HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1948-07-15, Page 6-44 t •C r• • • I, ' ' 14-C, 43•• • 0. • ' • • • "•,471"•. • ",. •"; ,•• ,;'' •• ' • " ' ••,; • • A ',PAGE srx p r. :port... • LOCAL PAT* WIN ' DOUBLES TOURNAMENT . • • • ,e Sixteen rinks were entered in the- .Bowling Club's annUal doubles tournainent last ThuiS- day. Eleven' local pairs; took part and five visiting rinks. Prize whiners Were, 1st, Dr. W.. V. Johnston, Garfield MacDonald; .2ncit,Roy .Finlayson, Bob McQuil- lin; 3rd; Wallace 1VIiller, .Joe • Milian; 4th, Bill Kerr and Bill, . • . Pobson, Walkerton. ' '"OZARk" PEE WElES TRIM • WINGIIAM FOR THIRD .WIN Combining a12 -hit barrage and. 11 free passeS,„Lucknow "Ozark" Pee Wees trirnmed •Wirighain 13-6: Wingham collected' 'enly.'3.-; hits • off pitcher Donald Thompson. but •.also drew seven, walk. Lucknow , had two'big innings • in the 4th • •and 7th. Trailing by '5-3 in the first half of the '4thi. J: Chin drew •.a. walk. MacKenzie struck out •with Chil stealing 2nd. A. -Baker • hit a .single, 'Chin holding up ,at • third. Baker advanced to Second. On thefirstpitch.' C. Chin struck out G Anderson, drove a single • into centre field scoring J. Chin . and . Baker. D» Thompson reached . first .on an error: Anderson and NstOrIc'etra—dtitible* stear 13,.• Rciss sthaeked, a 3 -y0 -eh • into • right field: for a •bap 6 hit scoring • Anderson. and Thompson. Mac- . Donald followed 'with a double. • scoring Ross. K. Hedley drew a • walk and J. Chin in his .second • bat of the, inning 'hit a '.single, • scoring 1V1aCDonald, Who was. call- • ed out. for .failing to. touch 3rd • base .to retire the side, In the 7th' Lueknow corribin'ed. 2. doubles, a single and three :walks for four runs• • . `r. • . • • , • . r e thcknoW • .. 201 501 4---.•13: 12: .. 122 Obl 0— 6 3-4. 'W.INA.A. PEE WEE -- SCORES TO DATE 15; LuCkiiow: 11 ->*-7‘....; Lucknow 14, Wingham 11 Aul)urri,A,:Goderich 3 • • Wingharn 8, 'Clinton_ 7 Lucknow.6, Auburn -.4 • ' Clinton 6, . Goderich hnt 4;' Auburn 1 Lucknow 13, Winghain 6. Clinton -.14,. Goderich 10 Clinton'21, Wingham 3' . •• Goderich 10, Auburn 9 •"i',••• . The Standing • • • W. L T Pts Clinton 4 1 1 9 Lucknow •• • • 3 1 0 6 •Goderich •' = 1 1 .1 .3 Auburn " 1 3 0 2 Wingham: . .. . 1. 3 , 0 • 2 • o First Place At Stake Lucknow:Pee Wees -will take on •, the Clinton 'kids in' a 630.: ew- counter in Caledonian Park •on Friday night. First place at stake in this battle. : .• ,. WON EXHIBITION GAME The Legionnaires Played -an ex-, hibition game. at Pine River. gar4- •• den party. on Tuesday -of last . week,. and coped the decision ,12' • to' •3: Chuck Webster is now. at "the •:helin", and has the boys, reallk, hustling.. They , had, a snappy Workout oil -Monday night, and •'• should be in rnid-season. form fOr their first go underthe' flood- • • Date of the :opening game. un: • der . the,lightS,wasn't definite at. . • press time Jbut watch ° for' it—' '''..•-could • he any night now.. • Sctties Won . Tuesdiy , • Lucknow Scotties, playing their • best game ,o the series, won their 'first victory. on Tuesday. night ' when they,, defeated Ripley girls ' 9 to 7, The game was played • here, • It> THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO IDEAL WEATHER BRIDE WAS MUCH FETED FAVORS PICNIC Ideal weather $avored the an- nual congregational and Sunday Sehool picnic of the Luchnow !