HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1948-07-15, Page 1$2.00 A Year—In Advance; 50e Extra to U. 'S. A.
Pads saute Reunion }.
Crowd Won'tGo Hungry;
It seems 'assured.. that ' the
hordes that will invade Lucknow
on July • 30th. for the Bruce Coun-
ty reunion, •will • not .go 'hungry:
'At.•Monday night's. meeting <sev
era persons' were. in attendance
who plan •• to serve meals and op=
erate booths .. where • substantial
lunches 'wil1'. be. available: One.
concession at least,'. will feature
a,•cafeteria style system,, •'
• Meals will be served at several
private homes, and by the, Ladies
Auxiliary to The Legion, while
established eating. places "are
making special plans to cope. with,
feeding» the multitude.
' A meal± committee was named
on Monday night 'to supplement
the previously appointed conces-
sions .committee.., The meals cairn.
' ittee h aded b'
m e Rev.. .
y J. W. Ste-,
:wart -'includes-• Rev
Donald 'and Rev. R. A, Joselyn: ;f .
Survey is .'to :.be completedthis
week to 'estimate how .many, full
course•eals can. m, ca be ,served that
day: A preliminary estimate on
Monday .night was placed at. one
A '$10.00 concession fee will, bq
'charged loeal' partiessetting: uP
booths in 'the park: NO levy will
be made elsewhere 'in . the village
or: on. the •street,: Concessions to
outsiders will be issued. at $25:00
and ;up, regardless; :•of where they
Upon cancelling . the Beauty
,Cpntest ..on 'Thursday night, The
legion' have -taken ,over the act-°
ivitie's ; of this .:even.ng; and are
guaranteeing the Reunion Com-:
• 'The. registration - of Old Boys
and Girls -'(that meals •visitors i
;general .to the old home town) ' is
an important ;duty 4 that should
be Performed immediately
arrival' here. • upon
• Registration •quartet`s will be at
the Municipal -Office, in'' charge
of E. H. Agnew,
The. proper registration of all'
those who return will provide a
record of useful information that
Willbe available to all those who
will be aneious to know if "Tom
or Mary" are back •horne too and
- On Monday afternoon a frame Although there has been• con -
house was moved through Luck- siderable delay in receiving de -Mr,. and Mrs. Wm. J. Brown
now-, enroute to Paramount where livery of the street signs, for Vi l- esteemed residents of -,the, Lang:
it will:replace Mr., Andrew Stein's age streets, it is still hoped that ;side communityy over two:
home. which wasdestroyed by these will arrive in time for in -' .decades,. were tendered a farewell
fire last •summer, : .
' stallation prior to Lucknow's • Da party at the rorester's hall n
The '`house' was moved, • from of the Bruce County Reunion— •' _ g, July 2nd, Q'
i!'riday, evening,
near the Tenth -Bridge.: Since the Jul 30th,
July ' '• a • The eveniiig;w:as sfent in don
.fire,' Mr. Stein, , Mr, and. "Mrs, 'Sixteen;•' units are being; obtain- ting' to'anusic. by Tiffin'S � rc b es-•'.
o h
Lloyd Stein and George Wraith ed to mark the• :most : important tra and . at intermission•• Mr: and
have resided' in:
'a'.: vacant . u t r *village, Mr. .h
home exsections .,in the village-, • and : • & wn:were present6ed with
across the road., should .'serve ..an attractive and a liberal .purse of: money and an•
useful purpose. The sighs will be address. Of appreciation;and e
on metal standards about 71/2. feet" wishes• Russell : Ritchie read.` the
above the ground level.
The project is sponsored by the.
.Lucknow. Women's Institute and
Rev. R,,;A. Joselyn of St, Peter's; entails an outlay• for this organ
Rectory,, is 'being transferred' to nation of $184, "'
address and Bill Scott made the
presentation. Clark Johnston' sang
several selections. .
