HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1948-06-24, Page 5ts THURSDAY, JUNE. 24th, 1943 . ,yEeumT.heat•re W I NGHAM : Two Shows Each Night • THURS., ° FRI., SAT .•• JUNE 24, 25,. 26 BOB HOPE BINE CROSBY ROAD .TO RI0,. matin e:,lSraturday at .2 p.m. MON., TUES., ,WED: JUNE .2S ..29, 30 LOUIS. HA.YWVARD.. —,in. Repeat Performance • 'ADULT: ENTERTAINMENT E' LUC THE' SENTINEL, ,,.,-„..•„,�� ,L,JCIOT`UW, GNTARIO • CHARLES TAYLOR Charles Taylor rir 'Colton', Cal., fori1 ierly c,i` Ashfield, passed. a- way at h ps •bim' on June 8th after •u period of failing' hearth. He was inhis'. 64th year. The youngest son of 'the late David Taylor...and Frances 'Johnston Taylor, he was born on the f0th Con. of Ashfield; In ' 1915 he married Belle Mc Whinney„ youngest” daughter of the • la.te Mr, -and Mrs, 'Andrew McWhinney, who survives, with a• son, Allan and two daughters; Isobel .and •laillian a'11 residing in California. They left this district. in -1918 to live at Sault .St. Marie and went to Colton, Cal„,in 1930. There are • also” surviving seven' sisters,' Mrs, Alex •Johnston, Cal- ifornia; Mra. 'Root. Wagner,' De- troit; • Mrs J. • G. Montgomery; Dungannon. . Mrs. D. Wylds,: Mrs.. N,. McDonald; Mrs .Rod•et'ick Mc - 'Kenzie, Mrs. „John-. Cc wan,' .Ashy field.' Two .brothers predeceased hirn in.. recent :'years, Will ?andDave;; +of Ashfield. Mr, •Taylor had many friends in Otis district• .who have learned. .of his 'death with• deep regret. ,.. PAGE FIVE Motored .Tb, Manitoba :Athol Pui:dan.. and. Mr. Cecil Falconer and son •>t)riril; Motored. to Bowsrnan, Manitoba:.Mrs. lair=. don andchildren and- Mrs': Folli; ergi]1 'of Wingham. havr. iting there . with • r('Iati'ves: ONE endersan Planing Phone 150, ;Luc'know -.OBITUARY MRS. .. JOHN. FINLAYSON Early on • Wednesday morning, Junes 2nd, there passed • away at Lochalsh one of the pioneer wo- men of that community in the person of Mrs.ohn Finlayson.. Mrs. Finlayson was born Christ- ena Munro .Mackenzie, on March 8th, 1881,. on a farm,' in Ashfield Township less •than three miles. from; that on which she .died, Her mother was left a widow' with a family of seven children before Tenie, as she' was, always affect- ionately called by her relatives •and friends; : •reached her teens. She came to live with an .uncle, her Mother's b'rother,. Donald' T. .Mackenzi.e, •for some years -so that her 'life. was spent,except' for; • a brief'. period • in Chicago, in the immediate Vicinityof'`'•Lochalsh Her • parental uncle, A11an Mac- kenzie,: was, the fi.fst postmaster in this' •comrnurifty and named the post' office afterthe, name of the district in. Rossshire, Scotland, .from 'which he •himself, and the 'other. pioneer settlers of that alis trivet • came: She ''taught school .for. time in. the school there. Well over fifty 'years ago 'sh'e was united •iri Marriage' to John Finlayson and they set up, their:; , new: home'• in the, house connected «ith'.the Lochalsh EStore rio•w •oc..' cupied • by" Frank , MacLennan. 