HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1948-07-01, Page 4PAGE FOUR is THE'LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LtICKNOW, ONTARIO 'THURSDA', JULY 1t, 19,1 •MAN WANTED for Itawleigh. 4144 1 business. Sell to 1;500 families. Good profits• for hustlers. Write' today. Rawleigh Dept. ML -F-271- ') S, Montreal;, Que. 7'4 ' .. "WANT' AD" RATES -1st insertion .2 cents : a word, subsequent insertions 1 cent a° word. 1VIinimum charge 25 'cents. Replies care 'of The Sentinel, lb cents. extra. Legal,µadwcrtising 10 cents • per count line first insertion, 5 cents per line subsequent insertions. 'FOR SALE '— 3 -piece bedroom suite; .Apply at . Sentinel Offipe. FOR SALE—MasseyHarris bind • er.. -Bert Alton, R. ` 7, Lucknow. • "FOR 'SALE-' baby stroller in' good condition. Apply. at Sentinel Office, FOR,. SALE -- 3 -burner .,coal ; oil stave in good condition. Mrs. A. E. Durnin, Lucknow.• kO SALE—manure. loader; good as r evw, '.fits Foiki tractor, bar- gain, Ernest Button, Lucknow. ' FOR SALE:— drop -head Singer. Aewing machine in good condi- - tion. .Apply Sentinel Office. • • CAR FOR SALE —' 1928 Pontiac in . good shape,. good tires, new battery.; Mrs. Jack Clark, Luck now.. , • .FOR SALE1931 model' A' Ford eoach'.in good repair;. also a man's bicycle....Alex Hackett;' R; 7, . Luck now:, Phone 67-r-12 Dungannon FOR SALE -good Massey Harris mower; good farm wagon and hay. rackWm. Buckingham, Ii •.R.' 7, Lucknow: • • •' • FOR SALE -8 it., Massey -Harris adi1mp rake ; in ' :good. condition.. Geo D.:Fisher, R.. I, Lucknow, `phone 43-r-3. • HAY •WAI4TED—will buy quant- ity of standing hay Phone John stop. McLeod,'81-r-6, Ripley., Cori. • 12 Huron 7''ownship. •, AVON' PRODUCTS 'needs a rep- resentative .to service .customers in Lucknow. Write Box 38, .Luck - now, Ontario, FIRE; : EXTINGUISHERS from, $2.50 up. All • types from 'bombs. to autotnatic , sprinklers. See, Art Breckles, Lucknow, proprietor Sentinel Fire Extinguishers. AUCTION SALE; sof °'•village prop-, ertyN on• Saturday,. July 14th at 8, :o'czock .= seven t'oom Pk storey frariitie dwelling in, good repair, town . water and hydro, • good cel - ,lar free of. water .year round; .two lots, 381, 382, half. acre, corner of Canning and Clyde St. Terms, 10 percent . of purchase price' on day of : sale. :Balance in thirty clays. Possession in one -month. Property •. offered subject 'to 're- serve. reserve. bid. Well; Henderson, Atte.; Worden Howald, Prop. ' NOTICE T'O CREDITORS In the Estate of Catherine . M. Ritchie, Deceased. All persons having .c1 ai m.s against the : estate • 6f. .Catherine M, Ritchie, late .oaf'. the :Township of Ashfield; in the ,;County 'of: Huron, Widow, ; .deceased, . who died On or :-about the 30th day Of FOR' SALE: -1.•930' Model A: 'Ford ••coach;. seal. 'beam, lights, '600-•16 tires, reconditioned rriotpr.. ; Lloyd Lt= eknow • • FOR ' :SALE Massey -Harris, side rake, a, 3 -furrow°; •M. -H. tractor plow or :plow,. :and'a.'2-furrow. M. -H.: tract- • •.low:.. Johnston McLeod, . Con.. . 12 Huron; phone 81 r•-6; Ripley.. • FOR SALE}• -Johnston ironhorse 'engine, s/s , •:H.P., ` one ' year • old; Coleman • gas iron,, Coleman gas - lantern and •Aladdin lamp : d• Lloy • Hunter, R•.;' 1,.:Lucknow.'