HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1948-03-25, Page 1;2.00; A Year—In Advance; -50c Extra to U. S: A, LOST HAND ISTY/AS EVE BEN KINDLY REMEMBERED,' Little Donalda McQuillan, wh •losta; hand in.� a Christmas' 'Ey shotgun mishap, ' has • been ver kindly remembered by a host o • sympathizing people. �• Donalda has even received gift and remembrances from. Wester Canada. Mrs; • Frank: Guest'"•o • dena,. Sask., s t •°her a' bo ofW homemade , candy, and •'fro. •_ Y simpson's Store,; Regina, came ;l ovel•o doll. ' • Donalda five-year old ' daugh ter of Mr, 'arid. Mrs. Dick. Mc •Quillin,--Jr. of Con, 6, •Kinloss .had the' left hand. literally blow. off ' by ' the • accidental discharge of a shotgun at their farm home the day before.' Christmas. The shatte'redA.3°tump was amputated above the wrist that evening in Wingham Hospital. The' , youngster 'has made • a Speedy', ,recovery. • She -is readily .adjusting herself •to the handicap, andis looking' forward. to start-- ing 'to .school after Easter -1`• 0 e f s n f x n a n • • • NO HALF HOLIDAY; STORE'S..;. OPEN .UNTIL SIX O'CLOCK , Thursday' hlfh'1' All t St H 1 H1 'Alb,: t, Helena.- Th place latter the Ste Mary's Hospital Toronto, Sun- day March 14th Sh home Russell' • (Thursday)until LUCKNOW, ONTARIO,, THURSDAY, MARCH 25th, 1948 • Floods Gouge, -Country Rands, Ashfield Bridge Washed Out With flood, damage at. Wingha and .' Goderich stealin the Spot - ,tight g..� p o light over the week -end,' damage. to district''reads• that .a would ord- inarily. haVer. been big 'news:..w .was' ;son -levy -hat •.overlooke : ', "• L"On : the d� . Sixth- Concession : • n of, Ashfield . , two Miles west. of ` Road, ".the Gravel ad a a • f iftiy-foot � solid Cement bridge was undermined and collapsed into the Nine Mile River. • The bridge built was' � g 19 ' ea r s i ago :by Art Moore and was'' a sub -I • s tantial cement structure rein- forced, . with steel. .The flood waters of the Nin Mile "u oder= Mined the east -end abutment and caused the, bridge'.to',collapse at that. end and swing .northerly" as it settled into the river, bed. The ;floor. was badly'•cracked. and. the st°uct ru1led awayfrom 'the west=end abutment. << ' A : provincial engineer was scheduled to visit the scene' and WOOD -CUTTING, FATAL '•: TO LOCAL LADY'S'BROTHER r William :Scott ;s43 ear= . ► : Y . old, Kin- , cardine' ,district farmer.,: was:. in- stantly killed:1n -a wood- cutting. c tong, accident• 9.11 Monday , at: the .farm of. ' Dan McKay, 7 miles4north of Kincardine, • Mr. Scott was " ,,aa ;brother of Mrs.' Hiram Collins of Lucknow. E..< ye witnesses said Mr.....Scott reached under the flywheel of the gas, engine to cut its speed. when • the sleeve of•; his •.'heavy, wool sweater 'became- :entangled, g , drawing his' head .r against• the rapidly revolvingwheel, from which bolts :and nuts protruded.. • His .head was severely, gashed. Coroner Dr. J. ,:;E: Fraser said death was instantaneous arid de- j cided no• inquest .was necessary. Mr. S... tt, a life-long resident of. Kincardine Township is ' sur-: look ,over, : the wreck • • • • • toMacDonald,-• •theMarch. ••amajor Heavy. Stroke :Of. Cori•. l•cessi'. on, Kinloss,• suffered `a se - v seizure ,on ;Saturda- Y, since then; her condition. has ;been the cause of concern ' w • WI CE ' B�ER�EAVf D� Was,.Wasinand Mrs 'Russell Button ::of town • ;ereaved ' 'at . the • Saturday 'her: bro- ther-in-law, McDonald. (Donald) McI . ' nroy died suddenly a ac at 'Strathro a ;loin y n morning Mrs. :Button's father: passed :away'. 