HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1948-06-24, Page 2I
Anniversar'Services w e r e
'held.. in the church .on Sunday
with Rev, . L. C. Jorgenson of
Bluevale in ,charge. Special mus-
ic was given • by the choir with
• 211irs,' John McGee of Calvin in
The Y.P.S. heldtheir meeting
in the church ern Monday even-
ing with Elmer Scott, the presi-
dent,. in the chair, Gordon Wall
read the scripture ,and Grace
Richardson led in prayer, Mrs,
Gordon,, Wall read the topic on
"The. Problems of Today' and
Mrs. Farish Moffat led in a dis-
cussion. on the Subject, "The
Church . in the Rural Commun-
Miss Margaret Moffat of Tor -
.onto spent the week -end with her
father, Mr. F, • G. 1Vioff at.
Mrs. Arthur of Auburn is vii-
iting with Mr. . and Mrs. :Gor don
Mrs. Clark Johnston and Linda.
are visiting with, Mr. and Mrs.
Wim; Brown,
•Mr. and Mrs. John Currie and
family, Mr, and Mrs. Wrn, Lapp
and family of Wingharn and Miss
\\;\ \\\\\\' \ \‘\?
The "Blue Book"\�\\*\\\\
your Canadian . .
National Time Table.
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route . .'a .between the 'greatindustrial cities of Montreal, .�._ , Toronto*, Hamilton, London,
Windsor Detroit gY earsth
Chicago. o. Over the , e flow of travel. between these, busy and
important centres; . 'travel' for business ....vacation and pleasure travel , .. has
moved: in growing volume on ..this popular :International train It's the pleasant way to
' e accommodations comfortable modern coaches
• go:places, because,' a ,wide range; of sleeping , ,
"lounge cars and; dining car service provide'.a11 the facilities, to make yo it journey
enjoyable. And it's the smooth, fast way to go ...a perfect roadbed . . easy curves, long
"straight-aways" ... double track all the• way between Montreal and Chicago. Next time
travel on the famous Inter -Cit Limited. You'll ride well, sleep we'il,; arrive refreshed:
1' pool Service Montreal --..Toronto only,
Wheiher'at hose •— pr
"going places" ^•– in all your
to'ntact..(nith Canadian
National, you will experience
courtesy awl service.
Eft' T1.W F�Ya ` litltl.l.i`i1 , d . ST ;J.MSETttS '+ HOTELS
THURSDAY, JUNE .24th;' 190
Dolena Orr of London spent Sun-
day with Mr, and Mrs, Wm, Orr.
'The W.M.S. met at. the home
of Mrs. David Scott on Thursday.
Mr, and Miffs; Farish. Moffat
and, ,Gordon .+ visited.- •on Tuesday
with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Robb,
MORE BANDS of all kinds will,
assemble at Waterloo k' a r.k
Waterloo, Ontario, on . Saturday,
'June 26th, than 'have :ever as-
sembled anywhere .on . the con-
tinent, .At least 40 bands and
possiblyover 50 from all .over
Ontario, &• from Michigan.. • Music
starts at- 8.00 a,nii and lasts . un-
til, • midnight, With monster musi-
cal tattoo in the evening. One.
admission ..charge for whole ,day.
and, evening. Beautiful. park. for;.
,.and " ample opportunity
'for' refrsehments.
To Reside In 'California
Mr. and Mrs. George Cook have
disposed of their home in •Kin-
cardine and; are going to Cali-
fo:i•nia, to reside: George ,and Mrs.
•Cook formier.ly.' were residents of
Lucknow.' They spent the winter
in California and were' so taken
`with the State, have decided to
make their home there.
There wasa hydro interruption
of about three hours bon one ch.,
: cuit. in the tillage on Monday eV -
ening, caused by broken wires
resulting front :the. felling of..a
big maple tree at- the home .iof,
Mrs..'James. MacDonald `' 4 „ :
Toft Cook. did -the tree -cutting,
bid the °big, :75 -foot maple,:didn't:
.drop 'Where he: expected it to. As
a,ire ult ..it took down' the hydro•
wire as it fell across the roads
Thousands Plan . To Return .
