The Lucknow Sentinel, 1948-04-15, Page 2•
anws4z^W.6. =ate ��► i re..;ii.IlMal IN. 1 fv1S111ER
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Two proininett Scottish clans
of Ashfield towrishiip were united
'+on Saturday afternoon when the
Baa mage• took place in • Ashfield
''tesbyterian ' church et Helen
Eileen,' daughter of Mrs, -Mac-
,Kenzie-and .the 'late Neil J. Mac-
Kenzie and George Alexander
Macgregor of 'Hamilton,•son of.
Dors., MacGregor and the late
..Murdoch MacGregor of Kintail.
Rev.° Dr.' Rhtad officiated: and
ifs'. 'Sally MacDonald, presided
• at the, organ. . Miss Bertha Wal-
den. of Kincardine . song • "Bless
This, Hoose" during ceremony -
a: and "Alwa s" at the • s'f ming ''of
- �' gi
'The register.
Thei bride, '`ggiven 'in arria
by her brother, Jack MacKenzie,
was lovely in,,white feather..satin.
fashioned with sweetheartneck:
dine and full skirt extending into.
a4rain. Her long veil was caught
to 'a Mary. Queen -of Scots head-;
_.dress of net and seed ,pearls, arid
site ' tarried ..a bouquet of calla
• lilies and stephanotis: he maid
of honorMiss Cathei ne Mac-
Kenzie f. London, .sister, :of ..the
bride,, wore a floor -length gown
of delphinblue sheer chiffon
with matching halo hat, and car-
ried American Beauty roses. Mrs.
'MacLean. Be11,' of London, as
bridesmaid, was ' gowned in rose
sheer chiffon withmatching halo.
hat., Her flowers were Talisman
roses. The junior bridesmaid, Miss
Bessie' Wavle of 'Lucknow,• was.
in - pink• taffeta• wit matching
carried nosegay
bonnot,'and- caid of
daffodils' and, sweet peas, Little,
Jeannie MacGregor of Goderich,
niece of the gtoom, 'daintily
frocked inyellow, taffeta,. was.
flowergirl. She ,'wore a' matching
bonnet and .carried .a nosegay' of.
daffodil's and sweet peas: Gordon,'
MacGregor Gre or. o$ ' P 'G oderich was :best. .
man.: acrid the "ushers' were Allan
MacLean and 'Bob, MacGregor.
After the ceremony -a 'eception
and dinner' was held at the Park'
House, •Oo� 1erich; where t h e
bride's . mother , received in a
•printed grey silk dress with mat-
ching accessories. ::She ', vas' as
sisted • by, the grogrn's mother in
grey •wool 'suit , with:: fur: trim,
and Matching accessories.
For a trip to :1Vluskoka an+
Northern Ontario, the. bride tra-
veliedl in a ; grey. 'Barathea suit
and topcoat 'of mulberry shade,
with grey ''accessories, On 'th'eir
return Mr. and• Mrs. 1VIacGregor
will reside.. .in Hamilton»
Guests., were present frorrrc; D:e-
trpit,' Lakewood, New York and
'Kitchener.. • •
"Here With Bells On" .
From James MacKenzie of De
troit, we•' have .'received • ,another,
copy of the March,.! 12th issue
which :we requested, and :the' re-
sponse' to- which'has, more than
need:` 'Mr. ^MacKenzie
filled, ;,the
added, "We certainly appreciate
the invitation, :tothe.Bruce re'
union and will be therewitirSells
s; •
Dissolved .P.artnerahig
"Sky" Baker, a ntd ; William
Schedler,. who?. have been'. con-
ducting'a 'dry cleaning plant and
men's' wear . shop •in Walkerton,
have • dissolved. partnership. The I
business will be carried on by -1. •Death{. claimed' a popular and
Mr. Schedler'. respected resident of Palmerston
• � hursda� Aril 1st,. at"
ah T Y► . p ,
* 8:00' p.m, Roderick C. C;amerQn'
passed .away ingPalmerston Gen-.
erg, Hospital Mr. ;Cameron,' who'
was in/his :75th 'year, had. been -
!in poohealth since'Novennber .of
• last year'Niecently he underwent
Duncan S. Campbell, a
tighly . esteemed resident of. the
l lackho.rse district, passed away
at his Green ck:'Township home
vn Friday, I e was -within a ,month
of his80th birthday and had'' been
in failing health for .some 'time,
The funeral service' was held
at his, .late residence, Lakeside
Farm, on Monday afternoon, con-
e ducted' b .his pastor, Rev. Chas.
