HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1948-03-04, Page 11!, $2.00,A Year—In, Advance; 50c Extra to• Uh S A. FURTHER SLIGHT e 1 CUT :N HYDRO USE During the •past week village and; rural hydro'.:users . used a: daily average for' a. 7 -day period of 649.0, kwhrs. This: was a- slight .: -du..ring, ..r' ase:, over the ,consumption the first week of. the ern-. er 8. ency : when 'the average daily ,, use :• was approximately ...654 whrs The past week's figure, how-' every still exceeds' the daily aver- age allotment of the H.E.P:C. . which .was set :at 5545' •kwhrs, 'rep resenting :a 10 percent reduction of the average consumption dur- ing the basic .period. of Last; ,Oct- ;ober, ..when the local System: was consuming -'6,161 kwhrs, . To "date the local system has escaped a shut; -off of power; • al-, though some 'other nearby; cen- tres-have. not been so fortunate The following -daily consurnp- tion figures; compare the amount. of current Used .during' :the past. week with the';ai ount used dur • LUCK NOVA'} ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 4th,_ 1948• • . C '• , RAN TWO �BUSSI"S. With hockey enthusiasm • at fever pitch here, two, special busses were` run to Walkerton on Tuesday night for the Lucknow- Allenford final, and in 'spite • of bads,.• weather .and roads, man.• motorists nm* the trip; The reg-. ular village ,council meeting twas post oned that evens• p .. t ,ng.:. :•. 'MA;C'S:.OLD TIMERS . RS TO,' 1Pi,AY RETURN ENGAGEMENT HERE, • ' The'. *Kincardine. Legion Old Timers' g- will play a return' engage- ment hereby special request on. Friday _night of this.:week March 5th. , «. A .-sle°et storm cut, theattend: ance on their previous appear rice:. here, and it was originally prim:. g , ly p •. ned to. have them. ;back on St,' Patrick's night,'.'but as they were bo 4ked : for ' a `home • .engagement that 'evening,.Friday ay, night of this week was etfor their r°eturn appearance here, The dance iswider .'auspices• of •. EIGHT' PAGES :. :BLI• 414D AT. MONS, VETERAN. PASSES., • WOULD SELL BUILDING Word wasreceived by cable:zon' February • 8th . of the passing:. of Robert AleXander Barbour, ' in Brighton, England;` in. his' 55th - year... Bob, as .he was -known- by. in tlil's district, was* born in Wing- ham and. 'grew.: •: upin : Lucknow g , Erie: = sin of, Mr, . and Mrs;°Archse Barbour.. When the World War .broke 'Out in. 1914,• Bob: •,enlister with the: Lucknow boys, arid ser- ved -'for- some 'time in 'the 33rd. 'Battalion, later transferring to ,the 42nd Canadian. lack High.-' finders:. He was six , months in • Canada, twenty months, in Eng-, land' and thirty:'rrmnths in. France • (April 1916 7.. •November 1918):.; With only minor wounds he ser- ved till the -last' day .of the wear,. whe•n.,.his regiment was ordered into. Mons few hour's :before, the �. a;i;ce was . signed. There m 1? he lost both•eyes;' and; after •recov- Bring frpimshock he took a lcourse`' • At the regular meeting Of. the Fire .Company' on Monday right,,' the matter was discussedof of feting thepresent fire hall for sale, The trustees;; have been, authorized to' look into the matter with the' Company in favour.• of disposing'of•the building if a suit- able price can be obtained, 'with the idea iii mind 'of . building'' a. small` hail on. the •ad)eining AGED ASHFIELD RESIDENT PASSED' ' AWAY ,FRIDAY The •death. of NIr. Charles Mc- Lean - oc_curred •at Iris home on. gori. ;11; .Ashfield; west of Lanes- v'ille, -on Friday. He was 86 .years Of age, The funeral' service was. held at • his late residence on :.lVlonday afternoon :with inter menti, tri 'South• Kinloss Cemetery. YZEUNION ,COMMITTEE; BROADCAST ON FRIDAY .PU B•LI :MEETING. by ITO PLAN:. REUNION A public meeting to plan Luck now's part ' in he' Bruce. • County' .Homecoming Reunion is to ; be held in the Town Hall, Thursday, March 4th .,(tonight). •Time `;flies