•Presbyterian Church, held at Har- bor park, 'Goderich on. Thursday afternoon, July 8th. .There was • a • good Atte dance • and In the afternoon th children enjoyed themselves • swimming at' the beach. After lunch, races and a ball igarne, were enjoyed by all: The result of the races was as follows: Girls, 5 and under, Margaret • Ann Mullin; girls, 6 and under, 'Marlene Stanley; boys, 6. and un- der, Grant .McNain; girls, -8. and under,: ,Betty llabkirk; boys; 8 .and ;under, 13illy• FiSher;- girls, 10 and • under; .Joyce :aloffat;.• boys,. .10 and under, ..Bobbie *Mowbray; girls, .12 and .under, Jean Stan, - ley; boys, 12 • and under, Arthur Baker; boys, 14 and under, Char- lie Chin.; young ladies race, Win- nie Stewarf;. men's race,- Camer- on 'MacDonald; Married 'women's raed;•Mrs....Wes Hustonileap frog; Art Baker and Charlie Chin; sliW.per kick, Winnie Stewart; Mrs. Jack MacDonald; slipper .kick, Art Baker. : • .. A special' prize was . giVen to the- onlygreat-grandmother pre- sent, Mrs. ,R. T Douglas. ' • • Midgets .Lost Another The luckless Lucknow:Midgets dropped another hardball game• . last. week, when the Wingham nine trounced them 17 to 1. Riehl, on the mound for the visitors had 11 strikeouts. . •.• . , Most of the • faults found in children Can...1)e blamed on the' itnitatiOn. of adults.• • • SULTRY WEEk-ENO The •season's 'high .was. struck on ‘, Saturday,when. the .mercury climbed to an official 89 degrees.• Sunday it reached .88. • An elect- rical storm and ,torrential rain struck the' district Monday morn- • ing, but before ,rioOri Old Sol was: bean-king,withl the , temperature oppressively sultry and humid. . • .11Ot and dry.the• latter part bf. the week, proVidecl • ideal • hay weather'but Monday's ram halted activities ternpbrariiy and gave 'a good 'many who would other-' wise have, .heenattlie. hay, an_op,',.. .portiinity-to. :Celebrate the' 12th • of July. •. • • . CONGREGATION HONORS REV AND MRS. GEOGHEGAN • Rev, And MrsJ H Geoghegan were • surprised at a' special re, Ception arranged- inhonor'of_their. 25th Wedding arrinVersallifbrthe 77- , congregation of St.l'aul'i chureh,. :Woodstock. Gray. •Memorial Hill • was attractively decorated for, the, occasion by the .members of the. Chi Rho, club, the Olatform bank:. ed with ferns, palms, and baskets -of summer : 'floWers ' with the Wards "25th Anniveriary"' in sil- ver as an appropriate • back- ground; Thomas J Webb, caril- 11bner-Of the church, Played 13e^c- • ial wedding 'music .on the church bells as Bev and Mrs. Geoghegan. were escorted to. the hall, filled . with members of "the icongrega- tion Wedding bells'. and streamers :extended over -We -artistically ar- ranged tea . table 'covered with a: p'ointe, de VerilSe cloth And cen- tred with a large four -tiered 017 lared Wedding cake and -Whitei illurnin'ated, tapers.. in silver candlebra: Tea was .Poured by • Mrs; C. D. Pillsbury and • Mit. W. A. Tucker. Mrs. Gleohegan the bride of 25 . years ago, cut 4 „ the wedding cake which :was 'ser- ved from antique silver baskets. Mrs. H. Bailey proposed..th,e toast to the bride and groom of .1923. - 6 iwunsbAY, JULY 1 I ill Miss Margaret. Hallawell,- dau- ghter of Mr.. and Mrs. J. Hallawell of "Drurnkeenn, Concord, whose marriage to Mr. John -D.