HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1948-04-01, Page 2'ft
ri • . • $1,4
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• *Adz avviro •
99. ""•=990 9,—.:eA •iS•aN • • W-WMAPIENi•
• • .•••t- -
•° • . Lucknow, Ontario.
Authorized as Secand lass Mail,.Post Office Department, Ottawa
• ; Member of The C, W, N. A. ; • •
. • Established — Published Each Wednesday Morning
Subscription Rate -- $2.00 A" Year in Advance—To U. S. $2,50
L. C. TheimpSon; Publisher and Proprietor
, • THURSDAY,. APRIL ist, 1948 •
Ivory tapers, spring flowers and
fern497med a pretty background
at Ashfield .Presbyterian 'church
for the • wedding .on. Thursday,
•1Vlarch, 25th of Isabelle Grace, eld-
est daughter of Mr: pnd Mrs.
. Frank Hamilton of hfielcl„ ,to
El D I T 0 iA L
James Spilsbury, . y ungast Son
11. .'
of Mr, and Mrs. John ‘• Spilsbury,
AR• E YOU, APR.A.ID, TOO? , "DIDN'T HAVE A CHANCE!" nby Sa street, London Dr W. 0.
• • 1. n •
Many. people suspect They have Little Jimmy was ..hit by a car 1,1thead officiate&
.cancer and are afraid to consult
a. doctor' because 'they do not
that cancer can. noW be
controlled if detected ancl'ireated
' imroec4at41y by radium x-ray of
• • surgery.
And so,. to"stimalate more
terest in obtaining the factgaboat
cancer, the advantages of early
treatment' and the need .for can-:
• cer dressing • and "transportation
•1 projects for needy patients,. the
•• -Ontario Branch of .the Canadian
• Cancer Society • holds its,member..,
ship drive this inonth.•
Objective of the Campaign; is
•tO obtain 150,000 dollar -or -more
tnemberships, to aid in the Soc-
iety's educational and service
program. Members ' will receive
authentic literature about the.
' disease from the .Cancer 'Seeiet§
'which. is endorsed by the Can-
•adian Medical Association. Thra
•-facts obtained and passed acing,
a person may. be instrumental
inisaving the life of a loved One,
a friend or even„hirnielf, •
From this year's membership
ariVe, the Ontario Branch hopes
• to be able to extend'its services
to include proVision'. of .nursing
iome actornodafien ;for terinirial.
...Cases . or • treatment • cases who
• come from:a: ;distance., to 'cancer
'dazing the •treatnient pet-
iod.0ne' dollar or more sent to.
the Cancer' Society, P"..b. Box 459;
Toronto 1, or te the nearest local
Cancer 'unit, wifl go toward this
•".. life-saving 'work. , • .
• •
7.1., • .
• •
• • „ • •
' t .'• ''
9, S'
'' I Or
• 1"-•
, • , •
• '
• —
The 88th annual convention: of
the. Ontario Educational: Associa-
tion held this week'in Tor-
onto. The OSA is a- 1
ce-operatiVe • organizatiOn corn -
prised ,of, teachers, trustees, rate-
• payers, professor, inspectots,
• school, nurses and others. who :are
especially„ interested ; in. educat-
ional matters; The p'firiary. PUt-
pose of the organization is to ad-
. • vance and improve. the preVintial
.system of .education; and to this
• end the40.X.A: 'has played a' -very
valuable Part. •• •• , •• .
• . • ..• •
The fourth escape ,of Melville
•-' '.from the insane' asylum
has. aroused Many people. to "the
.• •point of. demanding a. thorough
investigation. :Such incidents can
• scarcely - be . eXplairted awy
convicted. 'of; taking the
-lives of his wife amrdaughter by
setting :then. Owen'. Seund. horne•
°Oir. fire, escaped 'the gallows' on
-the grounds of insanity, ' • • •
•-0— • •
Angel. is wind which blows
out the lamp of the. Mind.
the 'other day.: One mordent he Miss Shirley Jones On on
was - playing, gaily on, the road,. Sang 'Altar of Prayer" .and ,"Be -the next he was lying •quite still. •cause" and Mrs. Roy. MacKenzie
'The driver who hit him said of Ripley presided' at the organ.
