HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1948-04-22, Page 4.PAGE FOUR THE L',UCKNb4W §ENTXNED, LUCKNOW ONTARIO k;+ • { .` • "_ WANT. AD" RATES -1st insertion '2 cents d word, subsequent insertions' 1 'cent a word, Minimum ' charge 25 cents. Replies care ' of The Sentinel. 10 cents extra. Legal. advertising 10 cents .per ;�..cdunt line, first insertion, 5 cents per'.1inesubsequent .insertions, .FARM FOR SALE 100=acre farm, 6 acres bush,. hydrb . in house, forty rods from school, 4 .miles from town, .Apply .Ed' Thom, R. 1., Lucknow.' • r; FOR $ALE :K3 calves,, 1 month • old.. Kelso °M.cNay,'R. 3, Lttcknow. FOR SALE—a browntailored suit and; coat, size 14; Apply at Sen- tine'. Office. , • 'LAWN MOWERS repairer, and fit' , sharpened. F W, 'Rice, ''Lucknow L .:.'OR;'SALE= -We have a .stock of fence•:posts' now •ready.: fpr' sala.' The Lucknow 'Sawmill Co. ' FOR SALE= -purebred 'Ayrshire.. ;ow, just: freshened and. male calf; 2.'mos •old; about 25 laying 'hens, 9• mos. old, Apply. to W G. Arm-' strdng, LucknpW,. WANTED - men, •for , furniture FOR SALE -=either a seven -room .frame house lin LuCkiow' or two. 'cottages at . Point 'Clark, • Apply deck Campbell; Point -Clark. FOR SALE-Heifer,nilking two 'months and a 7. -year-old co.* to. ' freshen . next month,. '.both . T.B. • and blood tested: Frank Ritchie; 'Phone 69-r-12, Dungannon: FOR SALE -,14-plate out -throw, 'disc;: practically new;` also a Deer= ing 'dump rake. Harold "Canipbell, R, 6,•. LucknoW, Phone 1r7 Rip- ley, factory work; . machinm e ; ` roo. bench' room and finishers; Good • working conditions, live town, long .week -ends. Apply .T J, `Bell, 'S'upt. Middlesex -Furniture ..Co., Strathroy : SEWING' MACHINES• . repaired. Expert •factory, methods,'' makes, . ele'ctric or, treadle, :' 23. years' experience New Machine 'results guaranteed ,regardless of age ,`or make. Satisfactory work this .vicinity, for last 15 years. G t 1' • d C W } SLABS 'FOR SALE v a ai e no�v . oo ing orders z0_ '▪ -hardwood slabs, As -many orders. are:,. being- placed,, kindly. •book, .,your order -as .goon -as :possib'le. The Lucknow; Sawmill Co FOR, 'SALE: - Ye11bw. ••blossdm sweet clover,''No. 1 pure seed 'at $7.80';. , and seed peas' • at $3:50 a: bushel. Sow • late and avoid blight. 'Orirille° Dutigannon, 'R. '1,: Dung., L• annon: ' , F,OR: SALE — 50:-acre.,.•farm, 'west •.Wa.wanosh Township, Con.. 13,Lot 21, suitable .for ::pasture Or . 'crop,. granary : on farm:, 'Me- Keinzie' Webb, 2618 Rumble.- Burnaby, 'We* . Westininster;B:Ci. For particulars write or ca11,R S: Hetherington, Wingham, Ont. _N i RAS Tenders will be received, until April 30. 1948,. for applying;'three coats of paint to outside windows, etc., Of the' Cornimunity .Memorial Ball• at ,Whitechurch Paint; will be <'supphed: Painting must be done by. May :31,• 1948.`Lo'west or. • 'any 'tender not • r cessarily ac cepted. , * .,. Mrs. Victor 'Emerson, Secretary Treasurer, Whitechurch,,' Ontario. • } IN MEMORIA ROB$—In louig m n .error of •Mrs: . Elizabeth Robb, who passed away on April •28th,•• 1947 ' ,,,,one by • one they go before its, They are 'fading, like the. dew, Boit, we know 'they're' '• watching o'er :us, • They the ,gond; the fair,. the :true. 