HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1948-07-08, Page 4-i; e, • .A; • • ', WAGE. FOUR THE' LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO A • "WANT AD” RATES—lst insertion 2 cents a :word', subsequent insertions' 1 cent a word. Minimum charge 25 .cents. Replies care" of The Sentinel 10'• cents extra. Legal- advertising; 10 cents .per count. fine first insertion; 5' cents per line subsequent insertions.. FOR SAL tending hay* D. J. CARD•.. OF THANKS. Kenney, R. 3, Holyroad,.' • • `Mrs. Peter Watson, Annie and „ MUSIC, LESSONS for piano. Mrs, relatives: of .the late Peter Watson Shadd ek Lucknow(!,:. sincerely thank the many friends '' for their kind acts,. expressions FOR SALE —,.'12 pigs,,' suckers: of sympathy and beautiful.floral • filler R. 5, Lucknow .tributes, also those who assisted `Herb ,M , in any way at `the time of their n - eea eme recent b dr v k`OR SALE; -1 large icebox .and� , t fm l Beattycopper tub hand `gash- --`•-- p�.• er at Greer. Radio &' Electric. •FOR SALE--two:.Hereford calves 2 weeks old. Herman Anger, Con. ?, Huron Twp., 10th Sideroad., FOR SALE — 1932 Chev. coach, reconditioned motor; 5 good. tires. Apply James Houston, Holyrood. FOR SALE 19228; Chevy ' coach with 'good motor.' Apply Spence : R. - 7, 'Luckno-w, .:• ... ;Irwin, , FOR' SALE baby• stroller . in good condition. Apply at Sentinel •Office. • MAN WANTED For• Rawleigh business,: No experience or -capi- tal. necessary Sales easy to make IN• MEMORIAM . S T }I'E L EN S SHERWOOD.•gilt 1pving' memory of .a dear husband, Alfred Sher- wood, who passed away suddenly two years ago, July 8th, 1946. • , Always thoughtful, ' true and kind; A loving memory he left be- hind. 44 • Ever remembered by ' his wife, Maude Sherwood. .: r' NOTICE TO CREDITORS and 'Mrs.. E. J.:Them; Mr,. and In ,the Estate ,of Catherine M. Mrs. Robert McQuillin; George h Mr. Ritchie, .Deceased.. : ,. • - � wit r. MarilynY Martin of • Hamilton ,. All persons • having c 1 a i m s .Wm,. and Miss Beatrice' McQu l against the estate -of: Catherine lin; . Mr:r and Mrs. Neely' Todd, M. Ritchie, 'late Of the Township . a 'Stratford '•of Ashfield, .in. the .county • of ,David and ; Patriciaa . Huron, Widow, .deceased, who with, Mr.. and M. D. Todd;. Mr. .died on ..or about the 30th dajr ,o f and Mrs. Gordon Miller and Lar - 194Q: a ereb notified . London with Mr. and Mrs: " April,. re 1�,_. y . • ry .of , : e§ er'Taylor ° ,. • • ; Miss Marion Hodgins will be the '• guest speaker at. the annual social .meeting of the Women's Missionary Society to be held in the church this (Thursday) af- ternoon at 2.30. All the ladies are' invited, . Visitors in the .community in=, eluded Mr.. and ; Mrs. Al. Martin and Neddy of Toronto .with Mr. ' THURSD.A', JULY 8th. 048 a piano' duet by Alison auu1 1., ,, Webb, a soloby Barry Mct?uillin and a dance by Isobel McPher- son. At the conclusion lunch was served by • the hostesses, Mi;,. H, Gaunt, Mrs. Gordon Rintcxil. and 1 Mrs. Jinn Curran. ' . to send to the tindersigned Exe- Ch' t Mrs Mel Brown • cutors, on or before the 15th day of Waterloo .with Mr. and, Mrs:. of, July;.1948, full. particulars_ of their claims. ' ,. , R. 