D. Cox of Kinloss.. United: -church.,
Intei rnent w irn Baptist Ceni;
etery, Durham Road, .
a g._.ed wife'. he : i.$
Besides • Ns;
survived bk rif 'ee' 'sons, .';Jack of •
Northern . Ontario, William o"f
..Greenock , arid; Dougal; on:, the,
home farm, `and by • two' daugh-
ters, Mrs. Ben Rutile ( Marlgaret)
of . •Ripley and 'Mrs. Catharine
Fritz of Listowel. • •
A son Norman was, killed int
a farm accident .a. few years no.
an lin mono'
6 •
t costs you more to : live these.' days.
And it costs your bank more to provide
efficient banking service.
.Ban1. Staffs' 'are More than half• as ; targe•
; again as before. the. war, pa ;rolls havo c
nearly doubled. Taxes ' are up. So ' is, the -cost.•
'ofa everything : baitl:s buy:.
-et you.. pax no •more .for banl:in _ :service
than '.you'•• di 1 ten years :ago : Today 1't,000 000
Canadians, are bank. custorr";>ers—stalking.
eii.derice of th:e 'ever -widening: usefulness of
orrpetitive banking g in. Our ':national life.
;S 'P0• N,8p li t, 1) 13: t' Y O U It' i3 A N
alrip`o eir�a itsi -Is coni i
grew. steadily more.serious. While.
,' not' entirely l un
Was e
his�deth ws
I a Y ,
expected, :it came as'a great .shock
to . his family, and ',. his many.
'friends who hal learned to ad -1'
mire and respect hiin throughout
his quarter cen'tury•residence;'.:and.
'active life: in '' the. 'business and
spcial; activities of IPalmei•stoz'i'.•
THURSDAY, APRIL 15th, '1948
A po.t luck supper featured the
annual meefing of, the Luekno«+
Women's.. Institute 'hel'd in the
Town 1-Iall under tIk joint coil,
venership of Mrs. T. J. Salkel
and'Mrs. W G. And
re i,v. Follots.
ing 'the supper fhe= president, Mrs;
Armstrong;. Wilson; presided :far
the business period when repot
were receiTea fi'or r• the secretary.
treasurer and , eQ,nvet%ers of d1
,ferent conirnitte'es.
The .firnaheiaj Statement pre.
sen.ted •by • Mrs., .T'e'mple "'Clack
showed total r eco.=ipts t'cir the e `
.of, 7
$848.2',, exIieneiitU'r,ps $5689 1,
•Ieayn.g a"•, balance of h4/3,4 oi'.
$280..Qi. Mrs," : Elmer •Johnston,
convener,. of 'the visiting commit:
tee, -reported 'a balance on hand
of $3.41. Mrs.' Philip'Stewari,pre,
sided for .the „election 'of officers:
:which resulted' as: follows: Pres,,
Mrs. Armstrong Wilson, vice lire:>
sidents, Mrs. 'J; R, is intone and
Mrs. Elmer. Johnston•�`..
treasurer, Mrs.. Charles. Cook; dis-
trict director i Mrs W J. Douglas;
visiting committee, IvJi-s.A. Jewitt
•and Mrs. R., ,J.: Cameron; ,auditors,
Miss. Temple Clark and Mrs,. d
`L. McMillan; 'representatives t0
the dist"riot annual, meeting, Mrs,
Mr: •Cameron was :born. in Ash-.
,.field. Township, ,near• Lucknow,
on' February '7th; 1874. His;. par-'
ents'•were the late Roderick Cain
..eron !and Annie Douglas''of Ash
field .,Township.August-.28th.
1901., :he •married the late' Sarah'
bell, < "who "predeceased %, him
4943.. The . marriage •cereineny
took place in Kincardine; Before
going oa er'ers on M1 ,"Cam`=
'eron,- made his 'home'.''iln Ripley;
and' Calumet, Michigan • In the:
:,.la<tter •centre, he was: ' emp,loyd
in' the mines, " and it Was: While
working there Mi• Cameron be-
• came: involved. ink an accident,
losing.a leg:•
On going to Palrierston :Mr.
'Cameron entered'the shoe re
"'pairing biisiriess. 'which` he :con—..
.iducted: successfully 'until a , few
months prior ';.to ;his, death, His-
'skill, and Services in •'•hi's .cho9lten
titi:el'd will be .greatly: missed
Ithe. community, :along' 'with his
good, naturedgreeting, and•:pleas=
••crit: conversation
'Survivi ,g. Mr:"Cameron aie. one
sori, lDon•ald • H. Cameron 'o.f: De
,:troit;.Mich.,•' and' three da.ighters,..
rs George. 'Wolfe' . (Hazel), of
Toledo; Ohio, Mr's... . K. C. Thuel'1
(Anna Mai:')arid a: Mrs: ; G'1 e
'„Stroke` (Catherine) of. Palmer
Ston. There' 'are. three ;randchil
dreri, .'Glenda Mae 'and Barbara,
Ellen- Stroke and Douglas ThUell;
Also survivingare three bro
''1 ulcers;'l Doriald Carneron of Gran-
urn, Alberta; Duncan •and James
of Ashfield. 'Township.,and;,.three
'sisters, • Mrs. Jack Murdoch, ' of
Leamington,” Ont; Mrs., A. R. Fin.
layson;� Lt 'know; Ont.; aid Mrs..
