HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1948-02-26, Page 2II°' EL, LUC OWr' ONTARIO . AGE TWO ' - . , LUCKNI(�W. • tt *at Kenney' dike John.:..... ne refunded. the clerk Was iustrti ted to ad- vertise for a fully qualified , aud- • itor ,to audit . the ,.treasurer's books, 'and al'so1he chnolooks. of Alf e - Various school sections. By-law No.. 2, 1948„was was pre pared rand finally passed, provid- ing; for the necessary' expenditure on roads .for .the year 1948 to the An1ount of $15,000.. . . COi NG`1E MINtirgg • 'Ks11fLoSS• TOWNSHIP Council -meet -in Township Hall .., Monday, February 9, 1948 as superintendent, t+o •sheens the eon- per adjournment.. All members; vention of Rural Municipialities'to' 'Present. and• signed. ' , • Aloddnation of $10 was given to the Salvatibi s Almy .at Hamilton.. Leave was ,given to any 'or all Tubers .of Ctiunc# lso lie raw be held in. Toronto on. Feb. 23and „ Tlie minutes .of the January 24, :1948. were a koved The 1947 dog. •tax. of, Dennis meeting ;as read ply• ,71 .By law No., 3, 1948, was pre pared and finally passed, provid- .ing °for the .borrowing ,of nes es sary,money to carryon the muni ' ipal business until the'taxes have. been; arll collected: co" . . Arpplicatioin' .was, :i ade •..to ',the •I epartn ent•. of �:Highykrays ; for' the Statutory Grant on. the roadex- penditure • for the year 1947 . The c'olleetoic's' time for the re- turn of the.roll'.was extended to March 15,: 1948 The clerk was, instructed to: ad- vertise for tenders for the crush- ing and trucking of . ' the gravel required in 1948.. • Council adjourned to: m e e t again on Monday March 15, 1948,, • PREMIER ` GEORGE . DREW GHWAYS FOR. Friday,ILt O.RRO !ebrlIaI7::7, • 8.15 THURS., FEBRUARY 2Qth, 1948 .. ...=gio .' OO K 1 N A:C'K.WA,RD.S ' THgOUGIt THE • SENTINgL • FILES 4, attending• the funeral of his bro» Sixty Tears ,ego •. ther • Andrew. , Messrs, Disher and Anderstan, as Harold Newton took: •.a' positiotl a delegation ' from Dungannon, at McNend risk's drug store, Kitt. asked Ashfield 'Council to pay the sardine. • •expenses; of a delegate to Ottawa The .death occurred suddenly to secure if possible. an extension of Thomas .•Hedley in .'his, 67th of the C,P R. from Winghain thru this' area; Council voted $35.00 for 'delegate's;expenses. Mr:' Robert • ,Murray. who had been in partnership with Mr.1Mc Iritosh,`• left 'for. Deireik.•to reside. Prior tO. , his departure he waS presented with ::a gold 'watch chain ata supper at. the Whitely lioitse: D. D; Yule• read' the 'ad - 'dress and 'Rob'ert Chambers made the presentation. Complimentary remarks were. extended Mr. Mur ray by' Principal -.Yule,: Barrister Morrison, 'and ' Merchants Grundy anct• McIntosh and. Banker . D. • B. year. • The •funeral was held from ,..the. home- .of, his brothel, :Alex, conducted by Rev. C. W. Sanders Of St., Peter's Church, ., Miss • McNabb .who ` "taught"` at;. Paramount .for our years, joined, the Luckno* teaehinK staff. Her: position at . Paramount . was filled by Miss • Martha Johnstone o1" Lahesville . . .Twenty Years ,Ago Councillor Roberta Mullin. • at tended the Good Roads` conven- tion in Toronto. The marriage • took place .in Cheques issued: Harold Dennis, Cameron, • Toledo. of: .Map McMorrat� : and 85 fox bounties, . $1'40 00; •Clifford ' , -Huffman, :;1. foie , 'bounty; 4.00; Forty 'Y'ears Ago John B. McKendrick. ° Mr.• Wm Ryan.•died at Kinlough Percy Barr, •;1 fox bounty, �:4.00; ' D,•,J: Campbell.bou' his f4th Yea.. ' . John Wraith,' 1 fox bounty,' 4A0; hse. , death , occurred in. W nni Ted Howey,' 2 fox '.bounties 8A0l• lin s interests` in the b T BOOS Hess peg of Mrs.• Hoffman, formerly Rody Inglis • 2 fox 'bounties, , T t . 9' •fox bounties, Wm. Connell was. in . Mildmay. Maggie Day. son of Kinloss. : rhtI.J.Col in utcher 'busy- e 36.00; >Currie ' Colwell, 1 fox ty,` 4.00;. R: McQuillin,, 2 fox .boun- ties, 8.00 ',Mrs : ;George ,Percy,: ,4.00; •R.• J. Lovell Co.,' balance supplies, .97; 3. R. Lane, reg.' B„ M. &•.D., 1947, 4:50; Assn. 