCKNO1 FIRST WEDNESDAY OF: EACH MONTH from 10.a.m.� to' 6 p.m.' A ' .�; ' . WM. SCHMID'S STORE" , l