HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1948-07-08, Page 5THURSDAY, JI.ILY -•`th,. 1948 • '''PARAMOUNT The Women's Institute held their; .picnic at Point Clark on Tuesday, June 29th, and 'were treated ' royally by Lighthouse Keeper Jack' Campbell and Mrs. 'Campbell• " It rained someduring the of 'ternoon but. that did not stop the• children having their fun. They donned bathing suits and held •a ball. game, .with the umpire of - THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO , about Lthe-best job he ey er• did.. 'BRIDE Mr. Peter MacNa l F THREE k' was the•old- .moNTL-iS: KILLED est gentleman present and Thomas Irwin, the oldest lady, '' and the gathering was happy and; Mrs, George Freeman. of Lee- 'honored to: have them present.burn, just north'of .Goderich, was The prize for the youngest baby instantly killed late last`hurs resent was'won by Aneta Clyne,.. day afternoon, whena rear tire blowout -caused, the car driven by A sumptuous lunch was served ditch on the Bluewater Highway • near Pine River.. A • PAGE FIVE • 13 months old. her husband to. crash into the including ice cream • Winners: of the sports events Mrs.. Freeman died of''a fract-• were 4 ured neck, 'She was 35. years of age and a bride of only three. months. Her father predeceased. her a month ago: .• Formerly Grace Mason, she was''.a graduate of Goderich Hos pita' and served . overseas " as. a "nurs'i'ng sister - during: the :war•,. The funeral Vas held orV•Monday from Victoria St. • United Church, Goderich,' with ; military honors' conferred by' the. Goderich :Leg • Mr. and Mrs. .Freeman were .rs. ficiating from a 'nearby cottage .years . and under, Lick. Richards; Nancy Irwin; 5 years, veranda --Eleanor . McNay; 7" . years, girls,; an ,, •tis said, it was , Joyce McNay, :Jean " Richards, Marion Reavie; 8 years,'' boys,. Donald ',Reid, : Jimmie ••McTavish 8-9•? girls, • Margaret McTavish, Bessie: Reavie, 9 boys,,George 'Richards,• Donald; 1/1cCharles;•..11 12,: girls, 'Catherine Ketchabaw, . Anne' Henry; 11-12, boys, Allan McCharles, ` Lorne Hamilton. '13- 14, 13-14, ' boys,'Clarke Stanley David ,Elphick; married. men, Oliver McCharles, Jas. Ketchabaw;, . 3- accompanied by M. and"..1 legged' .race, .gir is;' Anne Henry ; Patrick' Murphy •R `2. 'iAubu • )(0064 hi air " WINIGHAV1: Twp _Shows Each. Night. . THURS.; FRI:,.'SAT.., THEATRE T.w. CLOSER NO,r SATURDAY MATE NEE DURING; JULY & AUGUST 'MON., TUES., WED.. JULY .12th, 13th,' 14th` PENNY4 SINGLETON; ARTHUR LAKE. .in.'. BLONDIE'S HOLIDAY and. Evelyn • McTavish; ;Kath&rine Ketch.ahaw and Irene, Elphick; boys, .George Richards and Roy .., ,. • , and were'en.route to Kincardine to • attend: 'a. carnival: The car • overturned and Mrs. Freeman Stanley, Ray Stanley ,and Clark. ewas �crushe M _fir Stanley, wheelbarrow' race, Al fered chest; injurjes and shock ran •McC'harles and Geo:•Richards, and was . taken to Kincardine f Clarke and Ray. Stanley,; kicking .Hospital: He was taken : to God erich HospiLta1 thi, . ,next day. Mr. Murphy ree ived =facial lacera- tions:• •• Crown i;ttorney J, W. Freeborn announced,: that an . intuest: ,,would be . Held: slipper, girls, Jean Stariley,,Eve lyn McTavish; ladies; Anne' 4Dea ter,. Wilda Campbell, Mr, Donald. Hamilton of Tor • onto; 'spent a•• few days athis home. • Mr. and 'M'rs Hairy.. Smith and' ill From Mental b visited with;r. an • d .pressure;' asthma; pa1zy ;arid: other chronic ills •may ,be' caused. by :personality problems.* 'Read' the revealing story •"Mental.' Quirks' Carr Make 'U '•Ill", in The .Anter icari' Weekly with this Sunday's '(July 11),- issue of 'The. Detroit Sunday.