HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1948-07-08, Page 2PAGE TWO.
.. rte• :: .
B=N.' "Engltsh" :Paint
i e ' a -d protects
ecut�fi s r� .
'exteriors with a 'coat of
lasting colour. '•.
i : E D RSON
• JOHN W.. H N �
KORAN=In Goderioh .Hospital on
Sunday, July 4th, to. Mr. and'Mrs.
John Foran,; R. .2; 'Auburn, a: dau
' ghter.
• The many, friends of Peter Wat-
son wire. greatly . shocked and
saddened on Saturday, July 3rd,
to learn . of his s u• dden passing.
He was born to the 12th Con-
cession of `West Wawanosh on
September 5th, 1885 •and lived
'all his life on the farm on which
he was born, until his retirement
eight years ago, when he moved,
to the village of Lucknow,
A lover sof horses,for years he
was a successful;• exhibitor' at
many local. fairs. He was possess-•Gve}i in marriage by her 'fath
ed of a ',cheerful and kindly dis-.
position and...had endeared him- er, the bride was attended by her
self to` young and old alike, He sister, Mrs; Whitton Young,.. as
• was: a member, of Luckhow fires matronof honor., Mr. ,Herbert.
b 'yterian,Church and ••.the •hO:O.F::' Thompson of 'Brantfordn'was.; best
He Leaves • to nburni his` loss; his'
St. James United Church, dt- �. A few years ago, the Mission
tawa, • at high noon on, Saturday, Board of the Presbyterian ,church
June 26th, was 'the scene of. -the refused .an application for service
wedding of Margaret Blakely,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles.
Burns, ' and Mr. James Edwin.
Smith,^son of Mr. and'Mrs. James
Smith .of Wingham,~ iev.' J. Rich-
mond Craig officiated, Mr. Bram-
well, Bailey played the organ
music, and the soloist' was Miss
Bessie. Carson. Baskets', of sum-
mer flowers were used in decora-
THURSDAY, JU.Y 8th, 1948
Mr. and Mrs. John Hayes and
grandspn, Mr. David Proctor of
Detroit, spent the .week -end with
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emerson -
for 'the foreign field. This mat- and other relatives, Mr. ;and 'Mrs..
terecd. little,. as a more complete J, B, .Morrison who were visiting
dedication' of this life to the cause ' at. Detroit with . thein daughter,
of Christ was hardly possible, IVIr, and Mrs. Cameron, z'eturned
Wherever tier work as a •teacher 1 home With Mr, and. Mrs:, Hayes,
took her, Marion MacDoug�ah was 1VIr, and Mrs. Jack: coulter of
active in church work,. in Pthe. near Wingham .visited last Thurs.
choir, -Sunday School, Young e day evening with Mr. ,and Mrs, , '
ple's Society , and .. missionary Albert Coultes.
causes. - Rev:. W: S, Sutherland spent a
Born in Kinloss Township she few days• in Hamilton last. weep.
obtained`:her early. education •at attending a 'meeting, •
the':Sescond', School. Even:. at an Miss. brace McKinnon, teacher
early age' her .daily kindnesses of , S.S. No. 10 school, chartered
made a lasting. impression;on her , a, bus on Monday arid took all
Her, p.Mp ls'.for a picn cto Sprfng=
man and' the ushers were Mr: 'studies °iri.'Iucknow Continuation . bank, °Mrs. Wallace Cortn r '
..th G: H, ,. .:... , M s.,
Whitton Young and Mr, John' School while .residing w� >✓rnest Casemore, Mrs...Lorne'
Fensham, Smith, As she helped her friends Johnson and -Mrs. James Wilson
'The bride' wore a period gown with their problems her life work Jr,, went, to ` help•: look after the .•
of ice blue satin, designed with teras made clear to her: After at- •children,
a long'train. She: carried an heir- tending North' Bay Normal school +›The Falconer -McInnes. ,reunion;"
loom f n . mounted ' with tiny she. taught in Golden Valley for was held last Thursday, uly 1 ,b
rosebuds, ..and wore .a, juliet` cap ' five ` ',years. ' F iirth'er' . "study , at at the home of Mr. and Mrs: Jas.
of natuial'.flowers, ;Stratford Normal . School 'result. McInnes when about'ninety were
A reception' was held at : ' the ed ' in: a position in Culross Town -present . •
Orange p
,an a Lantern •Inn,'•after which 'ship. From • there' she came • to � Mr. and Mrs: Johnson and Mr.
