HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1948-07-29, Page 2PAGE TWO THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL;;,,LUCKNOW ONTARIO BACK. TO BRA w Y • • • • C FLYING• FROM NEW YORK Mrs, Sam Reid of town has re- ceived word from 'Mrs. Pearl Al- lan of New York City that she WON SHOT PUT IN 1910 Charles Stuart of Regina landed .in last week for the Bruce IReunion and is visiting his bro- thers, George and ,Joe, Stuart of St, • Helens, .. 'Charlie won the,' shot put in Lucknow .at the 1910 0 reunion games. He also plays the pipes and has'' them along with him. •. to ... be here. for Friday's reunion. Mrs. Allan' was ormerl Pearl' •Irwin. ' She plans to • fly from, New • York . to • Malton on Thursday .where she will; -be met by. , her, sister Margaret, :'.Mrs. Dquglas Agnew and Mr. • Agnew of .Milton who .intend to motor up. • 1. • • LEFT HERE 56 YEARS AGO: Mr. Thomas, Pierce ' of Reston, Manitoba, .is visiting . in ,Kinloss with his brother and sister, Noble Pierce' and Miss Jenny Pierce. He . has a 'brother Jim in Reston also; but'l'e couldn't persuade him to. make _the: trip. • The .West :.seems ': to.' offer the, prescription for keeping young. Mr.. Pierce is 78 years old, but. you'd guess ' 'him to be ' much younger. As ; a. 'young.'man, "Tom" 'was. employed in the Lucknow Ffirnitrue :•factory . for four years. He left for .Western Canada 56 years ago at the age: of 2A. His last visit to : his-• native township was seven: years ago. '`Dean W L. Armitage: will be • the special, speaker at: the Sunday. ,evening • open air service in :the Caledonian - Park at eight o'clock. :Rev: „Arinitage will also occupy the' pulpit in St. Peter's' church for 'a ..7.00 o'clock service that Probably .. he .could be persuaded;' to play a tune or two at the, Park on; Friday, • Mr, Stuart is disappointed that an effort hasn't been made • here to revive . "The4Games" for' which Lucknow was once `so amo SON OF. LATE •WM. MILLER BACK • FOR ' REUNION, Mr. Robert F. Miller. ofd Elstow, Saskatchewan,` is renewing • ac- quaintances in his :.native : coin- munity,..He was accompanied by hissister, Margaret, Mrs: Hugh Mekague..They •are, making their. headquarters with Mr: and Mrs. E. J. Thom. They came ; East on the Bruce County special. Bruce Mx.. Miller is a son of;.. the ,Iato Wm.' Miller and was ,born on. the Gordon • Lyon's farm. on Conces- sion 12, West Wawanosh. He went West in;-1905...•.aiid: had, been back but once in 'the meantime, and that visit was 27 years. ago: 'He is 77 years . of age, but one would not guess ,it PIONEERED . IN . WEST, LEFT', BRUCE .60 YEARS AGO. John Roulston, an uncle. of W. T. •Roulston, Con.. 2, Huron Town - sl ip, was .one of the old-timers t�h return on .the -,Bruce .County special. ,Seventy-six years. of age; and as. spry as ' a cricket, . Mr. Roulston showed no fatigue from the trip and was off to 'Paisley the next day to take in', the •, Cal- edonian . games, Mr. Roulston, who hails from Marchwell, Sask., was born in Huron Township on the farm now owried by Allan MacDonald, rphaned�4n-his--early teen • left . Huron Township • , as a 'strip- •piing youth of 16 and accompan- ied. "Ike" McAdam, a 'neighbor, to Manitoba. Had he possessed the return fare John: probably ° wouldn't,_ have ben a', Westener,: But' • he didn't, and so he had to stick it. out. He spent his' first : winte. r in Manitoba in u .lumber camp, and. when 'spring came he had to take flour for . his wages. With , the• flour : he "bought" a 'pair, of oxen and took- .up a homestead. 