HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1948-02-12, Page 4a rOlifti it r .14 1r K� D�DUNGANNON N Miss. .Genevieve: Hamil*o of The, 'auction sale the estate of t e Ito Albert Malde Xk Y was • Toronto. spent last Thursday with ' Mrs...J. Hamilton,. her 'mother'.. The annual meeting of t'he W. Wawanosh Fire Insurance Co. was held last)Friday afternoon 'at the Dungannon Parish. Hall,..with a fair attendance,. The three_ r - tiring •directors, Wilfred McCar- thY,- Donald 'McKay . and I4orne Johnston were re-elected. The World • Day of Prayer, ser- vice • er-vice.•in this locality will ae ob- served on the official day, Friday, February 13th- at 2.30 p.m. in Er- skine Rresbyterian , church, ; The speaker will be Rev. •C 1L Mac- Donald, pastor of '' the. church:. 1VIr.. John Parrish; •. who with 'Fattish have been p g Mr the winter here at. g J wi, h Hanil milton, has x tly h d th .of' ga in g a tr d� be a . 'WA'NT AD".RA' ES -1st insertion 2 cents a word, subsequent', word. Minimum'eluitge 25 cents. Replies care' Insertions centa> cents per ot• The Sentinel 10 cents, extra.. Legal .• advertising 10 ens count: line fiat insertion, 5' cents . per line subsequent insertions. FOR. SALE' -two' horses. James KITCHENER BIG -4 CHICKS. We, eveaux R, 2,Lucknoit.... don't believe there are any bet- tter, Backed by • :a; prngrarn Of • breeding cpvering many -years .on the Hatchery's own ,farms. We caia take . your order .here.'Order iiow topet.' your spring' chicks• ch chicks' •hat" et ;early=they, re the ch . t , � e• t e. 'mar- kets, into xprodu�tion for ih , b s with ,Grade.. A Large.. and with good body weight. BAKER, 'lf uciplovv,.AOt• FIRE EXTINGUISHERS Sent-, inel fire extinguishers, $2.50.'each, for gasoline, electrical, oil. and all types •of fires, approved ,type,, automatic,.works if *you are . away or asleep,, excludes oxygen,.'blank- ets flame,- instant, action,, quench- . es uench-•°es electrical ;fires without risk :of• shock, will . not: ; freeze 'or stain. Manufactured by Aft•? BRECK- LES, •Luc now, Ont. •LOST—ecutter robe between the Grey 'ox' and Lucknow,• Finder . "p1ease :notify, Rober ,Moffat. • I:'.L $plyer cleaned b I`n lz. '•a ,J P e' �, g. s xs Y, • p A..P. 60.6'-i-3, Wing 3 Tees-. R 1L. water. FOR SALE-.--LeFever ; spciai; 12 guage shorg ,. good as new. Wes.d - SaCPherson; R. It. 0, Kolyroa , Phone. ?'#-.t6 Ripley. PEP UP --take C.C. and B. 'Tonic Tablets„ excellent for"'low vitality, nervous and general ;debility. 60c. an. • .QO at .Down's Drug Store NQTiket RE •SAWDUST.• ..Anyone wanting to 'get. sawdust Irian our .yards must have •inatruc= tions fr'. n our office: ,Those. 'tak- ing ak- ing'"any •do so at their own risk. The Lucknow Sawmill Co.' AN OPPORTUNITY ; Established rutal 'Watkins' dis=• 1 lou area _res PIONEER `LAYING.PELLETS as sive and between the ages ,of 2- a noon: feed are being „used ,by and ,55, have„ or can” secure travel many poultrymen. Pioneer Dairy :outfit,' this is your • opportunity. to Feeds now contain . molasses., 16%. straight feed ' and 24% `•concen- trate.. available.See Finlayson , ;Bros. ',FARM FOR SALE= -100 acr93: • acres clay 'lotam, . :level, suitable .for 'tractor, good 'stone•,house, fair • barn and 'stabling hydro avail- -able, '1,. able, i/a mile from � '$chs 'ri Miles off •Highway 86 north of •Whiteehurcli. Wm. J.:: Dawson, R. 5, Lucknow. 