HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1948-04-01, Page 7THURSDA ,APRIL 1st, 1048: •
.D: .�fN'GA1�11� O•l
. .• •!!
mrs• f J. Killough spent the
Easter season with tier daughter,'
Mrs, Wxn. ✓Kelly, Secforth,
• Congratulations to Mr.:8& Mrs.
M urice Bowler on the. arrival of
ar'baby boy on. Saturday, ,March
Mr. and Mrs.' Russel Reid vis• y visitors include the
;ted the tatter's parents, Mr:.,and Hohd.a foil
lowing. Miss .Rita and .Eileen Wal
Nlrs. ; Sam Young,: Aµburn,, . on ,
Si ndaY•: 1 .
Mr. and MrS. W.. McLeod, Kin-
cardine, spefrt, Sunday with Mrs.
D E. ' Anderson and Tamil
°' Mr. and Mrs. Bill McClure and
little' sons of Elmira visited Sun-
day. with: Mr. and ' Mrs. W H,'
McClure; Their little .;son Connie
s ,ending the. ,Easter holidays
with s• cousin, J; 'C, E 'n:
� e' d
• Visitors for the .week
n x ,with
Mr andMrS; Thos.-DickSon; were.
:licit t./.0 .sons; -Harold and Ron-
aid and their daughter, Mr,John
' Gajewskie, Mr. Gajewskie an:d his
• brother, Mr: Joe Gajewskie,, all "parents •Mr. and Mrs. •Frank`Aus-
• f London.. tin. •
Mr. Chas. Rivett has�•purchas- Mrs. 'lace Martin and Gerald
ed 1VXr's, John Glenn's - 'residence. are spending a week in •Hamilton.'
and wilt' soon: begin to :remodel Mr, and Mrs. Ed, rn Myers and..
?and make necessary re airs. Mr. and Mrs: L al•.Ianr
p, ,, y t�arsrted
;Mrs. ' Rebecca Caldwell, who the lady's .parents in calker
• � ,.,iV,, ton•
sold her :°:farm on the 4th Cori, : on Sunday.,
West Wawanosh last. �.. � A. good time of Wes , . fall, has., ' was, enjoyed' by
bought the :.residence from; 'Mr..all at`, the keno ,;and; dance' Myon
Wm. Cranston, recently lived in. day night . '
pace with Mr. and Mrs: Jim Wal-
tace; lY r, and Mrs: Ambrose4Hart-
man, Mary Teresa. and ;Vekonica
Austin 'with. Clif .Austin.: Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Garvey and.family with
Mrs: Thos,:Garvey;: Mr, sand Mrs..
Jerry'Hill, Clare and Rose Marie
Lannan with Mr,: and Mrs. W.
Lannan; Roy and. Mary -,Murphy
With* P.J, , Murphy:
Mr:. Mike. Martin and . Tom .
O'Neil '; of Hamilton
were h"dfrt+e
or Easter:7r. '
Mr G as-
'Charlie' ,
rife Dalton .alt
~ mon spent ;Eos-
ter with his `.parents.:• .
Miss Teresa Austin "visited her
• r
by ,Mr. David ',Hardy anti' brother
Wm. Hardy. THE TAX RATE ate
Ch " sley�:. ill
•. Y w
Mr. Malcolm Allicksbn, 'who "has, be 50 mill's this year, an .increase"
" sold- hs farm on the 5th .of •Ash-• . of ten mills in the past tw.
Modernization Speeded By
Special Loans . for Farmers.
The foodstuffs Canadian farm
ers produce this year may mean
the difference between health
and hunger for millions overseas
next winter. Thousands' of farm-
ers plan to increase .production*
although labour is scarce in'many.
Places. 'They'll do it by r echan=`
izing their farms,. repairing` their
equipment, 'acquiring more' live-
stock* and other;', irrtprovements.
Many ' experien'c:ed • farmers. will
adopt. a proven plan to finance
these • • •progressive • steps: They,'fl
.abscess -on the -crown of his -head,
Tony is being treated with pen-
zricillfn and ,hot con3presses., He
will, be confined, to .hospital for.
some .time •
Presbyterian Y. P.S. ' ✓-
The weekly meeting of the
Presbyterian. Ytlo u n g Peop'le's
Guild vvas.•held on Monday•night.
The 'meeting' opened with. hyinn
204 followed . by the Lord's pray-
ray er repeated .in unison, The scrip
tore` was read by Norman Taylor;
and_was.;ab11y,commented on by
Miss Peari Henderson. ,•It was de-'
ceded . tc „invite .Kincardine Y.P.S.
for .a .social on :April.' 19th. Mr:'
Frank. MacKenzie {favored with,
•arrange„, for '•Bank of Montreal a solo "M , Task": .Rey,.