Mr. .and Mrs, Smith ' left. for the. Lucknow Public School, Her eight.: and 'Mrs. Bruce Ryan and baby
Lairrentians. They will take up
residence at ,407 Hinton Avenue
schoolmates. She• :continued. ,her
wife, the former ; Marion Case-
ase-more of Wingham,, one. daughter
Annie (Mrs.. Harold Gaunt)' of
West, Wawanosh, two grandchild-
ren, Beverley and Douglas Gaunt,
three sisters, Mrs. Neil • •Camper
bell (Mary) Lucknow;. Mrs. Robt.'
Webster (Jessie) of Clinton and
Mrs. John. Pritchard (Abigail) of
West Wawanosh and one brother,
John, - Of London.
He was predeceased by his first
wife, the former Jean Hunter in in the autumn 'Going ; away the'
1933, . a., sister Fiera Isabel and • brine wore a• piny` gabardine suit
with white ' accessories .and cor-
The funeral,' which was largely sage Of pink and , white roses.
attended, was held . from his late Among the ' out-of-townguests
residence, •and was -conducted by were. Mr and Mrs,. James Smith,
his , pastor, Dr.' C, H. MacDonald, Wingham. Mr. 'arid Mrs; 'Herbert.
. assisted by .Rev :R, A. Joselyn of Thompson, Brantford; Mr, and
St,, Peter's ' Anglican ' Church, Mrs,. John Fenshain, Miss Linda.
Lucknow; P a 11°b e a r e r s were ' Fensl am, Kingston; Dr. F.. M. A..
Stuart Robertson; ,J L: `,MacMil- .McNaughton, Miss Jean ,P•rice,
len, . Alfred Aitchie,::Thos, Salk- 'Westmount, Miss 'Anna .Harvey,.
eld Ernest Gaunt:and and W.. " A. Lyndhurst; ' Miss, Mary. ;Earle,.
Miller'.. Merriekville; Miss Mary ' Mcln-
nes '' Maxville • .Mr: and: Mrs, ' Gor
. • The. beautiful , f inial' w tributes � .
showing the high esteem in which don Wood,'• Lachine; Misses. Nancy
the departed was , held, , were and Diana, Wood, Lachine; Misses
'borne 'by .eight nephews • Rela Annie and'. 'Jean '.. Graham, ;Mrs
tives 'were' p. esent from' Guelph, Ralph Slattery,. ;Arnprior;• Mayor
London Petrolia,..Clinton, Strat-`Malcolni Watson, Petaw:awa; Mr..
ford,Brucefield, . Wingham. a n d and Mrs. ° William Manchester,.
Goderich as well •as the; •sur Arnprior;• r:.. and,* Mrs: Robert
rounding country: Interment was :Blakely, Lachute., , Mr. and : Mrs:
William Lindsay;. ' .Mrs.. ' 'Henry
Alexander, :Manotiek:''
a brother, Hughie.' *; '•
'in :Greeff hih:' Cemetery.. u
When in Lucknow for the ruce•,County Reunion call at'.
' wideselection of
Schmid s . dewellry • Stogie fore' a ...
English Chinaware, nnerware,
.Silverware, Watches, Clocks
Cups and Saucers, Teaware
Royal. Doulton Figurins
aucer ----_ - -.: 1
En Wish Bone Chma Cu '' and S . � � Q
You'll • enjoy shopping '.at "The Gift- Shop"'
where a .hearty .welcome awaits you...: `
Jeweller, Lucknow
In a pretty summer.; wedding at
the -residence ofher, parents; Mr:,. three o'clock..conducted by Rev:.
years .of excellent teaching en-
,deared• her to young and old and
the :influence of her consecrated
:living on. the ;children`. under her
can never be measured.. She also
served briefly on the' public_
school staffs • in 'Springfield and
Miss MacDougall• passed, away
'at The Manse' on Tuesday morn..:
ing, :June 29th.' She had •been: crit-
ically.. ill for some time, but her:
gallant, spirit made .every "Mom-
ent spent in her presence • a bless
of Goderich spent Sunday with
the former's daughter; Mr,. and
Mrs. Jack Ryan. ' • •
Congratulations to Miss Grace.
McKinnon, teacher of S.S. No. 'i&
as her six pupils passed their en-
Shirley Casemore, Isabel•
Elliott', .and 'Douglas " Newman
passed 'on" their °year's work and
Anne 'McInnes,. Matilda Hutchi-
son and: Elmer Henderson. passed
by: writing then—'entrance exam
inations.• '
The • YP.Si of the Presbyterian
ing to her . .She c
associates.deeplyhurch met last .Tuesday;evening.
• �
appreciated the : many ,kindnesses With a good attendance, • when
of her
friends during` her. illness.. ,L'u,cknow,: Langside Societies. and`
Surv'iving are ',two sisters, Mrs: the• ,United' Church . Y.P.S. were,
C: H; MacDonald (Katherine) and present: Mr,. Mac McGregor.:and •
Mrs. Peter Campbell .(Etta) of Miss Barbara Newman conducted`.