he. didn't have a chance to avoid - Escorted' and given; in marriage
.the '9hi1cl.'ke- didn't think that the 1?y, her • father,; the bride were a
little fJJow, romping with his gown of White Slipper 'satinstyled
pals' on the left side of the road, on ViCtorianqines with. a net yoke
would' scamper the entire width. and leg o' mutton sleeveHer
.of the. road , at the sound . of ,his three quarter length veil was
horn. But-- he did. •• • •• held in place .with a crown of
This Mn. father hmefSeed pearls•and she wore a stranda,a isl,
simply does riot understand' child-. of pearls,- gift of the groom. She
ren. Otherwise he would• not carried a. white Biblie„ topped
'have manoeuvered his car into a
position which made it impossible
with red roses and showered with!
streamers' of rosebuds .and heath...
to prevent ;the acidcent. He would ler. .. • . •t •
have known that a thild's.actiahs . Three ' sisters ' attended -the
are' Unpredictable encl.:he Would' bride, Misi Violet. Jean Hamilton,
have kept his car under , control as 'maid of. honor, in •yellew' Of:
at ta'safe distance :until he was feta, and Miss Frances. Hamilton
certain • it was safe to, preceed. and .:Miss Betty Hainiltoh, as
tearhrtt:gra-epliweoPtn:parAiellcdn_o:t4folf:::. 1-1woir-ft.Mrs h::hotler4r:
at• Mher.rlMr, F.
.•...mof ma cArili, ataxyntomr
are:. vs1Vir, Dan
Donald George. and Marilyn, Mr,.
Donald MacKenzie and Mr, Doug,
• las Saunders "Of Haniilton pent•s
:the week -end with Mr. and Mrs,
W •
MnIt:WitareiciCeEnvzaine. sOf.. Le. rrdo.'n, spent
Miss. eGit.7:cned, 131chhai vs d hS oorillToef:Tees-•
water' was, him* tor. the Week:.
•end:' • •..•
. . ,• • '
Mr..joseph J. Martin of Albion
Michigan, spent Part of last .weet
with friends here,
'Mrs. Cottrill, is a patient in
Goderich Hospital and her friends.
are hoping she will soon be able
to return home,
The ladies of. this community;
spent a very pleasant evening on
Match: 23rd at the home of Mr,
and Mrs'. Frank Hamilton when
their 'slaughter, Isoberwas. guest
of honor, She was showered with
beautiful and useful gifts prior
to :fier marriage. • ,
We would .extend congratala-:
thins to Mr. and Mts.l• James SpiJs
or z hue'Onurdyirg. n"15h 06 ans t'e A su Mr lr 1 id. :a frriycer ai ; ge:v5. Pte: bg s. ;ee
Helen MacKenzie was.. guest of
holio'r at the home •of• her 'nether;
14i1 J. MacKenzie when. she
received a. shoWer of beautiful
gifts. prior to .her marriage which
is.• announced for Saturday, April
•3rd. •• • •
. • .
Quite a number of old friends
and 'neighbor i were :m Goderich
on Saturday; March. 27th, 'attend-
ing the funeral of Mt. Bul-',
iflwh0 had been a: life Jong' resi-
• dent cif Ashfield until he Sold his
farin. two .years age, to retire in
This would have cost hm a• feW bridesmaids; .the forreer in pink • •
extra- seconds. •The .tme he 'tried and.the :latter blue .moire. Thel, tioderith:
AO save 1,.cest Jimmy his .life. ,, ' attendants; carried Pretty' nose -1 ,.' .ir t • '
Safety experts point oil ''th-t -gays of spring fiewers. a• ',, • 11 ..' '. •' aa Ali G iF.?" I D E .•••
children are carefree rather than • , P ry g oW 1.
careless. They naturally .look to was his" brother's. best man and
adults to look .' out for thetn. A the Ushers were Bud MacDonald
child is a poor judge of speed Of London and Donald MacKez-
and distance, and • his . thoughts zie of Ripley. '.. . .
