HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1948-02-26, Page 5FEBRUARY .26thi 1948 'r 4 LtTCKOW SENTINELLUCKNow hxrAuTn
a (Continued 1r0M pare 1) ,
to'the west in the .direction of the.
'Ostrander. car., .
Mrs. Button, also saw what
toned aut to be the • Ostrander
car, and 'saw ' someone walking
,around' loopingat the front and
the back of the• car, at if std de-
termine how badly he was stuck.
She saw the man . signaI.' the ap-
proaching truck and taw nothing
more as she returned to her -kit -
'Oen, These were the 'only two
vehicles she saw on the highway.
Extremely Slippery
Harvey Webster, who drove
pavison's „ambulance and who is
employed at ,.Ostrander's garage,
said, that _ it . was after he had left
;the ., garage ,. at six :o'clock that
Rexford ,came and got, the * car.
Ile found •driving conditions ex-
treniely slippery and very haz.
.'ardous,• although he had no
trouble with visibility enroute t�
the. hospital..
At -the scene of the `accident
the Ostrander . car had one front
wheel in 'the snow, with the car,
sitting at a very moderate angle
on.the roadway.
The.next day a dent was" foiund'
in the top left hand corner of the
trunk at the back of the car,, • on
the .corner 'nearest the .roadway.,
"It had .not` been . there ' before"'
Mr. Webster. said. , '
"Didn't Feel Anything"'
George Hassall, driver :of Sit,
verwoods truck and, the vehicle.
in; ti eatton,Thaid• re Was return-
ing from Hanover,' avcomppanied.
by Jack Fisher, where they had
been installing ice cream cabin-
ets. Driving conditions. weren't
bad. to Blackhorse, but as they
.fOceededsouthward grew stead-
ily worse, "with the visibility af=
;f ected ' as- the windshield was -
acing over. They cam down the
Grey Ox • hill in low gear and.
were •. in second gear- practically.
from •the Grey Ox.'At one time
in checking his. •Speedometer he
was travelling less than 10 miles
an hour. , ..
Whir' atehing for Ludgard
steet, ake the turn east to
Silve 990's ,` plant' he saW the
hts of the Cari'which he could
tell *Was stopped but could -not
determine whether A Was in 'the
'ditCh or on the rOad. He 'saw°
someone standing *by the car who
toOked a. little' bent. over, but
didn't see any signal,, George said
he ,was. bearing over to, his: off,
Side of the road he approached"
and as he went to stop the truck
it swung to the west in, Rexford's_
facing north and on the roadyiay;
-4'Is it posiible 'You could 'have
4neY aSked. "It is. Possible but *9
didn't, feel. anything", .George.
.; When he got out of the.truck
Rexford' was on his. knees. at the
.side Of the car, ,George." didn't*.
•knoW. who it was until he went.
Lyceum Theatre
T;i0 Shows Each Night
Friday and Saturday
FlEBRUARY 27th, 28th
e Prince of Thieves
-Matinee Saturday at 2.00 p.m.
hewas badly hurt. They took
a cushion 'from the ,dar and laid
hirri, on 'and George ran tO
In reply Ito questions .George
said' he "imagined he 'had a ton,
tried to•turn up Liidgard St.,' be-'
mg afraid to touch his.btakes. As
off: on the left. hand. shoulder and
going. along straight, apd•did then
touch iii.s _brakes. thinking he
Reference. wai Made to.his•Tong.
'record .•aCcident-iree. driving
Jack Fisher's evidence aS tO the
driving: conditioneWas, quite sim-
-ilarolp• George's, evidenCe, With.