'Rural Municipalities," •'meMbership ' fee, .5.0.0; :Salvation Army,. . grant, 10.; 'Orley Cooper, .relief, 30.00; :Den- nis Kenney refund .dog tax 1947, '2.00; john Bonnett, refund 'dog tax 1947, 2.Q0. ' .:`Highway cheques: Pay •Roll No.. 2, $125.45;• . Harold :Bannerman;. snot ::plowing, 1657.50;' Harold Bannerman, 35. yds gravel-. • 64c, 22:40; • Ronald zForster, 'welding: grader 14:50; ',..`Bruce` McMillan,: pulling grader, 7.00;, Kincardine Bdy. ajc , Kinloss share, '156167; Joe Scott; ` ditching, 505'.00;. Ezra Sitler, .Snowplowing, 317.50. . J}':R, LANE, Clerk. • • Turned Car Over Bill Harris o, Ripley, who plays: for The Spoys, had: the misfortune to turn over a new.. 'Oldsmobile ' last, week.' I$4ill escap- ed injury but Iconsiderable dam- age .was done ' the care • 'a: ti • On the beck of your War Savings Certifi- cates, you'll• • find instructions 'to endorse and maileach one to Ottawa as soon as it matures. Then --to make ready cash available you'll have td 'deposv.or cash., the cheque •for ea%h Certificate as you receive it. You . can, if youu wish, go through all ihis,procedure litany times over .... month 'by month as each' one of, your Certificates '. comesdue. d But if you haven't the time or inclination - turn the whole job over to the Bank • of Montreal. Sxnnply take all your Certificates' to your • . nearest B•of M, branch ;, you'll • find, the Bank glad to open an account especially for this purpose. As ;your Certificates paw= • : tare, thele' Will: be cashed' and their full • face *elite deposited , in your accdunt ttoesati+sally: surprised at th+s~lowr' cosft of You. will be surp • .. • this; seri►ico. ta; :.r ti 1'.. P Road Was Trackless Rllott' Ssnd y Of, Con '12, Ash- field °•tells . us that 'for 'the ,first time •in his life the block in which he lives hasn't had•,a• sleigh track on. it for sone: four weeks.•. The road -was •'plowed for a 'thne•but. a big' blow. in January filled pit: in with several, feet of 'snow; thru which it ` ,was' impossible to "put a .team : of hes As• a result the roadwas `;abandoned .and alltraf- fic that ..moved in: 'that :section •took •to the: fields , . SAVE YOURSELF BOWIE ANS MONEY= • RRINO YOUR CIRTIRICATES TO THI •' HIARISI' 1 OP;M. (RANCH TODAY Don't let the security represented by your 'Tar Savings Certificates slip through gout . fingers ... use their proceeds to bui,d up' your 8 of M savings, account.. You'll be belpigg yourself to extra happi• Hess; tomorrow,... and you'll be helping Canada ib win tcd'ay's.battle •. • agiiinift inflation. 10A MUM MOW • r Bi„.14 M O. N f,. wast a 0 WeitKtN a 4111•ie. 1A-Nikei: in avail,- *Ata q•r 1 • Presbyterian Y. P. S. The regular meeting of the Presbyterian Y.P.S. was held ;on. Monday .evening,, February 23rd. The :. meeting; opened with :the singing of hymn 410.followed by, a • prayer by Dorothea Macintosh.` Harvey Ross read :the • scripture lesson and .Mrs. V, A,. Mowbray took, the Bible study. Mr. 3. D. Ross discussed the origin of Pres- byterianism. Shirley Sherwood rendered -'a piano solo .and. Mary! Chin. gave a residing.. Mr. Ross gave; .the closing • prayer. The meetingcl'osed:; with a Bible con- test:, conducted by: Mayme Irwin. Does Anyone Really Want. • 1 TO Be Unhappy? . Believe it or, not, there are people'• who deliberately' ..make themselves Miterable, . Congultiflg Pisychplogist Lane Goal& tell' about their! .in. his •:'Mui r of` 'Your "Mild". See 'this fatteiii- ating featuresill'>lsi offal 1 eview, the magazine with the all iter. cast, With this• Sunday's (Febru Lary, 29) issue of The Detroit tun- aityry Biel.. If ' you have ever been faced with an emergency, you know how'Important _it isfor party :line "part- ners" to give each other right-of-way on< ur eta ca11e Please clear , the line•-'im•medi ate1y: RTY URTESY IS ATCH ING... Putting • it into practice. on on every ' call,• you make is your best '•guarantee that • others • will ,do the .Same for you.. , 1., .Keep calls brief. 2: Space your culls. • ' '3. Give right-of=way., 90 emergency galls, i e 1EP110W CO MANY tn00' •