, .. . .
rarely take intoconsiderationhis •• Receiving guests at the Knotty
:S ilsbu of Aid et n • ' ' ' • • .•
•• The sympathy of the Commun-
ity is extend,ed to the. Scett•fam-
ily..in 'the -death of their .father,
Mr. Walter Scott. ' • •
••Miss Audrey ..Milligan of near
Huntsville is visiting with Mr.
and Mrs. Peter Moffat, 48th Con.;
,• • ••
Kinlosr . • .
'• Miss Dollena Orr of London
spent the week-end•with.vher par-,
ents,•Mr: and Mrs. Wm. Orr. •
• own, danger, 'When he is intent 'Pine Inn in'Kinealine -following
,tr.usiori of the motorist • who •biaCk flowered.print dress -with
rouses' him. from his .• World .of• black' accessories and a corsage
.at his ,gameS, he, resents • the the:ceremony Mrs. Hamilton ware
. .
imagination :to one 'fraught with 'of pink roses.. Mrs.. SpilsbUry •
• .
danger, it is • hard for .him to wore turquoise 'crepe with black
read Safely in. that Split second 'aeesPories ;and a coi*Sage Of. pink
which the•motorist allows him.
Constant efforts are being made I.,ater the couple left on a ed
Q tario schools to teaCh chilc1=' ding trip to •Kingston. .The bride
,ren to be careful when walking! Wore, for traveling, 'a' -turquoise
or playing in the vicinity ofinotor I.dress •with 'gray gabardine coat,
, -
traffic BuThe-cordS • Sheithat--1-blaul'•-•-d"ess0T.Lersgrid -a—coisage
. •
h , when children, are most anacl: Spilsbury wiul
most child accidents . Occur on of red rose
o ' • -•
prone to ignore' safety rules Such live in, London.. • • , •
information should be significant
to those who dtive. ..• •
Respentibility:•.' for. children's
safety is • largelYthe driver's ▪ . His,
proper use of care, 'caution and.
common sense will never put }um
into the position of saying, "I
• Mrs. Anderson of Galt is visit
' • After the .wedding -the ,bride
donned, a tailored brown suit With. Du•rnin Ear.".m Sold
turquoise -top coat and floral hat.: - James , Durnin has sold his.
On, retuxhirig4rOnotor_larin_e_mil_______Lailalf solitiut
trip. the. young c,ouple -wi-11 reside of St. Helens:it& Foran pr,os. Jim
on .the . grooms farm •near Dun- is iioidiii'g .a. -Clearing •sele on
gannon.'-' . ' ' ' * • • • .: 'Thursday of •next week..
"•.;• • -• "'
. ,
'The , W.M.S, held their March.'
zeaectTinavgi•saitl. twhe tilliomn-Ts.ofaLM,crs(,)iilianse.
presiding. -After reading 'a psalm.
an Easter hymn was sung and
the Lord's prayer repeated. The
roll call was •resoorided• to 'with
an Easter verse, Mrs.. Daisy Me.
• Charles ;had .ateniperance read. •
Collin.g :read :a. piiein
and then: Mrs: 0. McCharles and
• her group took -Charge. of the pro.
'4gioraivinnen.d. anthn dinn1:4emt' Pei '6ss Ys 1-eo. emc:r as °b.-
prayer..The study book deal
-ing'with".• the .translations Of the
Bible Jet the :Indians was taltleri'
lgrs: iJs MacTa'v ish. Mrs, 111• ,
Dexter' read , the scripture .and
Mrs. geo:,. BrookS1;•gaVe•a reading
on 'Sharing".. Four. girlSi'Anne
Henry, Margaret, Evelyn nd
Marian MacTaihsh, Tenderect., .
quartette -"Beneath the Old Olive• .
Tree. "•The meeting. cloSed with
the .hymn "When I §urvey: the
• Woncitops.Ciess". and prayer by.
