HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1948-07-08, Page 61
• •
Sport •
* ' °
•(By "The Manager')
Staging a lour run outburst in
the •opening, the Ltreknow 'Ozark',
Pee Wees dame through with an7
other victoty .6-4. The Auburn
lads threatened to overcome -this
• lead but in the pinChes, Donald
Thompson, who set them down
' With a -neat 5-hit'•performance,
•" ;received great fielding• ,fkom his
• teaMmates, The "Ozarks" collect-
. ° ed 7. hits off. Paterson.. LucknOw-
, had 8, mendeft on•b4es and Au-
' , • burn 5-Thompsen, and Patterson
.each struc1 °lit seven.
iticknow 410 001 0L-6 7 2'
• Auburn 120 000 ;1-4 5.4.
' Auburn: Stanberry, c; Pater -
••sons p; Vestervelt, 1st; A. Wilson,
•2nd; HaUan ss; Howse, 3rd; Mc -
Nall, cf; Hamm, rf; McClinchey
Lucknow: A • Baker • I.st;• C.
Chin, .2nd; G. Anderson, if; D
• Thompson, p; B. McDonald, 'ss
B. 'Ross, '3rd; K. Iledley, c;• J
Chin, rf; M.:Erman, cf.
• •
• 4.•
• 4
,..• •
' .
• .•
, • t
" • !„
Y.' ' „-••
' .e'af •
t,1 . •
" I .
, • , ,
.4 'quiet but Pretty 'wedding
took place in Parkhill recently
when Agnes Alice, daughter of
the late Mr. and Mrs.• Wm. Gra-
ham, was united in • marriage to
Albert P, Shelton, ' only son of
the ,late Mr. and Mrs. Hiram
Shelton of Kihloss.ToWriship.
The cOngregations of Kinloss,
Clarks •an4 'Bi -Nile United:
Churches. gathered recently t'
honor Rev. Charles COX and Mrs.,
'Cox before they' left for their
new Charges at Ilderton and
Mrs. Normarr-eampbell—read
the farewell address and James
Glahn presented them With a
purse. of money. Miss Dnna Col -
The hricie,giyn in marriage. well,. on behalf of -the Young
ibvye .GineoargleigDhtigrnbiTz, semi
- People's presented Mrs. Cox with
an old . --English silver .'sandwieh.
suit with grey : accessories arid
wore a corsage O•pink carnations
bby' ntim& , .. .f •
• . The league - leading. Clinton
Colts trounced the LiiCknoW Mid-
gets in Clinton. On Monday. night
by' a score, of 31-0. The .Midgets
had; hshm ninemen. to put in the
field,arid had three bad innings
that :netted :the home club •their•.
• entire count. • .
tray with 'relish ensemble, ••
On • another occasion the Ber-
11fMS....ntertained • th•Kin-
"Foot Prints , a 100 -page book-
let that'has as grass roots in
Ahfield•Presbyterian church and
cornmtmity", is expected tobe off
the Press prior to the Centennial
Anniversary. o e field con-
greation on Sunday, July 25th.
THURSDAY, JULY !3th, 19.11.
lir ICE'
• -Accouts
• All outstandiug aeeountS
•Omit be paid on or before
Thursday, July 15th, 1948,
Lucknow, Ont,
The authbr Is Mrs. J. H. •ood
hind of Detroit, a native of this (passenger arid freight) b i •
• e rua
a. sister of the from Wingharn to Kincardine. •
Ciie.tlIrsFnrlsuki:el rice: :t1'1:11(Qt
is recorded of many fine pioneer b�ttleneck
e:mn1gnilitYugrcVICIfitosh, The past vuocn •sci
families and their reverence. for
'God, M gripping short story' form, a way freight service a.5 fat \
iage the writer t •
Lucknow a east, would speed •
rne An-lica W.A." At. thiS After her marr
• went to Wes an up passenger and rnail servie
The • .bride ..mai•attended by Ai_ WM 11
• . • • loss and Clarks W. . . as We • t d
ern C ada an • • • ,
• blue nd eheck . suit with • •
• • • • • meetin:Mrs Cox vyas presente • .
d the. tale is carried to • copclu,sion
by tn.e • anticiPatien ,•qf 'Meeting • • • •.
Mrs. ,Vrank 811ortt, • who wore a .as g Kirioardine.. ' •
brown accijokis, and •'WOre a.. wAth.. a eheruile.: bedspread :'from he- fOuriff. generatiOri•at the aii•_ .
/3ervie W,M.." and an end table ' ' • ."
corsage , of sweet peas and Wile
forget-ing-noti. The grOom was
attended by Mr.- Frank Shortt
• F011owirig the ceremony a re-
ception mi.s held at the home of
Alta and :George ,Digmari; Amid
shoivers of confetti, the bride and
groom: left on h ' moor, trip t�
St. Catharines.and Niagara Falls.'
On their return they willreside
on the room's farm on•the town
from Kinloss
• :BORN •
ACKERT—In Wingham General
Hospital,on Wednesday June 23
to Mr. and Mrs. John Ackert
Holyrood, a. soh --stillborn.,
MacINNS—Iri. Wingham Gener-
al Hospitalori Sunday,'June 2th
to Mr arid Mi -g. Gordon Macin-
roaching centennial. piny men women
BETTER RAH, SERVICE galn 5,10,15 lbs.