'at - Strathroy. Mr. Mclnro who y,was 40 years: Salesman for• Down hani •N i " r • ny. He had y . been with the Elliott M. Rev • omS. London. theM. Scott officiated' for • funeral service on Tuesday y in ' � ount Pleasant Ce. • wi McDuff `is survived"rby his wife,. •- b Wilma ,. DeGroat, r andone sister.: While r h� 1 e 1• n Strathroy for � the fun= •son -in.. aw, death carne sudd: . London; •. DeGroat of n, father. of Mrs. Button, His death. a to.a heart • tions for. som •time."'cart'. condi Funeral e uis- being ' e or Mr:r. De-, Groat �E1tzg held this 'Thurs- . Hay aurae at ordanier° and sal chapel 'at 2.30;.with interment eterPleasant Cem- $elides•. is, sur , r; De 4t survived .0 .: ci .b� two 'dau s,,M g#rtera; 4.o • a of Strath ,buckno p ('ritdg) of is wi pose quite a removal problem, • before work on a anew bridgecould: be started: • Road Washed In ivawdriosh At Marnoch in West Wawanos Township' the ram a in P g • g 'Matt- land Einer .washed out 200 yards. of the Huron County . highway on Concession' ` Nine.:. The ` • bridge across the river at this•.,point, ap- 'pears `to have withstood the flood .Undamaged, but upwards to 3,000' a. an, ; ree sisters.. • A LEFT HERE' 58 YEARS AGO, WALL BE BACK IN -JULY r • • First response oto 'invitations sent out 'locally inviting old bays and girls to join the .trek back to.Bruce this summer . conies from one who left . here ''dell over half r.'y a'.•centtir F ago, .. . • . er ' H e•s• the letter`' Gladstone: ` ddstone'� , Manitoba • Match ,16th , 1948, Bruce C n . Lucknow;' Ontario. Gentlemen; ' Wehave received your kind invitation to revisit the old town thissummer -r rn� arid. . would be very pleased to receive • any . further' information which you may. have to give, Itis. fifty-eight g ht . years yesterday since 'e.arrived in thii. district from •Luckrrow and we have only. been. back once ' and that :;only fora few. hours •so we naturally are. 'anxious, to return and..•have one ' more good look around.. - Yours truly,' J. K. McLennan ICIHT •PAGES. ST. H'ELEN'S BORA , PHYSICIAN : DIES Dr. 'Thomas•.McCrae Leask, :one of the• best known physicians in. Saskatchewan,passed • away sud denly at: his 'borne in Mogse'aJaw onSunda after' . - y noon,•, 1Vf arch''.'7th; ." He .,lavas senior. 'partner, medical f irm of LeaskYoung, Parkins . "H , , cal, ° Ste'viardson; ° mare, Wilf on ' •'a • :d Perchesori. Sunday,March21st,doing ey . tk. K sent The.rocks,tothebe • '• BAZAAR &: BAKING SALE Ladies Aide of Blake Church will.: hold a' 'bazaar, '. homemade baking.sale'and afternoon., tea in Legion•Rooms, • Lucknow .on •°Sat- . ruay, '•.April 3rd. DANCING:, AT I WLNG)EIAM , • At the "Royal T., on. Thursday,' War- WE -arch 25th -(toni�ghtj =to`inusi:c' by. Garnet .Farrier's 6 -piece ';orches- tra..Mod:ern and . of d time danc ing, Admission.• 50c• • SPRING DANCE',. :• -• The 'Clansmen''s. annual' spring dance in the' 'Town. 'Hall,:.LucY now, Friday, ..April 9th.:Frankie. ,Bank's orchestra .Dancing, -9` to 1. Admission :?5c. , '• EUCHRE AND BRIDGE Tn Lucknow"Town Hall' on •Fri-. day; April 2 nd at 8 o'clock; under - auspices Liicknow Women's•; In stitute. Everyone :welcome, pro • Serve LAST Dr. Leask was born at. St.:Hel-. ens where he spent' his. boyhood • . and attended St:. Helen's. 