an ' "there' .""can be no further deay in getting down •to the business of serioiusl. pian Ong what • is to ' take place. T on; ' Lucknow's :day,, which is Friday, July 30th. Another 'question that maybe broached is whether ,o.r• not our ;`doings"' here .should be confined tb Friday or extend over' the week -end;,; with.,' say,' a mon- ster picnic on. Saturday,. and spe- Bial :Sunday:: services, For weeks -back .appeals have'. been issued for' the. names and addresses of old boys and, girls, who will . be: 'officially invited to; '':Come back to Bruce".. The first of these messages 'is scheduled for mailing within a few •days, and :• those `who are on the Mailing list, through the thoughtfulness of the• • e theeines ent. *: The figures rep- . • g , Y g p resent kilowa•tthours. Tuesday'. ` :.... Wednesday :: ` 800'0''• . • Thursday'1 .7200• Friday :..1 5600 .: '6400 Saturday: . ;4800 4800 -Sunday 4800.. 4000' •Sunday ?180'0 4000 Holiday 7200. 72.00 •ad'i.an Legion. ,If .will, feature -.old - . .time dances, with a .doter prize. and 1?, lst. ' 2nd •special. ev s Prizes.: Admission 000 :.8000 is • 506::: 7200.. 7:2oo :45,600 44,80.0 WANT CALF, GRAIN CLU B. ENTRIES R.. At a.' directors' • meeting.of`' the :Lucknow Agrii}ultural S o.c iet y. held on Saturday : afternoon,• `111arch.15th•.•was .set:as the dead7 line. for:receiving calfclub: en tries Several entries have .already been received,',but' mare ,are'. re-• quested: u they in bte must be b., quested; Y Y mid March by' the latest..' The. Society •:also plans to S sP on or a Field ;Crop competii acrd re- . • ;entries' inure• ediately so that seed grain can :be • obtained, Tire ` decision- . as to whether it •will •be•;'an oats'. or. barley •compe' tition Will be in in o' • ode.accord g t the, preference of'••those • making .entries:' Excellent reports of. the Fairs. Association.- convention.. in Tor.= -ontir :were; given by -President' .Wallace Miller and ;Fred Mc.Qtiil= lin. •,It was. d ec> deo that ,folded '•tags bearing -the name'of''the ekhibitor would : be ,_ used this year for -,all • indoor exhibits` and•'oultr • ex- hibits. hibits. ' • Several judge's ,Were',appointed ...at this meeting. RE -APPOINTED HEAD. OF BUILDING,COMMITTEE At a meeting. of The' Clansmen Club.'la.st Thursday evening, Ken- neth. Cameron was re -appointed chairman` of : the .recreational Centre building committee, with instructions. to have work 're=, commenced on the building at the earliest,possible date.. Ke1aeth headed' this . com mit- tee last:' year, but asked `to be • relieved' of this responsibility "af- • ter the building. was in place« The he Club plans..a bingo at an early date, as . well as the annual . spring: dance ,on 'April 9th The bingo committee' Is Art • Andrew, RoY' i~`izitaysort, 'Leonard MacDon- ald and 'Bud"' Thompson The dance committee is, Gerald Rath. well, Ted Brewer, Ernie Crawford . and nun' MacDonald, : NG,AGE1FTENTS Mr. and'•_Mrs. Frank :Hamilton a it ounco. the eng ageniwit of their daughter, ISt1l�ei1re Grace, to James;Spills , son • of :Mi . and , 4 1V1.,s. Jolin Spil,l'sblrry of London. The t`o:` take ;plaPe.:at Ashfield Pr 'sby:tei'ian '': Church on M..arch' '25th, 1948: Mr.. and Mrs ,J4rhri..- R; :McGee, :Blyth; Ontario;' wishto' annoiin.e the.eiagagetnent of their . daugh- ter, Dorothy, Elizabeth to .David Harold; son of Mr..:and" Klin Vic .w for Et:rrngi.cin,'1 West Wawanosh The : niar•r rags'.: -to take place....on' .March.27th; 4948.' With Carrier, Force Overseas R J. -Moore*received atter Y w � •�j' .1. law't week- .f'i onlhiss n ne he.