'itis first home" was a hole in' they side of a' hill with the• front covered Over with limbs: Mr, Roulston • recalls how: one of the :oxen proved' worthless and he hitched a : steer 'with: lthe' good animal to .till his (land. In the silty years Mr. Roulston had: only back 'Once. before. That . was thirty-five years ago., He'came back• in'the 'winter time Mrs. James McDonagh , of Mt, intending to stay ;'in Ontario, but .vid Melted in.the 'spring Forest. is among the, .Old Girls : as the .'snow me visiting friends in the common- and . the fences started\ to show:. ity:• She has' been :making: her'up, Mr: Roulston decided. that headquarters here with .Mrs.. Wil- the •corral -size fields were:too son Hamilton and Jennie•: Grit -cramped for hini, and he'packed- fin. Mrs. McDonagh w' formerly up and struck back for the wide- Tillie Hamilton, a 'daughter of open spaces: the late 'Archibald Haniltel ' of "THURSDAY, JULY 29th; 1944, •• 1 OOK! NO BAC,KWAR 'S. TIHROUGIn THE SENTINEL: ;FILES Sixty . Years Ago ,_. William Geddes; cooper •,shop Rey. K. A. Gollan died. follow_ tradesman, had over 100 •panes' of ing. an operation in Toronto Gen,,.: `' glass broken. It was regarded as. oral Hospital. He was 65 years wanton revenge for his part in . of age, and.,had preached at South Forty Years Ago the Scott Act campaign, • Wm. ,Phillips' sold his Ashfield farm to Mr, Henry ,and left for the Muskoka '.district, Willie Gay, son oft Con Gay-. the Second Concession Huron Township Her husband, who; was. Unable ,to. 'come, is a cousin.; of evening. Charles '.McDonagh of Ashfield. iii. ■ie■e•>.a■•■•a•iaa•■•eaa•ei iliii■arraeese■ai■a■ii ■ :.• ■ • ■ • N . '■. ■ ■ ■•; N . ■, '■ °id • ■ ,▪ . ■ ■; • ■ ..■ ■ .a, ■ E' ■ THURSDAY 'NhG T Softball,, .Bingo; Dancing, Special Meeting' o FOUR DAYS ` .ThursdaYs Fridaay, Saturday; : SundaY Ust ' Old . Light `:Lodge. FRIDAY MORNING Mammoth Calitlum ian P ■. p. II Opening Cermonies. r.' FRIDAY, . AFTERNOON' variety Pro — . 4 Bands - 'S DoingEve Minute. .�: ■. ; �. � .• ■ Admission to , Grounds 50c; :Children 25c, Cars 25c. Official" - ■... • ■ :Couldn't •• Shake RReceptionists; . Mr. Kenneth', Henderson -:of Moosomin, Sask:, is visiting with his cousin, :Mrs. Mary Ross town: Mr Henderson came to Toronto by. C.N R.'. but it . was .ex pouted' 'he would' finish. the :trip 'on:the Bruce County:' special- and, 'Fred Jackson and Donald Nlac Lean :went to. Walkerton to meet h}m.":But Mr. Henderson got.: :off at , .Palmerston ' and.awaited the i r*atduce-rb ch Brie 4 -retina train. His:, receptionists ••hastened: West. were .J. A: .MacDonald; Wal= back from the County Town in. ter •Nlclntosh, VV, J:' Earls,' :P'aul time to meet r. Henderson at, M Smeltaer, James''Bryan:and the .4:ucknow depot bu'r Bryan M,r Henderson:: was wasa• soborn on Gon`.: 4; Huron. Township,- n Mr:.aind ,Mrs. Jaynes. Bi yan were ..n of the late • Kenneth 'Henderson; �onored by;: friend's and by • the , He. still:.: awns the ' homestead, j congregation of the Methodist which • Dick. Martinhas rented. The home on this farm :is. tenant • ed by,: Dan' Thompson. 'ago. went West 38 .years ago. His -last visit back . was mid-June of • '1908, he sold the ,:seven years ago. paper .to • J. L. Naylor.' •■ . Grace Nliclntosh entered Vic- "OLf BOY?' BRINGS:.FIDDLE Kinloss. from 192o .to 1925.. Of Highland . Scottish descent lie .