HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1948-06-17, Page 14
• '$2,00 A rear In Advance, 5.0c Extra to U. S. ''A.
'Dry ,r K... M. Gordon of Battle:
k an regrets rets t
Creelc, Michi gg g that 'he
Will not be :present at the forth
-coming old boys gettogether.
"Jim", as old friends know him;
•rem,arks that the' faces would be
few that might remember him if'
he were here. He asks to be re-
• nienbered to . Dave • Lawrence,
who is 'among those planning to
be here. Mr, Gordon succeeded'
Dave as lVtaster of, Old Light
Lodge forty-two .years ago.
He adds, "In the meantime re,
/heather me to those .still in the•
old' home town and community,
including y.our ,Dad, Joe Agnew,
Billy,, Davison, Harvey Lindsay,
• Mrs..Dave Thompson, Mrs Dun-
.' can MacDonald with whom .1
went • to S.S. No. 4 West Wawa
nosh.:in., the:•long ,.aetr. and wbRse
hu&band .-was a' 'cousin 'of'.rnine:'•
Also •the few' others left that went
. with me: to the• same school 65 o
:year's ago .•=- Your father-in-lawsj
• Ed.:Ttiom, Lou and .Frank Vea
1°,01t H1 AIJT,Y ' CONTE
'ST • ' . � LOCAL PUPILS D � D• � I � octant Ladies Meeting W I
' the 'weekl meeting of. the
local Bruce County Homecoming
..ohunittee on. Monday night
was decided to pioe4ed with plans
fora beauty contest here on July.
30, The contest committee •named
Was .1-1. S. revery, Chas. Webster•
Mrs. Ken Mowbray arid Mr .
°E.. Bushell . s, N.
The `vbjcct to' `'ha�• ,'
rnunicipaliticts. stage ', c, varruus
the • Winners g contt.sis with
ners coi•npet•ng at Kin
oardin`e:for' the h •fitlr� .of, -•lulass• Bruce
County, with •prizes of $500, $200
and $100,• offered in the finals..
Mr. Skye Junes is
motor cul'' the• count: the. pro-
u•nt: 'e ant, and
will 'Meet with the local co.
tee on •Saitii•day afternoon 'to dis
cu"ss the ~dtails,
Passel} 'third Year Exams b
Miss Helen Salkeld daughter
of Mi'. and Mrs. • T. J. Salk
who is•.takin o cid,
g:: a four year'.
course at `'thea, O.A.C., passed her.
third year • e•caminations• with ,
fi class. honor's She was 16th.
ern a class: o'f .205.
Messr s +Cha ri•es and •Jas.:l3alyd'�
have.'1 c,t.ervcd .weird of the .death'
f their. sister,'Annie, '.Mrs David'
• 'meeting .of all ladies • inter-
WELL AT, FESTIVAL anted •in Rangers, Gude
x Guides and
g • • ' I Brownies: 'will be' held at Mrs, A:'
Luck.now Public Sch'gol wore E. McKim's home Friday even-
. f' ing June 18th at 8, o'clock,
cGal'1,.:who pa'sscad. away.. in S;isk
aJ'• e had been.. un, 3rd.; boy's :sob 11 years and`
poorly over., . Ray. Farrell; S:S. 2 u
g am en- , ..An invitation Huron, on Feral' Hospital,' S Sunday ..June 6'
----•-- 'Ii' ld th
SS. '''No..3,: Huron,, , .
and :under, Wilda Reid and 'Billiee
Kennedy, Luc_ know, •2nd trio;.
open. S.S::'No. "3 Huron, 2nd;.'3-
'. chorus, open, :SSS. No.� 13'
Huron tied: for ;3rd place; with.
Kincardine Public • p a the
School: � .
