HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1948-04-15, Page 7T1iU SDA ', APRIL :1,5th, 194a
Minneapolis -Moline
'.Orders Taken. For
Immediate. or Spring
eo a�raWr� th
R.:.3, Lucknow `
Why drive ' with .a "cracked. or
discolored shie'd or:door '.glass
in.;your car or truck ,when you.
waithaveti it replaced .while ou
wait at: .
Beavers 'Auto . Su �
West .St Phone 295, ,,Godeitrch
(Or contact your ' local garage
or service; Station):.
"Dark Was. The Night" pr.e-
.rented by , Whitechurch' Institute
player's, was staged in the Town.:
Hall. on Monday night under aus
pices of the; Kairshea Institute.
There was a gtiod attendance and.
'acted plaY, under the dry gcti
n -the audienceenjoyed the well'en
-4 Rey. W. S. Suthe•riand :.°
The cast includes • Mrs... Cecil
Falconer, ' Eldon °Purdon,' Archie'
Purdah, Mrs. , n•g°us'.. Faloner,
Angus Falconer, Billy,,''Pardon,
Mrs. Lorne . Johnsto,p, Rayrnon"d•
Adams,. Mac '• 'McGregor, .Miss
'.xr;•ace McKinnon, ' and Charles'
Martin. .
,Mts. Ezrta Scholtz
.,. and tbarnet
r • assisted` between.' ;acts
with ri usical'`numbers.
Sailors .Run Ihto Snag' '
Those from,' this' eomrnunityp
who have• planned, to•,go sailing
this .season are finding' that the
Seaman's Union§ - :which.. ' are
feuding betweei 'themselves, have
pretty m•uch 'the{.;w.hole say as to'
Who Will man -the boats. Boys net
belonging to .':the Union; haven't.
a" chance and even .,if they join,.
it is uncertain if they•,will' obtain
full time' employment if; at ' all:
:RP,N' R xi :on Aprfl 2s 1b48,
• to, Mr..and.. Mrs. Garnet Hender-
• son; 'Kincardine a 'ion;.,..Br'uce
Lloyd, j :.
1V Ir •. ;and Mrs Ernest Ackert'
spent :the,' week: -end •atr'the .home
•of �Mr, ar�;d,i Mrs; ,Camergn Arm -
.strong, Kitchener, `.
Miss Isabel//Muir was' a week
end - visitor . at. Stratford,
.."Mr. and Mrs.. Max' Bushell :and
" ' Rorrnie=were Sunday isitors'with '
'tiler parents,' Mr: and Mrs Robert;
,Riddell, North Line.
'' . Mr, and Mrs'I George Hiltz and
Brian, Toronto, moved' into the
•new service station on Saturday:;:
: The carnmunity, extends a' we1
came and wishes them every .sue-:
cess. in 'their new ;business, •
Mi and `Mrs:` Bert Moss, Au-
burn:; spent Sunday at heir par-
ents,' :•:Mr, : and . Mrs.. 'Mark John-
' ston.. .
Mrs: Rachel Culbert, Eva and i
Lorne were -Saturday evening vis- .'
itors. with :Mr. and. Mrs. William
1Vllr s ' Drrbkwaterj Mr' and ,MrS.
Wm Tait and Billy of `llamilton, ,
Miss Mae' Palmer of Kincarciirte L
, were Sunday visitors at the :liar:-
lis' home.
.Miss .I:)or•is,•Eadie'•is'•holidaYi•ng
.her. • home:
presbyterial' W. M. S. • --''`
Thr;. April meeting of the. ;Wi
of the': Presbyterian church,
was 'held at :the home ' of 'Mrs.
Russell: • The: theme of the meet-
ing was ,faith. Nliss:Dean. McLeod
spoke ,on the theme, giving eight
eflnitons of faith,' ' The Glad
er Vv
as Y as', green. by Mrs.
Campbell. Mrs. Douglas presided'
and. dealt with the;}
bctsness."" �Tlie;
Presbyterial is to meet in; Luck
'iov on May 18th:;:A committee' of
Mrd, Stewart, Mrs. Yoven` -
; Mrs.
]Douglas, Mrs. C. Agnew and Mrs,
Porteous was appointed' to ;-°
rabge far. • lune:h. Theisiting
• committee rcported s g
i 21 visits, Mrs,:
McGill and. Miss lean • Metkod,
.were appointed for:Aril:
p , May.
and Janie, as the sick Committee.
'The. "topic
� from .the study• book
Was presented by Mrs. Cook and
the .current events'�were ;suthmar-.
iced by .Mrs. P. Stewart. Mrs. '.
Farlant:', contributed a reading
based ori the theme. The meeting,
closed vith •hytnn.435 and:pray, er`
by Mi;,s' McLeod, .
3`pme : S'eeding' Started O
Although ,April has brbught.the
oder warm day, the weather con-
tinues generally backward with
cold `winds and showers. Sorrie
avork was done . on the land last
week ancLin, a; fe ,r instaricessoriie
.seeding was accomplished, On
Wednesday of last week Jim Cul-
bert did some seeding, which is
the earliest .of which we have
heard. .
Attended .Guide :conference :
. Mrs A., McKim Was in Lon
don' last week , attending a Girl
Guide. cori.f - ence • attended by'
some two • , n a :.ed divisional' and,
district' c. Sinners and: focal.
association. members:.Mrs.` McKim
is `pravincial•'cariip eommissio'ner,
.Pai amount«'Women's' institute
will meet' at the''home
Elphick•' on April 21st. Current
e.vents,."Miss Susie Gibson pro -
grain commit , Mrs. Jas. Web -
ester, and Mrs; J. Hamilton This.
is the annual meeting. - :
Mrs: Jack ' Hend'erso h visited
The April meeting' of South •
Kinloss W.M.S. was held in the
Reeve W, A. Solohion and K. C.