'Public School. He ' was a son; of Rev. -and •Mrs: Rob -t Leask,, alis: father being. . Pr b era es y an minelter• • .at Sr.' Helens for several years. . Dr: Leask was within• a few days of his 73rd birthday, having been • 'born' on March 16th, '1875. • The Leask family later moved to .Toronto` where Thomas :• was •' educated at Parkdale Collegiate and graduated in: medicine from Toronto University in' 1899, ' For • a year he' served ; as an interne'' at St. Michael's Hospital,a Tor onto, and. then until 1902 he• was • company 'in Ontario,,' i . . going • to. Moose Jaw' in 1903,.having resid- ed: there since that" time.: 'Dr. ; Leask. "w a• ellovr of the Royal College; of Surgeons; • ada;;• ands a fellow -of the. Americ ° an COI:lege'. of Surgeons. In 184 was.made: a, life :member of • the' Canadian Medical, Association. From ' 1914 until: 1946, when he resigned :Dr. Leask •was : chief medi:cal officer for the S askatclie=-; wan district .:'of the Canad , Pacific tan Railway., � During the Firs. t Great War • he•,. comrnande.d the' 10th .Field Arn bulance, with which unit he .eh''`• overseas and Was .. awarded '• the ,Distinguished Service` Order: and, oar for�his. .gallant'�..conduct. Lodges, Clubs ° . -, Dr: .Leask was a Member of .the... Kiwa'nis club and'>was. a .F. see - reason, being. a. member of - Moose Moose Jaw Lodge No. 3; lA.F:: Bi A.M. At • onetime he wase a Member of the • board., of governors of !St. And.; rew's! churchandA ' s Was apast Pres-. ident :of ,the;: Moose. Jaw Military Institute, , and a; past district corn- missioner of•bthe "Moos.e:Ja district. B w..and' '. •,: oy Scouts Association., In. 1905. Dr. Leask rnarr' char .:Jean::Mi .ted Ce-', .' tc'heh of . Torn to, •: . who 'predeceased: `him an . June, .` 0.939.: Their : eldest .Robert Ledingham. Leask, ,died in Jun Mrs. Ewen 112acKenzie;,of. town' ciuietly' observed : her. 85th birth- day ay' on' Tuesd'ay� ' 'of � last we:Ek; • March .16th., Mrs. MacKenzie 'is .convalescing tfront an:illness With pneumonia, . and is,gradually re, covering her usual•,good health. 'Mrs.; : Alex MacDonald • (Mar garet) of Niagara Falls Spent ent l a s p last week with her :mother and her sister Muriel. Mrs...MacKenzie. is a •. beloved and ,highly :esteemed: resident ntof this •village and. a `wide circle of� friends join in 'extending con- g gratulation s; and `•best wishes.' en this ' noteable • birthday .occasion, -• FRIB.N•i tSAIRLD, . PART POR HELEN IRV IN; Helen.Irwin a student at Luck - now Public ; School, who leaves. this week.to. make her• -home at Thamesford; near London, . • was "guest.of'honor at aparty of•:girl friends;. on Friday. eveningat ,,. the,. home ; of 'Gladys ....Kilpatrick. On '. `Saturday a` party .of: iris ' and boy '.'met for anotherC•. s sociah gath '•. 'ering; at the home .of Ruth'John- stone: DONATIONS, h TQ ceeds for good cause. Admission 35c Iun ch Served. ° D CROSS' FUND • BAKING SALE. •Donations • to the Ducknow and' There will be a Sale of home 1 na"de baking in the schoolroom of the 'United Church on Saturday, March 27th from:. 2.3.0 t' 5 o`clock L. n•:lc r' a tispices ,of Gro -`up the S ofe VF''nien's: Association. DANN%CE' AT. KIN• T4IL render: auspices .of •Kintail Wo=: men's' Institute, ''Friday,•;:April 2' Music by 1Viae's 'Old' Timers of ki lca•rdine. Prizes `; for special dances. •Adrrussion 50c. Lunch ountei irn" hall° EASTER DANCE ' • • The •Lucknow Fire Co is; spon- oring a '.dance in the Town Ha11; ucknow, Monday; March .29th, featuring 'an .'"Easter :Parade" r rand march With, ,1 0 ' in cash resented. to the smartest dressed ouple presenting the `"new look”. a'rrieres• ' :orchestra. Admission Ocr, •. - Vicinity Branch of the Red. Cross during • the past . week have i creased .the .total to: $2.75.50.