• spoke Gaelic. fluently. Alvin .W"aods of St. Helens com- pleted. his third year 'studies in Medicine,. .. ' left for the American. Saints The death, occurred of -Norman MacRae, a young :lean of the Am- ber'ley -,. district. He, 'was 24 'and his was the' third „death in the family in fifteen' months: 'he Scott Act was voted . out and the sale of ; spirits was 'again under the license :law,;' • • The death occiirred of Charles Henderson of Kinloss,. Burial was in Hope Cemetery, .. A young son. of Alexander Ross; pf. Con 5, Kinloss, • was drowned while bathing. Dr. J. A. MacDonald established an office at Kintail. 'Pupils in the :third,- fifthand is De artmen of -ntrance class st t, the Public: school were, W. ' Law-' rence,'• H Holmes, L: Griffith, A'. McIntyre, W. Middleton, G. AMhir- ray, 'D. '; McQuaig, L., ' MGMillan, D:.. :..Thompson, ' R. Griffith, D. Matheson,' L. McCrory; G. Smith, !F: Graham,..:F,-Patterson, A. Mul- lin, H. mieCrimmon, K. Cameron, I', Lawrence, E:: Graham, J. Yule, • C. Lawrence,; A: Whitely,' M. Grory,' J. Baird, G Baird, ' M. Gam pbell,'J« Mallough, A: Grunry The home: of Mr;• and Mrs. Har - and. L, Walker.' Vey Miller: of Ashfield was • 'setting for a pretty summer•: «wed- ding on, Saturday :afternoon,. Jule . 17th, when their'.daughter, ''Rena' Catherine,' became ,the bride- ;Of Lyle.tKenneth; Fitch of • Clifford... Before' l:eav rig for Sprucedale, son of Mr. and Mrs,iAi thur',F►�c`,a� :Miss Amanda :Murray was pre- Of. Belmore 'Rev A:'.•N�iilli7 . f s.ented - with a' gi4 by ,the' Pres •Winghain, officiated; oyterian Bible: •.C+Tass... music being paved by Miss 1..1 . liarDarling Rev.; Isaiah Kilpatrick was. or= . Tlie bride, gig iii in claiiied a minister of the. Meth- • 1 by brei• fathei;,Woie 'dress:of.'wrhii.e nylon nifrill-`�`_,:•__: with. bouffant ak.irt, <s�Yrt�`i c, 1 ,•; edged With lace;. fingii'tiu; \xi:i• and carried a dainty' bouc} yet ii deep pink,. roses. Her Miss: a.tricia Shaw, of was li`B wd •in pink lice and clot .aone. with' ,snatching.: :headdi ess Thc, junior bridesmaid, thimeline 11111- church before, leaving for' British' ler,•sister. of the bride, wore blue;': Columbia:.. Mr • :Bryan : sold The organza, :With ; matching ' head - Sentinel to W J: McGregor some dress and both • carried nosegay s' twenty .•months earlier, , and ..,inof pink and scream .roses. Mr. El wood Miller other of the.bi ide: was • • ession riens hon- bred Lena Robinson before going• in, training fora 'nurse at Wing - ham Hospital. . - • John ',Barnby 'of Ashfielcl died on June= ,est at ..the : age of` ;1,OC years, Although deaf and' blirid she had enjoyed 'excellent health • until, a few days: before his death; • Rev. C. H, MacDonald and Nth', Connell .and J. Lane of Kinlough went to Regina, to attend the, General Assembly, : Ella Mae Orr and David Mead completed .courses here in tele.