'WANTED:.Man for, steady travel4 among: consumers; in Bruce Coun- ty Permanent . connection with le manu'factur::er. Only reliable a g. hustler considered. "" Write Raw •leig'h . Dept. ML -B-271-131,,' Mon areal:' Spending. din _ • `Dun arrnorJ . rrin exercises ' mother, Mrs.. After the usual one• g , th. the lady's m , a e "articles ere donated .for' a parcel ecen: to ' be sent to' a , needy family. •in sfo'rtune` =to •have to have part Errs and. Also articlies were col-' his foot amputated. to check :a le tc ed 'for a bazaar 'later on. The ngrene condition. We are'. ho• p ,topic "Great lovers. in history"", was taken by -. Mrs. ,4: I-1o1ands and -the. motto, "Love is -blind", was. 8rven• -by Ms'xank Mould en, The roll call was a'Valentine post office,. Miss Jean' quest won the mystery prize. The• singing of the *National anthem •brought :the rvice at, Erskine .Church; .was meeting to . a' close and lunch was ab to come, last Si}ndaY for the.:ser:ved as .hostesses'. egular afternoon service.,, • Quite a number.. from .Dung n :attended : the.•, annual.' form . t . derich'. Collegiate, I mipm.$ FI BRi1ARY 12th, 194$: 4tkpood 1'; ckey convention ' Sam' Gibson,. Dave: Anderson, Wake A1ten and„ Goldie Martin recently , attended the Western. Ontario Turkey Breeders. Associa., tion annual meeting and • conven- t* in 1,o0.orn. held on TuesdaY, of ternO9n and the- 'Stocky,.etc., , brought• good prices.; Mr::: ,and Mrs, Chester Hlildenn . by . and . their tw'e children left oh Friday for ..Toronto where they spent the Week -end with Mr. -and Mrs. .Wilbert Haldenb y be - bite -returning' to their ` home in the West -They were here attend- ing the funeral ,•of'his. brother, the late' Albert Haldenby. ' MP; C e9;;ge Qrah4in . is key- . woman :for the -World Day ,,of rayer en Friday -Afternoon . in teri4n. ,chch. *' the P�'espY, . • .a.. The. Hb1yr'god Won 's' .Insti . �tute' met on•• Thursday afternoon . 'at ' the hQthe of :Mrs;.. Jim Boyle. t� hear of improvement and speedy. recovery. He is ..being eated at Victoria Hospitalf .Lon- . ReV. C..11. 11. MacDonald, who had en a indisposed two weeks ago nd unable .t -o' have- charge of the 'se a •h SC en g a e of the Stratford Beacon -Herald ,We; are sorry to•knowt that,lVrs.• ,W. • A•' Culbet;�t,, .wtio • has been ill :.fpr 'several weeks, is.\net' .improv - Ing as ,speedily.',as• .desired, Mrs; Long, wife of ' Mr 'Culbert's:. hired help,' is'••rendering ::nursing set.- get established in a. profitable: business of your. own. For full p artic Mars,. write'>., today to ` The J R : Watkins : `Company, 'Dept.' O -L-2, 2177 Masson St.,' Mot ,treat, Quebec. MEMORIAM 1iODGKINSON,In loving mertiic ory of our . dear mother; Mrs:. Budelia .Hodgkinson,., who •- passed away one :year •ago, February 16, 1947. • 'Just 'one year ago you left' us, ' How . we miss your , smiling face; But- you', :left us. to ,remember,. ;N.one .on -earth--can -take . your plaice: t• ' Always --remembered- by. sons; . daughters.' and g.randnli.ldren..' . TENDERS TEND ERS WANTED. for 12 cords 116 -inch : maple ' and beech body wood, ;to be delivered by July 1st to - Holyroodp• School, .S S : No • 4;p. Kinloss: :Tenders •to'. ..be in. by ' March 1st:. Lowest or. any tender not necessarily' atccepted. 