• • tri Vileston,''is . ,with 'the Navy Carrier .,Air Gi ou'p' :in ,1Vor thein Ireland•. They, are h'aviig : fine •weather over ,there.: H.c says even in'NorthernIielan.d they hear 't;bout the. ChM boys,' ' blind! There ..fie met.' her Who was . to 'become his: .'wif e; •Miss{' Helen Mullins. They were 'married ' in Brigh'tozi an'd.'''exc'ept for• " two. trips back to Canada'' to' visit rel- atives,,,liv'ed :there eversinc•e,` on'. the. advice of '. physicians, that Canadian•:' winters . Might -be too• icve:r e for Bob's trouble. He aixf' cci•ed considerabl 'all: tlir.ou ' h•the year s, .sufferings which repeated :bpciatisrs by' skillful'. surgeons only. partially alleviated, yet was • cheerful and uncomplaining thru it all:• �.'. .,Ori :his.'first.. return` to:Lucknow• .after lasing hip• sight he vas teri- ?e'r: ;d .a' real otCfation• by his fel .lc tpwnspeople,by: Whom ,he was h hi •g cyd• iri.,hest es."errr::. Besdes: hs wife' and two •daugh tors, 'Genevieve .and . Patricia, he ,c av es . a sister, . Mrs. ' (Rev.) W. J . Watt of Wihtecl`iureli and .his ,1..: r'; f Ban - .other; J o. �hn Barb.. o x cion, ,Manitoba: While °..stationed in :England'. d'uring' •` World War lI-a':nunriber ,of . goys froni Lueknow'visite.d at the Barbour .home at •Sussex,' on ,the h Coast. •�a1.tt ;Jimmy Burns ,'spent many icasarit ' weekends'. there 'and testifies to Mr. B'arbour's 'cheer - Bought Henryl. Farm 'full e,.ss, , and to the. amazing :de-. Mr •.fim • :liens y; of : Wingham' gree to '.which' he overcame his: has sold his far iii• •at B.elfa:5t r to •cat handicap. . Mr Brake. Alton, •who .: obtains, iiYiixiedia.te possessio : BI"C TURNOUT • -AT NIGHT CLASS The first .`of a•: series. of night classes . in bookkeeping' and type- writing spe-writing was held in tlie. High Schaal on: Monday 'evening, at tracting•, an attendance .6f ' this ty- six persons, Of this number the ladies.‘outnumbered the +men' by about :two to one. The .classes are under the dir= rection• ,of Mr, W G.''MacArthu.r,. commercial teacher of..Wingham High School and are being held �h; each Monday' and Wednesday ev- ening A(subjeet'• to change) fro'n eight to -teri o'clock. Fifteen typewriters were . 'on hand :for the opening class on Monday evening. The majority of those attending are especially tein- i sted in the typewriting course xe white' Er few .are •solely interested in the bookk.eeping...instructi.on. It• ' Q x Pected ,that additional type - >s writers will e secured, ' . . • • •It isroposed to;apend an hour each evening on each of the sub- jects, and . to split the group into tWb classes, and have them al- ternate their sttdies and' type - Writer practise periods, • • Hcy did : good deal' of `wicker work and ; raised" chickens: and rabbits as .a pasttime. His chick= errs, he, kk. w by sound and touch, and bad a name for each of them Mr, Barbour got about very Well and,, hadno .difficulty in,'making 'regular trips, lar ori s. alone:, to' Lewes,,, 14 miles dista.nt'. • CSMING•.1 VENTS VARIETY PROGRAM In• Whitechurch Community Hall, Friday, 'March .501, 1;8.30, under auspices United- Church : W, .'A. Program consists of ,short play, solos; IIreadings, etc. Presented by B1uev�ile' .W.A. Admission: adults' 35c; children' 20c: AN .OLD TIME` DANCE Will, be held in the Township Hall, Ripley, on Tuesday'; March lth,• under, auspices of the Odd-.' fellow and Rebekah Societies.. Pry e,ed a s = the . benefit :of the Cancer,' 'Polio. and Tuberetilar. Fund, "Mac's Old Time Merry Makers . will furnish music, the ,usic,. with Roy MacKenzie 'and Murray MacDonald tri , attendande ;with the pipes. Johnny Smith and Don- ald Blue, • callers: Admission 50c. This is, a Worthy cause, your at- ,-..dance. will be appreciated« . • The B.ruce.County Kumon As- ociation'.Committee will.'present broadcast .aver CKIVY' en 'r - .:ay•o f this week fr..ors' 8.30 to 9:00 p ▪ m•. Plaris''are .fast taking forrri .for the Brune. County... homecoming eunion> ani` this:. broadcast should• e of real •int'.erest to the people e .Bruce. On Saturday, March 6th at -One, o'clock, 'CFOS," Owen Sound, will also ca6ya :broadcast by• the. .union •'4ommrttee:',• i 1 , what's ' pe;:xiod cal y i armed of , doing, It. is ` important that • a • repres-. • , a6, entati`ve attendance of the village. ' and surrounding" ruraiarea be ori -' hand far. . tonight's: meeting.. The - SOLOIST IN. .A• y'N.., O I ()HITCH • .