HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1948-04-15, Page 510, THURSDAY; APRIL 1,pth, 1948 Lyceum:Theatre WINGHAM Two Shown. Ex Night T URS:, SAT. APRIL; nth, 16th, 117th'` ROBERT PAIGE, [ TED DONALDSON In' • RED +STALLION • L Mat nee Saturday at 2 p,in MON., TU ES., WED. • AliltIL -19th, 20th;•21st BING CROSBY, BARRY FITZGERALD ..x Welcome• Sranger PASSED AWAY ,MMIIONpAY • Th e . death o f Mrs: Harry asp , ,fArxrser,.l na: Hodgins, occurred;,in• Kincardine • Hospital on :Monday, in her.. ;72nd year. ,The 'funeral service' was held at .her' -late residence in Kinloss Village 'on Wednesday-, afternoon With.:•'interment `:in Greenhill 'Cemetery: J: ROGERS' returned to •:'the Parsonage at Blyth last week ••• after. having been. ill with 'pneu- monia •'in Wingharn Hospital. '. ; • THE LUVKN.OW SEDITINE'L, LUCKNOW, .ONTARIO WH. ITECHURCH. Mr. and Mrs. M,alcoln Ross and two children, also Mr, and' Mrs. Foien :of Toronto. spent the week -end with the for..rner'smoth- er, Mrs. Mac Ross', 'Mr. and' Mrs. •Bruce Ryan. of •Godertch spent Sunday with their paren'tsl, Mr. and Mrs. ,Jack Ryan. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emerson and Mr. and' Mrs. , •George` Me Clenaghan visited ;on ; unday ey ening with the 'latte r S,daughter, Miss .Mildred McClenaghan,•.R1'$ Who is "on :a case near: Holyrood. Mrs. Robert ' Purdon who is. ' in W ingham' `Hospital . where `she had an operation, is; doirg astl well as can,, be expected; Mr. -and Mrs; Tom Morriso t•• and Mr • Clarence McClenaglian''spenf a day. at 1c}tc4tener;'• Mrs. Dt, nlop returnedwith them and is ?visit: ing with Mr. and Mrs. Morrison: Mr. Ronald Ryan 'sold his car to Miss Lila Enierson • as he is. sailing 'on ' .th.e lake during the surniner months. Mr. 'back Gillespie and ..Mr. Lorne. Johnston;'• made a trip tc • Toi•gnto" on : Monday ' the ,'last restplaee of ' your be- ' ,loved -son:We believe� it will be cornforting thought for .you; to• know that the grave is' adorned. • with flowera and ghat • so " many of miles 'ft:om''his native county+ rDh ..NGAN ,O N • Hollanders Tend Grave Of Dungannon Soldier;•. In. an. American Cemetery in Holland, in Plot 9, Row H, Gravel 2P;' stands a cross bearing this •in- sc,ription ' Pte.. Montgomery,. R. J: Number A61417' Lincolnd an . _.. Welland. Regiment 1.: The f9llowingis a' co •- , �copy of a letter . received. by Mrs.. J. G. Montgomery, 'Dungannon, mother of this young soldier whoa; paid the '.supreme sacrifice in:. World W'ar•.It• Dear Family, Of • ,course you are': astonished', to receive a letter :from a''family you . never: hear of. The • matter is 'this.- You know.. there •are• several places in Holland where thous- ands of your soldiers have been buried • Many of our people wish. ,'to show their 'ithankftil'ness for the . liberation caused by the Am- ericans and .therefore they hare. adopted a.grave they take care of. We also -'hare adopted •a grave G'lRL GUI'nr No.TES • The .Gi) 1 • (.3u -ides have 1)ecn 'me,(ting•. in the, :Legion Fi,aoiris. '1 (‘ .the'patrols It ye ben r•e-organ- "grave'... PAGE FIVE ««««<•«««««<1«‘««e «\ ««ti « / . / / / /. /., Planning for the Future. ' IS . MAN'S FIRST ' AMBITION ;', •: • If • fire were to .destroyyour ' n Y property, would the iosuirznce, '• You now, carry be 44.dequate to cover the ,cost. of 'building 'at. / present high prices, . °For free counsel •and: advice on . 'dny insurance needs ;' such 'as Fire, • Automobile, Life,' Hospitalization write' • or / phone. without' obligation, .. P S t .ewart dsInsurance enc ;::9 Lucknow, Ont.,' Pbone a / / / it Down You save . -money,. . get • :betterpeiforruance, better mileage'When 'you )ive your`'car.• NWould it be.,,possible that you : '.A l the lust nieel ing,,' after roll sono us 'an answer • if•'you, like chi] .and 'horseshoe, the n.e•w • t e-. ; ' 9:. . out act.. The writer of this 'let- ' c ruii,�;. if a'rned iso) ie '.of 'the r e=: .tet is.'`a•,.head teacher ' of an. '.el= qurretie�nts Of their.'tenderfoot. ernentai• . , � school >f n the nsrghbor-• The 'other Guidcs. lealnE,,ci Seco'n;d hood of`Holten 'where. ('i,ass• •: here. the ,grea't Arneriean'gcelneter issituated. y e r e to he r som G:arne, wei.e phyto• and Gujd'e , were b ?es • cid' � tt W 1'k a etnmg about 'meeting kn f , h f he t iendship •you, and es ectalll some partici' ring .rigid the singing,: of taps . • , p Y ulats, about your -child. We don't;, There a•'Ga�rde' meet' f . each l� ►•td a,y night • in -the :Legion ! ow i 3 ou are beli evets rf iso Rooms: I^•God. bless.. you.. -if. not -we do, j hope•t at• you i -r ay..learn to, be- ss■�iesae�■u0asiauissra■san.