Mr. and , Mrs. Brown ;bought
the Langside Store from 'Mrs. C.
the . parish.of Byron':and, Hyde,
E. Murray in 1927 and having sold ' :. ,
the .'business to Chester Feagan
Park: The transfer is effective at CHARLES. THOMSON DIES •
wherethe first of. September • of nship, who takes ''
p . , r with, Rev, Colborne: Tow
they. ,can, be located: The death of 'Charles •Thomson, over' on ; Jul 1 th ar
Residents:: of ,'the •village' and Joselyn `cempleting� his pastorate formerly ,. r e miavltizg to '
' here on August 29th, . .. Y. Of the Second' of Kin-' Lucknow.. to reside, :, 'n
district are urged to see -::that their Re ; loss,, occurred on Sunday, July THeir o
Triends..and ;2,441iv' v Joselyn has been...r, r.„4.. ,,E•, t is tey:Jn..Wthe.,.in .,,: --:-
..,:.,;.. . .. �s..regis:ter•...U.p_.. .,-�..• 4:ltl�i -at-• �rki!anzl "I1ake:..`He was si� e
on-ar •�� ' the" our' oint ar sh; of Lucknow,
_p �- p d district is testified: to in the •
onarrival in his: 62nd Year, Death was due' following address:
I. • •l Ri ley, fort, Albert and Dungan- g
F.to • a heart 'condition.
non for, the past three ,years; and The funeral ' civic side, 'Ontario,,
MRS. '•R. ,L. -TRELEAVEN s e• was held
has been .very popular with his July 2nd; 1.9.48. :'.
PASSES AT . WOODSTOCK •, .. in . Luckn,ovv on . Wednesday at '
parishioners. and citizens in en- • '
g the home of his son-in-law,Mal- � To 'Mr: and Mrs W T' •Brouin,
The' death. of 'Mrs. (Dry) R.
'Treleaven of Woodstock and for=
merly , of Lucknow; occurred in -
Woodstock: ;•Hospital; on Tuesday':
Mrs. Treleaven has :been . in `fail
e'r• al • At '`Byron, he succeeds Rev. .
,,,,color � Stewart, I•nterm•ent. as n Dar °1Vl'r:'and .Mrs. Brown,'
John Donaldson, a former Luck- •
South Kinloss Cemetery. ' It was with a 'feeling' of reg et
now rector, Who was transferred :when we learned of ourdecision.
•to • Muncey, in .January: . •. , . Y . . •'
to move from Our co<i><munit :.SFor
Rev.' and :Mrs::'Joael n Roland BEAUTY. CONT '.S : Y
and y ' the past 21 ears y u` have
came ' t ' L' ' 'k �' you mad
1ng : .health for some time. •Sheo uc now.
was • formerly Ena Switzer of •three.•.y'ears 'ago' in 'Sep�tem7ner
Holjrood, and, begides her hug -'I from Cochrane, where'ttiey. had
:band, is survived: b N w spent a', year. 'For fourteen years
,} , Y t.. o child-
ren; Patricia,'`and :Richard.
The ; !' "er•al:' is being held „toy
day (Thursday•) in Woodstock.
they. 'were • stationed` •at Albany',
an: James Bay, where' they 'did 'a
splendid work.'among the Indians
in a 2b0 -..mile .area: Rev:,Joselyn's
ministry com:rnenced' in '. Western•.