'Hoi'•e their oldest child,' Dr, TD,oh- aid •R;'Finlayson, assistant' medi= '—• 'cal'•ch.ief in Sunnybrook. •Military. Hospital; . Toronto, was .'born: .Shorf'ly after his birth` they took : u'p • 'their home.' oh.. the pioneer. •hcmestead ;taken' up;'by •Roderick, 1' ihlayson, her. hu.sb•and's . father: :There foui, other children were added ..to the.; family, but qWo of them Rod.All'an and Mary succUmbed. ;:to • a • dread • illness: .early' in. :1903. The otheitw;o,• Duncan A.:arid Lielia,, remain to Mourn, with, Donald lR, and' his' family,, their painful toss Mrs: Finlayspn, *hose out standing characteristic: • was ... herr a f fectionate"'loyalty , to: her friends and ung.rud•gi'ng :hospitality to, al.l, ha.d nthe careof Her husband t,hr.0 `a pi/o•1orige.d illness'of a.peculiarly' :trying type so that, when' he passed: away •over 23� Years .ago.;:. many ,friend` did not eXpect her. long to. survive him 'SheAsuffer-- -ed f eTn higl b`loo`d" piessureM'and frog • the 'pains`;. of . irheurnatic: trouble .but ' her will to wait on `others':. and the kind -and devoted: attention acid care• of her son_' for. wh.on'i; she kept house, and of .her, daughiei; a'tr'ained nurse, and.of: • het so'n, Dr:. 'Fin,lay.son,• who .were ever; at her side in,need; availed,. under ,God's'kind� providence;.. to uphold her. in life, ofd :active- ser vice until she 'passeeinto:.her 88th yea t, . Christian .lady;a .Mother. of 'Israel,. she left behind'• :her a .1.moigning ncommunity w:ho • .will' ever treasure.: the' memoryYof a faithful friend and'•goodneighbor,' ■ while •their•;sympathy in .::full • ■ `measure goes out to all the Mein - . em. hers, of her • family circle; One ■ :brother,. Allan, in.Chicago, re - i Mains.of her father s'family. She • ‘A -as. a. faithful adherent of the ■ . Free:Presbyterian. •Church at �•� Lotihalsh• and her funeral serv,ice was i'n ,ch.arge of her pastor, Rev.. Matheson.,: The ..p..11bearers were nearest neighbors. Messrs. ualoasouall umauus. ■.a■s■g'.n.a.. '.:,ua:.aa... We Have On I-lani ■. a ass -e /-PI r=rI COMPI1ETE.: WITTH PLOW Power Take -Off 'and Horse -Drawn Mower �. a it .. :1 BEIATT.Y ;.HAY CARS omplete. 'with' steel • track and : fork ECTENSION LADDERS .,1.28 feet and 32 feet Complete .Line of ..ur1na : Feeds and 'Sanitation Products • • • M. 1 'hone ,59 Lucknow. lucknow District CO OP I CO-OP. UNIVERSAL MILKING MACHINES Installed when and ai you like it. Short Or long tube, machines in stock at :alt.:times.. .A full of, repairs .kept 'hand: Come ip aod see for' yourself the Superior features the. Universal Milkers. - We alSo have on band Bell' Elec. tric Hairimer.„ 'Car Tires and Ilatteriei. John Jamieson', Mgr. Lennall and G: Finlayson., Her .rernajns :were ',laid away 'in the family burial plot in Lochalsh Cemetery On Friday, June' 4th, cOurse Of, relatives and. frieqk attendance, frorn the surrounding .community and fro -in many di's- a lifelong resident of Cuirass Township, passed". away at the home of ills brother-in-law, Wm: June '1,0th. He 'had been in poo?. health. for some tithe and was stricken With pneumonia two .1‘11... Simpson Was born October 2rici, 1.895 on the farm now' Own-. ea byl Archie Mekinnont 6th Con, of Cuirass. He was One of a tam- ilY of.six of Beatrice Jane Hardie and Arthur Simpson. He was a veteran of World War I, . ., The funeral service wa,s held e PLAY*tOVSE PRESENTS ' FRIDAY, SATURDAY, JUNE 25, 26 GENE AUTIY in • the .,. CallOf The Canyon .' hear Gene sing '.and: 'see hind' fight.