HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1948-07-08, Page 1$2.00 A Year -In Advance; 50c. ,Extra to U,, S. A. • LUCKNOW, ' ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 8th,. 1948 reunion Program: T�(kes Shape,, To Be_Sread Qver �h'r�e Da�rs .:The' Monday night .meeting of the' Lucknow ' Reunion • 'Commit- tee, ••prov.ed to be the best 'meet- ing to 'date, , w'ith. plans'taking definite' shape ' for the' big. "do" that so far as Lucknow ins con- ". ed ':is •us three;'weeks'aw sern t a . The Bruce County special,. 'n'ark you,is scheduled to arrive in Walkerton a : week from ' next Tuesday, JuI3 20th. At Monday night's meeting Bob MacIntosh' reported that The. Leg-. •ion 'did ' not wish ' to 'assume` the responsibility of the calithump ian. parade, in view of 'the .short' - •time remaining, and the fact that 'the .organization 'wash • busily en- gaged... with :their' floodlighting ' project: • He did, however. 'assure 'every. assistance• on the part of. Legion mere 11111, UNABLI TO PUBLISH • SPECIAL REUNION 'ISStJE• It' had been : the' intention of :The 'Sentinel to publish :a special' issue ,to mark the Bruce •County'. homeco , ing whi : ,°be., • n. ch ' w� l eel e= 'brated in• • Lucknow on • Friday, July 30th' However various .factors have oombined .to: force' us to abandon the idea ' Chief- factor was mesh- anical:• difficulties with both our Linotype 'andnewspaper .press,' •and while these appear to; be ow pretty well o' ercome,J ur sc ed- ule has; been so upset, and a back:- log ack-log of .commercial printingpiled' g . u_p that makes .any y other''. co - m. mitments oust of the question.' The correction•. of our mailingg. lust .was • delayed' for, some time and ` numerous subscribers • sus peeted',an•error:.had'been made 'in marking up their' label.` The 'list ' was corrected at 'the .. week:- end. eek-end : A calithumpian committee: of Messrs..•:Wm: MacDonald, John• D. Ross and: Russ •Button, was nam- ed ,With ' power to add :to their • numbers. It is" hoped that organ - ization►s, industries ': and . ndivid- uals•• will. enter Wholeheartedly 'into this, .jand.'Make the .Parade : . colorful , spectacle •` Catering: 'and.'Concessions • The : feeding of Friday's . crowd' is engaging. . the . close attention of.: the committee..A •few. private rn;dividuals are corisiderin spry - int meals . at their hone that '.day, and anyone who. Would: Care : to cater:way4-- ,:on a: larger sca1, is asked to attend next 'Monday night's' Meeting .or to 'clst nitely 'advz*c: the Comrriit' tee of 'their •. rntentibns 'p:rior. to. #,haf-me' Concession privileges :'are also' available.- in the grounds'! or on the, street and' application=sho.ulci be' made •at once. to the comm. it- tee Y a';of.. Iaarve °Trele ' �, vert. ki, :.•D:; •Thornpson' :and harry Nixon ox• applicants should attend next Monday :night's meeting for final. • ,•allotment. :ofd `spaces. Week For Beauty Entries Entries in the Beauty Contest should be made with Mrs. N •,E: Bushell, and must.be ' definitely entered within: the. • next week. • Local: and district girls' are urged to get,•into .the contest and make it a big . success. The in first .prize rize ; the ." " ' p Miss-' Luckrrow contest • will°be a beautiful'' -sliest• of ;silver and•• she will also be eligible'. to competeat 'Kincardine .where. cashpr'rizes p of:$500, $200 and, $100 ''are offered.' �• The Lucknow• contest' will be- . held in the Arena on Thursday evening,. July 29th. It will .be preceded by -a softballgame, sponsored by The Legion, and • EIGHT PAGES' 4. Windows Wantoniiy• Smashed' Wanton damage .has been done 'to • the . new •Co -Opp• mixing plant at : the' C N.R:;•'.by . the.