• April, 1948; are hereby notified to .send to: the 'undersigned Exe- cutors, on or before the 15th day of July, • 1948, full particulars ` of. their claims. •••Irl mediately after the 15thday of July, 1948,' the •assets _ of the estate will be' distributed amongst theparties entitled thereto, hay, ing regard only ... to.` the claims of which the : Executors shall :then' • have notice.' •' Dated 'at::' Lucknow; Ontario;. this '21st 'day of June,. 1948. , ,C: Wesley Ritchie and' Russell obertson,= Executors:;:= R. W :Andrew, their" Solicitor herein. • . NOTICE TO CREDITORS . In The Estate Of MARSHALL' E. B. GRAHAM, Deceased 'All 'Persons.having : claims again t the estate of 'Marshall.E. B: Graham, . 'late , of the: Village of ;-Lucknow;:' :in the ':County of Bruce, Gentleman,'deceased, who died on or - laboutthe ;,18th day Of April,. 1948; are hereby notified•. to'send' to the` undersigned Exe- cutor, ' on or befdre the • 4th day of July,,. 1948, fu11 particulars . of their claims ' '. -Immediately 'after the .4th 'day :of:. July,` 1948; the assets of : the estate will be distributed . amongst the parties entitled thereto, •hav- • ing• -regard 'only to the clair}s • of • which. , the. Executor . ,shall then. have notice Dated'at Lucknow, Ontario, this ':14th' day of June, ::19'48' W.' L. Ainlay, 84 Macdonnell• Avenue, . • Toronto, Executor. R. W. •Andrew; . • His Solicitor `herein. • :FOR SAL• E -Adams wagon, near- ly new;' Deering cultivator, 17'' teeth,,:'` tractor 'hitch; 4 -wheeled Ford trailer With platform: -Jack. McIntosh,' R. 3, Lucknow, phone g 62-11 Dungannon. . . FAST GROWING COMPANY, has opening in 'your 'district for en- ergetic and ambitious,. person. Splendid opportunity ` for aggres- sive, individual. ',Excellent earn•- i'ngs assured with• ,future; secprity and independence': Apply Blue Brand Products,7227 Alexandra, ' Montreal.": .:NOTICE I am prepared to do :$custom cement mixing work. ,Promptand efficient service. Lloyd Cornish, Campbell -,St., East,,: Lucknow, Ontario.. CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. .Roach wish to thankall it ose. whowere so kind in various Ways while Mr. Roach was in,.hospital...Burt especially thanks . Mr. J. ' C. Mclb ; and all. of Silverwood's Staff The -family of ,the to John' Durnin wish:.,to• gratefully . ack- nowledge the -many kind acts -and expressions of sympathy extend- ed them ' by fiends and. neigh- bors . in their 'bereavement. Mrs.. Charles, Steward' wishes to sincerely thank all .those., who; so kindly ::remembered :her. •wit cards, flowers, fruit, ~ letters and other treats while at home • and in ..the hospital. It helps one to forget their illness to know their' friends are . thinking of , :.them.`' These kind wild thoughtful. acts were . much ,appreciated . NOTICE"' TO" CREDITORS • In the 'matter of the. .Estate of Mary ''Jane Darrow,..: late ; of the. Township Of .. Ashfield' in. the County of ' Huron; : Widow, de-. ceased; , Notice 'is hereby :given.,• pur .hic :tat the' 10th .;Bridge on.Satu'r- • ININ' LOAD YOUR FEED UNDER. COVER a.t_, RAWFORD'S Feed Stor CARTAGE ace • III Your Barna � •, Large Orders We • ' FREE Use -Our O.A.C. Recommended • CRICK STARTER, • GROWING MASH LAYING 'MASH ' AnyTonic' Mixed FREE .In Our Mashes - Try Try' Our Service -- 'Phone. 