the clriVees. In reply- to the
replied.' it' was* ".4ufte poSsible"
Monday:and Tuesday,
MARCH. lst .2nd
in.making ;the Spin butthat they
"did 'not 'feel 'or .,hear* anything
*jacic,'covered..birri."Wth his 'Coat
said ,hlothing
rCceiVecl:'.4 Call' at, approximately
rible ' getting ;to: the'. Scene, ,
where found Rexford'
411y.'very....seribuSly hurt.: There
was. no ;apparent; fractureS oilhe
arms,' !egg 'or, back: fa i led;,, to
'The 'report of the 'pos,t mbrien-i;
per brnied•-in
MARCH. 3rd,•
• Johnston -and Dr. Corrin, was
given at the inquest by the for
mer„„ -.Dr.„ Johnston furnished ;a -
written report' to the coroner,. and
outlined briefly 'to the jury the
extent of the •injuries • Rexford
had . received to S' nSe his death,,-
were three abrasions .across
the chest in a depth of about four,
inches'. There was an abrasion on
t e head and one knee `of a minor,
nature. No 'spinal Or 'head injury `.;'
,Was reyealed in the p9st 'mortal.
e chest, however, was severely'
crushed, four ribS' frribtured and
internal organs ruptured.
Pr. Johnston said in his opinion
a eruihing blow 'was 'necessary to
inflict sUch injuries, and 'could
not be : received .by, falling.' It
would be difficult • tb believe he
could' walk 'after -suffering 'such
injuries,-*alhough. two or three:
Steps 'might -have been possible.
Constable Wood's Testimony •
. Provincial Constable Woods of
Kincardine' was enroute.to Luck -
now with. the Kincardine hoCkeY
tearn when a call was Out in for
hint He. described, road condi.,
tions as the 'work he had ever
.experienced and had been froin
'6.45 %to 9.00 in 'getting, tO Lucle-
noVii. In • the 'meantime both: the
car and truck had been reinovecl
• from the scene, :The. mark... Of
*here the car had been was quite
evident.,His-shotilder fitted neat-
ly into the' bump on. the Itrunk.
He gave his height.as 5 feet 11•142
inches, and Rexford's' ,height es
'BRIEF is just one of the ways
of practicing the master rule
for the best telephOue Ser-,
vice , .."Do unto others ai
ou would likei them to do
to you—and doit first". .
• 1. .1Ceep,ccills brief,
2.... 'Space your calls.
'to emergency Celts...
He,told of making an insPfection,
of the truck'ljand car , that. even -
gave as bri. theory that a 4-irich
metal band :around the .platform
truCk, had inflicted the
fatal -injuries, .wheri'' it .took the:
spin. Re?.5ford;•..he believed, had.
acted' a'sy'"a between the
trUck and the cal'. ,The eVidence
points to that, he 'said. The steel
pand„aronnd: the' truck platform
.was apprOXimately 40 inches.froin
the . ground. 114- abrasion's of* cor4
responding width on:the Vittim's
the soles of his. feet:
Provincial ()Meer PointonteSt-
,ifted ,briefly and donsiable
ens substantiated the evidence Of
ProvinCiai Officer *Cods. •
The "Crovv.n. Attorney *In sum-
fb!:the to ,decide .whether
or not was something* that
Tuts YEAR ALoNE we are
Spending $4,009,000 so that
moielarins masy have, tele-
- .plidiies with feWer people ;;:14 . THE BELL TELEPHONE
. each line, •-• COMPANY OF CANADA
*wind have been prevented by
reasonable care and biudenee.
,eYidence had been. entirely truth-,
ful arid perSonally. he could see
no negligence On the 'part ,of the
drivei; •for -While he didn't know
have hapPeried"., , asserted. ,Mr.
He' referred to• the acqdent: as
an `act of God"; that claimed the.
life of a young man; Wlii3 out
the goodness..of his heart,. was
The • inquest (veiled at two.
'o'clook anct: the. jury ,retired at .
3.25, returning half an hOur later.
with their verdict to *which all
had affixed their Signatures. The,
Coroner, read the 4.ve dict, ills- •
missed the ' jury and' a journed
the court.
with re ar
e made
. The Luchnow DiStrict Co -Operative Incorporated have_
*11* ssured Of materials to:mix 1,000. tons of all the usual
brands' Of CO:41p: Fertilizer. ...Tbis Was last year's output,
Tbe,followint brands will ne PaCked in 125 lb. jute bags
and delivered free of charge within a radius' of:25 miles:
strerigh) .pebhle will be packed in 100 lb:. jrite. bags.:
isten to.