=: graphy and accepted' positions, at Kirkland •Lake• and-Hailebury, re spectively, • I : ' - Pupils ;in Senior First of Luck- new:`•School` were -Marion •MCDoti ald, Mildred . Ritchie, H.. Arlin, Clarence Swan, _ Mary Struthers;; Edwin. Buswell, Helen Johnstone, Jean .McIntosh, Billy Jewitt; Jean Struthers, Zylda :.Steward, Jack Button, Pearl : Swan, Bruce, Mac- Millan, . G. Struthers,. Donald Mc-- Kinnon, David Jewitt, • WEDDING BELLS F1TCH—MILLER • TWen - ar Ago t`'Yes g Y D. J. •.1VfcCharles ,,bought•, the grocery business,. of W. J. Earls: adist Church,,p•.. • Among those leaving fo?the toria . Hospital as a Student nurse. ■ Alex .Hedley succumbed to in- ■. wITH HIM FROM DULUTH ■, ! juriesreceirved in attempting to rr ■ Among the reunion visitors are stop a • team of runaway' horses. • Mr. and • Mrs._ Kenneth:. ' acInnes He was : in his 45th year 1 ■• of Duluth, who have been visiti ' T G: ,II`` W: Cater ,• was •dffering :for ' • ` with "Mr. and . Mrs: Grant: Marc--•rsale a, double house ' on' •Stauffer , ■ Diarmid Street.. Mr, : • NlacInnes ..was born , at 'T.' :H.. 'Treleaven was in 'Owen.' Paramount,a son of the, late John Sound buying "a new water 'wheel` MacInnes. He left this ccommun- for. his.: sawmill' and chopping ity about 35. years 'ago, and was mill. ' s ■• .back once :before' on a visit. Mrs.' • N M. Pneumonia caused -the death of, ■ Chester Ritchie' (Isabel)' is a cis - I Donald 1VIcInriis;` age •88: years.::. ter and Mr McInnes exPected ■ . ometh ■ • ■ FRIDAY NIGHT ■ Sensational Vaudeville Show at 8.30. Carn ival: Games, Prize Draw, Dancing. Admission to: Arena 40c;'. Children 2Sc. 5 SATURDAYNIGH`i'• :: •• :Beauty Contest io select "Miss Lucknow". ' Arena 9pan. Admission 50c. • ■ j SUNDAY AFTERNOON ,...1 E Decoration ,Service . at 2 .p.m. followed by ■ ,• ■ Band Concert. ■ SUNDAY EVENING a -_- -U • en--Air.-.Gatherin and Zan(' Concert oIn a Park, 8 .p.m. Speaker, Very' Rev. W. L. Armi. tape.. •• LUCKNOW, REUNION COMMITTEE ■ W. A. Solomon, Chairman . K. C. Murdie, Sec. ■ ■ a. amiss irarrrrosimwsi■rrn■gsemossr■rr■■raareaarear • Mr. and Mrs. Ritchie would , be back : for'. ,'the end of •the week' doings. ' Kenneth :Was quite a "fiddler" in his„'day and his services' were much in demand hereabouts . at all” the' dances.' He still enjoys playing' and , brought •'his violin• along with , him. Needless to. say, old' friends are keeping him busy' playing the old 'familiar •tor des.• Mrs: J. (Lizzie. M,i''Gordon of Thessalon regrets she , will not be able to 'be here ' for the re- union. "There's. no place on earth to ,equal • dear' olds' Bruce"; she says. Plant.. Qn_..:Holi4ays... • .,... The' Lucknow Industries . plant is , 'observing holiday week' this week and to continue over .Civic Holiday. A new: floor is being. laid in • the .finishing room.:; Diplomacy is the art of doing the, nastiest things in the 'nicest , way. ' F llowin, .:the ceremony •a re c -. • tion was eld t the home: For a, mote ''tri' the bride don ned a ' blue crepe dress, white picture hat and .whiteaccessoi ies,; . shecarrieda white': shortie coat. Mr. and Mrs.:'Fitch will resic?t:. in Clifford.. Passes Embalming Exams,. ' . Bill 'Johnstone, younger '14 ori A)t* Mr.. and 1VIrs Russ Johnstone.;has . successfully passed his - embalm-. ing . examinations 'at' the .B3nting Institute' .School ; :of ; Embalming and is now a' qualified morti' iar;: Old, Disabled or Dead Farm Animals With undamaged hides and accordiing tt size aiid condition COWS up to $8.00 HORSES up to $7.°0 , HOGS (300 lbs.:each) '$2.00' plus •$2.00,per 100 lbs. for additional weight AT •YOUR FARM, PHONE ,. COLLECT: han; _• 121-J; • . ; .:..59-)Cdo_ f3. s719 - Ingersoll,- 2,- - . . For :prompt; efficient, courteous service • WILLIAM STONE SONS LTD. • INGERSOLL, ONTARIO AN All -CANADIAN FIRM, ESTABLISHED 1870