• shattering :of many .•windows ' on ' the east • side of , the' building.. • MAILING LIST REVISED THIS, WEEK After some delay ,the- Sen tinel .mailing list was, correct, ed up to last Friday.. and this week's issue will carry new label dates for many sub-•. scribers. •• Take . note, of : the date ` "oil your label to see if..prbper credit has been given -.and •if ;your • sbbsci`rliitionl' • is' .:in •ar=• real°. please attend to this matter promptly. MR. & MRS. S. REED HONORED ON 40TH .ANNI.VERSARY The home 'of Mr. and Mrs. 'Sam Reid, Lucknow, was the scene ,of a party, . on July 1st, when. their family .and nine grandchildren and other relatives.;to the number: of thirty-five, .gathered to honor Mr. and Mrs. Reid on •the aceas inn of their' 40th wedding -anni- • During .the, evening: the':bride .of 4Q; years was. .presented, with a bouquet . of ' orange: blossoms ,by her • bridesmaid,. Mrs. Jas Pipe of, Goderich. The evening was Spent enjoying a. nice program, after ;: which a dainty • lunch.' was seryed: "They, all'san'` `"For they Y are •jolly good fellows'.' , and "Auld Lang• Syne".; ,Mr. and Mrs kReid `received many useful gifts :and Mrs. .: Reid • thanked -everyone and hoped all 'Would , :be' spared =;to celebrate 'with, them their 50th the •i�� ,a c' T a 3 eeds`af ,the da.»,e shied 'with. "the .'Rcunion Com- mittee • • On .Sunday after noon . .follow- ing; 71:i,,,1�:'io -plan§`tri)c.L.1 eectition service. PrcsicltritBcil Macintosh .dnnOunced h ch will f-1°t�ri�" c! tFratlt ,tits rd v . sri; , q SC 'V'iC � Y • and , gathei•in ;s :as .a' :conclusion ci .Lirc-knovi's, ar•t•Y "in the Coin -4y 'celebratieii7 The Pro'r am in Brief : .suint -ria 'y of "the local• pro z:. minus any details. is as follows: :Thursday. Evening, .July. 29th ' ' ;Softball 'Ganite Beauty Contest. J'itnev Dancing • Friday, •July 30th Morning - •:Calithumpian Par- ade.. anniversary.: -Friends Were.',pres ent from Goderich, Whitechurch,, London;Kinloss Asht eld ' and Luckrit�w K -' PU.�I GS' .ALC. T11e :Lucknow .'Lawn- Bowfin llri.the Bruce Inspectorate of those who '-wrote, Gladys obtained 355 marks or ;88.75 percent,' :In first 'place ..was Joan• John- ston of • Ripley with 359 marks or 89 75 percent. Kenneth . McLen nan of Ripley was third with 351. marks, 87.75 'Per'cent. Ronald' Coiling Finlay, SSS. No. '2 Huron, was 5th :with339 marks or 84,75 percent' In the 'Inspectorate there were `5.47 entrance candidates. Of these 277, •or 50:6'..percent:were re' om=, 'Mended theiry on ears -.:Work.Of the ',270 who w ' to 'the xamina- tion c there w r�53 'failures. Reception For Newlyweds . Mr. 'and Mrs, George Newlyweds, (nee'Alice Barkwell) were guests of honor at a reception held in the Town Hall on Friday evening. The presentation of a purge of • money was made ,by Jack Mac- Intosh ,and Virden .Mowbray. BACK TO BRUCE•,, WROTE ENTRANCE, :WAS: SECOND IN )[NSP CTORA FORMER ST., PETER'S. RECTOR O .:. WILL BE BE HERE . FROM• N: • Althcitigh, recor'nmended do her ear's' work,Gladys Chin re lies- Rev. Charles W. • Saunders, Rec- • yy q for of St,'Peter'Anglican church °ted to write: the entrance, exarnin- s g from 1905 to 1910, expects to, be here. *for the ' homecoining' ,cele- b tion, 'Rev..- Saunders l is now retor at Stewacke, Nova Scotia. He says in part:. • "To`• 'be re- membered' •after almost forty years, did .give . me ' a Thrill. My Wife' and I'expect to 'Spend a'brief holiday in London With tour' son, • rations ..and stood•• in second place- . IN'WESTMiNSTER HOSPITAL.