HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1948-04-22, Page 2w PAGE Two • .w• WARMAN... ,w5,11.1111W,Intik.r.61.1, 11111P1,11114.11.1raa.vw, • • A THE LUCKNQW SENTINEL,, LUCX,NOW, ONTARIO .• STOOD FOR ONE HOUR ' ••.O -OBTAIN AN EGG • A couple of months ago Ed Baker wrote Jaek McIntosh's .slarne and address. on an egg, with the result that Jack recently re- ceived a letter from" England. The writer •°was a married woman, whose husband is a ship- , -wriglkt. She said, ,".-Istood •in line for one hour for that egg, know- tr: tt • , • , . • • 414 't • 13 k" •?r .4 • 13 • • • • 1:P.. ,a, t, " • , ' . . ' • • •• • . • .• 1 1 • . 1 . 4,, • •:„. • :' 4. • ••, !,,.• • : • •11 • t • 44. .1 • : . . • — • ing if' I diC.In'tTY husand would. net 'have, anything to come home te. Anyhow he needs something; as he -leaves horne at 6.15 am). and gets home at 6.15 Attended. Monarch Preview Mr. Garfield. Ostrander, local, Ford dealer, was in Toronto On Friday attending the preview of the new Monerch. • Mini* Lost Hand • - Harvey Hodgins,, •of Con. 10, Kinlos.s. is slowly regaining the TEESWATER CONGREGATION HONORED THE 11100EIt&T.OR‘ • • u'Se of his right hancl,.iollowing The Very Rev. C. H. MacDon- a wood.. miffing mis apo r Month ago. Harvey had the hand gashed across. the knuckles and by the narrowest margin escap- ed haVing the four -fingers sd.vered lay' the buzz, saw, • • es • ducted. the 71st anniver- sary service of Teeswater Pres; • byterian Church op Easter Sun- day morning. On: 'Easter Monday evenihga Social' gathering was held'when .The Moderator. was, presented with a gift accompan- ied by the ',following address: • To the Reverend Q? H. MacDOn- ald, *Mederatot of the General Assembk of the Presbyterian hurch in .Canada, . Greetings;:, • • • • :Duringthe years that have passed since your boyhood/and young manhood Which, wetSpent in' Teeswater, .your many friends here* haVe., everwatched with. prayerfUl c. interest •Your., work-4as a -minister efrour beloved Com-; mueion, . • When; in June of last year, you were, elected to the highest office. Ln the gift of the Church, the, ineniberS. of the congregation of Knox Church greatly rejoiced It •was' vvith,much' gratification ahat we welcomed' you• yesterday, morning as guest pi eacher at • a 3oint ,Easter 'and annive'rsar.y•ser- Vice, and tonight, , Easter Monday, we•-are'hapPY to have :u honor . ••. .us with"your preseece as we tele-. • 'bratethe opening of the .ptesent- chureh. building 71 yearS ago.. The • Kirk.' '..Session feels. that • thiS 014 6-7 '11 .4%. . , . . • , • .04 ' . ss the, Doinion, even as you read ousandS of travellers are Speeding to their destinations On board trains of the. Canadian National. Famous trains, such as The Conti9ntal.Liniited and The. Ocean Limited, are Spanniig the distances • • from the Pacific and the Prairie -Provines to Eastern ; • • COURTESY :AND SERYtICE • ,• inetFer at honte !'g4ing placee in 411 your: contacts. with Canadian National; you 011 e4ericiice calirisY an4 servJc., Canada.and the Atlntic. Theinternational Limited, ; .• 4.• \ . • The Ikter-City Limited, The.Washingtonian and • e ' The .Montrealr; are typifying - Canadian National's' ' • . importance as an International carrier. Dependable "locals'. are performing the undramatic but essential job of , • ' ,„ : ,: • , serving theinnetWeen pointsand providing branch line connections with the:fastEpregi trains: •, . • These•ar the trains, covering more tharl two million miles eah mnth; that make up' the Railway "Blue Book" Of Canada LL-• The System' Time Tables Otthe C.N.R. The "Blue Book" Is your "passport" to everywhere in Canada; or across the EOrclet be Your journey for business or pleasure, for an bout, a 'day, 9Vernightor 1ong4r. • • • RAI/MAYS • AIRLINS:. STEAMSHIPS 1.10TELS •'EXPRSS • TELEGRAPHS . . „ • • e . . 11 . e • . A • . I , • it. THURSDAY, APRIL 22d, 1948 USE DITCHING MACHINE To EXTEND ,WATER.SERVICES.- .....„.--..--.. - . Seott's ditching machine' fr • .. . • Ripley was a.employed I'" "Y j week tofacilitate ihe installatiaos nt of a number of water services, One trench was ' ePerieci to the Recreational Centre for a wate'r service pi.pe'froin the Campbell 'St. Main. This is about 6 feet underground .ancl about six feet under the concrete. Work of tap. ping the Main was *delayed Monday hight'vrain flooded the excavation: ., . Another : ditch was opened. at. 