HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1948-03-25, Page 5rIURSDAY, 144114H 25th;. 4048 Lyceum.Theiitre W I NG.HAly Two Shows'Each Night friday. and; Saturday' TMIARCH 26th, 27th RED, SKELTO1r;,, VIRGINIA O'BRIEN Merton of the Movies Matinee. Saturday at .2 pm. Monday .afld Tuesday MAiRCII 29th, 30,th ERESA :*RIG iT, - • ,• ROBERT, ymcorM in". . PURSUED: ,Wednesday, Thursday MARCH 31st, �•APRI . 1st . MAR HATCHER,, DEFOREST KELLY ▪ . in.. ARIETY GIRL Friday, Saturday, • APRIL 2'3 RAimoLPH . SCOTT; BARBARA SCOTT, • ; in`.:' ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs:- Howard' Johnston 6t Pol't. Albert announcethe eti `•;'gagement :of their only daughter, Bernice 'Pearl; to .:Ross Irvine • llenry,.only son of Mr; and .Mrs. Irvine Henr:y : o Belfast.' Thee rnar r iage toy •,take place early in April. THE LUCI{N OW .SENTINEL, CI(EWE Rev, Dovi►ais' of Exeter was a guest of Mr: -and Mrs. S. J', Kil- patrick on Saturday;` - Mr. and Mrs'. Jack Curran spent. Monday in Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Treleaven spent last Wednesday evening with Mr. and.Mrs. Raymond. Fin- nigan. _ Mr. and Mrs: Goldring• left. on Monday for •England after spend- ing . the past eight months with members- of 'theirr families. here. They . spent the week-en•d With • their daughter, Mrs. Mark Berger and Mr. Berger:- • Misses Shi irley Sherwood • a n d• Gwen::Treleaven are •ivriting'their Easter e)carns• • at ' L,ttck now; High School;, . • ' T h. a Congregational meeting;: 'vas 1441'0.6',Saturday' afternoon, at Crewe;` Church.... with • Downs of; Exeter .presiding. The 'reports were Very.: gratifying, . and showed •a balance on hand . n'. the different organizations. • Miss' Norma. Sherwood is at tending` Dungannon school. • Many spectators, were seen • on Surnday•' ennouteto tile' !br -dge near Clifford` C'roziet's''which was undermined at the east abutment 'by water• and ice' on "ri'day ev-•.I ening...It. was built 20 years. ago 'by Mr. .Art Moore Of;: Whiter]. church.' It was One of 'the• strong-. est cement brad es` h theI Town -ship, A 'new one will be erected• . as soon; as mat`erial•is available:. h of' thP. rna. L',UCKNOW, .ONTARIO COUNCIL .MINUTES 1 KINLOSS TOWNSHIP Council met in the Miall, March. ,i5th, 1948, as ,per adjournment. Ali members present. Gaunt Tif- i fin that the minutes 'of, last reg-:: •ulai reeting as read be'approve& and signed. . . Colwell -Carruthers that Bylaw No, 1 ; :1948, be amended by in- serting the name of Wm. .J. Ir. win as. school attendance officer for S.S. '5 rob and 7. Tiffin-Carrutl!ters that 'the: trea- surer's•bend be renewed with thy'; General 'Accident ins. Co + Carruthers -•'Gaunt that- ' the. claim : of lenn,'Thacker for three Sheep, killed by ' clogs be. paid. ColiVe Tiffin that James Mc Ewen. , be 'paid ,for inspection above claim CoIwefl�.Carruthers:: that . we do :not pay for :any unauthorizedi snow plowing to Snow w Cl9bs over, the $'i0Q .limit. as. • per' motion on Township. books: • Colwell -Tiffin 'that we contract only. for the .gravel • required for the Towriship•roads, privateeftart- .ies to •snake their own terms with contractor; . .Cblwell=Carruthers>that we ac-; cept ;the gravel • tendeir; of ' H. U. Bannerman. at 60' cents, per cubic. yard, la id down on the •rdads ••u�n der' the!Isupervision:•of, the road supt.