HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1948-07-08, Page 3THURSDAY, JULY'' 8th; 1940
Local awl .General
Mrs. Walter Smith knee Kath-
leen Reid) is attending summer
school .in Toronto..
Joe Agnew of Detroit spent the
week-erid with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs, E. H. Agnew. -
ive. 2 weeks' supplyy $1; 12 weeks
$5 i
, at Dow 'S Drug Store. , • '
Paul Freeman 'of Springfield is
visiting: with his aunt and uncle,
Mr. and Mrs, J. W. Joynt.
Mr -and Mrs.:. Ed Baker :•and
family attended the: Scottish
t'games at AEmbro on. -,drily 1st.
• Miss Lillian :Carruthers' spent'
• her, holidays with.friends in ,L• on-.
don, :Sarnia , and, Detroit:'
Mrs.. H D, Thompson.: 'a n d
David spent a•,few days this week
in; Kitchener. -%
Mr. D. G. MacKenzie was • tak-
en: to : Kincardine Hospital on
Monday. .. •
• Mrs.- Andrew :Huston of ;Tor
ontq spent . the week -end. with
Mrs. David Huston. .
• Mrs.' Russ.. Clipperton of .Lon-
don visited; a few days with. her.
•parents, Mr.: and Mrs, Sam .Reid.
Miss. Ben, Naylor is making her
home at. Whitechurch with Mr
and Mrs. Fred Newman
500 •PAIR new shades Nylon hose,
subs, ,at $100; •500"pair,new colors
Nylon hose, first: quality, •on sale
pack T� Bruce
"Will ye no come back again
and ,visit, our. Sepoy `Town?"
Here's a• hearty' welcome from
•we, at Thonipson's,' to visit,
'"The. Old Home Town" 'during
'County'„Gala Reunion,'
•and a •Special:...invitation to
drop intoe our .store and ', say
'The Store of Friendly: Service'
serving. Lueknow; :& Vicinty
for -over' 25: ' years.
Mrs. Mae Irwin: of Thar nesford
,spent a few days ;here last week
Miss. pearl Jamieson. '•'of Ash
-field ,is takinga summer course
in 'London.,
MiSs Helen ,Thompson is taking
a surnrner•coursein art and crafts
in Toronto"
Gordon Johnston of Toronto is
taking a summer course in agri-
culture. at • the. O.A.C.; Guelph.
Mr. and Mrs,• Clarence Murdie,
Billy i.nd Michael are holidaying
here arid` at"Kincardine. •
�.• is
• Miss Matilda ,Scott: of Detroit,,,
has ..been :visiting with , her cous
in, Mi.§ Joseph Hanna and , Mr".
,Mr. '. and Mrs. Sid Rouse. and
children have taken. up residence
in Lucan. Sid is stationed at the
R.C.A.F. station at Centralia.
Mr. Russell, Armstrong a n d
Miss . `Marion Martin of Clifford
spent the week -end with Mr. and.
-Mrs; W.: G. Armstrong:
Mr.' ,and Mrs....Malcolm Arm-
strong .and three, sons ,of Port
Arthiii a're va,catior ing,, at the
Murdie Cottage ,at Point Clark.
•Mr..John C MacKenzie of Kin-
loss • "Townshipwas taken'.. to
Wingharn 'Hospital' last week, be-
ing ill with :pneumonia:
Mrs. Chas. McD�nald and Joyce
'are 'in London .whe:re Joyce -wase
entered ;<n,, Victoria Hospital' a.s
a patient
Mrs.''' Cather ine. Maltby visited
,her son Delmar: of ;Georgetown
and friends at Brampton and Bol-,
ton last •week., >'
Mt Wrn; Robson, and his moth=
er ; Mrs. Grace Robson :of ' Kings-
ville ,are visiting Mrs; . T, A. Mac
Donald: •
Mrs: •Margaret Hays (nee Miss
Margaret Wilson) of :Manitoba,
'•visited her cousin, Sam .1Reid•'and.
Mi aid 'Mrs: L ice; Moirison.
spent .an evening last week, with
Mr. and Mts." Amos Attwood ' o f
Teeswater .
Mrs.. John Carruthers and D'av-:
id S.:. Carruthers'. attended -`:the.:
Martin ' Hahawell. .vedding''.Dat
Maple, ;'Ontario
,Mi s." John C Carruthers ' and
Gayle' and Anne •'are ' visiting ' at
.the home` of Mrs,: John Carruth-
Visitors with Mr' Dan T. Mc
Kinnon : and. his. 'brother John, •
'Con.: 6, Kinloss, have •:been, . Mr.
Angus McKinnon; Toronto; Miss
Mary Mclnnes; Hamilton, Mr. &
Mrs. L' J,.• .Letang and C•atherine,.
of London, Bill McKinnon'of Ot-
tawa _aridBill'McRinnon, wird has
completed his schooling at .:Sty
Mr, Ed Thom of St. Helens
was guest of honor: at a family
gathering .at, the Thompson, Cot-
tage, at Amberley 'Beach on. Sun-
day, on the occasion of his: 75th
birthday. , Mr, • . and Mrs. . Thoarn's.
four .•.daughteris, Mrs, ,Carnpbell
Thompson, Mrs.. Ronald ,.Roth-
.Rothwell, Mrs Al Martin and Mrs.
