HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1948-07-15, Page 1$2.00 A Year—In Advance; 50e Extra to U. 'S. A. 0•F • • • LUCKNQW, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 15th,, 194$; Pads saute Reunion }. Crowd Won'tGo Hungry; It seems 'assured.. that ' the hordes that will invade Lucknow on July • 30th. for the Bruce Coun- ty reunion, •will • not .go 'hungry: 'At.•Monday night's. meeting <sev era persons' were. in attendance who plan •• to serve meals and op= erate booths .. where • substantial lunches 'wil1'. be. available: One. concession at least,'. will feature a,•cafeteria style system,, •' • Meals will be served at several private homes, and by the, Ladies Auxiliary to The Legion, while established eating. places "are making special plans to cope. with, feeding» the multitude. ' A meal± committee was named on Monday night 'to supplement the previously appointed conces- sions .committee.., The meals cairn. ' ittee h aded b' m e Rev.. . y J. W. Ste-, :wart -'includes-• Rev Donald 'and Rev. R. A, Joselyn: ;f . Survey is .'to :.be completedthis week to 'estimate how .many, full course•eals can. m, ca be ,served that day: A preliminary estimate on Monday .night was placed at. one 'thousand,' A '$10.00 concession fee will, bq 'charged loeal' partiessetting: uP booths in 'the park: NO levy will be made elsewhere 'in . the village or: on. the •street,: Concessions to outsiders will be issued. at $25:00 and ;up, regardless; :•of where they 'locate: Upon cancelling . the Beauty ,Cpntest ..on 'Thursday night, The legion' have -taken ,over the act-° ivitie's ; of this .:even.ng; and are guaranteeing the Reunion Com-: IMPORTANT Q ....ANT• FOR OLD BOYS .ANDGIRLS, TO REGISTER • 'The. registration - of Old Boys and Girls -'(that meals •visitors i ;general .to the old home town) ' is an important ;duty 4 that should be Performed immediately arrival' here. • upon • Registration •quartet`s will be at the Municipal -Office, in'' charge of E. H. Agnew, The. proper registration of all' those who return will provide a record of useful information that Willbe available to all those who will be aneious to know if "Tom or Mary" are back •horne too and EIGHT. PAGES MOVE, HOUSE TO, REPLACE EXPECT- STREET SIGNS. ONE DESTROYED :BY FIRE. . ' IN TIME FOR REUNION - On Monday afternoon a frame Although there has been• con - house was moved through Luck- siderable delay in receiving de -Mr,. and Mrs. Wm. J. Brown now-, enroute to Paramount where livery of the street signs, for Vi l- esteemed residents of -,the, Lang: it will:replace Mr., Andrew Stein's age streets, it is still hoped that ;side communityy over two: home. which wasdestroyed by these will arrive in time for in -' .decades,. were tendered a farewell fire last •summer, : . ' stallation prior to Lucknow's • Da party at the rorester's hall n The '`house' was moved, • from of the Bruce County Reunion— •' _ g, July 2nd, Q' i!'riday, evening, near the Tenth -Bridge.: Since the Jul 30th, July ' '• a • The eveniiig;w:as sfent in don .fire,' Mr. Stein, , Mr, and. "Mrs, 'Sixteen;•' units are being; obtain- ting' to'anusic. by Tiffin'S � rc b es-•'. o h Lloyd Stein and George Wraith ed to mark the• :most : important tra and . at intermission•• Mr: and have resided' in: 'a'.: vacant . u t r *village, Mr. .h home exsections .,in the village-, • and : • & wn:were present6ed with across the road., should .'serve ..an attractive and a liberal .purse of: money and an• useful purpose. The sighs will be address. Of appreciation;and e g:best on metal standards about 71/2. feet" wishes• Russell : Ritchie read.