HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1948-03-04, Page 3ri`K>ntsnAy, .:..1i.C11 4th, 1948 -.Slipeal an : Genera.... , Mrs. C. IL MacDonald. 1s' not enjoying good health at present.: Mrs.- H. G. Sherrif f; who is. teaching.' atL-ist-myel,--7spen-t e - week -end here.. • . 1VIr. and Mrs. 'Harry. Parnell have been •vtsiing with. Mr. and M'S. W; J. Spindler, Mrs, C: 'f': Doyle• of town is en. the "sick list and has been a pat- ient in Wingharn Hospita'1for. some time. • Jack McCall, ,'1'inotype operator 'at the Listowel Banner, spent; they week-end'with his parents; Mr. a id::Mrs , Peter .McCall. . ; •,Mrs: T1• H, Alton has returned iiome after; Spending. two months in London with her •... daughter, Miss •Alma Alton. . , • Reception At Dungannon ; A dance reception 'was held *in :the ' Parish Hall,: Dungannon on Friday' night for Mr: and Mrs: Harry Watson of Nile; who were: honored on the .•occasion 'of,' their 25th wedding anniversary An ad-` dress was. ''read by . Hugh . Mc- Whinney and. Lloyd Hodges pre- sented a. purse of money ' : • Abdutl• 250 , were .present. and 'many were stranded' by the ,storm THi ; L U'CKNOW Sg,NTINEL, LUC1C-NQW1 ONTARIO' Arehie 'Graham . of L o n d o spent the 'week -end here..' • Mrs. Joseph Agnew is eseing, , from an iline •pneumonia, Mr,,. Agnew has :also been confined:'. to his 'borne with a heavy Leold. - :. . Miss 'Mary Porteous and ;Miss' Mary Hazzar dd `';J Wallaceburg, who are• roommates at Alma Col- lege,. St; Thomas,,!spent. the week ;endswith. the •former's `.parents,, Mr. and Mrs. W'. A. Porteous;" Mrs W. A _ri;ussell_has return= ed home ` after, 'spending two "weeks' with MIL and Mrs.' Jim. i,ussell and 'infant da•ughter1 $SUsan, xirri has been .transferred from. Toronto to Qttawa, ,and Mrs. Russell accarrrpanied: them to Ot tawa to:, assist ' them in g etting settled in their new home, LITTLE GIRL . PASSES • [LuckNcw HIGH SCHOOL NEWS IQiglit• courses in' bookkeeping and typing have been'' started,' asses will 'be -fid: Mon- day • and Wednesday,;' • Assembly was in charge of Wit- Fred Black and"opened with the • singing of "The King efJ ove my Shepherd Is", This was followed'' by the repeating, of the' .Lord's prayer. Jean Treleaven' .gave a reading entitled "Febr•uary, Not ed Month;'. Psalmn 19 Was read by` Margaret MacPherson. Assenbly closed with . the : singing of The The. Luckndw W O..S,S,A. 'team' won :8-3 • over .the Milvertonlearn.: Y..T Both .• teams were, served lunch at the 'scho.el •by :the High.' School after• the game; SANITARY IMPROVEMENTS' IN .MANY BRUCE SCHOOLS . PAGE THREI. n 1,• • e•, The death occurred. in Goder .. Eighty rural : schoolst in Bruce' ich Hospital on Sat •day of :County, put, of a total 'of 188; Janine 'Oake 8-months-old•;.dad showed .• major .eanitatioTi ••.: im-.. • ghter. of Mr,' • and, Mrs. ;Robert Oake"of: the' Bayfield Road,. south of . ' Goderich; ' :The little ,gir 1's mother iso 1a sister 6f .Er•nie and Cliff Cra tford of town.' :.• .. Janine had b'e'en a sem• i=invarid. • been .a 'pat.- FOR BLOWN -IN tock Woo] [nsulatton CONTACT. ussei KINCARDINE, 'ONTARIO -Arid get a right job fora right: price all work..fully'.;guar anteed y estimates free. '.Phone 35,E Liteknow.,` provernents in. 1'94.7 under the new County' Health' Unit plan, a• report by'.: Sanitary Inspector Jack F Wispier of Wiartori re eals. , The: Bruce County report shows th'at•'outof'the' 188 schools,•ten.,of • To Discuss, .Plans, For-. Luckno'w's Part:In The .