• Gaunt Colwell 'that patrolmen ave.. their accounts in the' hands .„ ATS1111011.411 PAGE FIV it "place Mr. Herman Lan- ber tus•: of MV ose Jaw,, called•, on'old-.fr'ienda ,'n in .Kintai.l and•• Kingsbridge. Mr: Lam;be,rtus; one of ,a family of . 1 1,: was born oti.tthe farm now owned ; by Mr..Con O'Keefe and;•left the 5 d'is'trict : over forty • years a o. Dalton, . •His• .f cousin; , Miss: ••Antoinette . Dalton, st acompanied; hin-i from Detroit on R his tour to 'see his relatives .hei•e•` `L and .at. Walker tori.: M. and Mrs.: .Ray, Dalton went: to'Detroit 'with them • to attend a. St _ Patrick's: Day ehtei taininent, r�■0■■!■!t!■uu■!!■��1!■u■■!■,i . ,Thomon ps, injury claim, 1.1.54; J: ays before Council meeting day. .Caiiuthers-Tiffin that we`'. do ow adjourn to: meet' again on Monday, April , '12th; • 1948. • . Cheques issued;; . Royliuffman, fox bounties•, $8.0Q Ted Howey,. fox bounties,i 20.00, os...Mof:- at, 3 fox bounties., 12; .Charlie evenson,'�30'fo 'bounties, 120.00,. ody ' Inglis,'.1 ox bounty, - 4:00. ucknow Sentinel `,••supplies and We have on hand •for inunediate delivery :. Barad .Rock Pullets. 2' -weeks olds $2195. per. ' 100 • 3 weeks old," $31.95 per 100 These Pullets are. all. premium ' 'rade , . . pfeathered .• ... See us for •your, Chick- )E All full . t .. .u'c>tnenta. Qur`Service dog e* not :end 'b just°'sellin you .the` Chi c ks, ' S Egg, GradingStation: REG. NO.. 0;370 'PHONE 62-W, .LUCKNOW, ONTARIO AGENTS FOR BLATC ORDS and p ROSE, BRAND :FEEDS... adv , 7.6ba, J:'. R. :Lane, ;hydro at' hall; 4:05,: .Glenn >Thacker,'sheep laim., 30:00;:'Jm aes 'McEwen, insp: hover . claim, 3.00; tai•■���■ii• •A.. DON'T DELAY.— Supply Is Very Uncertain:, Rubber -Tired `Wagons R. Lane, postage $‘4.00,-1 Old Age> penson ` X2.50, . 6:50 Thos. • Gaunt, supplies:: and exchange,` :2.00, Or- ley Cooper, relief,. 30:00:• ; Mrs ' rasa , dee. Grades. -of the following Seeds; 'Alfalfa,. a, Red, Alsike, Yellow and White .Sweet Clover, :Timothy;:: Ofetard 'Grass, ,Blue Grass, Red Top ; and Bronze Grass. Farm. Wagons • ' er :'are Wagons with Timken' Bearings built. b Noble & Sons. Price, lessYtires and b •� es, '$237,50: Connor Washing.. Machines New stud Used Conn•or Electrie.:_and..=,GasolEiae Washing .: Machines.' • SOLD,By— ndr.ew.an Agents :for' McCormick -Deering'. Fara) Machines.:` L . nai.th; .car etakrng = I0:50', H. C 1 • M>r pan;' premium tress bond �' ' . CHESTERFIELD. S &.00CASIONAL CHAIRS 8.00, Alex • •MacKenzie, `:expenses` rcad convention, ;20 00,' . Russell. If'you are planning• On a :rubber-tired°wagon tkisj year' we a. Gaunt, expenses road. convention,' ,! • have thenr. 'ooden gear with .Timken bearing an steel r 4:1•','.:00James Cochrane; 2. 'th, fox � in auto type' steering or wheels told your old skeins • bounties ' es 800.. alsoskeins and 'wheel sets. , ■ Pressure Systeans r : Dee: and shallow well pressure systems and good supply of r/. ineb to�2,=inch pipe on hai>.d.;•• •• 1.. 