—Autry's greatest motion picture hit, with Smiley Burnette, The Sons of the Pioneers •" and Ruth Terry ALSO --."HERE COMES. THE ' CIRCUS'" MONDAY, TUESDAY, JUNE 28, 294.. arge Goes To • College' ' Al teen age 'comedy full of pep and song. AJ SO JIMMY WAKELY ' WEbNESDAY, - THURS., JUNE30, JULY l' Spend–your holiday with us and see •a gay collorfut• movie Carnival In Costa Rica with Dick Hayntes, Vettc •Ellen, Cesar' Romero,. Celeste Hohn Songs and dancer --just the thing'\for• a holiday– , :Here: is a ' "Royal Treat" ' for Lucknow ` and. Surroundings JUNE 28, 29, 30 . "THE SILVER, WEDDING ANNIVERSARY" .of our ,' King and Queen aaaaaaara♦aaaaa•aaaa• oaaeaaaa•.®%.aaaa‘‘.a•.aa•aa %or t1 FutuTe IS MAN'S • FIRS' AMBITION:,: .if 'fire '•were: to destroy your property,, would. the .insurance• You =no carry be adequate: to., cover the cost of.building at;.. present high prices For free counsel and :advice' on .;any insurance. needs'. 'such as .Fire, Automobile, Life,' 'Hospitalization, write or: ,phone without obligation. .ewart s Insurancege� . A.: ' c. ;ucknow,:Ont., Phone $ aaaaaewaa0aaaaNaaN••••••ON‘N‘N‘ske••••••\••••‘‘‘Nd ache resi ence of William iMac "Dobal<'d. on. .June 12th .•conducted by ,Rev. Harwick, of. Teeswater. A favorite hyinn' `Nearer my God to 'Thee" was sung. In•term.ent ..was an Winghar i` .Cemetery:, The pallbearers were ;.Archie M.cKin- .. Elrnler-. Scott, John McPhee- ,son, George Tiffin', Neil MacDon- ald: and William ..Moffat..•FlQwer-. bea,i-ers', were'W,:Duncan Kennedy, Mark •Johnston, .George McKague, George 'Harkness Betli'Gaunt. and George ''McKinnon He is 'survived by.two .sisters, Lizzie. (Mrs.'Win. MacDoi ald) Annie (Mrs. Graham; Moffat); two brothers,• W'illiai wand Hard- ie:, The floratAribUtes were many, • and • 4 the funeral wa' ' largely ...at- tended, attesting the l igh' esteem .in which the deceased was held by •,many. friends. ' \ The:death of Miss Christine p. Ke,n-ipton, ' native of Ashfield township, occulted bn TUesday, Rine 15th at ;the .horrie • Of her. broth,er-in-law and' sister; Mr. Sc. Harold.. Bogie, GoderiCh„ where she had beenjor the list month of a long periOci. of ill- negs: She was in her 63rd year: Ini:rse and before her illness herd g position of responsibility in,,the,' Ford Hospital at •DettOit; She\ is 'survived by her mother,,living in' Goderich, and..by two' brothers, 'Thonlisas of Ripley and William of and Mek'Harold Bogie (Tabitha) of. GOderich. The funetal service took ,plaCe' Thiirsday .afternoon at the horne of •".Mr and Mrs. Bogie and Was conclutted by Rev. Robt.' G, MacMillan of .Kriox Presby- terian ChUrch.' ..The pallbeatera kenzie, Henry MicKeltzie, Wes:. ley Bill, Neil MacKenzie. and; Bradley. Int,errnent Was. in LoCti- MeMbers of Old Light Lodge, A,F, .84 held their annual • • • • In one coat 'covers kalsoniine, able surface. pries• a couple of hours, John* W. Henderson Planing 'Mill iiere they weie• addressed, by