• Bruce CountyReunion: §� Will '`Be Held 'In The . r • • :TOWN. HALL, LUCKNOW urs ay, arch y� , Tonight at 8.00 .o'clock , sharp 1. 9.411 1 Toronto; for seine time;, .but ' no have! . municipal water. , supplies,;. thing. , could be done for'her. •162 obtain their water from wells .Janine is. the Second:.c,hild that. or Springs,. and'.twelve are with M ' and. Mrs.' Qake `'Wave lost. ount ..their ow : water` supplies of Mc.' The' funeral was' held on Mon any:!sort °: ° day. Comparison of: water samples taken in 1046 :rand 1.947 i shows, Was 82 In February that in 1946 171 schools•'registered On Fe;bruai'y '`19th; Mrs,. D.', C; • under; solassificatidri. A,.'five under • Me.Morran:- of town observed her classification •B; .two, under plass- 32nd birthidayl Mr. ':McMorran. aficttion C and 18 underclass Will .be..83.Lnext September, and :'ficatiorr 'D. This was Out .Of. a ori 'the second of that month' this total . of 19b schools which:` had. eSte.eined= .,duple •will. be ,57; years; their: water', • supplies'':tcsted In. rxiarried. TYiey .have resided. tri 1947 :there: 'were : 366 water •:samp-''' Luckn,. w for'over. half .a. century les. taken,..:of wh•ich. 252. registered: under class A; 15 under class B, `11 under; class'' C and ' 88: under •: imam Ias■■ •aim loutseo■leis.. ■ GhdG4 ■ t■; ;:■ r1 ■ '1. : 75c•.ina 75c,. t $1.00 is • • $1.00 to" 1 • c.. ■ t' •Perfuine Talcum ■ Lipstick •■ Rouge el Face Powder ..... $1.25 '• .Cologne .. ................. • $1.50 . . ■ i 4Larr:� Downs ■ LDA. DRUGGIST • M ' 'Phone 13 m', ■�aarrt• ■���■rt��so■i UNITED.CHURcH• LUCKNOW Rev, J.` W:. Stewairt' Pas9 P .. .S116iNpAY, MARCH 1, 11948 11 a.m.: "Con.trihutiitg factara. to the Church's' prdgress''. Story: "The.: picture.• that is to' be" :bar Sunday ,School following �orn,ing seryice.' 7. pms' r`Me tiring Our-. selves',' •, Village' and ,Community is ,very :important. ocalr anizationsAre ;EspeciallyRequested 'Fa.' Be. • Represented. .An -Absorbing NeW Series: BELLES OF THE BAY US_ •' u • beauties' �Glamai Glamorous' T.Louis- iana's colorful bayou country live again!, Thrill' ,to ,;.the dr'amatie 'stories of romance and adventure, :told by :Harnett T 'Kane, author' class D. These., 'corrrpariso.ns 're-' veal :a 'very' 'large .improveinen't in .1947 over the preceding year. :.Twenty=two rural schools the. county• had::flush.: toilets ,in 19,47; while' 27 -still had° only. the, af' "New' Orleans Woman": Begin `'id ;outdoo.r "privies" Schools: this ; ;gr igpng 'series iii The Am- erican • Weekly, . great magazine with`.:,this`Sunday's .(March 7) is- 'sue •of The Detroit Sunday;Times. AUBURN`: TWIN '.'SISTERS MARK 81st:; BIRTHDAY Urider 'the 'list of' 80- ,'schools Showing improveaxientin:1947 are" ')*hided -improvements in. light- ang," in veitrlatron arid..decoration and. •,in eialai gement, •and. it stalls- tion of,,i"ndoor .toilets:` • Mrs John McPhee' and '.Miss Itad Foot'Oashed• Martha '1Vlcllwain of Auburn, twin. Jack.A Aitchison, son of ' Ai chie. sisters,' .celebrated•.• .their. 