HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1948-04-15, Page 3,; 11 'BUR DAY,: APRIL, 15th; 1948 ' Focal ani NTllt>✓ STOCK ($20,090i of furniture offered at 'special 'dis- counts, April 10th to ' April 24th, 1948, at •Schuett &, Sons at Mild'.: maY• , Mr..Charles. Steward returned to:work on. Monday following an illness with, bronchial pneumonia: •Hugh Ctnping was off work for a few days :with' a severe attack .of the 'flu.. Otto Petersen. has been 'this pointed Rawleigh 'dealer • an this district.. • : Mt. and Mrs. Kenneth' Camer • ,on have :nigved. to a new'.apart- fnerit fitted oiit in the Congratn •' ,1Cckr . , A ; Mr. John:Watson of London and sister,. Mrs.. Jessie Webster vi,jted .this ,week at the .home of Mr.. arid Mrs,• Peter Watson. . ' •Mrs. Jessie Webster of Clinton 'visited the first of theweek with `her ,sisters, Mrs. AN* - Pritchard Sind Mrs Mary' Caen bell. • `; Keith Co11yer,. who1 recently un-- derwent another ear, operation iri. St.. Joseph's.' Hospital; London, is inaking. a ,favorable' rgcover'y. Mi.,and; Mrs. Go:idon ;Bailey ot London, MA. Joe Austin of Wing' ham and Mr, Alf :Armstrong, ,,lar=• cid' 'rte, i ' zai'"t~o%i r•�, Belly of London,•were.'•Week-end eisitrrs••With•-Mr. and,'Mrs, 'W. G eneral� Arc. :• . -.,. r .,..+ , • `.,.. ..°',w .' 1�M.7," ,4111104 Aix,,. KF THE LUCKNO.W SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIQ M. .and Mrs: Eldon • Bradley :and daughter -Phyllis of Amber:ley spent Sunday .,with Mr. and Mrs, Cordon Lyons: - Mr. Simon Plewes. who has. pent'„the winter. ' in the South r> account of his health, return- ed' home the first of last week. 4'Mrs John D -,Ross, who under: went a thryoid operation in Lon..' .don -recently, was' able to return. home the • f first of .the week. • •• Janet Finlayson' observed her 4th birthday on: Thursday,.:whieri she had 'a party. for :-a'.rturnber" of her. little • girl friends. 15enneth Carneron,„who has not- been.enjoyirig• good"iigalthi,` went to London.on Monday for a'• thor- ough medical check -'ups,' • Mie'. Nobe Merge who has been Il most of the• winter, is axle to be` put again.. His s: tor; Miss Jen . nie :Pierce, has also been i.?:poor -health for •some time," Miss Mildred Horne • reltui ne to . Deti oit•:the first of the week after spending the week with her mother, Mi.s • :J. A.'Horne... .•whb' Was. ill: Mi's.. Horne••is now con • - valescing at': Kincardine Hospital.' Mrs. Lillian Ellis and Mis.• Jati, Geddes • o Tont • sperit . the week.•, e he e; T hey',. were' ac. comuanied key Miss H46. r��,1b. t': ho spent a week in the city .and.• attended the li4ic fii essei s' con • vention, . ! *Armstrong.. April 10th to. Apriil::l�4th. at' the MILDMAY• ', FURNITURE', S, ORE 10 to Discoun on' all Furniture, Pianos; .etc.: Free :Delivery , :Terms.- Cash. 