•Miss Marion :;MacDonald :Clrf;
ton Ireland;• •;and • Everett t ,Lane:.
t� ei e' aiming: the': nine music. sup-
ervisors who:•; had .'contestants
dtoon un Saturd Sh h
arst place in the three -.art
bborus at the Bruce CountyYmusic.
festival. held last Thursday and
Friday at Walkerton', The' Chorus
was the concluding feature of the
Y.. night Program,• for- which:
,Held . Birthday' Parties
Little Buddy �Doyl'e,t4-year=old
son of Mr, "and Mrs : C'. T. • Do l
Walkerton Presbyterian,' Church. y -
Yhad.- &• birthday'party, ;on Satur- 1
vvas filled to .capacity. day .:and on. Tuesda '
The local• chola ;uncle Henderson,. y� ElrzalJetd 1
,•. r• the' dir, daughter of Mr.': and '
e c..t>;on o'1 Mr C1iiton' Irelnd, won gan . Henderson enter- I:
.Ms,. 1Vi:or n I
In a class of eleven: contestants, tainea•. a : number of her
including,, little ,
1choirs i � from' • such eery- friends 'on .• the occasion of her.
ares as 'Kincardine, Walkerton,' '4th birthday.,
!'ort El
Paisley, well
lgin, s
sc ,
The annual meeting' of the
South ''`Bruce .Women's Institute
was held, in '• the United Church,'
Lucknow, on Thursday; June 10.•••
The • president,'' Mrs. Philip ,Ste-
wart, ,was. In.:charge -of the meet-
in'g. The morning- session consist-
ed, of reporils of •standin . corn•- •
rnittees.: 'Mi s lora' '°
dressed.• :the Meetin
g ;on. The
'!'raining Schools for Leaders",
«"hien , will be held in Ripley
Town ;Hall on June 23rd and 24th
from 1b a.m. till, 4 p,m, The sub- •
°�eit •rural, school choirs. Sect will be• ".Cottons may , :e
..the • festival . opened •.,r � , ' . :..: , • • rtr> , , .
op ned with. •a,. Any Institute or any y,
winn•cr from this district ':hen group may send, a leader or as-
Bessie e Reavie of Par • s;ciate. The. '
amount CAMERON, -1n `VJin hair H leader returns' to her
se oul won th 1 1 g ospa'
BORN .:.'
e.so .o. class for ills' r c
g al on Thursda ornmtirls an organizes a club • °
' y, June 10th,' 1948 .` .• .
1 � •years: and under. Ther ,with ' i>,�ls' r•o.
There were to I g .,, f rrr 12 -to 26• years of
Mr and IVlrs•a'Kennetl earner, l age. • Eat'h c�Zb m' rn• Makes,
seventeen ' contestants. ''Another . -n, of • Lucknow: ':gleea _e s -
first was Fraser Ashton.of L - . ( Mildred (spectator's sport "' dress
• uck Ritchie), a' 'daughter,. + ,,,tiene: 'and ra-
n•ow •wh,q was the best !;boy soloist }• fast b � Barbara Niven instruction 'in 'selectXn ma-
T w •wl•o. was
I. E hers ' I. I g
under in' a• -class of _ .
I torah and pattern, the use of corn-
•sixteen: Donald Steele JOY •-.— ial pattern,
S;S:;'No. I. NT —In Goderich: Hospi al• on 1 n ern, and. the' worked
13,, Hur'on,•: 'was, second in this i Sunday, June 13tI; to 1\7r.' and lbound 'button: •
class, r, •and Co, _ o er tav
• • Mrs. George Jo � nt ' " Luck p a, a program di 1-
Other�' local; . Y noviw;,;'a
,- and di � ,+ _ d ,:. � : cussi.on `
strict .win aughtei,, Mary, ,Jane. • • , was' led by ' Miss E " e off.
Hers 'were,: boys solo, M. and un- •lirrs of';the l✓conomics, Servic
,•y.' : yr . i .
ac_ ,.Billy .l Flirted Lu REID..-lri ,VV'�•ngharn , •nos ital' .'on 'the Dept. of .Agriculture,
• y� ,, . cknow :.Friday:, . p .. � :. P , . Toronto.,
2nd,' : two-part "chorus for one, . June •11th; . 194a, to Mr';:. 'She also showed slides
'� and lett=
room'schoolS.S. N. 11' ,Huron` and Mrs: Robert Reid; `Luckn,ow: used :on; her: tri' to `Amst -
P. a As
2nd; glial'$ solo, 7 and und�el :Ma (rtee 'Eunice . Re d j, .' a 'daughter: HOII`and, . as °,dere' ,delegate t ; :
r g to o the. As
:' 'sociated ''Country Women of the
ilyn Finlayson; 'S:S No. 1.0,E Hur- Judy':
• therhead.; Dick, for some 'tune.