Peter 11iJ;iirdoch of Detroit, Mich,
'Phe funeral- was held on Sun-
day, April • 4th, with ' a '.private.
service at ' the 'home• of his sore-
in Taw anddaughter;, Mr, ' and
Mrs. Glen Struke at 4.30. p.rn, In
the absence o"f- Mr: Cameron's
minister, Rev. 'K, •H, Palmer 'of
Knox Presbyterian Church, Rev:
Norinan " Green, rector of St.
Paul's'Anglican _ehurch officiated.
Interment was made -in Palmer-
stori Cernetery,�
Pallbearers were iChow . busi-
nessmen of Palmerston and close
friends ' of the deceased, . They
were ' Harold Jenninga; Rae' Me-
-Poe, i3ert Fallis, George ,Graham,
Yi an Attltori NLexvitlle,
i on rs.
rs. 'Temple Clark, Mrs. Charles
Cook and 'Mrs., J. R Johnstone.
The presidenjt," Mrs; 1 . `V .i1sOn
and .Mrs D. -C.. Taylor: expressed
the`t.hanks' .of 'th''e rnembers. fo
•Misr Clark, ,for her jwork; during.
the past..number of years as sec;.
treas. Mrs, Cook thanked the'sup,
pei conveners on behalf •of_the
gathering.•, Mrs:. J r
".p.or;ted that. the: -v of h sc f placing
na•vies, of sstree1S'at. iYtersectfons
• would getund(r m.iy.'in the::near
future: , It was 'voted td .send:a
parcel to".BPri'tain ';f}ie >niatterlof
packing . and after this
was left iii the hands.of a coni
rnittee composed , af' ;Mrs.' Burt
Roach, 1V[is. J'ohn5tone .and
61VJrs 13 J:=C'arnei i� 'Th:esn-ieeting
closed by\ °singing' ithe; National
= The annual '::fiche"ting of 7th
church was her".d' c h: Wednesda
evening ` `All ,r epml is r showed '.
very; success ftil- : year. : The. nei
'xrranage.r s appoint(. d wet c Messrs
Douglas "Simpson.. Elti et Scott
George, Moffat, Charlie Tiffin;:
Bert :Moffat were appoint d'aucl
to rs, George' M.cyf lift ,was appoint
ed as. Suhi°day Sr Ic.>()1 SUperinter
dent. and .ti -to; tc<ic h<<:s (ire•
Wall; Walter ;1' . a. ,ii. ''Giac
Itizlia,rcison, 11�1i,�.• i i;'i,1 Moffa
ari.d,Mi s .Bcrt 1\,1'c l i:it_ Iihc•. Stith
iei,laid sl'de
which. �''c?rc vel,;`; ,'�,.rrsting, A
. the: 'c1Osc • 1'C f1;C'S;lll tis 1Vere a'
Apr 11 �T;l' ,i Itilb; of
:I/V".:43.,..•ryas llc l;l :f.Fn T} ur da
at •th'e }iomc 'ai 11t �'. jaJm, Or
Neil Mac'I)on.cld: preside
over'' the' meetinf Mrs." Faris
Moffat gave the sc rip.t cr c readin
and: 'Mrs Gor,dcrn Will the "med'
Cation. M"rs. J3crt Moffat led i
• prayer A ..chfiptui; ,fie.:c`. head fro
f�1pe •study book �t': icii iti as ,re
int ri • m
The Mission 13c;n`d met. on Sa
urday at. the norm of Mis. Fari'
Moffat, Lois Caro • toil "preside
Mrs.' Charlie . Tiffin •and. Sett
Conley read nils. ,nary . letter
Mrs: Parish .1Vlcrfff°tt• f,a%e the chi
dren's story and l,l fns weie a'
cussed for .,the yr at : The . ne
nieeting •will be' a tvcirk meed
for the b le at'ttrt. hciirne of'Ivi'
• .Char lie' ll,
. Mr, Grahsrrr;:>�,lr;'fat ,�pei't la
week in Toroalt�i:
Mrs. l etcr 141r,i tort. 8th C'o
hais been laid up "with the
Mrs. 13ert Moffat .'rand` on
visited last •vueek=c iicl with frieti
a Moorefield. •