'Store Open Thursday 'Fveriings'Duriing Sale, J;F. SCHUUETT & Sons •MILD11MAX. UNITED. CHURCH KNOW Rev J; W. Stewart, ' 8.A,, B.D. Pastor • SUNDAY;`APRIL '•18th, 194.8 11 a,rp;:;"Reliance on God". Story:"God Wants. Our Best": i , • Sunday `School following.' morning service'' 7 pan.: "Places Where Jesus May Be Found" • • �ACKTO BRUCE .. H'. ,R L • Hon. James McKinnon, Minister of Fisheries, and ,a " Bruce Old. Boy; will' be present at Walker- ton on July 2Qth to officially .open. the County :Ilonecoming celebra, tions. • In case .you've forgotten• here is the County• serif dule of cele- • brations•: a- Walker'ton.,�'July "20th Paisley, . July' 21st • Mildmay, July 22nd'. •Southarripton; July' 23rd'' Port. Elgin, July 24th, 25th Tara, July 26th' • Wiartori,: July '•27th,,, 28th •C'hesley, July 29th Lucknow, Friday; July. • 30th kiticdr••dine, •July 31st, Aug. •1.,.2. Ripley, August; 3rd Teeswater, August .4th. A'aei ies of four advertisements win appeal : i•n. Bruce' County Weekly papers, commencing May, in a concentrated effort -to Tau}klicize this county event,, the ,, Ji1..,1..(if its kind Byer atiernpted., • • 'rife'' .Sentinel • Tans• to. a slfeeiril issue in this connection,. and is pa:r.ticular1ya inteles,ted: in receiving i. emini-cent . aitieles f r,.an old :boys ' arid girls, and 'we.. 'appeal to them to pen aletter to 'tire Old Iiome•paper,.'Such letters rill be muchappreciated and will L'nite.d' Church W; ;M..S. . •'Ma.cKen- ie enter tained Abe •.Afternoa'n '•Attxiliat'y orrre"f-i thc�' A. help greatly to,cleate enthusiasm at leer: h pill meex • :ng '.with 23' ladie;s present,. The' , rogram, µ'-as in charge' Of: M'is: Decker; ;Vll s.M.rs.'Rae a,Vrs:.B nr is. GeOge ..Andrew Plesided, 'lin•e] mailing list, but will receive'Planswere made tki g a :JON for ieliefBritain. MrSta ::,1,ies of : a11• fo,u�, r•�ssue c.ari.yin. g fhos:''Burns,spoke on.the need 1•• )rcial•. reunion a•dveitisements.': i•'e.lief, abroad.: Mi s,•,•Hoag and ' i:ri _this: county, -wide hontecorn•ing, they Will. be'read With interest !iv t1:,v✓fide°circle2of "olcl'tirnere,, t%•ho are not .on :the regular Sen - an Your Sides' Will Splt..When'You See "!,'Aunt Aunt Abbie .Answers. An Ad." By the Young Adult Group : North St.. United Church, . Goderich In' The Carnegie 'Hall,• L U.C.KN.OW rrida at 8.15 Admission 5Oc, aud 2 DANCE. Music by :Mac's. Old Timers, Kincardine Admission 50c zogsvcsswoommisoisiog:svolocracsmagisgsza:sacwassacs Wm. Wall • Mrs., Jacob- Eckenswiller, is vis-: itin,g..at. Clifford with Mr. • and Mrs. Ed Eckenswil'ler. • Mr...and :Mrs.• Clayt Nichol-' soil,,` Judy and -Ronnie of . " Safi ni:a Mrs: Bert Nicholson. :Mr Geo. Colwell and;Mr. Wes.. ley 'Thompson both -held 'auction. sales at their :farrns, this week. • 1V Ir Wilbert 'flaldenby. of ''Tor onto called on 'relativesr:here on,. visited Saturday with Mr. and ` Saturday,; b• • M s:. Hall , favored ' with a..'lovely. ltic,t. 1VIls�'' Aeai•1 Hel�dei•so • .And here's what the folks at ', ■akiii1•i�■■magiigumi ■ •iiiii■f •lir,m�:' .pan do If••.,:you', receive, a �. .. .. >st•i�]•stai!>f�'. biter ,fi'Orn a distant relative itt- !.; e message the tist_'18 v � :sets 'U•f• •the ,:: :• ■ N.,�CR:AS=E :S ' • - d•C}. to Bi lace .'let�he�",P�blsher-sr* ;:�0th'chautei••'i�f St. Join: and giv• . *• � .�- in a., le:now<.a'botlt it :'A':line' `or.paia - g'splendid. add•l ess-it fits: the • ,. „grciph 'from that 'letter .or: the . •i.. s■ Rc 5surrecti:oi : Tlit�.''sc1.• • tLi e.. es- • ■' . •... ,. _.. • . • . A•y... .: .