•Harry McQuillan; and at St. Her,
ens, Donald and Colin. MacDon-
ald, .Robinson Woods; Dave and
Frank Todd and the'' Humphrey
boys:' May you each arid' all have.
a rollicking good ,time during.. the
reunion. 1 -
"Maggie Langford"'' Wiill Be' Here
Although she' was One of many
who: weren't '.on• he. invitation list.
Mrs, Margaret MacPherson . of
Milverton plans -to . be ,hack` here.
for the : Bruce County Romecorn
Mrs MaeP-herisont : formerly` -=b -
'Concession":10, `Kinloss spent nt: her
girlhood days in`'-Lueknow:She
..was "'formerly ' Maggie'' Langford.:
er. father ;dr•.ove th to niture.
. gory -:'for several ye:��`s �or; the
old firths of `Cliff and;Foster.
•M i• a MacPherson', attended;
Lucknow;. school when '•D. D. Yule'
'taught,: and when' she ,wrote her
entrance received,the •, :hi hent
marks ' for; 'physiology andhighest
Ae ce.: For
th '.,
e was •
ed a book' ofd
lwerrrs bye the W. C;
T U. This volume she still: o
, sesses_ and - prizes.P 5,
Burbank,° Calrfoianaa.:.
I have •been receiving 'rrrfo ; `_
ation regarding . 'the Old Boys.
Reunion. and am very sorry o
say. that . I .guess I wil not b
able •to..' , c
get. ba•
ck ' to the -reunion'
.as five are ,now a •.long ''way • from
dear old 7.Lucknow and a • ..
son and lis...•. s our:':'
are ;conducting., a,.
general open nial•ket
cannot cl'os '• business'
p and to '
k va -
tl .
. on.I
was back to Kinlough ,two
Years ago When we still `lived': on
Ihe.farm in •Ktrns� '
Quite.' w.,,
well. .I r, , .
e�cmber when
W, Hill cana:e to `Lucknow'
also' Wm. Mti i° ''
die bought: clot. D
C, Taylor: Dave T lore.
for and HushTaylor all went: to
few malcolm,,'went',:t9 school
'there. r
7orld '
.MA ItKED: 85th Blii`T•NDAY =
Miss Christen G aha
`t m of town
observed her: 85th birthday :on.
Frldayr;.June llth, w'heri .a
ber. of •fi iends; dropped` in to ex
tend. congratulations and • best.'
wishes. 'Miss. Graham is not
joyirig good hcalt•h' and has�
'bedfast fax t.he''.past few months:
Her` sister, Miss •Mimi':
ofChillrcotlle;'1:Ohio .: is.: visting.
her •thus• .week.
2nd; -two-part school h on un
e .;next istrict annual 41,:
c orus, .open, to jVir and Mrs. Alfred
2nd ;duet 10 hxte.hurch .,• ,
Each Institute is to pay .a 3:00'
Jf Lucknow, a sono
PURD0N-.._In; :Wingharri ,:General
Hospital on Sunday,: Juxi:e.6th to
Mr.,!, and IVirs, Ilectolr don;'
Lucknow, : ;a daughter,
HOWALD--In 'Win ha
8 mC„eneral
Hospital a 'n- Wednesday, June 2nd,
to Mr. and: Mrs. Waren: 'H'owald
Luckn,ow,' 'a. '
, da'ugh'ter.:
the festival. The adjudicator was`
Mr. .. • Mac;KE1\T2TE--iii. Wing�iaxn .flow-
G. Roy:. Fenwick provincial .. cal on: Monday,.•June 14th::€o Mr.
direct it off':''xnusie , and d Mis.' Franik 'M;
�.. — - ac . pie
W- • -f Ken 'fi -
h1e�•- - �•..