'They are -Waiting 'for us only, •Where no: pain can ever mar, , Dear ones :wlib left us lonely .Watch us throughthe. gates ajar; There a father, there a'mother,;, Gone Within those gates ajar, • " Ever tremembexed by ,The Fami y' . overnm.n,; 'cense'.. ,: r'rni •7 ...l -,a rt�•:n 114r. AN OPPORTUNITY : .`Estabiished.'Rural Watkins Dis strict available..' If ,.:you are ,ag- gressive. and; between the •:ages of . 2nd. 55—have or can; secure travel 'outfit, •a this is.: your.: oppor- tunity to • get; established in, a profitable business .of . your own:° For,:: full particulars wi iter .today 'to The J. R. • •'Watkins. Company, Dept.`' O -L4-2;•;: 2177. Masson:. St., Montreal, Que. NOTICE TO .CREDITORS''., 1n :'the:' natter. °of the .::Estate - of Walter J Scott, :lane• of '11,W,V Village of : Flmpley, in:: the County• ;off Bi race; ;Retired 'Farrnter„ e eased . Nol:ice is•.hereby giV'en that all 1',ri1-sons having` any claims, or de-: ,.:nark ct5 against the ,sad:,Walter J. Scott, . who died on of . abolit the '?5th :day::of `Manch, '1948, at'.the Town• of.Wingham in the County of Htiron, • are required to send ,particulars . of .their„. :claims' claims': duly verified to'the undersigned c+rotors on of before..the• 1Q:tli day` of . M'ay, 1948. • :. : And fur.ther.notice is gi en that after. the said date the said,'Exe putors shall proceed to distribute the assets of the•estateani'ong•the' people entitled .thereto": and they not be responsible for ;the: said ass'ets' or any part''thereof t o anyone • of whose: • claim . they 'shall' ' nat Then. 'have' ,received notice. Dated at Ripley, Ontario this 2nd• `day. of Apr•"il, 1948. Wrh.iam M. 'Scott; . R. R. 5, Lucknow;,Ontarro: •l Gordon -,Scott; ' • Ripley; ,Ontario, .Executors,' SEE • AND'HOOSE We Have. On (land. At i All • Times Many 2,500 rite lc re stepping out' of : the Chicken Business, Yoµ Step In. Ste ,p Feed The Best Land Get Our U,tnijast in ' Service . Whtn You Order New Life 'Hog Grower, ?airy Ration SteerFattener,, La . • • . _ Laying' •IVlash,.. 'Etc. . . For Free Delivery •, 'Phone • 17-w Crawford.,: Lucknow, Ontario. • • '., CARD OF AtKs I, wish to. thank my many fri $nds and neighbours who' so kindly remembered me, with let- ters, cards, fruit and flowers. while in the hospital and since convalescing at, my home. • Mrs. John D, Ross. The ;niece: and nephews of Mrs. Henry Thompson wish to sincere- ly incerely thank' friends and neighbors for their many kind acts and ex, pressions•'of sympathyduring•the illness and at the time • -of the ,death of. Mrs: Thompson. • To. .our 'many friends and-neigh- bours nd neighbours who havebeen • so kind, 'thoughtfu'.andthelpful during our illness' of the past'tie* . months, we wish to .take this .oillportunity., of, ''expressing' our appreciation and. thanks. Jen nie t•hNoble Pierce: We . wish to convey our very Sincere' thanks'. to 'all those,who' were so kind to help us out on Sunday when .our :house was on. fire and special• thanks to those Who brought fire extinguishers, —Mr. and Mrs. Everett Erring- ton •and Family. ;KITCHENER BIG - 4 CHICKS. 'They're what you. .vant•'if. you're ordering April chicks. You want . to :catch up with the•markets Fort eggs -•or meat you can't :beat Big -4' Scores: of . satisfied castorner,s writ ;ing every year with repeat orders,, They'd buy ;none but Big -4. Lose .no time .getting prices and giving us: your •order. Get -pur special a� ediek ' ED. V. BAREII., Lucknow.. FIRE'• EXTINGUISHERS Sent inel fire extinguish rs,; $2.50 each, for, gasoline, electrical,, oil,.'and .411 types'''df 'fire's, apprdved •'• type; automatic, ,work's if you are away•• or asleep .excludes oxygen, blankblank- ets flame,: instant action,quench- es electrical fires without risk. of shock, will riot. freeze or stain. Manufactured` by .ART 'BRCK LES, Lucknow, • `Ont: COME . IN AND SEE\ our flash- light type.... for automobiles:: Larger size for 'trucks and tractors. ,AUCTION'SALE The house ancl° property•of Wm: =€-Mc-Na-1 w-il>�beso :feted -for sale •b', public .auction at 'the premises.. .in• Lucknow, on' Saturday,' April 24t?i at 2' o'clock: 1 The property -of :3RD. aces more of ..less ,:is .Lots , 5 . to 14. n' sub division';oi 'Park Lot,,37', and 'Lots 501' to 505;i.n:tlie Village '6•f Luck-' now. ; • • On •tihe.• premises is: an 8-r oo.m :house in good repair,•.wi'th a good cellar Hydro in, .house, good we•IL Also .a• baron. 36x20 with stabling: The 'prppertt is known :as .tire. Albert Towle property dnd: is be ing':offer•ed ' as the proprietor has' bought a farm,A• quantity • of, rant. and .wood; will also be::sold. Possession may be had •:as .soon as deal is -completed, Tear', 'cash with 30 percent down on. day, of sale.' ..m; C. •McNal1, Prop.;' Wel.1. -Henderson, Auc.. ' PURP:LE GROVE •Mr, arid Mrs.• Will: Walsh, •Mr. and Mrs. Ben S.Cott anal Mr. Robt. T Wall attended the funeral of• their cousin, Frances Johnston of God- erich last week.. , • Mr, Donald Robertson and Miss MV•Iargaret attended a party, at Mr: Kenneth ,Robertson's last week at Armow. Miss Marville Scott of Toronto spent the week -end at her home. Mir°. Andrew Emerson, who has spent 'the winter with his daugh- ter, Mrs. Angus Graham, ' Luck- now, visitedthe past • week -with' friends '.in this neighborhood,' The Institute.executive met at. thehome of Mrs. Harvey Thomnp- • son -on Monday. to •disc4rss plans for the coming, year, ' Nr'.: and :Mrs. ' Ben Scott gat - tended. the 55th .wed 'ng: anni- . vetsarY of Mr; a rs,; John Hughes . which. as .hell° .at 'the, horne of .Mr, H. Thacker: , ' Mr; .and Mrs. John Emerson• vis ited ...at Mr,' Isaac{ Nixon's last',: Wednesday, " T1RIRSDAY, AI'I IL '22n . 191$ Friday With his daughter Kay., who is a patient in the 4 irii+irerl's. Memorial ,Hospital ,at London. Mrs. Christina •Jef f er'sna + 7 v i , iting with hera sister at' Guelph. '.. . •Mrs.Edward. Robinson la<<., re.: • turned from Wingham Hospital. following an operation the r:e,. moval.' of tonsils.. DONNYBROOK Mr .and,Mrs:..'Wm..Webster ind .. Mr,. and Mrs. Stuart. , Chamney were. .Sunday 'visitors with Mr. and, Mts. Cliff Henderson, Kippen.. , Mr. and •Mrs.'