Mudie 'of Lucknow, ,and Reeve
Alex McKenzie of Kinloss Were
in Parley on Tuesday '.of last
week attending a planning' meet-,
ing of the Bruce County Reunion
Committee •
Chief topic of this -meeting was
"blletng'i, •which will be a. Mat-
ter of 'major importance in each
municipality. The reeves of all
munfcipal%tres' in' Bruce were re-
quested to . be present at this
Meeting :and "there Were, . 25 'in.
attendance. ,
• It was reported, .that. Women's
Institutes. in several; centres were
planning; to help ,feed,the host
of ' visitors that.. will inSade . the
An "irr'iportant • , comtnunicatidn
from the Canadian Passenger As-
sociation announced that reduced
return ...fares would be : offered
frori `'any point in Canada` to :fouW°
points in. Bruce County,' Walker
'ton, Kincardine, Port Elgin • and
Wiarton..Thiis return fare will be
a fare and' a ,third. '
With -her 'son, Mr.. and Mrs. Lloyd
Henderson, Toronto. '•
Mr,; NeLson'`Raynard has °sold
'ferrn to. Mr. J. Macintosh and
has 'purchased 'the farm : of
,Mrs. Grant MacDiarrnid•under.
went an `.operation in Winghain
Hospital. .'
On • Trip , to : Mexico.
Miss Jean Graham ' who has
been nursing. at .various Govern-'
nsr:exit 'Re-,5-t's- •zi" t': left-..£er-
r -
a trip :through the: Southwestern
States and Mexico, :.She plans on'
visiting•:her hoine:.in Kinloss 'the:
:`latter '.part of May"
ba..En..ciit of the church with . 14
present. Mrs. D, , L. MacKinnon:.
occupied the chair. The special
•spcaker " for the afternooh was
Mrs.- MacMurrieh• of Toronto. MI's,
MacMur•rich 'gave a very, inter-
esting address ' onher work. in •
Toronto, where she is .a member.
of,the Council 'Executive of .the
Prsbyterian .Church in Canada,.
The matter of a ;baking sale,,wast
left ta' Mrs, Alex .Sutherland and
Mrs, Alex MacLeod to decide on:.
date, ,The , roll 'eal.l• was ` answered :
by 1`A Worrihri of . The `Bible',,.
'Hymn 663 •was slung: and. Rev: ,J,
Smith c
to ed t
s . eetrngw%th
Assembly was in charge ' of
Mary Ching' The hymn .-"DearLord
aid ...Father ,:of Marl -kind", was
:lung.-Tlis'was. followed by 'the •,
Lord's prayer-. Ruth Anderson
read the ipt .ire, lesson.. A duet
Was: sung Shirley Hodgins 'and.
Eleanor Murray. ''.Betty . Marshall:
gave an interesting reading;. on
April. The:'. Assembly was closed.
by the singing'of The :King.' .'
DICKSON At Alexandra' Iiospr
Goderich on March:31; -1948,.
to •Mr.;, ,and. Mrs MeI Dickson,;:.
R. 1, Dungannon, . ar ':daughter.., °' .
11 .
•ONTARIO'S products are :desired and purcli sed by people all' -over the' •
;world "and ''tire capacity to., prodirt a •Ptieh goods largely. determin •s the economic
welfare of. ev:cry man, is om in mid child v1•rthiri her borders.. Because .the pale 'of:
•' every article ,produted.in Ontario' brrngs.•valuable dollars into' this •Pro\ince, we:
all 'are more as'ti ed of job security ..'. and .we arid, oitr children can .liave•ni re • ,
of the better things in.lifC, `l5o,prorhie'e such .goods in'sii icient' cant ties skilled
labour is vital. That is rel v'esery si'ri Tie one of us should e. Lail"th ' v
y g at war veterans •
are, constantly being trained toprovide. the skilled hands so needed''by industry;
.�V'eteraans receive ON:TU ,JOB training under .expert instructors in our Ontario' c. "'
- factories. '`
This trainiir prop coed thrMi '-li ,the,co•o eratior .of the Department of. Veterans'' ' •
.Affairs, the Ii1edetal :Department o f Lahtitir 'and Ontario De: artment of ..
Education starts veterans off': on the roadto•skilled craftstuanship:Taught to • '
u' a tben hantls,rn gette- ''herb engine and4 adt 'rains" work, both on military and -
•civilian aireraft, these Veterans may qualify for a Department of Transportlicense,
'authorizing them to declare: aireraft'airwhethy,, in ;aircraft nianu'facturing' lants
and on fl}•mg fields throughout .(int:ilio, these newly=skilled veterans will- have
' the -Opportunity to apply their talents .and training.. Their efforts will help to
make Ontario a finer place in which to live and will .contribute to the welfare and
1talp iiness of all,ler citizens,. •
II. Parry; ;5, of" :Oshawa, : Ontario, a,
Canadian Army veteran, is shown,inak'ing .'
an adjustment to the engine of a Ciib'
Trainer. Students work on'various types
of aircraft ranging''from the Gib Trainer
to. Multiple• engine -military aircraft.•
Many veterans, trained as 'ground crew o:
specialists during the .war, ;have 'chosen
tee take 'post=war training: in • Z
this , occupation . for which .
Alter are' particularly suited: .•
.For thcnt thetransition to
peace=time employmenthas •
been 'easier. . ,•
♦••. i...•ii;r..•ii a-iiiy�i••i�i ii'•..y.i b: