HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1948-03-25, Page 69_17
• °I.
• Balmy. spring. weather ganged
up on the Lucknow- and kfildmay
intermediates as they opened a
, best •of five series for, the Inter -
:mate ".B"W.Q.A.A, champion-
. •
ship.. • , • • •
• The lone arne of the series
'to date was played on Wet ice in
Mild/nay •la.,st Wednesday night,
when the Sepoys took ,the opener
by .a 6-4 count. The seebncl garhe
was slated for Friday night„ in
Lucknow., but Was. Postponed as
very mild weather played 'hob
with all nafural'ice arenas, ,
The, new. zMildrnay• -arena was
.jainmed to • the doora. (a halfa
buck .each) on Wednesday' night,
for a keep and exciting tussle
in. spite' Of 'soft .ice. The SePOYs•
opened strong and held a 4-1 lead
at the. end of the first, 1:414 1V1ild7
, may played them •�n • even terins
•in the second' which erided 63,
with thehOmesters bagging 'an-,
other in the final frame as they
held Thd.5epoys scoreless.' •
'The 'second line- vas clicking
'and' bagged. five Of the six goals.
•Greep. and gotiad 'got:, two. each;
. Dahmer one and George . Chin
. one..
• •
Mildmay mark sm en were
. Sehrtaltz; Weston, •and:
Lucknow. Bantams dropped a
4-27 decisign to Clinton her last:
Wednesday. night, ;to leave the
three -game•, group •championship
series just where it started with
each team.. bagging a win and
p)aying another of. die Series to
a 7-7 overtime draw.
1. The bugle/low lath got off to a•
jittery starts the visitorsran
in a pair of easy goalS in the first
fourminutes. TheY;added another
ten";minufes later .t.o.. take a.
:lead at the end .of the first'period.
That 'did it • "., • • `•
4.The,1ighter localsqtiad kbattled'
hard on :the sticky tee for,i the
• next ...two periods , keeping the
Clinton team pretty well in check
and carrying rhuch-of the play to
the Clinton zone,- but they lacked
.:the punch behind- the . Clinton
blueAiitet� pi..41 the fat from the
fire.' • • • •
•'VV'ard,•Ualtby ana, Carter Click-
ed for C11.ntop. in the first period
•)Danald Thoinpson•get LUcknoW's
first .goal at 15 minutes in the
second.peribd. • • ".
, Carter •putlCiinton ahead 44
in the third', but' as the Period
waned five • forwards wer tossed
on for LticknOw and On a ',nice
'-pain g play, Ross....frorn Chin•and
water, but it left as quickly as it
liaci 'come. ••
Mr. Roy Rutledge. visited his
.causin, Mr. WilrnetT;Rtitledge of
Nile, on'SunclaY,'whO is a patient,
at Victoria Hospital, Lonclen..
Mr. Allan Reed had a very
successful sale of farni' imple-
Ments and stack, last Tuesday' re-
, ceiving prices that: were very sat-
isfactory. Allan has rented some
of his, acreage and for awhile will
have less stock,as he has taken
a position' for. driving ,a truck•for
the Ee•cly Bakery.
,-*IsTorroa Sherwood, grade VIII
pupil of Crewe school, ,has trang-
(erred to -Dungannon' school;, due
to the'broken,bri'dge between h�'
holne and the Crewe sch401:7The
distance being abaut 'equal to
tend either 'school. •
The ',CO warms . Junior Farmers.,,
'CIO:. and JtaliCtc;Institute:s held
•the 'Mayeir meeting on Tuesday',
March 16th with .a good attend-,
•ance. AbOut 25 yOung women ans-
were:d the .roll cail •bf. the Insti-
tute at. the home of MiSs. Flora
Durnin,• home ecenomios • coach
and honorary presIdent. •In 'the '
absence . Of the .'President, •Miss
'Mary. Smith, the, V.iee President,
Miss 'Elaine Lamb 'conducted. the
meeting. Regret was 0Cpressecl.at
the 'president's' unfortdriate• acci-.
dent and ,being a patient in hds7
pital. She was rignied a delegate
to "'a 'Comerition in Guelph. twq
Months hence,truSting• for her
recovery by then. Miss. Marietta
Stingel gave a speech on garden -
L 1ST .194
• TOURIST .akmp
ifeciuire a
uc, 1"?.9W' S.
• „.•
* *. second goal. They ganged the
•Clinton net but Tidswell,' who had.
•Ai this'. is' 'written., On 'Monday;
• there' is -little indication of cold
....Weather, and it is• exPectecrthat
:•Lucknow teams still in the run-
. ning" Will finish up,'t on artificial -
ice. ' iod. - , ,„. win • , flig Tuesday., in,
•, • .• on • April••ls ., join ine,et ng 1;) u in. honor of thoh;:•!-ec,ent. ,
ing Will he -shoWn.' *v.' • ;• the .twa Chibs. was held after the Marriage. IWO.' Nivet Was forth.
ter i Shearing, gnibtt; •Hartley;saxne evening at the Parish The Juruor Farn Club met the.sHall leey1)!Ratoeb.ecrlut.st.n.rn:ePerieinkcieSclisi!t:lithir.;.: ‘$°erelYonLiclodisa'tiEglihtz:'rbe6tfh.l.V11\''"i'Mhdil'‘?mn.er.ys;i
Corgithotin, M..• Maltby.; EPps. .
,.,d.ef..; With .48 Present.- Mr: .Ross "EedY., piano and ,Mr .• Ebner .Hunter Llbyd. gcWhinile•37. .81•;b:Wn"S;
or -
Johnston, Rose; .ceritre*, Thtop,.... president. was in -the Chai.r. After cornpanied on the guitar and Mis.s..chestra'•;stipplied.
a -sing..-s'o'ne.. Mr LeRoy Brown, Marietta Stingel led in -Singing. •dres's -was ,read Miss 'Ruth
On; chitli: agricultural:. .-rePreSentative" f
alt.; 'Baker,: Iiwin;••.1gcNay, Jack Clinton. gave -a, financial, repart
been .stUrnbling block all night?:
couldn't be beaten again. •
•• Bowen Rcos otu the 'sick.
list; but donned the. U iforin to I would to plant in my• gar-
' (yet into aCtiOn in the fi
joyment • of three years, .in the
Garden Brigade. Miss l Caroline :I
, Hunter; sthe "'Secretary; galle,a7talk.
and. demonstration . on preparing,
• urtici a er
'Under the provisions of the Tourist Camp Rela-
- •t�'n, Ac.t •.1946, effective •April _1st, 1948,' eich
tourist•camp operator is required to secure a license
hich ,May , be obtained upon application to the •
• Municipal Clerk. For a copy of the Regulations
.write.to The Director, Development Blanch,. '
. . •
• P•
p4RLIA.ENT.IIINLDiNGS '•• • ••: • •
• PeputyMini*isr
Tounitr SERVICE Ept.pc4Tiorii WEEK
• From March 31st to"•Atitil 6th ' •
• u is s e e is ssoci
tion of Tourist And Publicity Bureaux has published. alti
informative booklet -'The Visitor Industry" which tells what
youicad dO to help further this important national program_
• •• ',Write for your free copy.
a flat for seeds The roll all was • '
arisWered by a new vegetable that
• •7,•ii§—yea.r...The nekt.Ineetir.i.g
Clinton: goal,. •Tidswell; def., C. I Aril at which a film. on ro m
uary and an encoUragingrehat -on. ,:reception .Monday „night in /the '
coming. instruction and a'cti.i.,ities Dungannon .Parish Hall :Fir Mr.. •.
• ,
A 'sa,Cial evening. bein held and Mrs Albert •Thveo of Pert
• • • :
t A f i 13 •
"• ..T•he 'Lticknow-Mildmay seres
• Will be resumed Stratfbrd it
'appears,, but • when,:: depends cm
the outcome Of the Seaforth-Mil-
yertifin series' for which •trie arena
Is booked..••
• .,••
,If the; rink is.
Luck -
now and Mildmay will 'clash tO.
• night . (Thursday) in• Stratford.
The •series ' is being cut. to three
...t4e. this'. one, qualify '
• meet Wellesley .fOr'. the W.a.A.A:.
grand Chant rons'hip;
•,Maltby.'„ .Cowan centre, ,Holnies;
wings,, Carrick, Ward;. alt:, Car-
Chin, ..F.isher,.13ohriort; Garinrile, •f•the liort-Course he d in Ian-
. . • . , ; • . , , „ ., • • • 1.), . • .
ThJuvenilesare. also to have
Another*cha.nce.,For sing .15.1a3i-
•ei. under:. a forged Certificate
. • Drayton. has been. thrown out and
• Bru.sselS is back in to'ineet Lick -
now for the W.O.A.A,,".B":, silVer-
• *are. Lucknbw had, earlier:in the
2 season protested the . Brussels
.‘tearn. using intermediate players.
result was that LUcknoW iwas
boosted the "A" serfes; and
-• •,,,
.Now they revert to the. '13."
.series.ste meet their gi,oi.4)rhals
for the\ League 'title.
"The .Clinton-Liicknow: ',Bantam%
series -1.s tied at a Win each `and.
a. tie game,The:deciding. f.ixture
is slated for Good
ing. at. ten,• o'clock , the, Strat-
ford aiena. •
•* • *
•••• Cost of the arenaii
a're oi bY :the W.O.A.A.. and' ai-
:'angenlents Made provie.ie
referee, ,so the 'only eXpen::(1, the''
tahtarn.s. .11"rittve • "'•&'11.1, Ltf::
• Mr.., and :Mr. Thos. • Dick,spn
visited: 'recently With: their dau-
ghter; Mrs..John, ajeWskte, Lan-
don, ' • . •
• Mr, 'Robert .DavidSbn,•: whd. has" Ibeen in .
poon ,health itt recent.
ea.rS, • fi.r.as -,taken 2 to,..t:Goderich,
Hospital laSt.,;Thyrsclayt for treat-
, and Mrs-'. Allan pickion .re-.
• turned -to their horrid in Wingham i
,after spending the week -end with I.
.their .parents, Mr. ,and Mrs. Thos.
.Dickson. and relatives -at Goder,..1
ich, . , •,••• • ,
are glad to Mrs..W.1
A. Cippqi:t.. a6le • to be, tip,
little around the. house •after .Sev-
•etal weeks Confined to bed, .e•71t-i
ically ill
• Arnold.R•iyett, employed at
Radib School', Was hopie
vrith. his parents, .Mr, : and Mrs.
George .Rivett;" for the. Nvedlic.'-end:
•Ji•' railway ern-
,iald'yee "of Stratfard,: Visited his
atmt and. uncle,. Mr.. and Mrs;
.1vprne'.1‘,-ers ever the week -end.•
•": The swelling • Waters:. of the
andt'.i.ivers in the• Dungan,-
rion • r)•th pla,bed havoe With the.
Culi,e,rts.. and bri'ciges. The
on. the !river road. he-
'tv.ieen• 'the 4th and 2nd.. pon.
Gaines and contests Were enjOyed
till midnight;'. • .; • •
• 'A large\ crowd attended a dance.
Pentland and a' well purse
of money,:was Prose.nted. f,;.y Mr... ;
Gordon SProUl.- •' ' •
. .
.„ •
. .
.•/ • Lot knov,7 • •It;e,
p.1 a ye d , to a
:.Clinton and a 4-2
herre last
winner, of
the 'winner: :if
•Walkertark`.' s-eri% •:•••• ••
deathgaele, t.) :4.: A
cbarnPianship and. tr.ec - • -
• trophy,
• - At press: tcrne ther
ibility that these
• still be .pIayed irt Wingham,
ice has'neld there fairly wr;11 and%
the weatherman. forecasts A,,„•(;,1(4.,1
•• ocl.ly cold wathery • • 1
Ifere's. a Career for young Cr an active
. .
life with travel, adventure and.tlie satisfaction of.'
serving. Your,Country;in a'.fambus unifonn.. '
. , . „ • , • .
. •
.Never before in its peace -time history 'has. the
Royal Canadian 'Navy had so tri.iich' to offer a
,younk. Man. „There are liew ships 1with modern.
equipment , . . . de facilities for .sports and
recreation . .. -i'and'valp,a,ble skills to team./
. •. .
This is a man's jot) serving *ith the4:I_*.1 Cana-
dian NavY.. : a satisfying and secure profession.
SALT.IN:ATER CRUISESCalling at foreign:ports, the
high 'seas,' visiting other countries —
., these :are a I in tile line of duty for
the men in the Rbycil Canadian Navy.
It is a busy. ,citing. • life in the
Navy and a 'healthy one too I
• , • ,
• Plenty of spots and physical trainingl'
, help you to develop a strong phYsi-'
• que• and lceep you' in top condition.;
. •
4..hfield just south of _the'•-•griSt
rr",q1i. sight on Stinday. Road,.
Curran of ;Ashfield
aiv kept 'busy 1•00king
age .in the , TownSh ip
7,Y tne •River breaking
e, and,. Conces,
ar.4 ?aking 4ut‘culertis and
r7 rr4aking roads itn
Signe of • this damage •
bridge on the'
; Side'read,' nor'th
tr; (Aft arid 9th;* a piece.
oridgif ;Ad at.,culyert•
• •eirtn
, .,r4or.i.;.,r, • i.ad". fr.-,A,14'gardens
';;k1;! I ' .for a day,
rr;orni.rig Jere Was not
Lot Watrq,. which. Was re-;
rriajkab;10",' *.P)t ;1..k.lal • 'a' •
leaatir:eL A fo:',V cellat had
• ;7
• •;:
•• v-r-e,r
•You, can 'learn cibbut
'graphy, naval gunnery, mar,n,ean_
.. electrical engineeringraTifill;'-aidit
• loran, and other •specialized
• You will never regret the' thO"rOugh
and practical training you, getin,
The R.C‘NT'" looks after • its men.
V"94111,liked thee'feaessluinrganoefefionanfcrejael
medical' ana dental. Cdi.e., Rates of
• payhave been increased, and after,
• your ,service there is a wenero• us'
the Royal Cancidlan lslav,Y, • pension for the rest of your life. '
If rms. can't criliat
, „the—,permatiesit—
service, you • can
join the 11,0N
(fl'.) and oti,
tai, with pay,. in
your spare trine the
comradeship, the •
s crafts, and skills fdr,
•„Vhi*ti sailors, ate.
pote-th. huts toddy !toot
The Naval Recnoitinkoffit0,” •
Comeau Oility, Oflawg
.4N.lW.l. •
4 ,