` the RECTOR GOING TO, NEW • PARISH LANISIDE :COUPLE GIVEN SEND-OFF above the ground level. The project is sponsored by the. .Lucknow. Women's Institute and Rev. R,,;A. Joselyn of St, Peter's; entails an outlay• for this organ Rectory,, is 'being transferred' to nation of $184, "' address and Bill Scott made the presentation. Clark Johnston' sang several selections. . Mr. and , Mrs. Brown ;bought the Langside Store from 'Mrs. C. the . parish.of Byron':and, Hyde, E. Murray in 1927 and having sold ' :. , the .'business to Chester Feagan Park: The transfer is effective at CHARLES. THOMSON DIES • wherethe first of. September • of nship, who takes '' p . , r with, Rev, Colborne: Tow they. ,can, be located: The death of 'Charles •Thomson, over' on ; Jul 1 th ar Residents:: of ,'the •village' and Joselyn `cempleting� his pastorate formerly ,. r e miavltizg to ' July ' here on August 29th, . .. Y. Of the Second' of Kin-' Lucknow.. to reside, :, 'n district are urged to see -::that their Re ; loss,, occurred on Sunday, July THeir o Triends..and ;2,441iv' v Joselyn has been...r, r.„4.. ,,E•, t is tey:Jn..Wthe.,.in .,,: --:- on .. ..,:.,;.. . .. �s..regis:ter•...U.p_.. .,-�..• 4:ltl�i -at-• �rki!anzl "I1ake:..`He was si� e on-ar •�� ' the" our' oint ar sh; of Lucknow, _p �- p d district is testified: to in the • onarrival in his: 62nd Year, Death was due' following address: I. • •l Ri ley, fort, Albert and Dungan- g F.to • a heart 'condition. non for, the past three ,years; and The funeral ' civic side, 'Ontario,, MRS. '•R. ,L. -TRELEAVEN s e• was held has been .very popular with his July 2nd; 1.9.48. :'. PASSES AT . WOODSTOCK •, .. in . Luckn,ovv on . Wednesday at ' iy parishioners. and citizens in en- • ' g the home of his son-in-law,Mal- � To 'Mr: and Mrs W T' •Brouin, The' death. of 'Mrs. (Dry) R. 'Treleaven of Woodstock and for= merly , of Lucknow; occurred in - Woodstock: ;•Hospital; on Tuesday': Mrs. Treleaven has :been . in `fail e'r• al • At '`Byron, he succeeds Rev. . ,,,,color � Stewart, I•nterm•ent. as n Dar °1Vl'r:'and .Mrs. Brown,' John Donaldson, a former Luck- • South Kinloss Cemetery. ' It was with a 'feeling' of reg et now rector, Who was transferred :when we learned of ourdecision. •to • Muncey, in .January: . •. , . Y . . •' to move from Our co<i><munit :.SFor Rev.' and :Mrs::'Joael n Roland BEAUTY. CONT '.S : Y and y ' the past 21 ears y u` have Patricia,.• came ' t ' L' ' 'k �' you mad 1ng : .health for some time. •Sheo uc now. was • formerly Ena Switzer of •three.•.y'ears 'ago' in 'Sep�tem7ner Holjrood, and, begides her hug -'I from Cochrane, where'ttiey. had :band, is survived: b N w spent a', year. 'For fourteen years ,} , Y t.. o child- ren; Patricia,'`and :Richard. The ; !' "er•al:' is being held „toy day (Thursday•) in Woodstock. BORN they. 'were • stationed` •at Albany', an: James Bay, where' they 'did 'a splendid work.'among the Indians in a 2b0 -..mile .area: Rev:,Joselyn's ministry com:rnenced' in '. Western•. - Cahada: PINK iY-7M:rcan;1 M. Graham OFF NO ENTRI T many ac. uaintancea '• . N R 1 ES ;� : q s both. in the community'.` and •throughout : the The beauty contest, .'slated for surrounding .district. ' Thursday, July ,29th, is off The We will. miss': your co-operation A,, reason 4 -no entries, 'Several girls in all our endeavours,: as you -both' were considered as good prospects. alwa ' s:• offered your services '• y v ccs so • for., the contest, . and intimated. generously and willingly theyw >tngly . in, ' So • ', ould enter;:: butwhen re many, homedifferent ,ways ,' Your: quired to'definitely sign up for:,was always'o pen to help' the' event; were �a..b1 backward . wa y p in any Y' possible. These are qualities ,bout ' doing-speakcigenuine rieridshi t 1V1; d so that ' f f inittee a split ;'of: the take A: Pinkney. (nee Mar:y:• Mae ntv're)- on a •n; h K 1 N LOS t:.LADY I Y. g t s weekly •Re- and we' know that Wherever dou.bl;c header softball : exhibition'' .of •Ala k,• Ont •is t - a: , S tint .eye you •. ,kr ,e ; on . Cornniittee: m.eetin this .Qo and,W4e.rev;. ' *ill be featured ;unriet ;the light's tl.e': ' ` 1 g b , er, :you; lige, others u �.ti,loun�` •' .. .• . . g buy i'i. of .a. Shn,.. at:. • `1'Ur, ntii. M'I N ETY-'FOU'R of entries was".reported and will not lack "fail to ' dscove"r. them, and a jitney dance.:.: The Legion: W.i.stera_.• Hospital;: o T esti• v the;:decision arrived ..•has .'b.� t . , .�. �.. .. at to , ;cancel � On the. a roach : of : your o h privileges in tile. ark July. ti.th 1� park _ • J48:. ;(Il;�°:'the: Kin On h Vorre • den '• -,lies carite5f. . that erenin pa u> midst we take pF, y . Win. t) Mare from:: o , g l had' earliersuggested GL1SE'' -.: , F; T.he 10� eI . It been: •. t 'i :. ' I,t .Ki'tclic it ..•..tterl; at *:, y . arm :home or .1VIr:h s op oz .u�zlt • of • r tion o Rei C,..:1-1. MacDonald 'reported. l• • f . ,' e � :: W th :�-Y , - Y How :el- (r t , .tit at local rnd ust rO7aTid or -aniza= .• -- •°#haf;Iric•=• ''w _ p a ti T -fit °i-sd Jtrf.V.` 11 "�. grist: 'With it • des oiz � � . •, . V4 n -r -C- a-'�, •.I�in • l v�. p. � with this' g r.• "° cornmi`tfee ha'd�=confei.rel tions • sponsor varioixs: to •It7i,. a:nd :th's.. Al y. i�cs: the•'.sceiie.'.of: a v r. : h - .:with the: Legion.:. . G1.1,.E of, Kit. .. ...e Y ail Y P candid •aces, - ver -y � best • wishes '� for_ a •long a't... l g.. s to:_,.the..Sun.day . •... „ , .. ,....�, ,.. .. but. it was fin 'Iv '' decid , . ::aft chenc.r. (nese Winnl.fi ci • J' ,,zthcring .on Thut.sda .evening. ed 'to .haFPY •retired. life.; et noon decoration service: Th c ohn. . y i g 1 e ,. t ti ease' entries to ....the i•nt,ati a iof' 'Legion'la 'stone), a s�,n. Juhn I)clnald. apt 1hep the ,,relatives of Mrs. a v This is:the :sincere tivish of :our F ns to .parade:. to • the znd.i'ndual. contestants ; _ f,... , Your Cenota }i 'foru.Y, .51., assembled for a surprise , and ap many .friends::and: neighbors and F the placing of.,: a McNALL_I:n, ClintonClinton,•Publ>c Hos= plarently .the girls. have • .been a' ' • t� hit thda�° ..p:arty in her:.honor ''. to•. armaY :You ever ':bre r. Leath 'and from there the . ath- pltal.:cfn> Satui day J•u.l , .erriin ded. of . g y, 3i d .1948, `Mn.l.l , her: 94th birthday : b'it too .modest and'...reticerit: '.to' the.maii : �� era'ng kill divide and : r to. • Mr a'nd ,, h yon July y : ears you spent at good P oceed by, . , ,M_s... Rny M.kNall.• .9th:..A social .parade m public. old mat r to � o.. 1al hour w.as spent ;and, Larrgside:. o . the two cemeteries; •re- .Blyth (nec,Mae. Oesch). • a daugh= 1Vfrs: N: E. Bus :e,. turnii to the• . :"hE, ; Miss :Edna • Bo le 'fa shell;. s'ec'retary Si ned Russ g. Caledonian Park .ter•. (J:t►an. Arlene).::• '• Y voted • of g ell :Ritchie, Wesley a k• with int. ; A • the Beauty:.Contest . Commit- ,:; , ',Tiffin for a. ban a urnental' : music:. while fin, 'Fred"..Tiffin, .Bill• Scott: d ,concert .by,.. the God- • • ' l tee' Who -h, t.. , . .. ,.. CORRIN — ;Inc.:tea tx b_les were. beingar`ran - .. , I . -had worked hal-4..6 . *rich Bluewater•Ba�nd. , , In �Win:ght;nz• Ho�:prtal.'. g •indu•ce r on. Th.ursda .J.u.1 , 8th. '1948 ed..,; The dinin'g..• roo was tate'. ce girls to' crater, has inform - Dr. the evening there wilt :be., a - Y to m. .ed. D1. and • 'Mrs,• B. N. Corrin•: (nee fullyy decorated;' With 'pink roses;:, Inizer. ephen Jones, :':County: open: 'ai • .service in ' :the • ,Park ''at •. :� .organizer; ;that. "Lucknow will ' Margaret Callas, Reg.l� ) . �i on:' ' with a birthday cake a'd•ornin ,,,' • W.1 not eight o'clock, 'addressed. by a • ; have.: a Miss Lucknow" to corer= Bruce • Raymond George •, „- . � the • Gentle: ;Ars. Jack 'Scott and1 ruce Old B:oy. There'. will. also M . rs:.. �!Villa�ln •'�Llo � d were `war - 'Pete. at, 'Kincardine'• for the title, be",an'otherprograni''.by the God= TOT.T,,-=Tn••Wingham H�os,pital :an : 'enjoyed. of Miss Bruce. Count. et ch, other pu _ • Nlon' • i tt esses: and all enloyed a• bound- . Y and � a top pported by a mass, day;. Slily 12th, • 1f 48, • to. Mr. •tul meal. 'Ellwood 'Hod ins: light', •prize of ;$500. ed :choir:ard others.'. and'. lVlrs. Atrli.rei TOO nc,e 1Vla. •ie g gh 'Mrs. Bushel' y (.. r l ,received''nne of Russ Button .reported. MacCrostie)• a . dau htesr: castle candles, and the aged "lady '• ficial ent p rte 4for. the g. cut the= birthday..' cake, -assisted, from. a °Detrol+- girl Calith.urripian: , Coinmattee... , that _ i,�..o. Was' i, 're aided as •eli�grble; .Treleaven . a n d JAII,!IIESQN Ir) Goderitrh ,llospl Miss Veras Boyle. All; joined w plans : were about complete :and • .� h Councillors tt'is •h ' ta.l,•,on Sunday, July 1lth; to Mr." an singm Happy Birthday To ,. r Sherwood made ttie:mat on•ta:re- oped that town and county • •_ SUFFERED S new the' lease. In . arn�ndsrient • • folk en Y . ��i'd Mrs: Stew i?rt Ja'iyil son..Ettc;k- 1`r u" and ' •"For, s. She's A. Jolly KEN; WRIST`, g erally• as .well.; as_..indus �" . •1340 REN. a` ,..son.... ..