Oh'the basis .of replies : already
received : by Allan ' Perkins of
Paisley, general 'secretary . of. the.
Bruce County:•Reunion; :it is .in-,
dicated that' 16;000 ex-Bruceites
havealready decided..t& return.
to their native county. Thousands
more, no sloub. .are • planning to
return but ha a not as yet, o>~
do: not, require to make any of-..
ficial advisement of their plans.
WITH THE assessment roll coni-
pleted;and' .tax bilis printed,,' the
Teeswater Clerk is:especially per -
in the Bruce County: tax rate; that
is going to mean.' a lot - of.
work to . • collect ;the .. increased
commenced n sinrirrier program
• of Saturday night parades to
'Kincardine under ..Pipe idajor
1 James Irvin•
'BEWARE, DON'T BREAK IT day ;In the : evening. 22 i elatives
•enjoyed a turkey dinner Among
ahem were her ,family, Mrs. Ro-
land Grain (Mary), •Wingham;
Mrs., Stanley' Dennis (Esther), of
Wingham; Mrs; Joe Prior .(Mag-.:
gie), Guelph; Will of :Guelph•arid
Pete of, Ashfielci. We .:join .in ex
'tending pp
-tendin' many 'ha - • y 'returns:.;'
The Dungannon United church
held special services ori Sunday
in observance. of Flower: Sunday
in the morning at ,11 aim: with
Rev.. C..W. Down, Eke�ter,';itipp`ly
pastor, in charge. The Church was
beautifully decorated with -peon-
ies, ferns, iris and either early
summer flowers„ A white frame
work • with • an open late, as a
symbol,, of "Gates Ajar" nuclei a'
lovely background, tied .4s tiie ..
Sunday School scholars tmU tett.
chers took their places in the,
front seats,, first pr:osentiag l,uu:.,
quet of :flowers which,
.ceived•.. and. plac.ed "'ins* tli%
chancel. Singing' c<iriirr•it , iei,f.
musical notes' throughout clic: ser.
vice, ' which :agdadveed.' to Circ he y
of the flowers .,and skirirri;time; .
Down a .fine a(h1 e.
on "Spiritual,, Gro',th": L'1{il(ta:c'tr'l': ,
'hym,ns, were Sun and ."(16ci sats
the Little .Sparrow Far • and
"Binds °are. Singing". •w.erc•.sung
by the Sunday School rpt•inbers
Other. num,(bers.• w:ere a duet by
Misses Gwen :Treleavein and .Joan
Rivett, "Gates of Gold" andbe'•
fore the last hymn Miss lt•Iarietta •
Stingel.. sang "Life's- . Lovely
Things". 'Mrs. .Leroy
ganiSt, accompanied for all
piano. The splendid i•ntir(,st and
attention given 'jby. the ;:cl:1lirs
was afterwards" retnai•ked by the
Sunday School siperilifi'n'(t(nt,,
Mr. Matthew Shacklet{,ra a n d
:others. 'Iii the:.evenint; (. r.�•icc
in .remembrance of 'Fath( Dar :.
was:. sponsored by.. the. •\y,'(rm r's.
,Association. and ,was :eian(,11 ' E i1:lig
Rev. DOw-n°. A. :Male r•hoir h.-cf.the`
singing and. lVir. Will •;Sugg of 1't:
Albert presided at they' in gar( for
the hyrnns'and the ch(„ s:tn:; •
"The 'Communion of ,Prayer".
Vocal':' duets were sunk; by
'Roy Rutledge and 'son Derie'rn
,Rutledge of, 'Goderich'.'.Mr, ,A, W.