- Cahada:
PINK iY-7M:rcan;1
M. Graham
OFF NO ENTRI T many ac. uaintancea '•
. N R 1 ES ;� : q s both. in the
community'.` and •throughout : the
The beauty contest, .'slated for surrounding .district. '
Thursday, July ,29th, is off The We will. miss': your co-operation
reason 4 -no entries, 'Several girls in all our endeavours,: as you -both'
were considered as good prospects. alwa ' s:• offered your services '•
y v ccs so •
for., the contest, . and intimated. generously and willingly
theyw >tngly . in, ' So •
', ould enter;:: butwhen re many, homedifferent ,ways ,' Your:
quired to'definitely sign up for:,was always'o pen to help'
the' event; were �a..b1 backward . wa y p in any
Y' possible. These are qualities
,bout ' doing-speakcigenuine rieridshi
t 1V1; d
so that ' f f
inittee a split ;'of: the take A: Pinkney. (nee Mar:y:• Mae ntv're)- on a •n; h
K 1 N LOS t:.LADY I Y. g t s weekly •Re- and we' know that Wherever
dou.bl;c header softball : exhibition'' .of •Ala k,• Ont •is t - a: , S tint .eye you
•. ,kr ,e ; on . Cornniittee: m.eetin this .Qo and,W4e.rev;. '
*ill be featured ;unriet ;the light's tl.e': ' ` 1 g b , er, :you; lige, others
u �.ti,loun�`
•' .. .• . . g buy i'i. of .a. Shn,.. at:. • `1'Ur, ntii. M'I N ETY-'FOU'R of entries was".reported and will not
lack "fail to ' dscove"r. them,
and a jitney dance.:.: The Legion: W.i.stera_.• Hospital;: o T esti• v the;:decision arrived
..•has .'b.� t . , .�. �.. .. at to , ;cancel � On the. a roach : of : your
o h privileges in tile. ark July. ti.th 1�
park _ • J48:. ;(Il;�°:'the: Kin On h Vorre • den '• -,lies carite5f. .
that erenin pa u> midst we take
y . Win. t) Mare from:: o ,
g l had' earliersuggested
GL1SE'' -.: , F; T.he 10� eI . It been: •. t 'i :.
' I,t .Ki'tclic it ..•..tterl; at *:, y . arm :home or .1VIr:h s op oz .u�zlt • of • r tion o
Rei C,..:1-1. MacDonald 'reported. l• • f . ,' e � :: W th :�-Y ,
- Y How :el- (r t , .tit at local rnd ust rO7aTid or -aniza= .•
-- •°#haf;Iric•=• ''w _ p a ti T -fit °i-sd Jtrf.V.` 11 "�. grist: 'With it • des oiz
� � . •, . V4 n -r -C- a-'�, •.I�in • l v�. p. � with this' g r.• "°
cornmi`tfee ha'd�=confei.rel tions • sponsor varioixs:
to •It7i,. a:nd :th's.. Al y. i�cs: the•'.sceiie.'.of: a v r. : h -
.:with the: Legion.:. . G1.1,.E of, Kit. .. ...e Y ail Y P candid
•aces, - ver -y � best • wishes '� for_ a •long a't...
g.. s to:_,.the..Sun.day . •... „ , .. ,....�, ,.. .. but. it was fin 'Iv '' decid , .
::aft chenc.r. (nese Winnl.fi ci • J' ,,zthcring .on Thut.sda .evening. ed 'to .haFPY •retired. life.;
et noon decoration service: Th c ohn. . y i g 1
e ,. t ti ease' entries to ....the i•nt,ati a iof'
'stone), a s�,n. Juhn I)clnald. apt 1hep the ,,relatives of Mrs. a v This is:the :sincere tivish of :our
F ns to .parade:. to • the znd.i'ndual. contestants ; _ f,... , Your
Cenota }i 'foru.Y, .51., assembled for a surprise , and ap many .friends::and: neighbors and
F the placing of.,: a McNALL_I:n, ClintonClinton,•Publ>c Hos= plarently .the girls. have • .been a' '
• t� hit thda�° ..p:arty in her:.honor ''. to•. armaY :You ever ':bre r.
Leath 'and from there the . ath- pltal.:cfn> Satui day J•u.l , .erriin
ded. of
. g y, 3i d .1948, `Mn.l.l , her: 94th birthday : b'it too .modest and'...reticerit: '.to' the.maii : ��
era'ng kill divide and : r to. • Mr a'nd ,, h yon July y : ears you spent at good
P oceed by, . , ,M_s... Rny M.kNall.• .9th:..A social .parade m public. old
mat r to � o.. 1al hour w.as spent ;and, Larrgside:.
o . the two cemeteries; •re- .Blyth (nec,Mae. Oesch). • a daugh= 1Vfrs: N: E. Bus :e,.
turnii to the•
. :"hE, ; Miss :Edna • Bo le 'fa shell;. s'ec'retary Si ned Russ
g. Caledonian Park .ter•. (J:t►an. Arlene).::• '• Y voted • of g ell :Ritchie, Wesley
a k• with int. ; A • the Beauty:.Contest . Commit- ,:; , ',Tiffin
for a. ban a urnental' : music:. while fin, 'Fred"..Tiffin, .Bill• Scott:
d ,concert .by,.. the God- • • ' l tee' Who -h, t.. , .