..John 'Tiffin. Of Wingham and Mr. and M,rs Bur - tori Mills of ' Godevich visited,, on' Sunday at the home of •Mr. and Mrs. Norman Thonipsont •Mr ' • Go'r•don. Naylor visited ori• K. I N :L a t I•L• Miss Veronica M i'ray, student nurse rn graining at.• St. Joseph's Hospital,. London, visited • during the: week 'with her pare. nts;' Mr. and ,Mrs,• P. Mx.' and Mrs.'•Howard Thorrip son .were 'Sunday visitors..with' Mr...and•: Mrs, •;Bert. •N.icholison. Mrs.• Karl Boyle is hostess to the GrrLs' W on Satu'rday' oily' ter neon Miss It lima Hodgins, nurse in 'training, at St. • Catherrnes.' Gen- eral Hospital,:.is ona three weeks 1 vacation at -the '•home of 'hers par- ents, Mr.. and: Mrs, Toon. Hodgins. Mr. a'nd. Mrs::Torn Hod.gins.andi Mrs, pert McLean mc,tored to St. Catherine$,' during the y Tlje• A.Y P A; enjoyed a lan- tenon lecture of Pictures taken and e:plaine.cd` by the 'Rev. R.. douse- lyn of Lucknow,• .of his 'work among' the Indians` arttt Eskimos at Forst Albany where • Rev. and Nisi; Josety ''did missionary work for number ,of years. Mr. Wesley Guest is • .not as well as his•• many, friends would like to see him: . ' Mrs, "Milton Walsh is assisting iwith the work°'at the Johstone home ,• Bervie, • LS. Hetherington'I(,(. • Barrister, Etc. • Wingham and Lucknow IN .LUCKNOW • I Each Monday, er Wednesday Located on `.the:growd floor in' [t .of John. Kiilpatrtheick'sfron• Building .Phone Wingham Office '48 . Residence 97 ANDREW.. Barrister.and Solicitor. . LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • • Office; in the Jo.ynt Block Telephone Office 135 Residence 31-J 'Manufactureil by: R. S. Noble & Soo, 'Shallow. Lake, Ont., k` Sold r' WITHOR WITHOUT . TIRES AND TUBES, Of Rugged • Construction; built fcir a•, Lifetime of Service:'• • TIMKEN BEARINGS. Price L Tires & Tubes • 137.50 . IMPLEMENT, SHOP T • t• No letter writing. Noinonep orders. Ngo bother. just let me know what you want and when you want it. 100% : ale delivery guaranteed: Bray` Chick Hatchery FINLAYSON BROS, AGENTS ., 'Phone 91-w,• Lucknow Automobile Owners on't, pay ..two pricesfor your insurance Eo'r the most economieal and { reliable protectioh in 4TITOMOBILE INSURANCE , LIFE INSURANCE FIRE INSURANCE SICK & .ACCIDENT , INSURANCE HOSPITALIZATION See''or ,Cali CAMERON Lucknowv, : Ontario. 'Phone Dungannon 70r -i0 Awnwistwitr tuatt MacKenzie.. BARRISTER' &. SOLICITOR Walkerton, Ontario.. LUCKNOW Each Wednesday QFFiCI IN HENDERSON BLACK' AC OUNTA CY C N , Service for . the Small' Mer., clivi t; `I Fofesstonal Man and the Farmer... In Lucknow',Tu.ws:, •Thurs •and 'Friday. :Office in Kilpatrick Block: , •'P.O.. Boz 74, Lucknbw, •Ont.' SUR�ANCE •(FIRE, CASUALTY •:. and AUTOMOBILE To•• yrotect Your Jack Insure With Jaick. Today, . J A. MCDONAGH K.1t , 3' Lucknow,. Ont. Phone .61-5 Dungannon • Insure," In Sure insurance Confederation Life WIND,, CAR, , FIRE—Preferred Rates for .1 pr.•eferred risks, . ACCIDENT alio. Sie NESS 7 Consult JOHN FARRI•SH - Phone 8213 .Dungannon' 1 F.. T. ARMSTRONG. OPTOMETRIST HIH LUCKNOW FIRST WEDNESDAY, OF EACH MONTH from • - from 10 a.m.. to 6 trim. AT. WM. SCHMID'$ STORE