HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1948-01-22, Page 4., ° PAO!' alt. N elNIF -TM! .: tWCKNQW SENTIME , ' + iiN1C?W , 'ONTAI da r a+ • • e. • i; • 1 • • • L1 G , • i '., px ,. ',1 1• . . '"WANT AD" RATES -1st' insertion 2 cents a word, subsequent • insertidns ,1 tent a word. Minimum charge 25 cents, Replies care °•' of The Sentine• l 10. cents extra, Legal: advertising 10 dents per count line °first insertion, 5' gents per line subsequent insertions. FOR- SALE --a • blue freize over % coat for a 15 -year-old boy. Apply ` " at Sentinel Office. 'FOR SALE -a quantity of baled. • -wheat' straw. Apply W. A. Miller,. 11 on 42, Lucknow. • • t5arRASS FARM FOR •SA:LE,400 .acres.. •Apply X.. .Morrison, Ltick- Ilow., NO'TI'CE fi .The Lucknow Elevator. will be closed ,each Saturday afternoon until further'notice. • CAR FOR SALE-1929'.Model. A. Ford sedan in good shape. 'J.. C. Armstrong, Phone. 1284• Luck now: . :, 0 PERCENT DISCOUNT on sev- eral beautiful chesterfield' suites . lamps, reconditioned pianos'at the. Mildmay Furniture, Store. P p � M. take, C.C. and B. ,Tonic' Tablets, excellent for low vitality; nervous 'and general .debility.' 60e and $1.00. at Down's: Drug Store. NOTICE.• . 'RE •NIGHT. CLASSES' Any person in this district who is :inter. ested •in enrolling' for night ,classes. in Bookkeeping.Short, hand are •. requested, to 'get in *ouch with the Lucknow Board• of {Education, °D,. lileriderson; ,.Sec'y., WANTED: Reliable man as 'Deal- er in' : Bruce' County, •' Experience not' necessary. A fine opportunity tostep into • old ' profitable busi- ness• where . •Rawleigl1 Products, have been sold for years. Big pro- fits. Products furnished' on credit, Write ,Rawleigh Dept, • Montreal, ML -A-271-163. TENDERS WANTED Marked, sealed .'tenders *ill be* received by the Amdersigned . until Feb,. 2,• 1948, for. wood, to .be delivered, split` and. 'iled,::to any or all of the; following schools' in the Ash- field ;'Township • School' 'Area .''by June :25, 1948 • Two cords of dry 12" cedar to each school expect TNOTICE •:� The annual meeting of the ,L'ucknow :Agricultural Society Will be held in the Town Hall on Wednesday,. January 28th, 1948 at 2.30 p.m. Joseph Agnew, Sec. 'WE' ARE .I00%', SATISFIED",: •writes' •customer Mrs. C. J. Egan, >Hytidford, ' Ontario'1 Of her Big -4 Chicks:. As agenthere we advise you get price list arid catalog• and order' ,soon. Don't Wait . till • last minute rush. We doubt if you .can get better anywhere. Canada approved, breeders pullorurp test- ed. ' Ask for particulars, '• ED.' V. • BAKER, Lucknow• S. , .TENDERS; WANTED-.. Signed and sealed tenders for caretakers of; .West' Wawanoslt• schools: No, •,.17, "NQ. 2, No., 3, .No. 4; No. 12 from February lst,' 1948 to January 31st; ;1949,, Tenders to b. in secretary's hands not later •than January 26th, 1948. The.' low- est tender •'not .necessarily ,accept ed. ., A. Stewart, Sec,,.. � Dungannon,. Ont. ASHFIEL» SCHOOL BOARD MINUTES . January 14, '1948, Mr.•• Roy McKay', ' was re ap= pointed..as chairman of the Board for a ,third term With Wm 'eG: Hunter, as vice-chairman. Richard Kilpatrick was re -appointed' 'as sec.=treas. • Caretakers 'were chosen ;as..fol- u __L)ave Martin.' No. 5, Thos. ,Hacke ; o: rs.. Mel , Stewart; . No. '7,; Earl. Swap; No. .8, Rory McDonald; ••-•;NO, ':9, ,''R Frank Alton; No: 10obt. Scott; No. 12, Jim.Bradley; No..13, Ber- n dean Alton; Ng, 16, Ross Rivett; l o -tenders ; were' received for the caretaking of Nos. 3, 4, 11, 15,,and '.The secretary: was asked' to ad`- vertise for wood'tenders•to, be in by "deb. 1948, also.: arrange for speakers.' for. .the three evening showings ' of .the' National .Film. Board to .be :held at No.13 :Bel- fast' on Jan. 22;,, No: 15, 1ieinloek City, on Jan. 23 and No, 111, ,Shep pardt.on on Jan. 26th, s .Net! hieeting ,is:.scbeduled for Feb..; 3, :1948 'in .No. 9 school: at 1 -Richard .Kilpatrick, . Sec.-treas."• EXETER: BUSINESS MEN IN BYE -ELECTION -BATTLE •'Thomas •'Pryde- and. Benson Y Tuckey., two Exeter business • risen: will. battle it,.:out :for a seat in the Provincial Legislature made vacant. 'by the . death .of.. Conser- vative 'Member Dr. Hobbs Taylor. The date. -of -this ' South Huron bye -election, :" has been set for. Monday, February'.16ti'i. t ' M'r.:.Pryde was chosen• by. :ac- clamation as the -,'Conservative: standard bearer at` a• nor`riination meeting. at Hensal4 'last Wednes •day. The following day a Libersal. nominating •convention picked Mr;. TtickeY as their :candidate. Mn; Tuckey iso-LLan ' ex --warden of Huron Countq., • CE•• • • Anyone •anting,to get sawdust• .body wood as follows. '4 cords at ` from our •yard must ,have instruc- •:No .'