■■■■a■■sn:■i. t . , . ,` , heave -in Him 'who can console ■t!r■i!� ■ ■ youii• 'yoirlr loneliness ■ !• a Many greetings, . yours truly, I i ■: aMilkers, A• H. Haanng." ' t•f � at-nil=u a oi Ttz 4d C ,a This is a good machine over 700 000 in'u `■ the Carlow, Hall' on•M n ' .... ,. .� � Se last°onday ev- ■ ear. We.have v ,l ening, sponsored b . t Col l :'; Y a e them: onhand,' ■y �'an ■ . ash .Junor:Farmets Club..., The r club ,has a '. a membership : o1 .: ,31" a ASSEY-HARRIS :..SEPARATOR: a for a close skinm ing and Headily. cleaned •,`: separator, buy M. -H. =-,economical too! :. a I a Are Now Taking "Orders For r et RINA'=. SEED 'CORN. r arge or":medium,,flats; •. •Meciuni Rounds _ . You' Can Depend. On Purina :1 a' ■ .r.. ■ a a a ''Phone ` 59, " Lucknpw 'Iaiaiai■aaiaaanay■■aaiai■■nissamaaa ■inaa■t■ $5.50 s4.75 acknawDistrict i■ tnernbers; which "i's believed'; to '` • T be the largest in .Huron. County: IN'. Mr. G. E Nelson; 'assistant `;agri=`� • cultural, rep. took' .charge of the •- meeting and •distribu'ted club Ili • .erature: The election of officers in Was; as *follows: 'prey;;"':'Gec rgE • •Turton vice ,pies:, D.•A Hackett; .i 'sec thea:,; Ken.. Petrie; clu1 lead- ■ • e'r, • George .Robertson. assistant` :• leader, Elmer Hunter.` There will: ;' err be monthly meetings, for the grain .1 • club at the .Carlow Hall', The 'next ' • is meeting will 'be held on May 1:Oth` •, .at 8.30 p.m., k m • The: Dungannon:' United -church. ', held` an Easter thankbffering ser-' • • ..vice''irf the • church on • Sunday .11111.morning . at 'the••;ttsual hour, Rev. C.' W; Down,. supply 'minister .Of. Exeter, gave ' an ; informative ad 'd i ess of the .work' of thea Women: Missionary Societies ,of ',Canada ,and .re1a'ted,`froin 'the Blue Book .up-to-date reports•of•the';progres sive mission work. The choir sang ',Win T}iem" Despte..,the 'show-' el�l,eather the 'attenda'nce' wase very good-) and 'the collections gratifying; •"T,re, Spinsters of,' Lushe" Was i; •;onc-sct play presented in 'the : *P Irish ' Hall on Monday evening by rriembers'of-:the, oderich;.Wo.o men's Institute :and Sponsored by t.hc Dungannon QDranch. The play; specially `prepared for the .God l each Erama Festival, won second I.,•.. •pace when ''presented • there re- cently. Other' ecently..Other' entertaining nu.rn 'I` bens made ari enjoyable evening. 1.. Mr, 'Alex Smith, chairman for the evening, encouraged' .dram- aties•0here and commented 'on the find production. The entertainers Were 'served refreshments at''the, close of the program., The pro- , 1\ ' service regularly. 1$ur. staff are trained to give • your car.thorough attention ough ';at every point. 'DRIVE IN • TO -DAY• :, S NOCO GAS" .AND • 'Phone 148, •LuckioWr•' ceeds : aihounted to aroand. $38. Ha11,Tiffin's .:orchestra:'su lie. d •' Mr; 'and.. Mrs.Harold, Errington music • MVliss:Lsaielle Errington were honored on Friday evening: -read' an address and 'Fred' Young . dance':. reception ,.in the Parish with' .a large••yrowd:.'attending 'a presented thein kith a well' filleig aur se. of irione. i, Co -OP Brand Fertilizers Grow Bettor -Crops ; with Co -Op :Brand ;Fertilizers. Ord now for our ingredients are' limited.;All brands in jute • : bag;,g and delivered to your;:barn free of, charge. • Feeds,. and Concentrates •• e also have a Full Line of - Co -Op • Prepared Feeds and Concentrates, No.' 1. West 'India ' Pure Cane• Molasses, • a • 'clover, Grass Seeds, Corn Let uv sujihlY your ever y need .for Glovers and Grass" • Seeds,•ai'hu. Corn. ;All packed under the. Co=op label. Fence Wire and Steel Posts girder 'y ,our ,:Fence Wire and 'Steel Poste Today, for the supply is very limited:, . l'Ir.Q.,ty . Vo -Operative, JOHN JAMI1ESON0'114 er', i ir No 1 Grades . of the .following Seeds: Alfalfa, Red, ' Alsikke Yellow: and'' White Sw; et; Clover, 'Timothy, .Orchard•'G , Blue Grass, ;Reed Top;and Broine Grass. ar Wagons Rubber -Tired Wagons R •Noble & Sons.' Price, h' Timken Bearings built by ' tires and tubus, .$137:x'0. .minor' Washin ` • $' � chines ew and ,Vied Connor' Ellectr and ' Gasoline ^' Washing Machines: SOLD' BY _ •G. Andrew an Agents' ' for' -McCormick-Deering . Farm Machinet. L. MAY WE ,SUGGEST • For THER'S A Portrait Make Your Appointment • , , • Ei►rly. Telephone 1401.3 • Goderichl S> Vd,Sty +t • 1.0 a!, ,R RJ x