•.._'.. ,.. _. , � ,_� (; .z .x .Fe:11ow '- a d at Mrs.. Cox'' •Councillors Lavery and Nixon ... ' 4.1 Lorne Hackett, son .o Mr.. and 'Moved that.: ales office b' s; and- orga`niaations, will,join : • r, ciuest alllsang ,Jesus Lover'of the, big eld;. lished .in. the in e estab g parade. Some $300. in I. : .' n» Soul". Mrs:, Cliff' •Hackett'. of . Ashfi;Town Hall on. expir3t•.' prize,: money will ,be offered, .. ', ', ' .} :suffered• a• �frar•'ture•, of tfie.lease': ' . . LOCAL HIS .1 ORY I N . M . Kci l Bny.le ,them expressed .wrist last. week, LorneWas climb- Reeve' The Friday''afternoon:, program ' ..r}xe. li7l.�pi.n,ecs.' .of all; present � to'• log - the .granary � ladder when a Solomon ..� voted' for .the will be much. ;thy same as • out PUBLIC :1 B RA R Y , , e . l c , v. ith Mrs. -Cox on the occasion it motion, .the ]ase' has., been , re= , • lineal lastweek 'with : - . • "possibler , .. . , the • .. • �, , , •roto ke 'away •' from , the • granary, Hewed ' at a rental 'of •• $25.00 .a on. of. .� " • �" her 94th, ba t thday, ;and.. on be-. throwing him to the : barer ,..floor month; '�u>i • an .old :time .fiddlers.. ' . •The Tweedsmuir` •13 R ,. a' h1s- hal t~ of'hfamilies ,• that;•=portion of the contest: , '..s. . , , L i,�il. t..c , present pre- and causing the .fro' tare.:. building "' ►oi real. record d • of local intci cst. sE ntt'f1 'her Nvith a • china .0 5 . 'exempt. from t•axation. • :Mr, T., W. rni 1 _ • • S th reported that. � ill .s.1o1 t.ly 15E placed. 1.1 t nc Pub cup and he was niakin a cheer: -••anti box of chocolates 'and a h au1d IA, c f , surveyis Libr'arV and' c t • S , •t .. 'of' A'tain.. 1 ,. � n ':1 - kiir`t11dx���.. •.card, .beai�irr every-' ' � tree'- to determine.' what. , s ectal lntc1(.' t to ' (�Id '1 ittit4rs MOTI-YAR A1�1'D O :: S ,cars p • , ,gin •'s n"inle. also other and', would• be avai.la 'who r �;ibe .'fC)i` th'C'' .£• i ��110 � ll .' e to trails ort . ,� . t,:. `.•T , ,r Old .ldo pt.. t tu. t. ft.. he ted �.:° dy thank DIED: IN PLANE y and tGirls 'fro>n 'Walker.-'. Bruce 'C'crunty. Reunion• , r s CRASH tori,. rrho ! rvauld arrive on ..the The. c�»ii ili:ng t�f this' :licaitl`: i` t"i i`Crr.ctlzc for their, Brkc e F ih he 1, kindness. " 4 ki e County Sdeeial Train•. a project. undertaken ti •'t~tali tigo '' Mrs:' .Sam McLear" and her two' •Miss Yvonne Strachan', as' 16 year- • Rad.. Hon by . birth<"hc�s of the V1'rrtle�r: In. } , ...- yot>r,g sons, Sammy; seven, and: rad �'oronto' ill_ .rescued .. girl, the in COMING EVENTS.' Danny. five. went to.. their death• lured amen -,Erected stitute to',marl: th • 5")t'h trttni,- 'pilot, who she pulled Mr.,nd'.1VIrs ,f tli'i- or- :.. . Garfield Ostran- ve1�sar�: of t)1 C' b11t.h: c 5, ..' . .: on iSaturd^ay• night 'in •a: plane from the wreckage, -lie �tas'sem�'' deM were at�. SL tiD'il SCHOOL PICNIC ct ash on ..Six• Mile • Lake,• near' `conscious and „ Picton last; week, ganization. Cctnlnlling of thi h,is- 'The Lucl norv, :United..Church '. I..Sthad suffered ,Head where , • Prince George,; B, C. . in�uries. Miss ` „rachan •wh they had ' a ,, monument. tory of71 ucknow, h<i 'be.en :no .. , o was : erei~ted' .•• Sund.a� Sw;?tciol 1"�icriiC will beheld "....Mrs..- .McLean was.. ,f .