The Lucknow Sentinel, 1948-03-11, Page 2• �p1:AC 1146 - LANG SID g 1:•LANGSIDg Mrs, Wm. Scott has returned ,home from' Wingham Hospital, and -Ge ry Schoop-an -3d1r. baby Sandra •of Galt spent : last • weekwith°•MVM. and =Mrs, .Robert Donaldson.,; .0 • Mr, and Mrs.'. Bert Moffat and. familyvisited on Sunday) with Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Wall. THE.. LUCKNOW .SENTINEL, LJCKNOW, ONTA 1O, Mr, and Mrs. • Dave Moffat en- tertained a number. of. friends and neighbors. 'to a dance in the For rster's Hall last week; . everyone having''a•• good time.. • Miss .Wii'ulifred Donaldson was able to retur. n home from "Wing- ham' Hospital an. aturdyr aV- ing spent:the past week there ow- . ing to a. head injury 'received in a. car accident,, , HALL WAS PACKED FOR. .QI,D TIME DANCE • TheTown Hall Was • packed. on a Friday evening for .the Legion's old-time :dance.tooiiI15 of Mac's: Merry Makers', Of ,Kincar- dine. Neil. "Skipper" McKinnon did the calling, .'Music was' sup-. plied by. Mrs; ,Ross ' Cummings, Mac MacDonirld,4Ed•Collins, Clive. Munro and Gordon Boyd. • • The door prile Went. to Miss: Jean : 'Bushell.. he spot dance prize went to, Ross. Cutn?nings' and Marry Lindsay, Elwood 'Drennan. and Mrs. Earl MacDon ald , waltzed , off '. Withthe " award, for • the best• waltzers and Tam Bueglas and Mrs;"':krr%ie MacLen ,Wan Went the prize for the .best. Jersey, it was ,a popular ni4ht With the old-time dances holding the: spot- light, and with Many `"old-timers" 'gracefully .tripping the light •fan- tastic: Leap Year . Baby Mr. and Mrs. Ronald' Treleaven of Crewe ' are the proud: parents of •a baby daughter bornin' Wing ham •Hospital on ;February 29th:: In honor, ;of • the '.event the Wo= men's '.Auxiliary of. *the •hospital ,presented'. a' sterling silver spoon to ,little ,Miss Leap Year. Another' Leap .Year 'baby was 'scum' in 'Huron. Towriship to Mr., and Mrs. Frank. Dere of .Con. '12. THURSDAY, MARCH: 11thi 1948 LOOKI hl.G BACKWARDS. T ROUE' I.:THE .' SENTINEL. ''FILE$ .� contact. the •Minister c:F Education Sixty Years Ago. at`' Toronto regarding the estab, James Reid and Archie Mcl en -'.fishing of a rliechanies'; Iti titt�te e of. Paramount arrived home in I,44ckfQW. Forty Years Ago z.i :.. from the Michigan lumber woods. Kinloss' ownship Council, isup- ported the; motion that in event ,of: the Scott Act, being repealed the number of tavern' licenses .to ae issued in, the Township b`e lim- ited ,ao three, at a' fee of $100' Kiilaugli: postof,fice was ', tem• pd a _ily closed ;�. as Postmaster . 'Givers locked the wicket,'and de•• parted. Mr. E: Bower of Lucknow and engaged to begin: work as sawyer as 1VItLean. Bros. .:mill at Wing ham • Wm. Bower of Luckno.w. was. assisting' .the postmaster at 'Brus seas: for a feW weeks;, ' . At a meeting in the' Temper epee Hall leCal, comhnittee,.yvas •appointed to ..prevent the repeal 5f the Scott 'Act;' The committee w:a.S 'comprised of: Wrn. Geddes, 1 Pres.;--', James`' , Sorner.ville,. •'sec. olzn ArEhibald,��treas , Thomas.'1 the •greatest men England w. s u•awrence, Thomas Stewart, Wal- upheld by .'C. Richard•s. �i .In :and : er Treleaven and George Math- Cooper; Ireland b\ 1) ;:'Spence on; and.' Robert .Grahain a°nd Scjtlanct i, ,'Feeling` the 'lac f a public by J . • aLe,nnai� and 1):Tower H. timosoldhatnEa:.,.to wm, 1 . Johns.ton, t • . . Wrrl,. Ali'iri bougb.t the hutehex shop formerly'• Jocc.up 1. i,y J,; . Gordon; 'tlie rgrotei y' ht„t E^ foiiin- Erly' occupied .by. I) Thompson and: the .shop ,occu itd uy Alex Ross; harness .rriakei ,• Peter Watson•:died pit his: home, Con. 12,,. West. Wawanu h, in his 60th..year. John,.Purvis'' auction 'sale ister. listed •the foiltrwing: sales, 'Wm., Smith, .Con..'5,• Kinloss;:TVI, •Forehene Con. 7, Kin11sa; Alex Campbell; Con. 12, ' e;3t. Wawa nosh, Wm; Rivets, �;uh, ' 8”, Ash.. field., At •'a meeting 'if.:C: not Sher: 'wood •No 50;. C:O.F„' a: debate was staged on whether' • .ng ands Ire- land or Scotland' Nati .: voduced is ,`e ock on February 29th. • } y ., appeiltited eonimittee to For kir resuIts THIS. YEAR ALONE we.' are apendzng: $4,000,000: so that more farms will have, telephones from your telephone: ' with feweepeople on, each line. . Keep' calls brief. 2. Spcce your. calls 3. Avo1d listening fn.” 4. Give rig!t=of-way. emergency : cell`s. 9 For the' best,te•1'ephon'e service,; remember the master 'rule, "Do'; unto others as' you would e them'.1 o do to•you land do it finer REMIER-CE06�ta'F D�E1M 'L��DS� ASD FORESr - wen:ty Years:'Ago Isaiah C4rigram farm .west of ipckhdw tu'• i' eisoii Wihte•i Sti uthers'":-dissa1t L d 1-.••• sh.ip in • the Fy,i•d �7 1:•• Mrs. Fred: Rtitl. ly l�illecl' by the 3 1QtgUli`: S'1O:V LI l:-us,l tirid: ' and .'t,E arid Keith ' gc,: The L fetzito 1... $;yt) toward t` arena 'in, LtIckr;... 1• •'T1 e.' :deatbr Jean Martin, MOP.. 7•ii: imt �l.y04.1.tl6viou...`trrrtl.r.111. �i�IE:, BELL TELEPHONE • COMPANY. OF 'CANADA +ra z.1'::(.i- . Arnui.g L. i A.ratnour7t, hfiUL` .S railti vvavc , •tri',. l'.:Kin1 is„ E. :af'rn,OY�; l�cilr:lt :" £ e1ens,.;Si C1st' ail_)•. 'John' •Hc:iltE'i • .n hi, 83...d E, :Tlie: deotit Jp1°,n iD.u1:riii1.';it •w reit 'The nit�ti;, vf'.;�41i:1''tle' Lr i•i :� Lotia`Derds►tseri • Of ' "course„ g}ite a 'few 'air • force 'personnel:, got t.hear' fasces smashed u;-craek� ups: But a girl well; girls have . a very special feeling • about their fa<es. And whinthey. brotight 'the' tall 'slender •WD dor' •poral into hospital --one of the eight .of t•went.y sec•Hii iuit alive. out of a fir ;Yit.biiutitCr.ss ,eu bEeen Vancouver and Prince Rupert-' she was about the ;most .unre,cog-: ni7able 'Airwoman st'ill'. breathing this' F. They flew. Helen- and Mary an- other WD with a badly 'burned. back• --to Toro nt:o's.Christie Street •11iYilitary. Hospitd1, for: skin'' grafts' and burn .treatment. .'Red Cross • • worker told ane she'd never forget it. Tne ,lied Crost'rcirm is, in the ' heart of ;the wards, ' nextdoor t'o • the..rooita .tltose girls had, • . For weeks workers just tiptoed in and out on