77-w, Lucknow PLEASE NOTE' NO DELIVERIES July 5th -10th inclusive, Hanover,Mill • • closed. • • • hoe Sy`f.E L E N S Today. (Thi.trsday) is Children's Day .:at the . meeting of the Wo;: men's Institute at the home of Mrs. Fred McQuilliin. $ 'miss Margaret McPherson was a week -end guest of her ,friend, Miss Marjory Crarnin at Pinker- ton. • 'Many, friends and relatives. from a distance attended the fun erg. oil ;Sunday afternoon of Mr, John: Dhrnin who passed away. early 'Friday morning at the agd of 85. :Mr. , D'urnin was ' a highly respected and .lifelong resident'of the community and the sympathy of 'a ::host :of friends !goes to the 'bereaved family . Miss • Margaret McPherson was hostess .to. 'the . puj ils. :of Grades. It and XIII of Lucknow:. High School. at. a • Weiner • noast at her hone on' Thursday evening Miss Doris' Taylor of Lordon;. is spendiiig the week at her home here.• - The ,annual • social meeting of the:' W.M.S. will be held in the church on' Thursday afternoon: July 8th at 2.30. 'Miss Marion Hodgins of golyrood, who "has. been engaged '' in social • service Work in',Hartford, Conn.,' will be the guest speaker. An invitation has been extended.to the Societ- ies of the Ashfield Circuit :and W'hitechurch,. ,and. Brick, • United churches`. and all the ladies'of the community are invited • • Whitechurch , and.' • St. •,Helens United. Churches ,; are holding their annual 'Sunday;. School• pic- suant to the Statute 'in'' that be • half,, that all creditors and. thers having claims or dernands ;against the Estate of ,,;the said -Mary Jane Darr'ow:'• who died on' or about. the, Ninth•'Day of May A.D. 1948 are required : on or tbefore _the Tenth day of July' .1• D. 1948 to send : by , post'' prepaid. or:, deliver: :Undersigned ; the irndersigned Executor of the. last. Will .:and Testament ;.of the. deceased,:, their:'. names, . ad- dresses_and descriptions,'full par- ticulars of their claims, a' state .meet of their' accoun'ts and. the natureeof the,=secur-ities .(if:. any), held : by :them duly , verified by affidavit.. And, take .notice that after 'the East mentioned' date the said Ex. ecutor. will • ..proceed to • distribute the, assets of • the' said . • deceased. among the persons entitled 'there- to, b having regard only' to • the claims ,of which he _shall then. have. `notice, Dated` '; at ' Lucknow; • Ontario, this' .18th •: day of J une 1948. Donald J. MacCharles, . Executor, •Lucknow; ;Ontario, day afternoon next ;Everyone is welcome: N•' Mr` and Mrs ' Whetharn and i' .,Mrs, 'Henry Woods of. Galt.:were visitors with Mrs. R J'. Woods; On.Sunday. and attended the fun- eral of the late'Mr. John Durnin.; Miss; W. D.. Rutherfiord .of; the, staff of 'the ,Kirkland Lake High School is.:spending the ;vacation i ho •e:.herie.' at her m Listen to the ONTARIO STOCK YARDS BULLETIN' %,taring WALLY FORD . every Tuesday morning, CKNX, 920,•'7.30 a.ni. CEW_E -Mr: •and Mrs Jim, Sherwood, Shirley , and .''Norma were guests' of. Mr and Mrs Chas • Sherwood. of . Detroit who: are holidaying . at Grand ,Bend. :Miss • Gwen Treleaven 'spent ',Monday. in London: Rev. "Downs of .Exeter preached his 'farew 11 sermon on ,Sunday' and • adt inistered �:, sacrament:. • I: Dur.irig,' the service- 'Gwen.. Tier• R. S. Hetherington, K,C Barrister, Etc. ' Wingham and. Lucknow . IN _ LUCKNOW Each AMonday. & Wednes' ` . ......day. Looatiul on the ground. floe' r in' the front of John.. Kil�p . , lick's. Building • � 'Phone Wingham Office 48 • Residence 97 R...W. ANDREW. Barrister 'and Solicitor LUCKNOW, •ONTARIO. Office in the.'Joynt Block. Telephone Office 135. • •Residence 31-J • P Stuart MacKenzie BARRISTER '& .SOLICITOR •. . Walkerton, Ontario.. �K .• IN LUCKNOW Each. Wednesday •' OFFICE ; IN HENDERSON -BLOCK .leaven • sang a solo "Bless This House" ' Rev, J. Bright,. 'our: new PURPLE GROVE.- pastor, will have charge of the service next Sunday.:: • 1. Mr. and Mrs'.'.S•dne Parryof'Mr and Mrs. °'Bert Treleaven .y; .y, *Detroit.' and Mrs.: James Hodgins' and Gwen spent, Sunday with ,Mr:. and Mrs.' Or le Free. of Kinl'ough visited.' at ,thee home t'�i1' • Mr.. and"'Mrs. Ronald Treleaven of Mr.. George : Emerson, Sr., last week. Mr. and Mrs. Sam .Emerson and Hilda visited at Mr. Lawrence Stirling's , last Sunday: , +Quite, a number, from the'Grove '"attended. :the reception. at. Bervie 'for' ,Mr. and Mrs. Frank ., Currie on Monday evening.. '• The Ki•nlough, W.M.S. held their Thankoffering meeting at • the home of .Mrs., Ben Scott last week. Miss Helen' Malcolm. of Toronto was. the guest speaker, ` `: Mr: and Mrs. John' Efi"erson. visited at the home• -of Mr. Dan: Gillies on :'Wednesday of 'last week., Mrs.C' has. •'Collins . is visiting. with .her son Russell., Mi, and Mrs. Clayton Nichol- son +and fatally. visited with Mr. and Mr's,: ]=toward Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Donald ..lAcCdsh and Mr. Donald Robertson spent a., day, in London recently. ' • We are glad to report that Mr.' Sohn Colwell Vho ` has been a patient . in a' London hospital is and Linda were recent, visitors with Mr>. and Mrs. Bert Tr.elea- vena Owners Don't' paY two : Frkes your :' insurance. For the most economical and reliable protection ` 'in AUTOMOBILE INSIYRANCE LIFE INSURANCE FIRE INSURANCE • SICK &,' ACCIDENT ': INSURANCE ' and HOSPITALIZATION See: or Cali ' Ai CAMERON Lucknow, Ontario. 'Phone Dungannon 704.10 • greatly improved. ,_ _ ACCOUNTANCY Service :'for , th • Small.Mer- e"_ chant; Pro.. essionar1VIarr 'and• the Farmer... • In Lucknow Tues., 'Thurs.; and. Friday.. :Office in Kilpatrick Block'.: '. J. . 114.M P.O Box. 74,_,Luckn. ow, Ont. • 'Phone 23• INSURANCE • FIRE, CASUAJ TY and AUTOMOBILE • To Protect Your: Jack Maitre With `Jack :Today, ' J. A McDONAGH' .R, R. 3 Lucknow,aOnt. Phone. 01-5. ':Dungannon. Insure, In Sure Insurance . Confederation Life ;WIND,. CAR: • Fill E Preferred Rates for • preferred . risks'. ' ,ACCIDENT & SICKNESS,' Consult 'JOHN ' FARRI'SH 'phone 7-r-15, Dungannon FT. ARMSTRONG', • OPTOMETRIST IN LUCKNOW FIRST' WEDNESDAY OF EACH MONTH • from ' 10 a.m. to 6' p.m.' WM. SCHMID'S . STORE 1