'Woods. Mrs.. Brown left on : Immediately, after' the 15th 'day Monday for ' Toronto . where she of July,,, 1948, .the assets of the • will attend. a summer .course at estate will be distributed amongst' the university. : the parties . entitled thereto, hav-Mr and Mrs. G. S. McIntyre and' profits large, Start 'immgdi- regard only.to the claims: of and. Donald of Meaford were VIES - G -271-190,. �S- ately; . Write Rawleigh Dept 1Vg.,-• wihich.gthe Ex utors :shall then ' ''' nZvith Mr.. 'and Mrs, W., • 1,. G-271-190,. Montreal,. Quebec; ' have notice. , Miller. Mrs. McIntyre and 'Don - AUCTION will remain ere while M � AUCTION SALE. of stock, imple- ..th • ant lions hold•--effects'-o'f • ” d FOR ,SALE. 7 20 'acres;' standing hay; .300 pullets 41/2 months old.' Jack Curran, Phone 78-r-3, ' Dun gannon. HOUSE:'FOR SALE'in •Lucknow; known as the Darrow. residence. -p.. Apply to Mrs.. George. Drennan, t . R. '" 7,. Lucknow. , :FOR SALE—Water' pressure:sys tem, ,cornplete . with' motor. and piping; also • a ..furnace. ,Apply td . Wm. j' Robinson, ,Lucknow. :• FOR SALE ,.-L-- '..3' new `machines, ,Cockshutt dump rake, 10..' ` ft. tractor disc and 11 run •fertilizer, disc drill. Thomas Boyes,° Luck-. • FQR SALE -a :combined, hay and. stock Frac%;,' also DeLaval.,sep :orator; .both. in god condition, S, J. Kilpatrick,• R..1, Dungannon;' Phone .77 -r -1.l. r • '.SIE,E�EX�ZNGJ.1SHERS.�.f�oxni• $2,50: up .All types •fromxbombs. to utomatic. srinklers' See ::Art .a • p. • Breckles, .: Lucknow, proprietor Sentinel Fire Extinguishers. 1VIAN. WANTED. ` for'. Rawleigh business: Sell to :1,5.00 families, Good • profits, for; hustlers. • Write today: •IZawleigh: Dept. ML -F -271- S, Montreal, Que. • Dated at Lucknow, Ontario, • is 21st`,day of June, 1948. • C."• W e s Ye'y'' R i tc hre""a n d, . Ru'sse'll - aidr McIntyre attends a summer theEst t f Albert Griffith at course, in Toronto, • Robertson, Executors. ' R. W. ,Andrew, their _Solicitor herein.. i' ; a e , o Congratu'lations:, and best the farm of John Mahood,'. Con. 4,` wish - Huron To*nship, Friday' , July . 9. at 6 o'clock.. John Mahood, Adm.; Donald B, "Blue; Auc. - • ` AUCTION SALE •of'village prop erty on Saturday, J Iy 10th at. 8 o'clock—seven 'room 11 storey frame,, dwelling in good . repair, town water. and hydro, 'good cel-• :.Tar free of ,water year .round;•two lots, 381; 382, half acre; corner of ',Canning acid .Clyde St, Terms 10• percent' of purchase price on day ..of sale. Balance in•• :thirty days: Possession 'in, one month: •Property offered .subject to re serve bid.: Well. Henderson, Auc.; *order' Howald, Prop,' McINN>S-'ALCONER FAMILY. REUNION The 'McTnnes-Falconer'e ' visitor with her sister, 1VIrs John es •go' to Mr. and Mrs: MacKinlay_ Ramage -Whose . marriage took place on Wednesday; We welcome Mrs. Ramage to the community, ren ion , • 1d.'. 't the" o ' of Mr. and Thurs- Mr Gaunt Mrs James McInnes on and` Mrs, •Smith of Bronte was held a h me • Were . week -end guests oft Mr,' day,.. July' 1st . with .over; ninety relatives resent. A ball ',game ' John Aitchison . and with Mrs. t .,P. took lace in the afternoon after "Gau,nt who : s..Iecuperating:.at the. .P. which :the races and, contests borne of her , niece, .Mrs:'Tom Ma o. � �• offin '; / � were •run off :with Mrs, •Victgr g • Emerson Mrs.: Joe Tiffin and Thursday •was the annual. Chili-: (' ' James Falconerdren's day at -the , Women's' Insti- in.charge. Winners• were: under . 