With arrival of the afternoon t Get New Pep, Vim, Vigor
train at • Kincardine generally
running from one-half t& one and
a' half hours behind, schedule, the
Chamber of Commerce in . that
town is seek'g improved rail
service • • •
• JinJ�LMGJU1vray near Park- rip R Wiliharna son— It is claimed that the delay
•—•• • •• • • •••••• •••••—•
• •
• Vihat .a 61111 Bony Ilmba tlii out ligly hollows
star*d. sickly 'bean-nOle' look, 'rhijusatis
girls, women, men, villa neVer could gain befor;
are now proud ot. shpely, halttiy-loortror bodies
rheithank the special Vigor-builing. tiem-biuldIng
tonc. Ogre% •Ite tonics. Stimulants invigorators;
• ton, vitamin 13, calcium enrich blood "Iinurnire
upPetite and digestion so !nd KtVes you •more
strength- and nourishment ,' put on bare hone, •
getting mo fat stoc; wen ve ained
Costs ilttle New "get iteutininted • .stze 021' II 50e •
rry •ti. moos Ostre‘ ts tr new mint
stillborn • • • ' • cauSeaeliTefly-brtilxecl-trains ',I .45103. tion.pds,....
nu up; neck. no longer Scrawny • body loses' halt—
the 5 10, 1 5 or It Ins von need tor waiht,
Wees Won Another.: •, •.
Lucknow Pee Pee' Wee.S. triinined ••
Wirigharri 13-6 in a• baSeball en- ,.
• counter in •Winghain (*.Tuesday • .
night. Bill Chin's kids .,re'now • . •
heading the parade with threTe- •
-wins and a losi. •
George Chin set the Wmgham
JuVeniies • down with 4 hits -last
Week, as the Ripley Flyers coast-
ed to an 8 te• 3 vctory Brother
Morley Chin plays second base.
for . the RipleY Nine.. . •
- - -
; •
Chuck 11ebster, . who.• retently.
returned tO town. .to . take Over
The Quality. Shop, has taken -Over.
the duties of coach. of the Legion
softball • team. • Russ Johnstone is
manager. •
:Charlie is • getting right down
to work to whip the Legionnaires
into Mid-season 'form and With
the floodlights soon to be turned
softball enthuSiasrn Should
each* a new pitch. • .,-
Delay, in receiving delivery of
the reflectors for the floodlights,
has proved a.ral headache to the
. •
Legion Committee' in charge of
this project. A, few reflectors
have 'already been installed, and
on Monday immediate,deliiery of
the balance of the order was
- assured, So that . hopes are
for the switching on l of the lights
• almost any'day now. The balance
• of :the equipment arrived on
Mr: and .Mrs. Jamei Forster
'and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Robertson
spent Sunday in Palmerston 'with
*,. Cecil 'FOrter. •
•M' and Mrs. John Griffin of
Detroit spent the week -end at
•jack Mactifillan's.
•, Mr. and Mrs.. Mort Eurris and
• family of London spent WedeS-'
day at •George Fisher's.
Mr, and Mrs. BOb•Laidlaw and
• family moved, last Week to the
farm formerly oeupied by Clif-
. • lord Purden.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dawn
nnd Donnie of Toronto spent' a
• ' • few .days, at Mr, iLd MQuillin's
and Mr. J. Dawson's. Donnie re-
nained here` for the holiday.
• •
The Biggest Two Weeks, of Fun and Pleasure.
. . .
• .
the History ,of Bruce
huge'ciuto, caravans,— our old, friends and neighboUrs':.
will be poUringinfoLUcknow for one of the BIG DAY of the famous
Bruce'County Reunion.
• • .
Here's the program
Thursday' Evening, July 29th
Beauty. Contest
....Jitnek Dancing
. ' •
• , . . • ..
Friclay Morning; July.
NIOneter •CalithniaPiati” Parade
. . ...„ „•• .
• •.
. •
Friday Afternoon == .
, •
Softball 'Tounami-It'-- • :
. . , , •
Highland Dancing.- .•
Scotch Reel -- Square Dancing
• ,
, •
There's lots.io do. There's lots for ;you to'.
We'viont.eVerybody who can help ta
sign:up now for. Volunteer. service.
' • • •• • ' •
.• Get in 'touch With Secretary .Larry Downs,
. , . •
• • d
Then, When we need some help .We know..
• we can vc*/ oit you. Join in, with" the rest
for -a lot of fun; let's Make this the most
..*Mernorable vacation our_ old home lown-
erp have ever had.
• • . • . . .
. •
• . •
Tog 07..War, • Huron • Bruce
Jack Thynne,• The Kithsas..,Finner
Four Bands' Pipe, Clown, Brass
' • and Bugle
- • . .
Friday Evening
. .
Monster Caritival
Modern and Old Time Street Dances
. . • .
• .
Sunday; AUgust,lst
Morning Old. Boys .in local, pulpits
• . AfternOon Decoration Service
Evening — Band Concert, Etc.
up that spare room.and register et at
headquarters here. Our old friends must
have a place tosleep. •
And then sit clOwn .tonight and write to
yOur old' friends who have moved
away., Invite *ern to CCM, and join the
fun. Make it the biggest and I2espcirty.
ever -staged in all/Of Canada. h Could only
happen in BruceCOunty. *Let's all live up
to that grand reputation and throw every
door' wide open in the best home -corning
ever staged.
. •
. •