• Times '' two sons and M Jack B'k 11 Quirks of Toront td M Scientists say ulcers high blood Mu.1-Brooks • Mrs; D: Nicholson, Marga' et • Marion. attended a '.wedding in :Kincardine on Saturd•ay Miss, Wilda Irwin of :Lucknow., visited ,with 'Miss Josephine. ET phick;over the..week-eiid. ••: assatieee■■■ ■■e■eiiia a■■rsaissaieil■itsusa limi ii ■• ■ IIONS i. a • . . An ••impressive •service: was held - • -'•-in they : U�•i� )imgannon Ited churehi- ■ ,F'riday evening for the' induction' • N of Rev. -t``James_ Bright into the. - Dungannon, Port. Albert & Crewe United churches, •which :;charge • .. ` has been for. the last six Months ' A supplied by Rev: C. W. Down Of N Exeter; retired RevC. W. Cope, • ' of North St'. United Church; God- • • et ich',' conducted the service, •Rev' •i: • , L. • H. Turner of .Victoria•' Street ..; ■ • chinch, Goderich,' addressed they. ■: , •a m ., minister, 'and Rev: rtA. G. Hewitt, i ■ Auburn spoke to the cbngrega m: ■ • Giant Ferris Wheel Chair O -Plane Swing .: tion. Mr. and Mrs.'Bright met tie n.. ' Kiddies.. Motor :Boat Rides andMery Go Round is !People in the ' Sunday School IN ■ rooms. ■ . •. a.. UN: G A' N N O N • a d a: a• ■ ■ a ■. ,a. ■ U. 111 • n The WINGI-AAM TOWN PARK Thursday, Friday,, Saturday.. ti e PLAYHOUSE • • • • T.hurs., .Pri., Sat. July 8th, :,9thT I Otb Also "PANTRY ?AMC" ' CARTOON •.; RAO,YIMIA/ ••• Olt KTOI TRE ;kW /SIN Wim. •tui TOM.CO • . RITA CORDAY . YOUX BARNETT •'JANE'CRFZR : EtJSRA COOK. !R hNua1/. Ip WILLIAM RRR[R • I inKN b,. RAI McSM•'Y Same Miry lby PAULYAWITZ •. �, . • • Mon., Tues:, Wed:. July 12th, 13th, 14ti • SELECTED SHORTS • SHOWS.'N"I HTL 7.30' and 9.15 Any , organization or' individual Wvishing to .serve" meals • for .Reunion Day,Friday,'July 30th, is requested to be present at the Committee Meeting• in the Town Hall, next Monday night. Anyone desiring , concession ; privileges in the park "or: on the street, should also present at this. meeting or advise the Concession Committee, Harvey Treleaven, H. D. Thomp siin or Harry Nixon, prior to that time.. LUCKNOW REUNION COMMITTEE' ,. W. A. Solomon, 'Chairman. K. C. 'Wardle ': Sec. • 0 • ■■ei eg■ii■'■e■e■i■'ge■p■mimmeei■epui■■III■aimom . • i • U • Games • and Bingo ' ,:. • Large :Refreshment Booth SOFTBALL GAME EACH, NIGHT,. _Three Big — ights OE Fun For All Anliemaaamov■Wham■oimia■aaammi nimom•awooeeea■ine • CREWE.... ■ : Mr. Ken • McGuire •was up, from ■ ; • London for; the ,week -end.'. • Mr...arid •Mrs. Barnes arid Frank "",. •of Mafeking •spent- Sunday--even— ing ` with Mr. and' Mrs.: Jaek Cur ran and family.. Other guests wei4 Mr. and Mrs, Vernon 'Hurn ter •and family..and •Mr. and Mrs Bert .Treleaven: • The, July 'meeting of the W M. S. was held' at the hoine of Mrs, Jack 'Rivett. Mrs. Ra'yniond near having charge of the pro gram.' Readings were. given . by Mrs:. Ronald ,Treleaven and Mrs. Clifford • !Crozier.... Shirley and Norma. Sherwood favored with 'a duet: N[ts,. Gladys •.Rivett gave a humorous • . reading:. M•rs..' , Edna McWhinney reported for. the her= alds.. Mrs... Kilpatrick • gave a• :uckn�vv Distrtict n.t CO-OP UNIVERSAL MILKING MACHINES Installed when and: asy ou "like. 'it. Short .or long tube machines in stock at all times. Aw full line ofrepairs, kept on hand: Colne 41 and see "for . yourself the superior features . , of the Universal Milkers. We also have on hand Bell Electric Hammer Mills,'' Pressure Systems, Electric Fencers, Car Tires and Batteries. SHOW THE John ' Jamieson; i+.. • • a a pring,. Summer, all, Winter 1d and :Started. si a ■ :as•'•, ALWAYS AVAILABLE. a Give tis your order, and we .will brood them where :you can, see them and be"sure • sof.. satisfaction: •■• ;D, • at We anticipate• having avail able . ,$,000 or more throughout : : ' ■l ■ the entire season.. o ■. �;. ■ ■ :': 'PLAN EARLY. ■ ORDER AHEAD :■ 1 ■ a ■ a ■r a .e ■ ■ ■ . splendid synopsis. of the. study ■ . 0.00 Oi �I Hand book Mrs. Rivett sang a solo. ■ ,Mrs. Shackleton gave a short talk. �- .■ 100 ' percent satisfaction thus far and . guaranteed, in ' future '■ and Mrs. • us Zinn gave a reading, ■ i when you take them, from : it •. r. ■•. The president closed with : the benediction.: Miss Gwen Treleaven. ,left on Wednesday for Wingham Iospr .tat where she is assisting : as a nurses aid, A • number from here ' attended ■ ■ a ■ a rawt� ri s .Broode Y ?S' 'NO Ott ORDER FOR SPRiI G Ph fie 7'w. Lucknow the decoration ser ice '••in ' bull..: ■ ... .. of .gan,rion c,erretery, on Sunda.' ; . aeia`rHa.■■aal�taes■ai■■slei■ei■e�eiefi:�rei»iMll�e�R s ■ •