4; .Barry = tute meeting held at the home Tiffin• 4-6, Marilyn. Pette p lace; of ''Mrs. Fred McQuillan. ' There ':10 was.. a large attendance., of . mem- bers,° visitors and ;children. Mrs. _. Gordon McPherson' presided arid the roll call on your favourite ame in schools days received': an: .interesting o varied resport', Mrs. 'McPherson .gave.. a fine ;re- port. bf thethdistrict ;annual meet g' in ' held in .Goderich .Tlie pro- • R. S. Hetherington, • K.C. sarrister, Etc. tugham and: Lucknow LUCKNOW IN • Each Honda • 8i •Wednesday . Y .• L ed. on the '.ground floor in, the front' of, • ,john.. Kilpatrick's Buildin ' 'Pkone Wingham Office 48. ' . 'Residence .•97 1- 6-9, baysMarilyn•:}Morrison,:. 12, 'Gordon Fisher; :girls 10-.12,• NOTICE TO ' CREDITOR$ Elizabeth Morton, girls;' T3 and In the •:matter of the Estate of Over, Shirley Falconer, ..3 -legged 4oer rae .1VIarPplBetty • thv . .. - Jane .1N1bwman; high, j.um�p,' Shir-. County of ..Huron,; Widow,.. de, eas40 ley ' Falconer slipper kicking ramble � � peanut' sc Notice , •_is hereby given, � pur- Vivian" Fisher; p , suant : to the :Statute: in that be- Mrs Petteplace •largest family • half, thatall creditors and . others ,having claims or demands against the Estate'; of the said: ,Mary. Jane Darrow who died on 'or .about the Ninth Day ' of ;May A•,'D, 1948 are required on • ori' before the. Tenth day, of ,rJuly' A.D 1948 tp send , by post prepaid or, deliver to the. undersigned Executor •: of the last Will and Testament of. the deceased, ` their 'names; ad- dresses. and ' descriptions; full par- ticulars of their claims, a'. state- rnent of their ` accoiints and the nature . of the securities (if any). held. - by :them :duly.` :verified.; by. affidavit. And take notice that after •the last mentioned ;.date the said .Ex-. ecutor will . proceed to distribute ,the : assets , of the said, deceased CATTLE ASTRAY—a red heifers among the persons entitled there ...and a:'• red steerhave strayed . to to,. having. 'regard; only AO ' the 4 the premi&es of the :undersigned: claims 'of which he ;shall then Owner may have Game by prow= have notice. Dated at Lucknow, Ontario,• Mg, property and paying. expen-•. this .18th day of June A.D: 1948. ses. Lawrence McLeod, R. R 5;. Donald J. MacCharles, •.' Lucknow, Phone 22 on 46 Executor, Lucknow; Ontario. LOST' -between ' Peter Cook's &. • the Mike 'Bowler: farm? a'.rocker armneff gas. engine. Finder -please notify Spence 'Irwin,. R.'' 7, Luck• now: •NOTICE •I am :prepared to do custom ;cement mixing work:,'Prompt.�and • efficient. service.. Lloyd 'Cornish; Campbell Si., East, Lucknow; Ontario. ?.?. YGfi1R FEED ' U�N ER COVER LOAD: :RAWFORD'S , Feed Store large Orders,'We Place In, Your . Barn.; CARTAGE. ' FREE : Use Our O.A.G. Recommended • CHICK STARTER, GROWING MASH LAYING MASH • • Any Tonic Mixed FREE In Our Mashes Try Our Service......'Phone 77=w, Lucknow PLEASE, " •NOTE . ' NO DELIVERIES July 5th-lOth inclusive, Hanover Mill closed: • • an W ANDREW,' Barrister and Solicitor LUCKNOW, ONTARIOy Office 'in the' : Jo nt Block+ . , Telephone Office 135 Residence ; 31-J P, resent, ` M r.:, and . Mrs. • --Geo: F. ish- gram by.