-Martin; soh of Mrs. Wm. Martin and- the late Mr. Martin of Lucknow,,Ont. took place-Juhe•29th in the Un- ited Church at Maple, 'Ont., ;was much entertained. Mrs. W. O. Hallawelli Mrs. J. H. Cralbraitil, Mrs. Donald Bain and Ma Mar- garet Fockler were hostesses at showers. Mrs. M. Martin gave an evening party. and presentation. Mrs. George Keys of Galt enter- • tained at a handkerchief shower; and luncheon:Presentations were macleby the CGIT and Scouts of Maple, Maple United, Sunday. • School, and many of the schools in Vaughan Township where the. •bride, is District Public Health. • EVENING AUXILIARY HELD PICNIC AT BEACH • • The June meeting,fo the United. 'Church Evening Auxiliary .was held at Mrs...L. C. Thoriipson's ••cottage-A.Mberley beach ,On• Thursday withan attendance of 27. The meeting opened by read- ings on. Character. by•Mrs;. Tasker, Mrs. L. C, Thompson, Mrs. 0, Riblyards' and MTs. N. :Bushell, Hyinn "Bre,athe on be, breath of God" was sung. folloWed . by the business part of the meeting. The prOgrani was opened- Willihurrior °Us readings by. Mrs. A. McNay • The, Biggest and Best. Celebration of the •entirc Bruce County Reunion will be • The Caledolliati Games •• • • PAISLEY •...• ON ' • • nestalay.. July • 21 • . • Featuring many of•Athe"-Tblest Higidand Bands, Righland Dancers and Pipers in. Cazuula and, the United States,T- competing. for ,nlore than '$1300.00 inprizes, and, • . ATHLETIC EVENTS; With many of .Ontario's Gtiatest.Athletis, • . HIGHLAND .GAMES and Athletic ..Eiten•ts at 1 p.M.` . . MONSTER 'PARADE at 1045 a.m., with $300 00 in • caSh • prizes for Floats, Decorated Trucks, Cars, Bicycles, Clowns,- Etc. ,• • • • sp:,AuTY. CONTEST at :8 p,ni.; ' FIREWORKS at 1.0 p,‘Tn... RADIO.BROADCAST from stage in Riverside Park, of The ' Hayloft Hoedown", at 9 p*.m. sharp. • ; • . .• SC/U.411E DANCING, ,Town Hall; -11 p m' * •MODERN DANCING, Queen Street, 11 p. •• , Come to Paisley; July 21st, for the biggest. 1,8 howi. • of fun and frolic! . . fFag\lions" and Mrs' H. Web -,1 Ster on "Anhounc!;.inents", fol- lowed by a sing :song :and cOn- chiding: with a .flower contest. A• Very bountiful potluck supper was enjoyed by all. The Meetiri g :ciosOd with games Qr1. the .beach and a group. phOtO., . •• ".• r • • •—•—••-•;•••-• EMPLOYMENT'.OFFICE PLACING YOUNG PEOPLE • Counselling , isavails le for students and' young people en- tering the field 'of Worly.by rnk- in'g at. the' National• E XII ployment• Office, 'Walkerton. This is part of the "Cornmunity. . • Service" performed: by officers,o,t • the • National Eniploymerit 'Ser.; viee. 'The, prospects invarious oc- cupations and YOuni people's 'qualifications and aptitudes for these occupations are considered . by trained officials, at these. • of- fices,• who assist the young per- sons in making a debision as to the vOeation to be chosen. 'Dur- ing the past week the National Employment Office at Walkerton • has placed numerous sueh plicants in employment.' , • AuthOri%ed Bottler of Coca-Cola under contract with Ctica-COla flttEi • • GODERICH BOTTLING WORKS GODERICEI ' PHONE 489 • ViNimainiumk ,.allosultimo."01110010;Milimilmmilootti Mc 20 mertiese taxes amil order:. Ask for it either te)ay . . both rade-marks mean Me same thflik., .A.•10•43,