Mrs. McCharies..Lunch anda
social. hour ;:was then enjoyed by
' . • •
:,,pretty Easter wedding was ,
soleinnizirl..at• the homet of the .1 • t•••.. • r
. .- •
biide'S. p r:ents, Mr. ancrMis:. Jas. 1 '
Beatori, . Lucknow, . when r their
daughter, Rebecca Anne, Was un- : r•-•-• •
didn't have a chance ., to , a„void
ited in •marriage to HarVey Wil- • '
' ham Culbert son of Mrs...Robert
Bere and the late M. Attl4r Ctil-• , .: • .,
bert. Rev.•Win. Matheson ofthes-. ,•' •
leY:offkiated at the' ceremony and I, •''
traditional wedding music was
1.i • , • , • , • , , • ' •
, . . . • • '
• 0. _ . • •,
• This rural community needs the
services of a retident vetetinarY
•doctOr: Whether ,not the ptos-
pea's' of a• lucrative bUsiness are played by mrs, Harry 04b9rr.le,
Sufficient to; induce 'a "Vet"•': to Kincord43.e.,..,.mrs. Arplor Rowe,
set •• up practise • here would. be Kincardine, 'ang' "I.° Love•You
• for him to 'decide, Some move dusin .the signing of the
•might well be made On:interest ster.. • • • • •,,'• • ,;••
a doctor to locate here. Feeling. .
” The bride enteredtheliving
the. need in TeesWater of • a -den-room With het fatherThe itted
tist, the Chamber of Commerce brocaded satin bodice of her gown
.; f' -
advettised, in 'a dental magazine with With ybke' of net nylon, battened
and h'ave, had a reply froma Nova! down the 'back' to the waist line
Scotia dentist Who plans to vis .. and eitending in points into the
Teeswater shortly, '• • ••
bouffant double net. skirt The 1••
. .
• *
sleiVes ere lo.ng arid.. tapering.
Acrevvn of orangeblossorn.s ad- •
▪ • orneeher •length embroil
I saw the litt e chiudren of.theearthpass by me, one by one— • 1 ered veil and, she cartied a sheaf
• watched them idly, holding , close the. While ,the hand of my
; ' • .small••son. •L'. • ; , • • .
My son was safe—he could not be a ,.part. of this strange.„ throng
that came
• . • ,AncLsemewere crying,. some had lost their way, .thse children.
. • From, everywhere—they were so hungry, cold, so 'pitifully lane.
' • of the land; ' • • • . 4 - .. ... . •. ' '
• , a ew aside My skirts .to •let,them pass,' and held mY`own child'i
• • A
. „
• .• • , •
I'saw the ,little children of the earth..pas i by me in a line
They blurred bet,e my:eyes—became one child—arid that one
child was - • , ' • •
'then eagerly I ran to comfort him, to feed and clothe him there,
To give him what hislitingrY heart had misseda mother's, love
• . and, care, • •• •. ,
And fallin& on my knees 1 prayed "Dear God, forgive and let;ne be
'Henceforth a mother to each needy thild—they all belong tA;'''
• •• --Submitted.
NOTE—ave you made your donation yet, Youtlift MaY, be,
left at the Hank or placed an the collection plate in your thutch)
499 .99 or.
•ofcalla lilies and pink •carnation:
. .
' The bride was attended by her
sister, Miss Florence, Heaton • of
Preston. Her own 'was of tut-
• quase net' over taffeta and her
bouquet was' ,of pink 'sweetheart
The flower 4 girls 'were nieces
of the bride, Jean'arid Margaret
I Anne Mullin and were gowned in
blue ind ' pink . with nosegays of
pink ioses. The' groom as at-
tended by hii brother, Mt; Lav-,
erne Culbert of Goderich.,
• After the ceremony a . buffet
luncheon was served to the many
guests. The bride's mother chose,
black: and •gold jersey • ler, • her
gown ;With corsage ,of gardenias.•
The groott's mother was' attired'
in rust crepe • with corsage Of. '
chrysanthemums, . ' . ' ••
• •
pay and night, more dePerida!)10 than ever
TODAY, telephones are four times as 'free
'from "trouble" as .twenty •years ago and.e,
there are twice as many of
E61 month 16,000 are being rE•tdded So„
that4,,spon all .may have de y• tee -
phone service and the securi y t at goes
with it
This is being done in spite of rising costs,
yet Up to now there has been no increase
the basic telephone rates established 21
. Years ago. .
* t
. ror yell) this Means greater value than
ever before, for 'us, the sgtfaction of
• viding "the best telephone service at the
lowest "obst”: • '
• .., '