81st !'Aitchison of West. Wawanosh, had. bi'r'thday on ,Saturday; Whenthey.] his•'left foot badly gashed With ail axe while•Working in.the bush Were guests lof honor. at a dinner° given ` by, Mr. ,'and Mrs Ciilff M{ l •c- ast 'Friday.. The wound required Phe*:. Mrs. McPhee is the former I sev'c al stitches and Jack has ha4 •Ellen Mcllwain'.and they are dau'= i to stay 'off the f?ot .for a; few ghte s of ;'the late David y-'ltllcll-I days,. .wain 'and Jane, Johnston McII� 'wain; They , were born in West' Wawanosh 'near Mile. They at-' tended 'S. S: No. 1 ,West Wawa•= Mr. anl. Mrs. E Harrison. and, nosh. Fifty-three years ago• Ellen Miss. Irlma. Harrison of Winghain McIlwani married John' Mar•1?•hee•;, visited on Sunday with *Mr, and After their marriage 'they Iived. Mi'-. ,Jaynes .Hodgins. j'. ."the Aubu in -!dile boundary . Sympathy is extended 'to where :Mr. 'McPhee 'died '12 .years ago, She hays a fancily of two wills,• Cliff on the hdmestcad and. Ralph of 'London; thi'e step,. childron, Thomas 'of Wc" t', Wav a•nosh, . Da visited a feW days • With her aunt, vid of ,Vermillion : and (Laura Mr,:• George Graham. • Mrs.'Jackson,. ,Embro::: She has '12 Mi'4, II., Graham retie ved word grand children,,and• 11 chd: r een, great gigand her. sister,. Mrs. Wm..Hedley b. : had .fallen ani.fractured herhip: .Of a fanily of 13 Mrs, McPhee MTS. Iicdley has. been' in failing and Miss 'Mclh' a•in; have two 5iS health for someAiirie, , • • tei••s and,to• brothers living, Mrs. mi.. and Mrs. Malco'lrn.: Lane Jbhn Tiffin 'of Goderich amici Mrs. i Were week -end, guests with Mr. Wilson, Nile'' Andrelk, Godctch tine! Mrs: Eve`.cit 'Lane. at Port 'Win Aubiti.n. •ltlgii , • and ., .. . , ,�T , • - Miss' Mctlwa°in ' has intade lei a r. Jack"Walsh left ail S daay -home with het° sistei•'for the Past ' for criiclpli where he' wr i, i 35 yeaf r a time . rs: Bot are members U G H; /o‘00'0X0000oo0'sO0.000000%00ao�000%%00`�ON, •00•o•o•b f l anning r th' Future . FIRS • :AMBITION ,MAN'S fire, were to :destr-you--you-r property,,' would the. insurance' You .now carry be adequate to ;cover. the cost • of building at • -present: high prices k •"•For •free counsel and advice on any • , insurance.. needs such as. Fire,. Automobile, ::Life; • Hospitalization, write . or . phone without` obligation, • ..wart • s Insurance' Agenc Luc know, Ont., Phone 8 00%00 O 00 000♦\0.0il00‘00‘o0o000‘‘000000�\00�' • 11 Messrs.Jim and Orville Wilson in the death •of their father, the '' late.-Jarries Wildon Miss lean.' Young of Kingarf. • TRADE NAM w RM• MIRACLEANALL: FINISH ALL' THESE ADVANTAGES" • I , � 'T PER tktt'. Gllt;: .1, Coven 011 su fates one4.' wallp.apir, painted' • wan:; plywood; , b rick a~, brie coat )*oily ' c inferiors, etc: . ov.rfr 3: Dries. in One hour. • ' trop; gal. dols largo CO,NCENTRATt "' 5. No'"painty" odour.: PASTEFORM 6.' Plod w'o:hahi sur ,face: ONE GALLON DOS 7. 'A'pioneers to put on.,, .A LARGE ROOM • KE M -'T O KE ROLLER, KOATER • KEM-TONE. TRIMS; '' - AS LOW .AS 20c.A.ROLL and Both r +in bei s .o f a r Nile 'United. church., '; } Miss Betty Mi. `Don 'Gil -A, The, two women are i`etnark-; lespie visited tat Sunday with, 'their • grarldthother, Mit. John ably active and'..arc cri;ioying goad I i..., • ; � Whitechurch. r health. :. .: ' .1 Rae 'PIHONE 66-w Porteous • LUCKNOW, ONTAR1i0