their ro.rrids-=writing ' 'letters; supplying' stamps, ':cigar= ettes and chocolate bars -'to the patients. • 'No Visitors' yr, 1 • %It C5n, 6 l'• '111.11? Sea when the NO ' Visitors' sign went down and ,Air. Force 'joys •and other vet. ,:patients, wheel -chaired., and' crutch -tapped in, they were., • still 'shy about seeing ,just people'. •• The Red Cross •was different. • Those • women in tli deep blue smocks were part of. their own sub merged• world of pain :and i11- mess, ,•yet. 'attached to the •country outside. They •did •the little things • the girls needed --feminine bits, of shbppin'g; letters and messages, ",planned small celebrations. • .NewIrades As:the girls progressed, going -from. • one hospital to another 'for/treat-,_ „ ' Merit; ',the 'Red :Cross •was always there, • . Supplying ambulances, at first—later, •escorts .to ' hockey games; :concerts, plays, Offering • • quiet pratcticttl assistance whenever it'was• n tided.. • Today 1 elen and Mary are •learn= • • ing new trades:, • , Helen can n� longer teach physical education or model. Mary cannot continue her •typing; because -of 'permanently. stiffened fingers: But while DVA .:,,.prepared them for •their new lives,' the.Red Cross still stands by as they. do with . all our Canadian`: veterans. in. hospital' everywhere. In,proef that we, the people, have not forgotten, ' in. fast i.For . 1f: tic/ts ;• y:litg . ( :1st. fu ...soli, 1 ...,a its nary 1a; ,=u: ot'th One- opfiratiori• folllowed another . through the weary. months in'which doctors built' a new Rice for Helen and treated -Mary's back.. The .girls became great friends with the Red • Cross, workers, But they didn't want to: meet. people from the `outside', right then,. Even 4805C • • " Ilaiiisarl• set Lr 1�4.. ria spina•'';in3ury 1 fall ,on the i. fie rcccii.cgcl ii c . • 'first' luinbai • :ELV 11\1. RO? 1 i •)'con ap pointed' . seti'cu : •Teeswater succeed Alex I3 Presbyterian tvg ` 1 n . . 'Mrs. James r,a';. openedhe home' for the: nice; ng which co :me•riced ,at 7.00 . p,t i . ith 'a .p luck supper. The in.e.eting, tilt Miss Gladys. 1\117tri):tall in 't ch•air,* opened tvi:n a hymn an praye'f. Miss Nxaritc't • Igtenonal had the $role st,udv,•dn""philip' Our• next m'eling, which is ;t Thankoftering,.. .,tti ' be' held' the chu'rch,''with ii• speclal'spea er. the, 'M,arion.: McDougall W given a Life Meti bershlp by Po War' vote. A pi'afl'• colo by M. Kathleen• McIntosh; topic by Ir `Virden Mowbray; reading,. Hugh Cuming; solo, Diss ll Mtill'in; current e went8 Mr10 0 don•.: Fisher and a 11ym ' a•Cam by prayer by 1 Miss Grett bell •brought4.the meeting to: .erose. .w lied Cross Service's include: Blood .Trensf usioir, Outpost Hospir talc, Aid to Sick and Disabled Veterans, 7're€ztrnent•for Crippl -Children,.Disaster., Belief/itr n.Sertices, Ilorne. Nursing 4,;( Lirses; 'Ss=i.rrtiitirrg and tr ute.r Safety. etc. e wQr pot',. Mercy; nene�r en l8 :. Give' generously to the CANADIAN RED CROS.S, LP —tions at Sank of ,Montreal, • ' . ,St e o , ntinel Offic0.