:lo• I 'fir- ,
ENGAG>J--111LN*TS -. c
s dePrts: did: we kilOivr,
a ,.' lVf<1' Il'
Mrs. Gilbert Ba'rkWell;' Luck
•now,_ announces .the ,engagement
df her yeungest.'daughter, A1i e
Anna: to' Mr. Geoi;ge':Edwa1•d Tay
1or,, son of Mr..and- Mrs.' George
Taylor; Lucknow,. the, marriage to
:take ;ace en' 'June.
On ;Monday .afternoon.. a 'nurii
bar of "1<1lies. called at. the` hones
bj Mr;: • and M,rs.Sutherland
o'f Kenlbss toy present them...:411.
::t• gift i7 recogniti.ori of,t},eir 25th
wedding anaiversar y. The occas
ion wa_s inarked' .infor=mally in
cull's.. manner, because :Mrs, Sut.n-
orland'has•not.been enjoying good'
health:.: As : an •eitpl cssion of • the;,,
.esteem and','best wishes `of'•''th.e
comnunity',. IVIu '" and ,Mrs.uth-
erland'�vere spr•cs.c'ntc'c1 with a sil-
rer ;tea �sei•vice •alfd• tray and
(, uncal: ciindlc. Stick; t�•ith tits t lJnt,
silver inlay; rlteimipatji .cl by t}l.e•
follow 11.11; addt ess• • siene.d ' ''b
friends and iicighb',ri•:: of th(
Sixth,, Fourth iind .Sl ri,nid, ' itilcl
fort dr. '1'tl' hs 1.1 • rte itihl�„r; ,tlrr�ti
laving in'Ltit'},nflt
DDcar:'-•Alex :iaid F1rtw,
On.'tlltti, the* (it•'. '-Jlrt;'fi1 yC,rit .
25th. I.vOcldiiig =1i,Jlt\ t isle! '. ,.tip(,•
your fri't'nd.4;'lr{'ll;:kifr.ut k and mem-
bers of the liair-.11c. .: h,stitiltc,
felt thtat we eu .Ilii .not l'(t fulls
anni`•ersary ,g0 by`:4.1t'itt,u'1 1e,tiinxt
You: k'novy' .licit4` v..ei,,ic hear•teeclly
tyre rejoice �ti'itlt ' you' ori fluff; r,t
1,108; and••if 1''. with t;i•C'ail l)lt'a-
ire that' tt' ,' prc'solfl t:i y ii :tliis
]Iver . tea: service '(,riff :t1 �1y' cis
•'toki�n cif alit goo wishes
Yciu '.}rave' • be'el'1 good 1teighhois,'
lway's` t� illirtl; te' he°lr; i:ii '�i'1y
orfinih'nity' e'ntet:pi•i.�t ':r;le'l
li:f'E'n trlifalling in 1';,101' • 'l(•I11 1t•lriii,
Church and In::`titufi •:.t t'iviti( �: i
''Maty *the.. r• c'n,n '`rrt voe1, • 1:1"e•
bring goad, Health,
'worry and "11t (T,•. ' ,.
t th son
fe'e ti their `district .annual.' `
Dinner was served','
church school room.
At the,, afternoon',sessio•ns .the.::,
address of welcome:was, given by
Rev: Chas: MacDonald, D:D., i and
responde to. by Mrs.. R: "McKel-
lar; Tiverton.
• °iVIrs. Arthur,; Hamilton :: Atwo •
Prrvrncia1 Board ..Director, ad-.
on.the scholarships for; girls -in
essed• 'the .meeting and spoke,
club�wark tea'
a• e bionic festival, the were r ram Ian
n Y Y .,•
of so fai•'tun:ate, `�a't •the County ]Vh�cINTYRE--Ing.' `=Mrs.' T.: Et Morgazr; Ripley; ave •.
gam`•°'Hds� Y, g
the IcDonald--fn
stftute, Guelph
field: meet On Wednesday.'';' Roz- 'Pital .on Wednesday,' June 9th: t ' a: `r'eport of the. conven.ti'on. •
dIj :H'owal-d 'won third_ in the 50 0 11�usical numbers `war given ,by,
Mr, 'and Mrs. Doilaid: Ma•!0:1 tyre, !e
vard :dash for. girls 9 :and:. under:_ iilllgss' 'a .daughter,.- a Indies' .quartette :of. Ripley olid •
'Donald MaeIntyre."of..Second Con=
ct ssiun ' school won"'second in the;:
:senior s ft'b'1 . 'SCHOOL'
o softball
throw and'' 'third; CONVENTION 'FRIDAY.
in the100 d d h 14 and over.