„visiting : t. �. porrnerly at the coast, was''fishin on the grave of ,their son easy task, arid... those :n`110 h 1\ L in Kul( 11 d1nc: on Thursda Jul e Rexford in, , Y, Y, Margaret, •(Peggy) 'Murdoch; only, on Six Mlle • Lake. near the sten 1 r . ' Cherry; Valley Cern- been:responsibc for the achieve- •2`'n(1:e tery ,. merit are to be comhlitnented on , ' f'' : daughter of Mr. and Mrs,,Walter of the trash. A' 'Year. ,ago Miss their tintirirr 'efforts. in co• sue-. CO1iE TO 'THir OPPR)>'TTA X. Mnrdocii, of Viking,. Alberta, Strachan'• saved a`• 4 -year-old girl AGED' ° KINLO . LADYcessfuh g " ' who ' were residents of Lucknow 'from droWaii g !I,GED yr conclilding a. 'mast "Sunbonnet Girl , by K ncar� s . i',. • ES AT INGERSOLL wurthw`liile project, disc players in. Whitechurch .one two soore.•37ears., ago: Mrs. Mrs. ,McLean s husband' is en. - 4 McLean her '36t .- The ' I,uckrla�v StVotiell"; • ItistW y, ygaged in the• lumbering business o ,.: C(rnrTnunitYHa11, ,Freda Jul' 16:h year,. 1S:.�N1tti.' , .. Tom of. at *Shelley;' B,C;, 'ten miles 'east tit P y She has two brothers, Y, . • F, was in: • Kaake assed awa tute e:.tends ran ins itatiorr to' Daticc after, airier s orchestra. Vikrr g; Alta., ti and Murray ,of of Prince George" e first' of the week • in iii er •every Old 'Boy and Gtr 1 return- .,,1c1t11ts 50c, children 25c.• so11 at the l g hocl.ey fame, :and. who • IS .now, .'112x. WN4lter Murdoch i z > i tome of her• daughter, ing to Lucknow for 'the, funtte� t. * y .. , n Wtit.-' Mrs, g ' Coming,' �' the • 1''iit>lic 'L111� JL :�Ibtt .rAR:�JIER PIC;VYC'', ,athletic directo3• 'at:. .Yale" aThr ins, a brief not to ' Mr. James Gent ge 'Huntle She was Comin,,, to 'visit t 53 Years of• '••• • . ,; ` ,, • • The month:1Y 'meeting of the v,ersitY in 'New haven, . Pickering of'•towri' t. 1, , age last February, '• rary..cm(1 .s0(. .Tht 'r ( d,n1tt11id that the he ft T' c:nganrion. Junior -Farmers will its.,. IcLean and ber'two boys' plane toiled "•an at , anti al service •tv!as held Book. , .conipilvd . br m'i mbi i of p s d Crashed into �, , . 1•c held On alit evening' Julys:'20t;h were .pass�erigers in' a chartered the lake where all : tht y ep Krnlottt+h' Pt�esbyterion Chtli�eh ' th0� `... i , hunch, MLt;� b y c t 1, �ved'hosdtiv afternoon With' ' icttlrty xt'ill .lid, ill the book; t r t IT=:a t Albert Bc,�ir h; inthe fvr wl 1:s;: t monoplane which . crashed drowned, Mr. and Mrs. M 1r were L, dtCki teirr►entt 1 in� !J ,. f ,,. ,,f tt ps:crit, tve'r•ycine is. re'44ested (i the lake and in a fe y ntornents.'and •'Perm were leaving , 111 . Greenhill.Cemetery,;'the old hool and c liar•ch , You. .t , Y , „ 1� ft r .,Sel. MrC, i ii ' • ,'t , • c. • t• :r cr (t1' Pk1 1` C.ISc bil41`4.1t111&h. Be on nand. plunged CY beneath tl1:t. waves. Sec». 1e v -t" "l;e`� ' -illi`` alit' r • • •+ 'l 1 lou al.c clad resided, at K r1- attt�rlrlc�:�• 1t::;till t11c1� tt,.:t,.•. f r, $'h utrt:t about two 'years ago, yon and. sOiur perustil. . .st cl n:1ri, ft,r`: a' sir rill.• Ut1�ls bt>"oit the plane w t ret und�er,'� wri:tter{,'• • LEASE TOWN OFFICE FOR ANOTHER FIVE •YEARS At the Jul m:• Y meeting. of the .Vih- '. age Council; on a dividedvote, it was ' decided to lease; the Munii cipal Office for another .five-year P,1 1.4 Y ,k2, tR01 r s