•i was il :Wo d reteved�• recent y by r: ani Mrs.. Philip Stewart that. heir `'second sor4,' Allan, . has re- •ceived the appointment:of soloist :,Dundas ' St. Centre •,United `:;hunch, .'London.' Allan also 'had: ne'same= oiler at. Wellington ' St J.nted .Cyhur, but aecepted>tle ormer appointment.: , Arlan: is. 'a. :mechanic in ;the �.N R Shops at -London,; and .:has .Ben `,,studying • voice for some zine: He has sung on various oc=' rasion while. home on visits and .ia a most pleasing :voice His .nany fi;iends here'will?be pleas-,. ed to , learn of this latestappoiit= anent. SEAL FEND NAS' ;DOUBLED ..bpiations to The Clansmen's Christmas Seal ':f aria. 'totalled $988:22, *according.' to the :Febru- .` ary 28th- ` 'report, submitted : to headquarterg' of the Tuberculosis l ssociation by Mr' Ted Brewer, treasurer of the local committee: This -figure more . than , doubled the 1947. objective set for Luck- . now and district, `yet it .fell more than $500 below' the previous year's donations 'which totalled $1,570.70,' The fund never closes, however and donations are accepted ,and Welcomed the year .around as :the work of the committee never,con- cliides, and their assistance is al- ways available. X-ray clinics will be held periodicaly but \;are not required annually, Ther`e were . 450 :donations ' re- ceived to . make up this year's total of $988.22. Of this number. 402 were 'individuals . 'Who, had donated the .previous year, 40, were first-tin'ie doriors•and.8, were "special name" contributors. A, .total 'of. 852 appeal letters were mailed Out, ,with "no., re- plies" totalling 856 in nu nber - .1 'variousorganizations.of the com munity •are ..,es eciall requested, Y, P y q tobe• officially represented'• , PASSED AWAY SUNDAY Mrs.' George Anderson, a forth; er resident of,the Dungannon: trict arid who.; has•1iwed: in Luck-• now for 'the iiast '.few years;, died tri:,;Ki icard r.e' Hospital; 'on; Sun- day'. She was $5 years of age: and` had been in failing health .for. .' S.urre time :Zhe lune al service w s 'held. _ rn , ti wilier' s n Mr. a r • . y 'at .tle;ho e cf • o, H e Anderson •'' >_-: 'know ' on Wednes-• clay -afternoon with interment:;in` Dungannon -Cemet' ry.,. • VICE-R�.ESIDENT :.AD S • C'ongrattila.tiairs :'are being; ex Mr.. ; Richard Elliott • o tended :to i f Holyi odd who last week was el-, ected second vice-president of the. Ontario. G•ood.•-Roads. A satiation-. s : atthe annual convention.' held::in Toronto, he is popularly.. known has been' one of six der ectors of: the 'Association for the past, three terms, but,his election •.. to the executive . came as a sur- 1, prise to "him, as it was something he' had not sought, ,Mr. Elliott has .a`good`ground- trig, .however, for, the' ,post and rio . doubt will' fill it gtrite .capably. Behind his three: years as . a., ector `of the G9od Roads Associa- tion, wig nine years'. 'service , on• the Bruce'::.County.. Higways Commission, a position' he 're-; signed at the end .of 1947; Mr. Elliott served on, Kinloss. Council Board for 18 years. He was `eouxlcill;or. years:.an41:, .. -. reeve of: the municipality for 12 years. He served three three-year terms, on the County Highways• Commission, completing his third • term during' :the. past " year,. al- though not ;then a . member ::of. ' County ,Council, having' retired from the Kinloss reeveship at the end' of 1946,• to be succeeded .by ,' Mr. Alex MacKenzie of Langside.• Among the chief • speakers at the Good Reads .convention was Ontario Highways Minister Doul . tett, who.. warmed municipalities throughout. the. province not to 'expect all increase in' .subsidies tl'ils year for road. work. • • d s r .0i ' •i •