Stuart Collyer, and their htis_
bands and families, With the ex
ception of . Mr. Rothwell, were
present for the birthday' party,
Mrs.: and Mrs. Sickle, `Mr, and
'Mrs, E, J. Morris and • Dorothy of
,Chicago visited the ''past• week
with Mr. • Thomas Hill. • •
Misst Louise 'Greer/of. of Toronto
Is "holidaying at the hoe •af her
parents., Mr; and. , •lVirs
NEW LOT ladies Nylon slips,
new lot ladies and misses blouses
and waists on sale: THE MAR-
:Miss' Bernice Shaddick is em-
ployed in, the""Co-Op Store, form_.
•erly` operated. by Donald Mc -
Charles. Miss- . Betty Griffin is..
'now employed in Louzon's Store.
Miss Louise: Tr:eleaven,' local.
librarian,' was.'taken to Wingham,
Hospital •tlie • first. of the week,
suffering f r o, m;..a n•, . attack of
Mrs, • `John Carruthers, Mrs.
Catherine; ; Maltby,. Mrs, '"Richard'
Creech, • Mr. • Eddie Creech. ,and
1WIr D.. S. Carruthers. 'motored to
Niagara Fallsl one day 'last week.
Mr. and Mrs.: Harold :Agnew
and David.'ofDetrot were week-
end visitors here. They were 'AC-
,. by John; K. 'and Mary
• Edith :who are remaining for the:
stammer'.; " :` ` I
Jerome's College; i itchener.
ire,a■ aimais.aaaaaasawIai■■a.lu r aariaasupanorar
.i' " -4 �.
��� r e u
1 ,
1 • "0:3. i'm .
::' Just ` Received A' Shipment Of
"" Haut hs . . g Clothes.
lar hes . that u.laugh
-- ' the Work ,� •
'' at hard
0 rills, sizes 34 44
�,3,2 44
• ants., sizes
Shirts, sizes 141/2--M 17
• •o
Mr. "'J A,' Thompson, manager
of the•, Bank. of Montreal, was
Called . • to Port Neuf,: Quebec at
the 'end:,of the 'week,: due' to the
death of his brother-in-law, ,Mr.
•Mr. and Mrs.:Howard McGuire
and Leven ' of.• 'Huron Township,,
Mrs. `John Robb and' 1VIr. Harr;;
Bell of Kinloss were: guests on
Sunday of • Mrs. , Margaret. Mac-:
Pherson and family of Milverton.
•Gordon Moore, of Acton has
been' visiting with :his:- mother,.
Mrs Mary Moore who is a .pat-
ient in . Goderich' Hospital. Mrs,'
Moore is in .improved health .and
is'. expected . home shortly
Donald Thornp$on 'visite& last.
week.- with his cousin; ' Robert
Hewat• of Elmira, and attended,,
the reunion. in. that. town;' featur:.:
ed by 'the official, : opening ;of: a
$40,0,00 swimming. pool;''
Mr. John MacRae and Mr. `and
Mrs. 'GordonxFenety;;attended;,the
Highland-ganies at Ernbro on July.
tat;.'and reported 'made-to-order
weather . and a fine• afternoon: of
games and Scottish music,
Dr. J. F. MacKenzie. of.Detroit,
Was a; caller at The Sentinel Of
flee on ;Saturday. lie had attend-
ed the 'Chester -Henderson Wed-
ding, and was . on. his Way to ,the
cottage at Bi;uce .Beach• where he'
wil l; spend the suinmer
Mrs: 'Delmar Webbei . and 'Mr.
and Mrs.' Carlton -Van Hooser of
al' East. Aurora, .are, visiting With
Mrs, R: J. Cameron: Mrs Web -
1 ber' was the for''mer Delmar Con -
gram, =a nAt'ive of ,Lucknow and
a'niece of the.late R. 'J.• Cameron.'
Sunday visitors at the home of
Mrs.' John Carruthers were ,Mr.
and Mrs., Eldon Lowery and fam-'
:Hy, Mr. and Mrs. Elliott 'Carruth-
ers. and Karen, Mr. John Car-.
i'.uthe •s . of ,;London, Mr. and Mrs.
D.11, Cari•dthers and Amelia ••also
Mr. Irwin Carruthers,
Eddy flaunt, Mrs,' Chas. Mason
infant daughter ta'rbara E.sther,'
— visited in Lond'ori on F ay with
1 ,
ss4 im iMrcriaama llamaaasar ilimm0 noir
rsa ssssr -
.(Chas. Webster, Prop.:)'
• Offers You A Wide Selection Of The
-" ' Latest 'Styles In. y
Explosive Dealer in .:t•his Dist•ri•ct -'for
Also ` Ca mbridge Clothes.
You: are invited to drop in and look around=
. no • obligation . to'.buy.•
That -We Have. Been Fortunate in securing
and': clan now supply you :in.
45 and 51 gauge; in. -the :latest shades•
. .
Childs and' Misses • White Strap • Slippers
Cool'.shoes for the hot weather ahead'
at greatly reduced prices.
• C.
b ,
Kenneth ,Who. is a . patient in
Westminster Hospital, It w a s
Kenneth's ;first glitnpS, • of Mb;
little :,three -weeks' old. daughter.
Mrs, J. A. Glennie; whd spent
the: win ter in Aberdeen, Scotland,
is now at' her cottage at.Point
,,Clark, Mrs, Glennie reports that.
rationing. 'and,'shor.tagos are caus-
ing many hardships in the ,Old, '
Land, but the people continue to '
accept these. things with . little:,,or'
no ;rumbling, °
���..,�..,.�•+-+`:mow• .e �- ,_:' a� r"�.+.j11111�,ir'"�'' ,.. rt'. . s