- ' . . , ] ■; fila ,a a ,.: ,J1 h, interest here. and elsewh:eie,; C su. g ',Selo ,h.y 17r s:.' B1 ce lc]c.s ■ - � y: he ,the ''factor that will ,, is �!!'. �� � l•- � � •c:1,rcid:c., tsrriane other' *old • friend- ort , ■ . •schr,olinarl c to ioin'the trek back ■ ■ to Bruce.. .' "Ili . ':'• Don't forget, there's :a• public':.. meeting' in the Town , Hall ;• aukdi ■ to rum next .Monday, night to•lay, j . •:pians( for• a' royal: welcome for the. •;■ f iomecamer-s..'' n. was.■;. t'he s,ii'est'speakCi taking fol her ' fol ming you they are comm - h f g a •r • '' n 1 #s M t time 1t'ttei possibly will be•read ■ NEW 'and.' prayer. by : Mrs; •. Kilpt ti:i,ck •)1'oug11•t'' the niecting ;to d.• G�ioSe �! nd a: social -.lialf hour was* en joyed... • THE TAX.R,ATE . in Clinton this yeas will be •'65 mills, an Mcrease of 20 Mills,;in. the' past two years. Presbyterian •Y P. S 'The ,Call.to Worship opened the •; 1"■ \ eekly meeting of the Pre!sbytei - Bo' Number important: � Ian Guild "'on Monday night.' The Post Office Department `ad= i (Psalm' 41 was• sung and followed, vises ,box -holders ' to have • their ■. 11v. pravei by '•Marion. ;MacDonald, box, lumber on their stationery, ::N• •! 'Mac Keith: read.. the scriptui e. and o ask'their correspondents reading and the Bible study wasto' include the box. number in the 1,; taken • by Nlariot•t'.,MacDonald.: A address when' replying .This .'i • panel. discussion "The : Daily :De-• ' gl•eatly'faci'litates,the handling.. of, 'a ,vot•ions of a':Life of •a Chi istian' maiE. t • :�■' was- presented' by a cast: Mayrne ; lrwn ,sang :a :solo :,`Beautiful •Isle .K 1 N L•0 U G H r • of :Soniewheije''• ,Norman Taylor 1 .e' • 1 1 read a poem. ' Hymn 49S 'was sung,..: The Seniom r Woen's• Auxilial y ; 1 and Ma,i 1,n Graham: read° the .met on Thursday .afternoon' with, r a good attendance. This Was a ! ' • ■ closing .player.. devotional . meeting and all '• the i.,■ �olstering Of "1 CHESTERFIELDS & OCCAS ONAL CH -AIRS STRATF',ORD UPHOLST:E11I1N1G; ..COMPANY. �)Ne Pick Up 'And• Delivery,; ' maaacxx.: • •, Leave Order t . JOHNSTONE'S, FURNITLr: STORE—. • ladies` :tock part 'ion 'the: .program 1 Mier cwhich:a dainty lunch iv:as serrti eel by this hostess, Mr„ and Miss. Clarence Cerson ; •: r atficl. daughter' Lyncla of 'Kingai•f; : i'c e lit .isl.tC rs• with Mr., and -'. Ml's• Wesrlev Th•ompson , d. Mr.:and and Mrs, }I:0yard Thortip :i •s'on acid family were, Sunday 'vis itors with N r:' and Mr$.' Wesley' 'sr • Guest., ■ ,Mr,` and Mrs Cliff 'Borthwick �.. of ,St„ Catherines *ere weel4:env ■ vi lit'prs' with Mr. and M'rs,' fait es lliilg1iiti HOME• • CLEANING SYSTEMS WHII;,E: PRESENT .S •; TACK :: LASTS uy Now ' and .•Save The 25.* .Percent;Excise: Tax • • . • se as us C r , 1• " •are lit i■ a 1E•' r. fia ill.. SymtipathV i;' c,:ett*'ilded•' to t1io r 4 E�rT�R ' _ , � ASTER• .: • EASIER' fanialv' Of the late Duncan Caine .�: bell GREER ... 11.; And. 1VIr. and .Mrs, Jack:Shau deher a • ! .., • itntl' .Helen of Culross Wei°e. Stili-: : • ` + Lucknow :Ontario: d41 �''v•i' itors with. M. kind Misr J>.■iaaaaaiiai■abiaaaaaiiaiwaaairrii r' ae!eea eta ,,q,.•ti•.. ( 4, `ik ft:j. 'All. Your Cleaning • 4414 asi ELECTRIC 21; Aar ■iii ■iR111ia lair • • 4 •D • • 0. • Ig N