.. ,.. CORRIN — ;Inc.:tea tx b_les were. beingar`ran - .. , I . -had worked hal-4..6
. *rich Bluewater•Ba�nd. , , In �Win:ght;nz• Ho�:prtal.'. g •indu•ce r
on. Th.ursda .J.u.1 , 8th. '1948 ed..,; The dinin'g..• roo was tate'. ce girls to' crater, has inform
the evening there wilt :be., a - Y to m. .ed.
D1. and • 'Mrs,• B. N. Corrin•: (nee fullyy decorated;' With 'pink roses;:, Inizer. ephen Jones, :':County:
open: 'ai • .service in ' :the • ,Park ''at •. :� .organizer; ;that. "Lucknow will
' Margaret Callas, Reg.l� ) . �i on:' ' with a birthday cake a'd•ornin ,,,' • W.1 not
eight o'clock, 'addressed. by a
• ; have.: a Miss Lucknow" to corer=
Bruce • Raymond George •, „- . � the • Gentle: ;Ars. Jack 'Scott and1
ruce Old B:oy. There'. will. also M
. rs:.. �!Villa�ln •'�Llo � d were `war - 'Pete. at, 'Kincardine'• for the title,
be",an'otherprograni''.by the God= TOT.T,,-=Tn••Wingham H�os,pital :an : 'enjoyed. of Miss Bruce. Count.
et ch, other pu _ • Nlon' • i tt esses: and all enloyed a• bound-
. Y and � a top
pported by a mass, day;. Slily 12th, • 1f 48, • to. Mr. •tul meal. 'Ellwood 'Hod ins: light', •prize of ;$500.
ed :choir:ard others.'. and'. lVlrs. Atrli.rei TOO nc,e 1Vla. •ie g gh 'Mrs. Bushel'
y (.. r l ,received''nne of
Russ Button .reported. MacCrostie)• a . dau htesr: castle candles, and the aged "lady '• ficial ent
p rte 4for. the g. cut the= birthday..' cake, -assisted, from. a °Detrol+- girl
Calith.urripian: , Coinmattee... , that _ i,�..o. Was' i, 're aided as •eli�grble; .Treleaven . a n d
JAII,!IIESQN Ir) Goderitrh ,llospl Miss Veras Boyle. All; joined w
plans : were about complete :and • .�
h Councillors
tt'is •h ' ta.l,•,on Sunday, July 1lth; to Mr." an singm Happy Birthday To ,. r Sherwood made ttie:mat on•ta:re-
oped that town and county • •_ SUFFERED S new the' lease. In . arn�ndsrient •
• folk en Y . ��i'd Mrs: Stew i?rt Ja'iyil son..Ettc;k- 1`r u" and ' •"For, s. She's A. Jolly KEN; WRIST`,
g erally• as .well.; as_..indus �" .
a` ,..son.... ..•.._'.. ,.. _. , � ,_� (; .z .x .Fe:11ow '- a d at Mrs.. Cox'' •Councillors Lavery and Nixon ...
' 4.1 Lorne Hackett, son .o Mr.. and 'Moved that.: ales office b'
s; and- orga`niaations, will,join : • r, ciuest alllsang ,Jesus Lover'of
the, big eld;. lished .in. the
e estab
g parade. Some $300. in I. : .' n» Soul".
Mrs:, Cliff' •Hackett'. of . Ashfi;Town Hall on. expir3t•.'
prize,: money will ,be offered, .. ', ', '
.} :suffered• a• �frar•'ture•, of tfie.lease': ' . .