'Donald MacPherson, sec: -ire Holyrood:.• ; CARD—OF-THANKS'. -• al n titute on., r • ay nig appened that .Stratford Normal hool formal was ' the same ev- • irig. Miss Gwen Finnigan;: day-' vets a ga, liter' of, Mr ,and Mrs. Everett Congi atulations ,. ai • bou o :� reef n `who is this 'year a situ-': Meng 'them being a •sequin •ores-, .. entat•Normal,, was photograph-; me.nt made• by a 92 -year-old lady d among othet`s that evenin and and two ovely ;orchids which she. ppear . • ed in 'the g i .day's issue:uwere to church next day.,.She was also pleased to hear frgm' her son' . Will Crawford of Vancouver; B.C. who had i cently. been .honored' at•a ban et, in . recognition of his '25 .years •of service as business' ,managerin a, large state.' :Many of the staff whoni..he had not seem: in years. were present. He` 'was • pretented • with :.:a : beautiful piece of luggage;:. a "large: tan-. bag worth $125 `; and: also .` a lovely scroll with names: -of :former em Miss Sheila Haldenby 'spent .'a few dayys•. with' her. grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Art Breckies at ucki'iaw+' ..5. Hethe,inston,K1C, Barrister, Etc. •Wingbain and, I.ucknow IN WL CKNOW each: • M:117 de . &' `)�`.ednesda ' Loeld on �tbe ground', f logy in' the front bf Pa tick's Building' 'PhoneTWin' ha Office 48 • Residence 97. , . ANDREW Barrister and :Solicitor •.LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • Off ice -in` • the Joynt Block; Telephone. Office 135 Residence 31-J We' are sorry. o • rep ries :of Mrs James rodge,', . �. Miss' 'Betty Elliott • entertained -at her, home. cm Friday afternoon for the W.M.S. .meeting of the Dungannon United Church.1VIrs� NOTICE . RE' LOGS' Weare open'to' buy a '•limited amoyrit of beech'logs 'for Spring •delivery but only good'clean logs a1 w aaa ecu.• .We are open to.buy ,all';.other kinds of; logs , including 'elm and will take::y..our, blm .•n the Spring; We are particularly in need.of ,Choice ice hard maple and basswood loggs'and •can pay good prices:and these logs do not need to, •be large but. Must be clear arid' straight. -"- We wou'1d like to get .'a fair percentage'•:of 14 ft. and`. a small 'amount of 16 ft, logs but we. der not want- too •many 8 ft:' logs. We :are not in the'niarket for rough logs. of :'any. •'kind as the stock• „ produced :from this class of, slogs is not in, • deifiand. now. For .further, partic,tilarS call. at Our 'office :a.nyttt ne. . The Lucknow Sawmill Co. Ir. ' '• Mr. Charlie . Hodge `. wishes to•. thank all his . friends and neigh-, '`bis fqr, . their kind acts at .the •time •' df the death of his • dear Wife..Thanks alsoRev. Mr. Owen: .. and :t. a nurses in Wingham Hos- aDavison,the.: doctors, pita Nir. D.av and ',all those 'who loaned 'their cars.:. • Mrs WilsorPIrwin :'of Ashfield ,Mrs.. ishes. , to' most ' sincerely .thank ank all those who • so 'kindly, and thoughtfully remembered,. her; in • various •ways,;during -hen; recent ;illness. llness, NEW PRESIDENT; Of '„the .Tees - water "Agricultural, • Society . ;•is Gordon Melvin. The treasurer's statement .showed receipts of $11,000 of which $5;50Q,;was from admissi.dn fees.: , .