Smith, Dungannon s:ch of•
cipal,..wl o before his w_rir'c rvices
spent•'some time
'sten: 'in 'the West, gave, an illus
traced, lecture with slides:oh' "Oar
Churches• in Canada", ..Which; were
very' interesting; and showed rthe
earnest: zeal. , • of missionaries; in
desolate ,parts' Of Canada,• build-
ing up, churches 'and ,the: travel
:of the . settlers 'coinhig• long.. dis
,tances to attend worship
78th ;Birthday .Marked
Mr..a d .l rsH•iary t.y 11/L.uze :sin
Sunday, , June' 2Oth„ entertained' `.
a• ` fa. ily gathering : at their hoine
in honor of, the ;tatter's (Bother; •
Mrs; Mary Ann ' Glader, ,who ob-
served 78th birthday::'Their
son.`'Go'rdon observed: his 17th
;brthda�sthat day. Mrs ' Glazier rs'
enjoying Splendid health, and was
happy to be with:'her' family and
-to.. meet the ' many, friends. and 2
.neighbors wlho called during the
(Durham Chronicle)
Vire thought the: chain letter had
passed; out, of the picture with the-
Model' T Ford,* and for a tune it
:did, but now a brand' new one
has popped . up. 'Started in Reno;
Nevada; this ;' latest • chain •,letter:
'was put. out 'in the :hope it. would
bring • relief . •and " happiness for
.tired business . men ..
Unlike: most chain letters' this
one does not cost':. any ,• .mongy:
Simply send, • a _ copy to : five
;equally :.tired male friends, 'then
bundle:. up your .wife and send; titer
to the fellow' at the top, of the
• When your name . comes .to the
top of the list, you will 'receive
16,167 women. •
.Like the preacher tells you
every.' 'Sunday, you , must have
great faith.`' Do . , not , oreak the
chain. One man broke it -and got
his own wife' back;,.thereby going
.to a lot of trobule and receiving
I only temporary 'results.r •
I °' Reporter: I've got ' a perfect
news story.
Edit(ir: How ooirre?. 'Man bite
-a, dog?
Reporter:, ; • Nci, Iota a hydrant
! 1)rinklc d (,fret.
" vc,11i'41'+r"V4Cln,wn a welly
t l',(' g(Pr'(1 ; lir 11it.i t(, soli
• i.X,1�11E:� T T,>�' I AY'I�5 fit,ikci tr.," niany•dcrllrtr4Y
y,i, ,,i. !',:;, lir, writ, •a: tree and, lic,l-
The Anglican Gctild held .5 sue
cessful'"bazaar .and bake, sale 'on
Saturday afternoon at : the Parish
Hall.: The articles were oui.ckly
picked up . and., the•• •proceeds
•amou"rated to $5142, •
R:C.A,F, Band Coming To Bruce
Through the efforts. of Andy"
Robinson, M.P, for ,Brut(.'; and the
Kincardine Centennial executive
and the co-operation of the Minim.;
Aster • of National Defence; -the
Honourable ' Brooke' Chi l (err;. ;the
Ottawa R.C.A.F. Band, :tinder the'•
able direction 'of FiL Kirkwood, t'
will take,part in •the Bence Coun-
ty reunion, The • MCA Pr • bund,•
ono' of .the .most outstatirliiil; in ,
the 'Canadian• ..Active Sc r:Vices;.•
will be stationed at' 'Kin'earcltrie
from July • 28th. to: Augrr, l 2rrcir
Relief. Fot'' Sinus liead:t(•1"P` Found
Read how easily.' p(, • lid,
and mi',st h�rvr.,htciti, r.
IT -
to niatiy.tiii'c•t
•hr'<tdatc'hr;;;1 1 li . 11 1.1
Webkly, ciii( `ni ii,,,,,
azine!i c1kfr•il i,?i' i
• 1)eti'oit `I'i1i;( Flo.
"l'enlelllilr 1' i ',11.. • ..1
27)•iti'°;ti', .,J'<1'h;, i' ), .