.. yar as
Douglas St.
. aniey' of Krniougl 'won: `
first'' int _ The' annual Sunday.School don -
e 50 -yard dash
y . as for 8-' ventron for the area comprising
Townships will ' be held in
tars -olds
as .
n ,, Culrxs; Ashfield• a rid.
Huron T
NG .EVEN. -,.'
1 Old' Light Lodge, A:F: &' A.M.,
annual' church'parade
l:cld. cin Sunday morning .to the
. Presbyterian- -:-Church Luckn
ow '•
L01 scr�•i1 e at' ll' a•m
'\t fiol r
v ci.id •on Thursday, June
2•ith sponsored by 'the''•Wom:ean's.
;- Institute. ,Supp'r',6 'to 8: Mixed
1�}'t1g1'ain feilri<iwed ;by . a dance to.
l';at if nRhQitra;
'1'iit'•1s C, Country Club is sport
s(•lt.•iri ; :a 'dance in : the'. Forrester's!,
1'• A' I:t;'I 1Ii ;ide on Friday June
10th rt
1 1
(.fuel k..
c shay Lunch .
ot)t liter.' Wilbur' Erb's ' arclie'stra,
�iid , '
at Kinlough when .my dad,
Nelson Bushell and I were• c
in the. same class A: at Kinlough . t
school, y
was •�,
at the • ittst 'reunion, . n
910' The Malc,lrris a , in
hlted the . ollj ' iT t Kinlough: e4a
bUs and 'loaded
CkI)ow station
down toaded it full to' come c
the. reurlion,
main driver I was .the
Cain stables;.an� put up.at the
You. ,may i; c'
lr,, this' his on to - •the:.
`111 °n • Boaid with . ver '
dies for r. „ y bust
ing to hear gr �tricl ;r•eunxcirr•. Hop
telebr more of the gran
.g d
Your Old 'Soy"
,Hugh' f1. M• 1.•,
(Continued a ,coin.
ed on' Page .8).
• •
a solo by Miss Gwen Stewart` of
A `short :course on "Developing
Community Enterprise". 'w'as' chose:.;
en as a district project.
.. • Mrs Han.iltori installed the. , ..:
foll1owing;alate• bf officers; 'pees.,'
Mrs. l?hilip Stewart;; Lucknow•
1st vice, • Mrs. R. • McKellar, ;Tiv
Hackett s• ;Church; Ashfield; ,`on'• ,'erton; 2nd vice Mrs.:
Frida June 18th with: afternoon. rq. `
• �', ' ernoon; "eardine; :sec: -tress: •
kin -
ev '
., Mrs. •Mervin
evening ng sessoris.n :. � Rorrie, ' Teeswater. '
A Vote: • of "thanks to the ho'-
tess branch" was . given ,b " Mrs..S.
Fair., Bervie. The National Ain
a$erri closed the meeting.
I" s�
To: Teach At Kinlou '$ •
' 'Sin 1., 'g
g •e. vacancie
s that.
on.: '. 'Miss .
ass Catherine Gibson, ala r h-.
froth ..the - Luckno . �� .. . ,. tt,, g
w High School , . ter 'of Mr. and , Mrs. Sarm Gibson
'and ,:Public School'
staffs have- of town: has'been engaged ':t
been': filled and the erson e. '
l?, n 1 of.te>ach at.Kr 1
b O.
definite ''
e for -I .•
the'open., GrbSon 'graduates 'this •terrri from,.:,
:rid 'of the Frail' term; • Str`atford _Normal. School.
Miss Martha Lowndes. of Wiar=
ton has been engaged, for' the
High' School. staff: to succeed ,Miss
c Lake, popular , member of.
he staff;`•'who has..resigned, after
a...one-year' ter rn.- �r:,";:nd 1VI.