Joselyrl,. the speaker' for the
ening,' commented on =the'lackSof
enthusiasm of;the Young People
Fai ui• Improvement "Loans.' These
loans cost only five percent in
-interest. There are no other
charges Repayment can be made.
by convenient instalments ,over;
varying periods. • •
or prayer meeting's and encour-
aged the young people to. take"a
more lively interest in the. church..
Mr. J. :A. Thompson local L.% ' Dr. Little then . favored with. a
of M manager, :invites farn'ters viol;
who' Wish to use their credit in . solo' The: meeting . closed
this • economcah`�wia to see him with: hymn 3X3:.'followed : by �•e-
y I eating the mizpah benediction: •
tune, 'Mrs Harold Rite'hie. gave a '
�,.• � � •United ; Church E Aux'1'
y def' g the life of St Patrick•
-'. GENS' Fay.
Minleapolis.Moline. '
:larders' Taken For •
Immediate or $pirit;
' Deliver
eon e
R. 3, Lucknow o
was, decided, td hold .a,socia1 even=
ing on Apra; lst, and invite other:
young. ladies of the congregation.
:Mrs. H. Johnstone read the scrip-.
Young .Lad Intl Hospital
AnthonyVincent, 21/2 year.'old
' son of Mr. and Mrs. '.l cnest Car-
tQr o f, R. 3, oderich,' was:rushed
to Kinear• General" Hospital
-by Dr. Halliwell' early Good. Fri-
, years day morning, ' .suffering with' an .ing'the usual business: period ; it .her. • hospitality.
".field: to ' Mr. "'Harold Maize: 'has
bought , the , farm `of Mr James
VhcMillan on the Bluewater High
. way near Port. Albert.
The Dungannon United church
'observed Raster Sunday; with a
-morning, service .at, 11 -•a.m. with
Rev C': •W Down, of EXeter,
.ply mminister, in charge. Over 200
were in attendance .and ' an im=.'
pressive part 'of the service was
the .chirstening .of: three ltitle in-
fani .boys• _ „who 'Were Terry' Jay
Hodges, ` son of Mrs • and Mrs.
Lloyd Hodges;. Terrance Stanley
Rutledge, son • of• Mr: arid" Mrs.
Dorian Rutledge' and Robert Wes
ley,•' son ,of Mr; ;arid ;Mrs::` Alvin
Sherwood, The, choir sang an an
then;, ,"Easter".Bells"
Rev.: Down :was. pleasantly, sur
errs d` after the service to meet.:
Mrs John Crispin, .formerly" Miss
Jessie Stothers, Lucknow, • who .I •
was the organist in: the church
at :.Ogema, Sask.., a'' lrurnber •;of''.
• years ago. when Rev. Down.,•was•
minister there. ' He ; also christen-
ed''. Mrs. 'Crispin's ,two sons, ho
are now attending university in
;;M•r. and Mrs. K ':Cameron and
sons Gerald .and Ann of Lucknow
visited . Mrs.:W'm. Shields . on. Sun-. •`
daY- • :
Mr. and • Mrs.: Mathew: Shackle
ton. spent 'a few.:days" lastweek I.
with the:a formers' sister, Mrs:
•'Robt Reid and other relatives ..at'
Port Elgin ' •
Mist Doris Reed ofRipley spent
the. ,week` -end ;with her. •mother,'
Mrs. l'.1/1; Reed. .� ., .
Mr Tony. ''Pierce of Reston;,
Man., was ,a .visitor. last week for',
a few 'days' with' Mr. and. Mrs.
Cecil Blake.
Mr, arid Mrs. Gordon . Kidd,.
1tyan ,and Shiela 'of , Islington ,are
„Spending Easter holidays •with°Mr.
• and ' Mrs;' .John Ryan: •..1'
Next dday,morfning the Iiun-
gannon. United church will ob-
. •serve 'the quarterly communion
service andon the following Sun-
' clay,
un-'day, 'April llth, there will be
at 11• a,m. the special.W:
Easter thankoffering service with
the pastor, Rev, C. W. Down giv-
ing a missionary �addreSs.