LOCAL HIS .1 ORY I N . M . Kci l Bny.le ,them expressed .wrist last. week, LorneWas climb- Reeve'
The Friday''afternoon:, program '
..r}xe. li7l.�pi.n,ecs.' .of all; present � to'• log - the .granary � ladder when a Solomon ..� voted' for .the
will be much. ;thy same as • out PUBLIC :1 B RA R Y , ,
e .
l c , v. ith Mrs. -Cox on the occasion
it motion, .the ]ase' has., been , re= , •
lineal lastweek 'with : - . • "possibler , .. . ,
the • .. • �, , , •roto
ke 'away •' from , the • granary, Hewed ' at a rental 'of •• $25.00 .a
on. of. .� " • �" her 94th, ba t thday, ;and.. on be-. throwing him to the : barer ,..floor month; '�u>i •
an .old :time .fiddlers.. ' . •The Tweedsmuir` •13 R ,. a' h1s- hal t~ of'hfamilies ,• that;•=portion of the
contest: , '..s. . , , L i,�il. t..c , present pre- and causing the .fro' tare.:. building "'
►oi real. record d • of local intci cst. sE ntt'f1 'her Nvith a • china .0 5 . 'exempt. from t•axation.
• :Mr, T., W. rni 1 _
• • S th reported that. � ill .s.1o1 t.ly 15E placed. 1.1 t nc Pub cup and
he was niakin a
cheer: -••anti box of chocolates 'and
a h au1d IA, c f ,
surveyis Libr'arV
and' c t
• S , •t .. 'of' A'tain.. 1 ,. � n ':1 - kiir`t11dx���.. •.card, .beai�irr every-' ' �
tree'- to determine.' what. , s ectal lntc1(.' t to ' (�Id '1 ittit4rs MOTI-YAR A1�1'D O :: S
,cars p • , ,gin •'s n"inle. also other and',
be avai.la 'who r �;ibe .'fC)i` th'C'' .£• i
��110 � ll .'
e to trails ort . ,� . t,:. `.•T , ,r
Old .ldo pt.. t tu. t. ft.. he ted �.:° dy thank
y and tGirls 'fro>n 'Walker.-'. Bruce 'C'crunty. Reunion• , r
tori,. rrho ! rvauld arrive on ..the The. c�»ii ili:ng t�f this' :licaitl`: i` t"i i`Crr.ctlzc for their,
Brkc e F ih he 1, kindness.
" 4
e County Sdeeial Train•. a project. undertaken ti •'t~tali tigo '' Mrs:' .Sam McLear" and her two' •Miss Yvonne Strachan', as' 16 year- •
Rad.. Hon by .
birth<"hc�s of the V1'rrtle�r: In. } , ...- yot>r,g sons, Sammy; seven, and: rad �'oronto' ill_ .rescued
.. girl, the in
COMING EVENTS.' Danny. five. went to.. their death• lured
amen -,Erected stitute to',marl: th • 5")t'h trttni,- 'pilot, who she pulled
Mr.,nd'.1VIrs ,f tli'i- or- :.. .
Garfield Ostran- ve1�sar�: of t)1 C' b11t.h: c 5, ..' . .: on iSaturd^ay• night 'in •a: plane from the wreckage, -lie �tas'sem�''
deM were at�. SL tiD'il SCHOOL PICNIC ct ash on ..Six• Mile • Lake,• near' `conscious and
„ Picton last; week, ganization. Cctnlnlling of thi h,is- 'The Lucl norv, :United..Church '. I..Sthad
suffered ,Head
where , • Prince George,; B, C. . in�uries. Miss ` „rachan •wh
they had ' a ,, monument. tory of71 ucknow, h<i 'be.en :no .. , o was :
erei~ted' .•• Sund.a� Sw;?tciol 1"�icriiC will beheld "....Mrs..- .McLean was.. ,f .„visiting
: t. �. porrnerly at the coast, was''fishin
on the grave of ,their son easy task, arid... those :n`110 h 1\ L in Kul( 11 d1nc: on Thursda Jul e
Rexford in, , Y, Y, Margaret, •(Peggy) 'Murdoch; only, on Six Mlle • Lake. near the sten
1 r . ' Cherry; Valley Cern- been:responsibc for the achieve- •2`'n(1:e
tery ,. merit are to be comhlitnented on , ' f'' : daughter of Mr. and Mrs,,Walter of the trash. A' 'Year. ,ago Miss
their tintirirr 'efforts. in co• sue-. CO1iE TO 'THir OPPR)>'TTA X. Mnrdocii, of Viking,. Alberta, Strachan'• saved a`• 4 -year-old girl
KINLO . LADYcessfuh g " ' who ' were residents of Lucknow 'from droWaii g
!I,GED yr conclilding a. 'mast "Sunbonnet Girl , by K ncar� s . i',. •
ES AT INGERSOLL wurthw`liile project, disc players in. Whitechurch .one two soore.•37ears., ago: Mrs. Mrs. ,McLean s husband' is en. -
McLean her '36t
.- The ' I,uckrla�v StVotiell"; • ItistW y, ygaged in the• lumbering business
o ,.:
C(rnrTnunitYHa11, ,Freda Jul' 16:h year,.