` ORDER NOW • 1ILIZ ravvford's II .YOU DON'T -- 'YOU SDOULD U: E ' New Life and, %ifeteria' Feeds ."SEE. tui FOR '•TONICS AND CONDITIONERS, DR. HESS, . R, .A FINN,:. 'HOWARD'S ... "Jamesway ,'Poultry. Equipfnent FOR YOUR • "Lakeview, Baby Chicks 'PHONE 71.1V LUCIKNOW ONTARIO FOR FREE T iJcKING. • •• • 10 ees : headed : by the word :'ap= Arthur Elliott conducted' the •p c " _ meeting, in the absence .01 ,Mrs.: predation ,. also .a '•lovely., b..irth` m g 'e day. card entitl'e'd etired" He M. ;Reed, ;rsi: ElliotMt rs Lir. in and his• wife ntgnd."R.eoming,to.'see worship' ,sereMce f n his' mother;and: relatives in April Phillips read' various; portions of Ari his and will , visit: Dungann scripture.', This:. was followed by »: join in 'Wishing sil,'nt . ra .ers•: The roll call was birtholaCe. We.. J g, e 'prayers P: Stuart MacKenzieLI OCITOR• Walkerton,..• Ontario.: LOCKI OW Each. Wednesday,` .OFFICE. 11TIN HENDEO'BLOCIf .` answered, � and; additional members them health, , . happiness ., and a paid fees. Correspondence ' from members, acknowledging'... Xinas: cards •arid: also from. re-; ceiv.itig cards of sympathyMrs:' L. Stingel read 'the. 6th :chapter, 'of ...the, study . book • on India "Mrs: Alex Smith; read ;a bright little story "•Darkness at' Six'. Mrs G. Hodges. s iid, Ilts. 11 Horton yea: articles on Christian stewardship.: Miss Ealiott, read a- short .story. After the:. clbsing hymn and ben: - ed ction,,' • Mrs. •' Hor:tan ' and Mrs. . Phillips ''audited the .books• "The Bray'Cht'k Does t1,e, TriadObserved 89th Birthday , ' Order yours ;laces—no,141ter writ- ing. B. J. Crawford, who re- ing. Just: let row Into+ what you cently observed her -89th birthday:I; ,wit anskrbert you waat'lt. on :January. 17th,..while spending the winter ••illiswith','he.r, daughter, FIL�►.YSON~ ;IROS. S.ta a .Farm Mutual happy' reunion. GRAY? #idel that she enjoyed as lovely birth day anniversary that dayand was' showered • with r'emembr'ances. AGENT FOR, i Minneapolis -Moline Orders Taken For I> mediate ter S i"irl.g - , De�iuer• . GeOrge: Wraith Rai 3,°•Luck raw CO iN•TANCY� ..:AC er. is ' for the Small , Mer= ,chant, - Professiofral 'Man and the �Fa,rmer. • in•Lu ikn: Tues., Thu. and Friday. :.Oiiiceow .. T. Kilpatrirs Bl"ock J.•• P.Y'1VM .O. `Box.: 74, Lucknow, Ont.. 'Phone , 2.3 . ' INSURANCE FIRE, CASUAL'TY • AutOflcbile Insurance 'Offers More A to t, Insurance at LOW R COST . far ' service ,fid. Satisfaction See Also . ' -. Hospitalization and Sick : add' Accident: B Insurance" Representative-' Mutual_: Life of Canada T..A.(AMEROII Xidoknow, O$0 10 WM. SCHM.ID'S• STORE AUTOMOBILE ' • ,To Protect Your :Jack : Insure With ,rack Today McDONAGH WM. 3 Lucknow,. Ont: Phone 61-5 Dungannon. iinsure In Sure . -Ins trance ... Confederation Life WIND,' CAR, FIRE ---Preferred Rate's for • prefeirred • risks. AGtCIDEKT &''SICKNESS. Consult,. . JOON FARRISH Phone 82-13 Dungan rf_ F. T. ARMSTRONG. OPTOMETRIST IN :LUCKNOW .FIRST WEDNEpAY OF EACH . MONTH from 10 a.m. to 6 p.zfl AT to