HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1948-03-18, Page 4't 8 • 4. • PAGE FOUR • THE' .L4.TCIKNOVir SENTINEL, LUCKNO,W, ONTARIO inserticin, ' ce s a wor subsequent, insertions 1 'Cent a word, 'Minimum charge 25, cents, Replies care of The Sentinel ;10 cents extra. Legal. 'advertising 10 cents per •count line first insertion, 5 ,.cents per line subsequent insertions. SEWING WANTED Apply to Mrs. John. 1VIcCharles, Lucknow.. ' FOR SALE -=Man's bicycle, Apply at Ford Garage, Luekno' ,. LOST -a sum -of money ih'Luek- now, on ,Saturday. Finder please leave at Sentinel' Office. • 1 iTED TO:. Y—Baby's re. °�iersible:stroller• .: Apply at...gen-. tinel Offiee, FURS WANTED—Highest prices will be . paid;for • muskrat skins: Ship, .or write°to NormanGreen- • spoon,. 223 .Grace St. Toronto. PEP UP—take C.C. and P. Tonic Tablets, excellent for low vitality, • nervous ' and general debility.- 60c and $1:00 at Down's Drug Store. FOR RENT -Grass •farm':on .the 'i2th Con., Ashfield,. known : as McLean farm. • Apply, Sentinel Office.`. • CARS FOR SALE -1937 Hudson ;: sedan, 19366Dodge coach, ;both'• in (;' �xcelY nt r+n�nrlitinn N' s • terstein, Lucknow. FOR SALE -Feed Galore . barely and Ajax, seed oats. Roy Alton, • R..7, Luckfiow,', phone• Dungannon 67-14 LOST- Or taken ,by mistake,. man's brown tweed overcoat and glgves at :Old Time ' dance . in Lucknow, March 5th. Please re- turn to' undersigned and .receive your own coat: ,Duncan ;;;Farrish; R,; 3, Lycknow, Fhone65-22; Dun Y _ gainno,: TENORRS 'WANTED Tendrs. v 11 be received bY :. �e Y c .iny Yon' Step room and tl�iu Undersigned for h installa i n • : • the to . of a new l htin' the moor, g g system in the: You come. to me, as when a little office of the Bruce County. Health. • child Unit in Walkerton. • Dr. Wm. Fowler, Director, .. : • Bruce County Health Unit, ' Walkerton, Ontario, IN .MEMORIAM I FIND- YOU THERE No • one so greatly loved can ever . :The frame may weary, and . be laid to rest, Wherever 1 may be 1 find you Ellen, • . Not gone, but in my heart, a. well come .guest, ' part of everything like sparkl- . ing dew . Or night sky sweep, of starry • twinkling fight, . Your voice :like waterfall that 0 gently, soothes • ' And; drives'away the shadows. of ,the " ni8ht Even, in 'sleep, and 'o'er the edge d 'reams . 'A PLANNED breeding ` program covering years on their farm is behind.- Kitchener • Big -4. Chicks, Get these fine . chicks now and catch the. best markets nextfall and winter. Don't put off buying. You want chicks, .then order•'now.. Wide choice breeds. Contact us for' prices, etc. a ED: V. 'BA R_ Lucknow.. SEW'iNG MACWNES repaired, Expert factory t'netltods,. a 11 Makes, -, electric .or treadle,_. 23 years' experience.. New machine results guaranteed regardless of age '.ar. make. $atisketory, `work this- vicinity :for last 15 years. Government, .licensed. C.' W. �Crag;-Lacktluw;-phvl�e 11-5=w, FIRE EXTINGUISHERS—Sent. . nei fire extinguishers, $2.50, each,, for gasoline, electrical, oil and. all types of. fires, .approved ty..pe, • automatic, works if you are away p. o k-et or asleep, excludes: oxygen; .blah :instant, ,>••. ,qunch ess.electrical. fies. without r�Sk of - shock; shock,. .will not -freeze :Or .stain, Manufactured , by ;ARTBRECK +LES", l.uckiiow, 'Ott •WO IN �..ND .SEE':our flash fight° type for automobiles:'Larger size for trucks and tractors.'` AN. OPPORTUNITY To speak again of things fust as Established rural Watkins dis•e • trict available; If you are aggres-,before, ' w sive and between the ages •`of 25., No one so. ,greatly loved.can 'ever.. and 55,' have orcan secure travel die` • �'. outfit; this is your;gpportunityto In measure with our loved. One, get.' established in a profitable are we, business of your.; own. Fob' full'' 'And $O, with: each warm' beating .particulars..write today" to ' The J. -R. Watkins*. Company, Dept. O4,-2, 2177 Masson. St., Montreal, 'Quebec. . 