•the school children was •. • er► youngest , • • younTho est present; John s. much en;j'oYed and included sev_- alconer, six -Months; oldest pre-. •eral• choruses, a :duet ;by' Alison sent, . Mrs. `Hester Falconer; • sew - ing contest,. Cecil , Falconer • a n' 'd- Betty Jane Newman . At' the conclusion' of .the sports, lunch : was served and a .special treat of ice : cream by .the host was: enjoyed. The president, George. Fisher.,' then '; called , the crowd to order and. the' following officers • were Webb. and.'Donna ••Woods,. a duet ,by Barry and Archie McQuillin, Resurrectionish Order r' and Mrs' Pete Murray are visiting 'her brother, John ',O'Con- Mr. Eldon. McNamara is hull daying • •with•. his sister, -Mrs., 1. 'elected:. . president, Morley Pette- Austin Mr and Mrs' :Webster ••and'; place; vice pres�; Calvert Falcon Marian Dalton spent the• week er '.sec.:: trews., Mrs: Geo. Fisher, sports corn.,..Joe Joe Falconer, Mrs , end with John.c. Dalton. Calvert 'Falconer, Elgin 'McInnes• I ' MISS . Margaret Kirby, is visiting • • lunch cornMrs Orville Tiffin' '- with Mrs. Frank McCarthy.' Mrs. James Falconer,Mks Joe. Mr B,ert: Martin •was' home for Falconer, a couple of days. Mr. and "Mrs. Jim (Falcone.r ; in- vited the',crowd to their home for July:. 1st, 1949. KINGSBRIDGE ' Mr. and Mrs. Joe Garvey and 1 family ,are 'visiting: Mrs, T •'Gar= vey. • Mr. and Mrs.' Leo' Clare of Pet- erborough,• Miss Mary 'Ryan and I,; ,Mr. ' and' Mrs. Edwin King ,spent the long week end at William, Clare's. Mrs, `Jas. Dean, Who has been . r :urs Auto ob ile Owners • Don't .pay 'two, .prices' for your insurance.., 'For, the most 'economical' a fld reliable .protection ;in AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE LIFT•; INSURANCE visitingplacedby herFrsis?ter,,Sheridan Mrs Clareof fother Mt. the ;past' month, left on Monday, for her home' in B.C. Mr. :and Mrs: Denis. ' Dalton have .taken up ,residence • in ' part of the convent. • . • • r.. Miss Rtta.' Wallace , was • hone i see or Call for the week -end,. ' Clarence Lannan called on'!.. T14L CAMERON Jerry O'Connor's on Sunday. Luh ou,� jntario . : • 'Phone Dungannon' 7A»r-10 Rev. Fr. D'onnellari is on. •an I extended. trip and is' being re- ' 'FIRE INSURANCE SICK &• ACCIDENT INSURANCE , .and HOSPITALIZATION • P Stuart MacKenzie 'BARRISTER :& 'SOLICITOR Walkerton, Ontario. N .LUCKNOW • Each Wednesday OFFICE IN HENDERSON•:BLOCK, 1 ACCOUNTANCY` for.. ''. the Small Mer- chant, ,Professional Man and the 'Farmer. • In . Lucknow•' Tues.', Thurs.and. Friday. . Office . in Kilpatrick Block. S. 'J..PYMM P.O. Bola `7,4 Lucknow, Ont ',Phone: 23 INSURANCE SUALTY : AUTOMOBILE • TO 11'rotect Your jack Insure With 'Jack' Today , Phone 61-4 Dungannon ' Insure, In Sure Confederation Life WIND, CAB, • ACCIDENT & SICKNESS ,F._11t1E--Preferred Rates for preferred risks: Consult JOHN FARRISH 'Phone 7-r-15, Dungannon IN, LUCKNOW OF EACII MONTH AT WK. SCHMID'S STORE