• r rs. Joseph M. Jar-
" the Public School staff -Miss. 'dine Of Evanston, «'
Ruby Webb' of Pink:erton has.;. n W ' t n, .rl a. 37 ,sailed
edncsday :for a: 3 -months"'
}leen engaged ' to teach third,trl5 to the British' Isles arid
ream"; succeeding. Mrs. J. A. - c. a the
Ctrs Continent, 'The.�T` left • froi�i New
pin 711 health prevented' Mrs. York on" the, Queen Elizabeth.
Crispin: :from completing, the re-' '' Mr. ancj"' e
P i1/Irs. Jardine•'were.re'
sent 'term, .with Mrs P, W. Hoag i can't • visit'ors' here with: Mrs.' Jar=
With these single changes Kenzie.' • `' _Mary
g h e•
I{•I' (`E1"1'(()N AT ST, HELENS
11 .i;ec'c tltirin Fill 'be. %.held at
t'. Ilc.h n' .Community'' !-fall . on
'Chill' duo,\•. Janie 17th.(tonight). in'
1.1:'11(x, of Mi and ' Mrs. .G•eorge
1.ildics please. bring
irrrle} .:F rifler°s orchestra. Every -
't 'A'''EI I;Ik)•t1 1111t1S1C FESTIVAL
-111 (' t important, day: 'in,
Inu,,sie iI°c • 111:18 will be the Water-
ii+:T "rlirsit' 1-t'ativar and Tattoo in
';itr'r'l ,( I':rrk, Waterloo'. Ont,,
S'attii eft '. ,l'tr41'(' 26th. Music from
81:110 am, to : Midnight. Oyer 40•
bands.' 1,ii.ticireds'• of .nidiyidual
contr '::tl,`:., g•,(at'tattoo in el''en-
lr,: ; ` i t\ (irks' the rn•<ist ax lzt
,:•.'';i',ntcri( �In4' spectacle on
Corrne Laxly `aiid
wr+('; ri '1' 'O i' '1 he°ailti'!'ul \Vat -
f •,.)) la:F,k. I'"r,tllltic9t;'Ffor •fam,ly
liit'riit. ; rt f,:'eshxne:rsts served on
the 'Jt'y.'cincis. New .York.�Roches'',
tt`t. 'hili'' 'T'or'onto sol') artists,'
W, ,,G, 11 indalti, •• t'i •
1)(t:'n1t ,7;14•:
he. eyxpects• to e11111t i;c('i{. iCi iffy(
old home t'o\vi1 f.#r the rC onion,
and lnnok. fart\''aril to rt+ri:t:t;g il,f
o. i enc s 0 y 4:. i
nue 'TO' ENGLAND '
:supplying for •her dynes sister, Miss M i
,y 'Mac=:
staffs "'Fill be as : follows` next •
turn High' School; Mr,
Hoag, principal Mr,' W . OPFI
, m. Mac, r . MIST ORGANIZERS • '
Donald; Miss: Jean Osborne and VISITED :HERE LAST WEEK
Miss Martha Lowndes:; Public •
..—Officials :of the ser.
Optimist International,..' were in
Miss Ruby
town' last 'week: „contacting a few'
• ansrri.en conce•nin;g• af-
filiation: with' this organization.
The`` two' .gentlemen Whd. called
here were J..0, .L•:tird,,' extension
'Counsellor from Windsor 'and. H.
.. ,. Roper, past. Irr•e id'ei t f
School, • John. D. Ross, .priricipalt
1fis. Helen • Ham'ilten. Miss .'Mair`
i arieCrarrim and M
\Vebb. of The Cl
Mr. A. W. Anderton has . been
re: -.engaged •:a5 music- instrubtor.
I E e was forced to resign a' couple
df years ago because of ill health •
and, since' then, Mr. Cliftorii°Ii•e.. 'E
land. of Teeswater' has been in London grand.).x o the
charge. of music instruction .i dress . Theyf hope no,,ad '
school; n• the cs; a meeting‘ of thy. C lamstlytn'
'a lac ,d
•iit' a c r ate,