+ • Jimmy' Scott, of ,Langside:' has been a patient in'(Westminster Military Hospital. for • several months" ",and is a • roommate of Kenneth •.Cameron.: Jim had his feet, frozen , last winter 'and re Gently underwent an operation for' t e' amputation of, a couple ,of. .h p i�. toes: on. one foot..• DOUBLES-TO1JRNEY TODAY Cluki i stagzi;rg ., their ' anzival. afternoon. ': Thur..sdaY. `• P 1 .• starts at .1:30': There..will be ,three; 15 -end' :games PA k"RA !�C - E �• n d kyles tou>rna en s • Entrance : exaini.nation •results for the •t Liicknp. '• centre show • •seven:.of. 34. pupils received hon oral y standing Sixteenwrote.•the exainiriation' with the; of ei .qb g;r.an tainiong 'their, standing , on their :year's worl., .There .was: one fail :ire only at- the Lucknow centre Ail pupils • of passed: • •, Afternoon .'-.-- Softball '..tourna-' menta High,la'nd • dancing, Seotclp •reel,' square: dancing; tug •.o'>.war,. Huron .;vs. 'Bruce; Jack Thynne, the lansas Farmer; 4 'bands•— Pipe, brass, bugle, and 'clown.' Evening -�' Monster -,carnival and:-,street';dances•• sponsored,•. by. The. Clansrneri. Sunday,'August' list :Morning—"Old . Boys"' -yin local pulpits. Afternoon—Decoration service • Evening Band. 'Conceit;' ar. allowed by a jitney'dance, with,rangein nts not complete. • Here is to ..Old Bruce' Count that's where I'm going hack: Y, The' fair place,' the rare place, that's calling me to pack. Myself and' old• -'Bruce• County, we've been long' years apart,, Y : A dears. spot, a queer spot it holds within my, heart; • G,.• ' '. Of all'the 1 ` 1� a first I •left'tostay f placeshave been`s c one Can ea.lr- so sweetly Youve been too long .away", 1`ve read the o1d home paper and oh, `my, heart is torn, . I must go back to dear old Bruce, the spot: where •I was born.. That's 'Why I'll ' oY. • • Y, J rl the multitudes 'Nvlicr 'bre heading, back toda�w,` To' be there; to' see there the faces that'I relay, , ••• To. clasp 'the hand of friendship, to 'taste. the, 4,1p.of. joy): To Md to meniory's casket a gem without 'alloy. ' (Luckno ' . ' DEAN I: MacLEOD: • O BRUCE' Tune == "Auld' Lang' Syne"'' • the local.' school Barr, Russell Bohnert, Berkley -Bonnett,: Ruby Campbe'll,' Duncan Casemore, Shirley Chin Gladys (hon. ). Crowston, Clarence ' Dur nin,',Betty , • Elliott, Isobel E1phieh.,: David England, 'Marjorie Fisher. Bill Guest, Jean, Hamilton, Betty :(hon.) Hedley, Jaequoleen .• Henderson Elmer . Hodgins, 'Clayton lutel•iisorl, Matilda Irwin, Etl'Wdod E , Irwin, IVlaaiene Johnston, Carman Johnston,. Joan (hong) 1VIacIrinesr Ann Maclnnes, Catherine • liMaclntyre, Donald MacIntyre, Mary 'Anna • MacMillan, Mary (hon.) '. McNay, Donald ; Moore, Eva • • eWman, Douglas (hon.)' eid Edna (hon,) • 'Thciinpson, Donald (hon.).. Wall, Mary Jean Walsh, Suitt - COKING .EVENTS • DANCE TUESDAY' Dance at St. Augustine on Tuesday',: JuI; '13th, Farriers -or- chestra. Lunch served. Gents 1; ladies free: • so in all , probability' 1 shall. go an to Lucknow: to 'see �the=f ew''old , friends still there. 'I `know I''sh'all;• • fail to see :.all' niy 'Old friends as I left St, Peter's • in 1909, A.