Lucknow and i�:ne' bro'th :r, Mr; ,
the meeting. Hymns were sung •
Gordon :MacDougalll ' of : Windsor and the : seri tures .lesson read" b'��
also :three, half-sisters, Evelyn, Mr, .Nat Tho' son. Prayer.: was
Tris y
Mrs..: •Frei Cox,: Dorothy,. 'Mrs. `offered' 'b Miss Vivian' Fishu .
Perry Crozier; : and . Freda, Mrs: 1VIr. Roy of Londesboro and his
Leonard' .Maclnnes.. and her step- assistant., were present and, shu•v-
mother,: Mrs. 'John MacDougall. ed ;lovely lantern Slides for .al
• The funeral: service was; held. rnost two ,,hours: Lunc!ii' `was ;
on:Thursday, July • lat, : in the . ved :and : a social time as; werr�o�'
Lucknow :Presbyterian •church at e
wand -Mrs W: A Solorrron, ;Luck-: I• join, Ariderso f, ` B.A -M:C: a'rrd A; ' (TT-Txi:tt officiated �� li•e i
now, •'Alma Florae: °became the 1 Bar, cif Acton; assisted •'iffy Rev:, Phyllis. Loreen, cIdest -daughter
bride . of Thomas`. Alfred Joseph ' C D. Cox formerly. of Golden. w r F::ci J: Coo. - •`
Haller son', of: Mr. and M,rs..`Hc of Mr: and Mrs. c.
Valley. Miss. Lulu Warner; of the ecame theBride of James .Cook.:
V. Haller of Kitchener. Rerr.:J; I Acton. Public" School staff. sang"
W. Stewart officiated,; Mr; Wil- « ;} Boak, eldest son of. Mr ;`anti 1�1:s. .
God Hath Not' •Promased :Rev.
fred: Black played the 'wedding,
James 'Boak Bruno, Sash .Viii:
p Y g i •.. •',D. •MacDonald of.. Tillsonbur:g .
"music: {I 1 presided at the organ: Pallbearers Alfred ,Cook, uncle of .the.' bride.
Given in marriage.by•her atl were Messrs J,::D. Ross, :W :VV:` played .the wedding: march.as>the ° •
er,. the .bride • .wore a gown: Of 1. . .;
g ,Hill; , J -R: Henderson, lir: J. E. bride; was escorted. down. ttae'aisle
• white satin' ancJ: ��lace. Her floor Li:ttle, F: ''1. • ` • MacKenzie, Wm.•
m. by: her father.
Iength `veil wast caught. with Maclntyre: Interment• was•
orange blossoms 'and She carried • South Kinloss 'Cemetery. '. She wore a'Fremeli pei od gow'.rr`
bower' bouquet of Briarcliffe The sympathy of ;the :'Y hole of .white,'embroidered'°nylon with
nos s `and orchids community is extended to •the be- .,a sheer yoke ••caught 'at `the side
Sle . was .attended by. her .sister, '•reaved "in their great sorrow, , with seed" pearls The hooped
Mrs.:" Alfred Marshall,''.'maid; of ti ..front."
. skirt was caught:up in the •
honor,-: in a pinksilk net go*n..I gown of white nylon, with full
'.o snow tiered ruffles :of `fir ench' `.
:She carried,.,a coldnial'bouquet of skirt falling in deep, ruffles .;She lace. Her veil of 'sheer.. tulle ill-
• pink and cream.roses: wore .a gold lapel'watch• worn: by union '"i.•°,1 fell from. a coronet
: miss': • Marjorie Solomon, .as her grandmother''• .and : carr•.ied : a -
bridesmaid . wore blue brocaded '' of crystal ;eads ended in•a slight
bouquet of red roses and fern: •
satin arid. nylon and 'Carried .a train and she carried a cascade
colonial; bou uet 'of ' ellow roses: Her veil.of illusion• net was held ' ' t q Y b�u�uet of pink roses Her• oiily .'
r. • airy owns and Mr:.RRoss' with a larded 'ryyion, headdress, ornam
ihe.grooentm was pearls, the gift, of
Haller attended':the :groom: matching her. ..gown .
Aft ' P k M
er a' reception.. at ar rs, Inrnis E MacSween, sister.
House, Goderich, Mr.' and • Mrs, ''of the bride,'' was ••matron. of hon
Haller left ,by' motor. for • Buffalo. 'Or gowned in pink net, with m'at-
I�■ai. ui.Iu_■■■r I..uft■i■Ii•■rm■aiiimi uu•.■uU■uI■■ , For,travelhng the bride wore a chin headdress and long white
g g
mitts: As bridesrnaid,• Miss' Edith