'of 'the heart f find: •you there,; in sweet reality. Dedicated: in loving memory of our son,. Eldon;' who :,died two -years ago, . March 22nd, 1946. Mr. and. Mrs. Wm. Bu.ckinghan CLEARING AUCTIO "SALE of AUCTION SALE• of ' stock • and farm, farm stock, and. implements implements. at Lot' p',‘ Cop. ' 12;;: -on Wednesday;, March 31st, as Lot: Ashfield,: on Thursday, :April ,lst. 2,'Con.9, Colborne'Township, 11%z at ' 12.30 o'clock. See bills. W. ; T. miles''north mil • Gardner : & ons, Prop.; Weil, low: ''? a west of Car- low :F`arni, .100'acres of clay loam, Henderson, Auc 5' acres, of.n fall w.l at, :30 acres FDR SALE=9 lattle pigs ' ready. plowed;, five . acres'. of hardwood bush; good %buildings, never fail.' i t • water 'supply]'; terms made .day'of sale,, will. be sold ley, on ' Tuesday,''' March 23rd • at, .subject', o ..reserve bid.' -Cattle 1 o'clock: See bills:.Nol,,reserve. as :8> -cows, 13 young. ;cattle: '.•Imple • farrn1 is sold. Russell D Bridge; meiri'ts Waterloo thresh ng separ- Prop.; :Donald. B Blue, Auc: atos,,.33=45 o.n rubber- with .straw PIANO TUNING' & REPAIRS to •FARM: FOR SALE _. • 200 acres; • to wean .`next ..week James me:AUCTION AUCTION SALE of farm stock, Tavish, 2-r-29; ' Ripley, :13. R: 1, Implements, etc:, at `Lot 71, Con Ripley "' 2, Duron Township, on Bluewater • Highway, 1 rriilnorth'of Amb -r- '1 CAR. FOR SALE black; ,4 door' 1946 Hudson, 220,000, miles, per, :'feet `condition,, good .tires:. Apply •Carl • Bondi,'•Wingham.. cutter,. starter.and '•aights;:Water loo tractor, 55 H.P on -rubber, all makes Cleaning, de-mothin homestead, g>• Wm. Durnan at .a price m ` model. G T,.; McCormick -Deering, free estimates. William. N:.,Gould, paid b . $wn'er. without` 3 000 •n a . Y � ;, ; i #1 10 `: ft; tractor disc.:: Ik�IcCormck 123 ,Cln"toil. • � . prol,-:ement :puton' buildings; large ,�,_._ ..,... . g ... Deel ins .3 furi.ow plow••• on z'ub-� barn iii ood.. s g Shape, artesian well bei; . I4ZcCorinick-Deering.:.., culti- `.: �.'OR. SALE -40 •bus 'Spy cookers, ..�, with ••storage tank ries► si o,• 'good REPAIRS ;TO:AL MAHE. 50c• a bus.' Limited quantity. ddrn� ator• iriipTement'. °ti ailer;• , ]lain- ' L S -• i driving ` shed, garage, . ;.. est�c. Spies` $1.50: �J.:.:�?V: Joynt and: _ ,, ,• g � . ,,,splendid,;mea mill, .belts, . 'Wagon,' gas .bar- house- u Son,, Phone 15 or 8t,:, ', aril woodshed, 250 maple re $, etc; .complete line .:of farm 'syrup, trees, spring creek 17 acres �:'.machinery. .Terms. cash::, MRS.. OATS FOR .SALE=.Ajax"govern= v heat, 20 acres'seeded With: tim . TELFORD NIXON,•' Pr • op Harold inent •;graded No 1seed .oats.. : othv and red �loer, • 3a aere� Jackson; . Powercleaned. KennethLac= .plowed:at' $8750. with 83000 cash Kenzie, Telephone :.Dungannon Ort ille .Durnin; R. R:.1; _Dungan CARD OF .THANKS .: RUBBER STAMPS—all , types of stamps, made to order, available 62'r-13 non. • FOR. SALE --meed oats, Ajax .No. " T CARR D OF THANKS' '.1 Grade, 99. percent germination,o . `.'$1,50 per: bushel. Lloyd;McDoug Mrs Alex 'MacLennan wishes • to • alll, R 6, - Lueknow; ' Phone 26-30 most sincerely ,.thank friends and Ripley neighbors v. -ho hac�e so kindly and thoughtfully rernembered,her • FOR SALE -16 cows and: Poll, Hereford bull, 4f, •year old, yew b1d Poll' 'Angus buil.: Lorne Far'n; 'fish, ton.' 11,. 'Ashfield; phone , Dungannon 82-15: - AUCTION •SALE of cattle af hot t ti Con.8,.' Ashfield on Tuesday. Hospital, . . arch -30fh L30 :.See bills, 3s -a o ki.nd*ie-i ham been great] p ti;`as also greatis` a epni t d - d.. r. s.. y�•i;11 alis' ` a e,er� a:..Charles . Hallam, Pa op.Y 1 preciated. slid n ail' ne�:er be fo.�• . ?�'�• be"remembered. ' • Well. Henderson, Auc.{ i gotten.