•`new generation has grown up : since. then,••bu•t• there are still` a euir, Harry • 1VIcQuiliin, • Jo a Agnew, Will Davison, Wm '•Murdie' and • there may' be .a -lot of •;others". *. • • The Bruce County Reunion got a big .play in :the "Globe last ''Week 4, The` second , section front page •was "devoted to"a news' story of. the 'homecoming,: illus' trated by a half dozen;' rural, ` ur- ban and seaside ;"shots". :of scenes in Bruce. The irst _ e fr • st county -wide � home- . oming ever: attempted. is attract, ing international interest' and'is being ' widely: 'publicized; from. coast tocoa�''yj , Here ,For The .Reunion Mr. ' and : Mrs: 'Dave `.Lawrence are probably :the' first :arrivals =for: 'the Bruce . Reunion to 'be held late., this ..month.. Mr: ',and Mrs: Law•rence,'::.who. have been :. re Joins Bank Staff siding<for a time ' Flint, Miss Betty�, •. n Mich . Miller, daughter or .with °their son arrived -.here .on Mr: and' Mrs Fi ank `lltiiller has ...Saturday and are • visi.tiriga`t the :joined: the ';staff .of°.the Bank' of. ,hone of. her-brother,'•:Mr. • Z]Vihiam' Montreal MacKenzie of Langsiele. •4 •y,.* . LOSE 'i° OS HRE:E FROM HEALTH STAFF The staff of the. Bruce County Health 'Uni:t'held.:a very .informal but siccessfu.l 'picnic. ,at Whip - ;Poor -Will Bays -rear - Lion's Head lc,st week.•..Supper was prepared on' the shore of '• the. '•' lake and everybody enjoyed the -festivities: -The staff' is soon to lose • from its' members three •, who have .been; on •'the staff during the past year. They . are Miss Mary. McLatigh- lin who has been • "the • . district nurse' in Lion's Head; Mary ,Rust who " has , been the district' nurse in' the 'Lucknow district • and Miss Erma 'McDougall who .has been on" the staff'gine the early days of the formation • of the Unit,' i;n• the. office, and Who will be leav- ing . shortly to be married. . It is regretted that it is necessary for these three . members . to be ' lost to the staff, particularly in these days when trained.' personnel are • so difficult 'to obtain Miss' ; Mc Laughlin• is going to' train for the" medical • mission ' fields in India, while Miss Rust ' is taking on Health duties at Toronto With the' Department there: 'These; mem- bers will be missed and good wishes go with them in their fut- .tire ; life. •These Members will b4 replaced soon by other :trained personnel will in the: near fixture there will be • a' further : bulletin on the personnel. of: the 11eealth `nit, 144 • ay wi+►.!i��,� ra kms:ellat airi rwn Mrs. Ken Agnew of" Milton,` says I hope to be • there with' the crowd, for. the • reunion". • Dog, Food ';Holding : The Line. • Canned meats: were" , ,among • food products' relieved of the ;:8. percent. tax,. but increased : prices of the product •liave�more than • offse e t the saving:That. ' is �t the 'exception of 'clog:food, . which' is' •holding the. price. l•ine , ' So, if, You . can 'eat .with the;•.dog,: you''ll • •:save eight percent on,'your . food' bill . �. • FfRE. RAZED : :B�iG ,. DU;NGAN:NON •BARN (l One. of the finest barns in. the Dungannon district was razed by fire Thursday night,;on the. farm of Thomas McLean. The barn was • 72 feet square. The McLean Aarm'" . is on: the fourth : concessio of West Wawanosh, The fire Was 'discovered 'shortly' .before. Mid-, night. Cause of the outbreak• ' is net. known. A, few loads of fresh hay had' been ,plac'ed in °the barn within the past two or three days but its,. was thought that.there'was 'not .sufficient hay, to cause'-spontan eous .. combustion. • Cattle and horses were'` rnpas tare'. It • is . believed that. .four] calves perished. The loss is ' par-• l tially covered by. insurance. • Mr. 1VIcLean was bored on" this farm, and the fine; big . barn '"was built by his father in• 1895 A • i3 4