'the south-east eorper of the. tawn, N."T.here a 4 -inch Main to George OrVi.s"resiclen.ce.- From - there inch and 4 half pipo being:laid-td 'Service Wm.' Goal and,Wrn. AtniStrong. A hydlibni_ is to be initalled. at the..•.01' .corater to' provide .hetiA",- ti.rc) tectiori iii that .rieinity, To.Exelpang-e P.ulpitS Rev, J: IN. Stewart of Lucli- WOW United Church u1d Re, N, S. Anderson 'of Stonewill y Cr.ek excharige pulpits on Sun- day,' Rev. Anderson' will preach: here bothrhorhing and.6venin,i4 Cadet InsPeetiOn MO: .. • '.InsPection, • of -Lack'iiigh School. cadets ' is „scheduled for TuesdaY, May Irwin of London Iu inspect- ing .officer. '• •MADE -HONORARY MEMBER I 9VtaS1011 b IOU not pass. " LA 1 OS withoit' giving you some little rne.rnento to remind you in future, yeats of our love and affectiOn. Will you then,. Mr. 'MacDonald, please accept this little gift as: a remernbtance Of the church of your ' youth? We... Would 'like t'o• asatite. you that...in. the • years to Come We shall always have a live- ly interest *.iri.YOU• and your work and our earnest prayers will ever . • • May God • continue to prOsper7 you. ie•the :work: of •the Church *e, all love,and in :the service of, the. Master Wheal We love' Still More.And May God spare youfor rnanY More years of 'fruitful'. set: - vice is out Petition to the GOclof Orace Anniversary speaker Rev. ;George L. DOk1as of Woodstock; • arid a' fornier Luck- nowite, will conduct the: anni-• Niersary • services in..Ludknow Prsbyterian Church On Sunday,. May9th , • , . • ". • • . . . , , , " . -• •••• ' • BORN. • • • , • . • CONN Wirighani General Hospital, en Monday, April 12th, to Mr., And Mrs. Wallace Conn,R. ..Lucknow.. a daughtr- . • \yhe Listovve1 1‘1iriisfctiai A. sedation has, Ackert, sn:Of Mi...and Ackert Of HolYrOod,. an hunerarr. • Member for mains in•Listowel .'•• This honor is n. recognition .of the work L1yc1 is carrying on .as :recreational dlr.:. ector anct:it is.the fn st time. the associationlas corifcii,cd sucii` an •herior; • Ministers 'particularly praised Mr. Ackert's inost'recent undertaking, the Pesentation. of an Easter • pageant • that • featured a' I00 -voice choir of singesfrom. all •Llstowel,elittrehes • and •a• casf' of' 25' actots. The•drma written thusia.stically ,.r:eeelVed •in ,• • AlthOugh the pageant.waktPrO Mote& by the'. Litewel. :Reered tional fr.ung& in co-opration., Wth the MiniSterial..ASsocition, clergymen •agred' thatmuch of. the' Sredit 'fr • its •SLICCTss should go:: to the recreational director, .Theyalso ethiThascied the import- : ant Christian Werk being carried: en. under. Mr," Ab.kert's direction • regular program ,thatigliotit theton • . • BACK. TOpRUCE . • . Mt:: and Mrs:. Rudy Sieloff; De- troit--"Its 6 Wonderful idea and •• ateloOking forward to 'being:; there": . „ • Christine , McKinnon , Fort Erie —"Wfli do my :best .to spend a fewdays at the reunion''. • • C. W. '•,Snth,Kinly, Mis:Sinith• andfl intend to take., a • .hOlidy and Will try, to, be the.e. It i-27'-'4eir Since last in Ontario. Will. be 70 onThr next birthday". , • I Ann :McLnnan,' EVanston, Ili. --"Would' geatly. apprecite fur- ther Inforrnationabout the Bruce inion' ) ••••• Mrs. Rae's Sister Passest . Mr. and Mrs. Robert. Re and Margaret, attended the funeral of Ms. Rae's sister, ttigar' Clarke ofMirnice, which, vV.asjheld on Monday. Mr. Clarke, who had keen seriously' ill lr. the' past few weeks, passed away on Friday. Native. $of Lueknow PaSses ' • •Henry A. Miller, a pioneer 'pi La Valee, died at his home near that Northern Ontario toWn. ,cently. Mr.•Miller„.1Wh• was • . a native of Lueknw, was ' one of the first settlers of La Valee When the arda Was first opened to set. tlement 'nearly, 50 years ao. Sur- viving. besides his wife :are fiVe sons and one daughter.,,, one bro-. thr, Joseph Albert Miller Lon. don; and one sister, Mrs. Kate Spindler, Wilton Grove . • • . • 4 ' • , . • . vv 0 uJ.:u o,d3flir h(r • skill. Alert 'and.poi-i,l„ she • ealniiy 11)edt; many 03 NVitlt deft3. 111r,• ▪ mtitts. • • •• •• ▪ thin. •ever manynew ' • s , is, 1)eina t on • inevebefore.•-• More trleplunie.aritlivinil • added right along, ar row, aim is 71() 10,11‘ more awl better sert..0,(...... at • I • tile. l oss csT • . to giN e'grentei t66V(6P Il1(1)4(11)1' :THEeE COMPANY .:OF CANADA •••