1S:.�N1tti.' , .. Tom of. at *Shelley;' B,C;, 'ten miles 'east
tit P y She has two brothers, Y,
. • F, was in:
Kaake assed awa tute e:.tends ran ins itatiorr to' Daticc after, airier s orchestra. Vikrr g; Alta., ti and Murray ,of of Prince George"
e first' of the week • in iii er •every Old 'Boy and Gtr 1 return- .,,1c1t11ts 50c, children 25c.•
so11 at the l g hocl.ey fame, :and. who • IS .now, .'112x. WN4lter Murdoch i z > i
tome of her• daughter, ing to Lucknow for 'the, funtte� t. * y .. , n Wtit.-'
Mrs, g ' Coming,' �' the • 1''iit>lic 'L111� JL :�Ibtt .rAR:�JIER PIC;VYC'', ,athletic directo3• 'at:. .Yale" aThr ins, a brief not to ' Mr. James
Gent ge 'Huntle She was Comin,,, to 'visit t
53 Years of• '••• • . ,; ` ,, • • The month:1Y 'meeting of the v,ersitY in 'New haven, . Pickering of'•towri' t.
1, , age last February, '• rary..cm(1 .s0(. .Tht 'r ( d,n1tt11id that the
he ft T' c:nganrion. Junior -Farmers will its.,. IcLean and ber'two boys' plane toiled "•an
at , anti al service •tv!as held Book. , .conipilvd . br m'i mbi i of p s d Crashed into
�, , . 1•c held On alit evening'
Julys:'20t;h were .pass�erigers in' a chartered the lake where all : tht y
ep Krnlottt+h' Pt�esbyterion Chtli�eh ' th0� `... i , hunch, MLt;� b y c t 1,
�ved'hosdtiv afternoon With' ' icttlrty xt'ill .lid, ill the
book; t r
t IT=:a t Albert Bc,�ir h; inthe fvr wl 1:s;: t monoplane which . crashed drowned, Mr. and Mrs. M 1r were
L, dtCki
teirr►entt 1 in� !J ,. f ,,. ,,f tt ps:crit, tve'r•ycine is. re'44ested (i the lake and in a fe y ntornents.'and •'Perm were leaving ,
111 . Greenhill.Cemetery,;'the old hool and c liar•ch , You. .t , Y , „ 1� ft r .,Sel.
MrC, i ii ' • ,'t , • c. • t• :r cr (t1' Pk1 1` C.ISc bil41`4.1t111&h. Be on nand. plunged CY beneath tl1:t. waves. Sec». 1e v -t" "l;e`� ' -illi`` alit' r • • •+ 'l 1
lou al.c clad resided, at K r1- attt�rlrlc�:�• 1t::;till t11c1� tt,.:t,.•. f r,
$'h utrt:t about two 'years ago, yon and. sOiur perustil. .
.st cl n:1ri, ft,r`: a' sir rill.• Ut1�ls bt>"oit the plane w t ret und�er,'� wri:tter{,'•
At the Jul m:•
Y meeting. of the .Vih- '.
age Council; on a dividedvote, it
was ' decided to lease; the Munii
cipal Office for another .five-year