•. Vbe are deeply grateful to :'all, the; friends : and neighbors for their many acts ' of kindness and, si-nipathy extended•.:us in :our be- ri'avement •Mrs McLean, and. Charles.: 1patr ick, of 'God -j t� h%le ,she has' ..been . confined :o ; \li •� 'iilton Iii • erich t •ishes:.to thank . her many . `: Order: Bray.: Chicks' now' . and bex the hospital' •arid• ,.her home f; lent]~; •also: i1 ortli "lucky,,; when : ri St. Emited e¢8 P . ccs climb 1tiL :. Geos Bo'' >.. ; . next See ai G ...ge;-euld, like Shu_ ch. congregation.: and ' ninlster • ri . b . y.. . e, .o p sten me . r" •.: r , t away. � . Personal enttou, .. fou : Ilot;-ers, -cards, letters .arid B m att to,ay tiiar�: rroti to all ih3se «•<�o � pro,.. p ..delsxe:ry. ... . hai, e been .so kind;.and thoii htfu g'fts 'receiv ed .during her. rece�rt x izi':.reniera.berirz 'her do so in.anss .jlne ,; .The. kindness of do t I' FINLAY N g c ori SO EROS lays' during ner *line_,. Each' act • H a ecia e an mss,•• .• SKS LSO . N .GODEREICH, Oi1iT, • orders at:`'Murdie's. Store ARRIVING FOR YOUR JNSPECTION y.. Day -Old OrStarted rawfor • ••PR % `ENT CoC` IDIOSLS BY: BUYING 14FETERLA CHICK STARTER cottiinitig. Dr.. He Coxitrnl' • We Have' • W r's, Fes• E�rnodeis' (Coal,' OR, tiektrinci., Peat Mom., New Life andLtfeteria. Feeds,: Vhareoal •`PHONE 7.-W • LtCKNOW, ONTARIO . FOE :FREE .TRUCKING a • 'NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the . estate of:Richard Pratt,] late° of the Village of. `:1.,ucknow I in the County , of Bruce, gentled. 'marl 'who'•di d•• on dr ••about the ninth'day'df February, A.D -1948.. • Take notice that .'all ;parties haying. c :auris or demands' against tile 'e.tae of the,above.deceaSed must mail:tiaarticulars and' proof: of sane •to Abe u„idersigned exe- cutr'x or or beIore:•: 'the .twenty, second day. of March. A.D., 1948, :inn which 'date the said execu-1 trix *.w .xi' px oceed to distribute the r -• assets with regard only to those, claims Which Shall then ehavel 1 ue•e i r ece,c ed.' jj • Dated' 1 ed at Brussels r:.s event s •y:ft? day d•*i Febtulr-S, X.13; 1948. .E- ,a: May .McKay, Executrix, • RR.• 2. Blue 'ale, Qntatio; �p ,. e. .sa~••:MeitorJ . , ' 1 d `+ C: $+'�i ford' a:: He��:eYl'^'gton, B-Titset; Oitario Automobile owners Don't pay two prices for your •insur'ance.. For tl%e most economical and i reliable protection • iln , AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE • LIFE INSURANCE FIRE IN' SVRANCE "SICK . ,& ACCIDENT • ' INSVRAf'iC ' . . sand HOSPITALIZATION • Ste o r Call. • CAMERON LtickaowOntario. 'Phone Dung;it io• n 10-r-10 THURSDAY, MARCH 18th, 1948 CARD: OF THAN 1 wish to very sincCL;ely thank_ 111 those who so kindly- •remem,' .bered me with -letters,- cards, fruit and treats, . during illy • recent ness,. . . Margaret i3ickerin8; 4, V kN - -]'f-it RTES=est R.S. Hetherjngton, K,C, `Barrister, Etc. Wiingham and Lucknow ' IN LUCKN . . OW Each Monday 8c,.. •. Y e�nesda Located° ;on the. ground Nor ` oor • M the "front .of hn. Kilpatrick s Bu' • tiding.. 'Phone Wingham Office. 48. , • Residence 97 W. ANDREW Barrister and Solicitor • • LUCKNOW,• ONTARIO: Office in•tits nt Jo. Bl Y ock,� Telephone Office .1.35 • Residen ce 31=J P. Stuart MacKenzie :BARRISTER & SOLICITOR Walkerton, Ontario . N 'U UCKdNOW Each Wednesday OFFICE I11� HENDEItSON BLOCK ACCOUNTANCY Service for t e : Small Mer- chant; Professional Aran and the Farmer In. Lucknow Tues., Thurs, and Friday . , Office in 'Kilpatrick` Block.• ,S S.J. : y,... M J P.. M P.O. Boa 74; Lucknow, Ont, 'Phone -23. INSURANCPE FIRE,: CASUALTY .,.. .AUTOMOBILE ;To Protect Your. Jack' • Insure. With Jack 'Today •. • : ,. J. AMcDO NAGrl ILR: '3. Lucknow, ,Ont.; Phone 61-5 Dungannon .Insure, ;In lure Insurance Confederation : Life. • WIND,' CAR, FIRE .. Preferred Rates for preferred risks. ACCIDENT &; SICKNESS . Consult . JOHN 1-.1. Phone 8z.-13. Dungannon ' T. ARMSTRONG . OPTO`METRIST., YN LUCKNOW,, .'. ,FIRST WED•NESDA' OF • EACH MONTH from.. 1s a.m. to '6 °p.r0 • AT. W►f SCH.MID'S STOE