• This is little more than one;quarter.of. :the minimum • objective . of ,$1000. Don ' ata ons are being received at� McKiir's Drug Store, Bank '' of Montreal'and ,The Sentinel Of- fice. < _ Walter G. McKenzie. ..... ,, • .,..°. $25.00 Catherine McGregor ...,.,.,.... '10 Wm. Hornell .00 Wm: E. 25.00 Henderson *,. .25.00 S.' Morrison :., 3.00 J. S. ' Cathcart • .. ... ,. ,,, .5.00 George Henry •.,• ....r..,. 5.0• Rev, C. B. Woolley 0 3.00• Miss A. McLennan 2.00 es Huston ` '..... .4..,...,..,.°.r.,.,, 5.00. H. M.• McLennan .. 5,00 Mrs. H; Yahnke ....:,. 5A0 Wm:• •Fisher •2.00 Miss . Marion ,.McPherson :.,, 20,00 Mrs. Margaret •McFaz°lan 2.00 • Mist .Elizabeth Mttrdie ,;,,,; 5,00 Archie. Aitchison ..,,:,,, .,,.•,. ' 54.00 Ernie Crawford .. 5.00 4.v � 7 Campbell ell h T' ' p ,harnpson 5.Q0 John McRae . ..r<, .... 10.00 Mrs. Sam'Reid ,... 2. 0 s OV J. R. McNab • ,....r.<.r.....,..... .5.00 Robert Malcolm • .....Y°.......Y,.4. ,5.00' Jack Bradley ......r..r....r...°..,.. 5.00' Tarry Levis , . ,........... 1.00 Silt'erw.00ds Dairies Luck. now.w. 15.00 Wilson Wall` 2.50 • Dick Richards. 5.00 Frank, Maulderi 22.0.0''. „Got. Heads Mixed • The old-time ,col ntri is gen•er- • ally•• popular, • but when- we• get t'he• ''`heads" 'mixed; that's bad° 1 That is• what happened' last .week, If L •all, that the "twenty"` and •"forty''• g had been b i mil '1 a ced. •'• p AGE ! c D LADY. IMPROVING.' FO OWING' STROKE I but no doubt .it. was obvious to: • Mks. Wm Arrnstrong,• Sr„. of ndon, aid formerly of' Luck- 1S showing' • co .si er - . �z4. d ab e im 1 ,provement since suffering a ,sen. ere. stroke about a •`month., go. Mrs,. Armstrong: will be .89 'fbars. • of e rkCs ,her. hoe agwith h'cr� claughteir, Mi Atiihie Barrett. J. C: Armstrong and Mrs: Wilson of town spent. the werik•-- end:• in 'London with' 1.:or it • � • ther relat e ' '5 COMING!•. COMING! • COMING! The -mystery y tory. 3 -act play, "Dark Was 'rhe•Night", the most'spooky, exciting, k fling,..thrillingg tory 'ever imagined; °presented by Whitechurch Institute players, in (.": •o nY m u n i t y' Memorial. • tlall ' ' 'V 'hitechure �t, ednesday,, March, Musical numbers between acts. Dance after' to musie.of Gar - not ''Far rier's orchestra, .Amis- rrn '50c, children` 25c, 'L'unch' r i'tcrr '" • . •, Br Leask leaves two daughters,. Miss Jean' Leask:'. of:. Toronto a member of the Royal . Vietori'-• Order: of Nurses, and MRonalrs: . id. d. McIntyre ` of Moose Jaw; a son Dr. Duff':,Leask of,.Moose; Jaw'. three grandchildren .' a d , ters,• Miss 'Jean I; ' n two lis= eask . and .Miss ; Marjorie a4.. or`' i e Leask, sk both Toronto.. , ZION: CORRESPONDENT• • . �Zv t WINGHAM HOSPITAL �,. Gardner ' oil Zion' is.:receting .treatment' in 'Wing-, ham Hospital for arthritis which: has° progressively `worsened for some time. ' Mr, Gardner a diebetic condition-. also' has �... ,Mrs. Gard ner' has not•.•enjoyed ood•'heal� '. . g . , th; .. . .either,. for some time. A 'clearing sale . is ,, , �-• to be: held. - at t• the ardner farm.• on • Thursday`? of next ?week.'' 'Mr,. Gar � •' ° finer was for -many • years. the. Zion correspdndent to The Sentinel, -and regretfully We ceased to :receive • his iiiteresting news ,,budgets at the end of ; the year, y r, as Mr• 'Gardner's health.:did' not permit him carrying g 'on this car •.-' task.• Mr, Gardner d h a :'� nose .for .. `news' . and the' faculty of writing little item of ' human interest.itti' ' a. most! readable.• wayrHe : kept Zion con mur+;ity.' t� 11 'publicized' ' and his retirement: ' leaves , a c respondent vacantor Y Sentinel would • be very The , to sec filled,• y pleased. •,. • 0 • 17 • • • • • .40 •,