A, , McKenzie, Wing-
, g-
spen Easter with her dao,
ghter, Mr . •.Otto Popp
vg. i far tea , rn on
The March meeting,of .the Ey- The 'to topic' was: iven bMrs.•i "~
P g � , y Har;;,..,.
ening Auxiliary was• held at the vey' Webster,. Mrs Black closed}
home of 'Mrs., Stuart Collyer with • the meeting with the benediction:
Mrs'... Melvin .Stewart conducted;
an ' interesting ;contest: Mrs...A:
.26 : present. The • meeting• • was
opened by the president, Mrs. H.
Treleaven; offering 'prayer: Dur
MacNay thankedthe the 'hostess. for.
Nruce •Viiia 'cornier,„
. ' W. HILL
Dear "Homo—Toiblier'i
Idiot; , i , early years,has gi'v'en, ` me so much pleasure, ,as being,
able °t,o,write to you and ask "will 'yep no come back an''see 'us"
this sumurer.•.•. •
It'd• going'.to'be a.':r.eun'on
Of' Bruce County.peo'ple....•
one or the :bigges~t in all time -•..:.
'Bruce.. County folks' ` are -'.scattered,' from •one ',coast' to , the other.
And, n7o.st : of them dream about Coming back. ,to • Bruce for a visit.
But it took s:om'e of' the oldBruce: •;Co'uflty .boys •p
to '.do some•thin �ab•out :°it. During, those.•pe•rf ec
of July 20th through: August .4th,. a `whole priv.
them, are :c ming back . to: Bruce for a vacat,iou
he''West'• coast '.
sunrmert ime , Week
train:,laoad, of
And now the whole.. thing •has: 'sno(wballed . into a. r - gtilar, inter=
nati•onal 'event. They're coming' baclfrom ail, over; 'Canada 'and
the United 'States., All of us back home ,here: are :Joining in •too,
make .it the ;most momentous two Weeks in Bruce'County history..,
And this is. our personal nvita ion',front your old 11ome:town to,
j.orr , in With the :old friends.
How about mit? 'Wouldn't. it ':make:' the, most `perfect vacation *you'`
can imagine? If. ther.e's 'the slightst', chance of your 'making it;
just drop me a line so that I can get ..11
3.11 details Intothe. mail
. t o you' {.
ousands ..
• Mr. E This rousing .letter of welcome
nrris Co.nifort of, St, Cath- went out to eight hundred forme
arines' ryas` an : g
Easter.:visitor with, residents' .of this. district, .'and it
his un ,, - ... :.. � .. ,, ;
el.s a
Harold. I
Blake; and • Cecr1 . will be •followed by. a beautrfu
folder showing rrtain streets .o
'he Dungannon United church 'twelve{ ;towns in the County, arid
are holding ' a . social. evening in later by follow-up .postcards, This
the basement of,the' church., which
We , on IA' the advertising scheme
dneSday' 'evening of •this week, has been decided upon by' the
Milk r•°° � ' .
The ... y Way project is be-' Bruce Count: , Reuni'• Commit:.
ining studied this week byMembers, f , non
the.J' m ers• tee,, in an effort. to "bring:. un-
union Institute by'aa' 4evii dreds of old timers back to their
tngetings. this week•as a start. home county;.at'one and.the same
Here 'are- Some • plotures. of
•are w•n,iting•.to see you'. .1
Wily 'fie no, come back?`..
S.iricerely,,..; ry
• .
some `of the folks back. hope ;who
ld .. imer.5- Deceive ,This, Invitation To . "oyne Back:
time: o ;I 40 .• r
committee 'here at home and
r I Bruce Reunion, 194.8, Was .start- County`Gouncil has fallen in line
ed ;last year, 'when; a number ' of with, thea, proposal, inasmuch as•
l former residents, who now make they. voted. $10,0O o . towards the
f their, homes in'Vancouver and •movement for advertising `pur-.
other B'rHtrsh Columbia centres, poses.
,1 decided to ,return hoarse this year, Gaining , popularity throughout
all coming on the. same pool train. t.he. 'winter, and. withcontinual
The idea .spread, 'however, and publicity, efforts have advance
I the question was asked,'"Why d
Vyhy not to the stage•where it behooves.
I•make'it 'a county -wide reunion" .each and eve.._ 1. i
As • a result the movement has�~.in the. Count dual u 1ofl'
�y rvi
Y to get' 7`reunon
' been taker; 'up by' . an organized . conscious", Each town is to h'a�re
one or two days' celebration; when
all the ol'd-tuners can ' gather. .:
and, at least,, talk old times: Luck -
now will celebrate Friday,. July.,.
Let's everyone talk, work arid
think reunion. Xt's the first time,
in, Canada. that.a County has had
a mass migration ..of..its former
residents. It must 'be pint .across,
'and will be if everyone does s his