'when Starting Your. Chicks . Remem1 r.. when starting your Chicks it takes 2'. pounds ',' of goad. Chick .Starter :to raise a chick: to 6. weeks . of . age.. • Highway cheques: Pay Roi11No: e , 3,' ;$20,6.95 Harold Bannerman, snow plowing,; 304,00, 'Mrs. Percy,. ■ staMps, 1.00, J. 'R LANE;•Clerk. 4 OBITUARY TENE1 A BUCKINGHAM. r Be ; sure` it is. good.` ' ' \ n The .death . of Miss Tena ' ;•A: . 1 , FOR BEST . D ' U .. Euckingharn occurred, on Friday.._ ..q RESULTS .FEEPRINA v '•at the home' of Mr •and Mrs :Geo ' :n " 'Moncrief; Con,' 12, Ashfield. Miss' ■ ■ I. Buckingham,. who was. 55 years: :. C o:f'ag,.had' been poorlyfor about. ee I 10 three .. r � �..,■ •rh and .ucfi°..of' that' ,7. II .■ , tinge :she • had . been. confined ' to a: ' Phor'te 59, Lucknow• ! I bed or, in -hospital;' , Shier was.' born,on Concession ._ ._. . iii eld; just across the road. 12 Aish`fi .. ; from w'•liere she.. died, and had. uckTnflw DIStrlct: • ' ..bean a continuous resident of thef IPow nship, . where she was highly t+steerned,, She was:a daughter of Bryan;: B ickinghairi and Lather= irh,olson<. Her father pfede-• ceased • her si' years ago' last •Christmas, and her. mother passed away about a year 'later., .She is survived by .. one: brother, ' Mr. ' .Wni. BuCkingh'am of'Belfast. • Mitis Buckingham was,.a mems her• iif .Ashfield Presbyte ia't•t' • ,Church.:'.',Ashfi:eld .I{intail Women's Institute,• • MAO,. to road conditions the fun- . c'rii 1' W,f18 held. in South Kinloss Presbyterian -Church on ,Monday o,fterno) ii.' conducted by her 13as-, tri,,. Dr. W. 0`.Rhoad of Ashfield. Int0;mont w pis, ,i,ry; the family plot . Ari South .K•inloss Cemetery, Miss l rrc+l ii1g1i rn's ''burial on March ? 7rr'ri, marl -ed the second anniver- �..� ,w ..�rrt• -�,i the death Of l>.ii .ncplie•w,• Eld..n�TBuckin'gYhamyn.: P,a11btOp r7er s77���� ,we`re Doi alld Gil- more, '. 'I.,ean, W. D. Ma•CKenzie, Ed Gil- rno:re, Gonion Barger, John Cow- tian and . Russel.l. Bissett: Floes' j bearers `were -'Gordon Drennan; a ,! Roy, McKay rind' R. A:' Grant. Co -OP Brand Fertilizers ' Grow ilottc'r Crops With- Co=(Qp Brand Fei tilii cis. Order, n Dui Ingrc; 'ients are limited. All -brands in lute' • bags 1Cmii delivered to your barn' fi'c4e of charge. Leeds ,and• Concentrates We also have a Full- Line of . •C: o-Ol» Prepared Feeds and • Concentrates, No.. 1 'Nest .India Pure Cane •111o'lasses. Clover,, Grass- Seeds,.; Corn Let usd supply your every' need for _Cloven' and '.Grass'' . Seeds; O;;° Corn,. All packed under the Co -Op 'label. 'Vence Wire and . Steel Posts Omer our b ence 'Wire and Steel: Posta Today, for' the supply is very • limited. . Your COAOperat ve,, JOHN JAMIESON, .Mgr. TRATFORD ; UPH LSTERING COMPA" 4 Free: Pick Up And Delivery , Leave Orders At JOHNSTONE'S: FURNITURE a STORE O 9. THE WORK QF.,. MERCY•NEVER ENDS. Leave 1 D�na,tions ank of .Montreal, McKtm's' Dr4g' Store. or The: Sentinel• Off ice. L�cai O'bjectiv:e; • .4 4 "9 •• 1 • •R F 4. • r1