.11 ' 10 cords at Nos.: 4, 6 and tions ' , : our office: ' Th se ` talc- 10; 15 'cords:. each at Nos 1, 3, 5;.7, from1 16 arid 17 •'. 20 cords:at. No :ing 'any do so � at their own. risk. 13, 5,. •tor' L ckn w Sawmill 'Co.-; 35 cords at No: 8,• .Lowes The u o •1- _ NOT I ;equal warts :maple and beech 14" any tender ,not necessari y accep. • .PRIVATE SALE=-Wingham clip teat ' per` white enamel'range :>Maytag. Richard .Kilpatrick, Sec Treas., • tric'' washer' Westinghouse.�el R. 7ucknowOn ,. L, t: alae• ectric refrigerator• Hotporrit e1 ' electric' rrrniker `.two Metric range, � bedroom -suites, •completes ': Span- ishg uitar. Call. until January 26th• at McGregor's Grocery, . Lucknow.) PIONEER LAYING PELLETS as a noon . feed are ,being usedby mayp n' ottltr y.men. Pioneer'. Dairy Feeds new. contain: molasses. 16*%,, straight feed and 24%;concen irate avala le : See . Finlayson Bras.• • -SENTINEL • Fire:,Extinguishers,,,- for ga cline, electric, 'oil•: and all types of -fires, $2.50 each. Mfg. by Art °Breckles, Lucknow Also Fire Guard for . tractors. • :Send; •for. leaflet. • AN, OPPORTUNITY 'Established rurral,••Watkins Dis- trict available. If you', are aggres- sive and between the :ages of 25 and 55 -have or'.can securetrawel ' 'outfit, this; is your •:opportunity. . to ', • get established ',in ' ,a profitable ., . business -of 'Your. own. • For °fun ?particulars, write today " to. The :• J: R. Watkins Conipany,•'Dept.- D -L 2; 2177:Masson "St.; Montreal, Qtte. •NKS' D' OF A • R •H Mrs and Mrs. Jack , Hamilton wish to acknowledge with heart- felt thanks, thew• generosity 'and 'f, kindness 'of' friends and ., neigh- -hors who so -kindly : r-emembered them on their golden wedding 1 Wish, to take 'this 'opportunity' • to 'sincerely . thank all who so. 'kindly rernenibered. tiie hale• in the •• hospital wih flowers, letters; cards, fruit and gifts. Mr}s. Etnest Blake, R. 1, Lucknow, Ontario. NOTICE, 'RE LOGS .. -- We are open t9 buy: a.:limited amount ;of. beech logs for,, Spring delivery .but 'only good• clean.logs are wanted. .; We .,are ' open to buy all other `kinds - of , logs including 'elm : and' will takeour e[m in the Spring: are 'We -a articularly, in need of p Choice '. hard •maple and'•'basswood. logs and can pay good prices and these' logs do, : ;not• need • to be large but must be clean and straight.-. ould ' like to ' et 'a' fair; percentage•' of ''14'• ft'., an • :,a sma amount 'of .16,4t., logs but we do not•"want,' too •many aft; 'logs.: We 'are, -not in the market• for rough; .logs : of any. •kind' as' the stock "produced .froth this ;-class of .logs is not •in : demand now... For further.'partipulars call at our ' office, anytime.. The.. Lucknow- Sawmilido. 1 KINLOSS� °lir"illr Kinloss council as re-elected by acclamation met in the Township Hall on Monday, January 12;1948: -After signing the Declaration of -Office; -•tookr-•their ''eats -at t table:Reeve Alex McKenzie and, Councillors Colwell, !Tiffin, Carr.. ruthers ,and Gatint. ' .. • The minutes of the December 15, '1947, meeting being 'read,. Were approved and signed, •` ' The Township , assessment' on the repair on the Scott -Tiffin; drain for $19.04 was ordered paid. Communications from Mr. Alex MacLeod, . sec.-treas, of S.S. • No,.' 7,-, and the Unert ployment• Insur- ance .office ' at' Walkerton., were Ordered , :,filed, • ' The Clerk ..was: asked. to 'write the District Municipal Engineer's office in Owen Sound re the 'sup:-' elementary road.., . appropriation. by-law. • The: time for the return of the Collector's roll was extended :to February 9th, ,1948. • Council decided to accept Snow clubs according ,to. the snow 'club. regulations,: • providing 'that each club does not exceeda total ex penditur.e of $100. . • • •• By-law , No. 1, 1948, was pre pared and ' finally passed making the .•.following • appointments •for the. Year 1948; ..Clerk, J..R.• Lane; treasurer, : Thos:.: G':. Gaurit; • • •ass- essor, . Parish 'Moffat; ,colle ctor, Gordon H. ' Wall;` weed �nspector-a Robert Donaldson, iiyestock' vol- uato.rs, James McEwan; Sohn D McLeod, George Lockhart,••,Law- :rence .MacLeod; school attendance officers::: George. 'Haldenby;.': SS. z S S 5,: 6, 7;:•Robt; Donaldson,'Nos: 9, 10; poundkee'pers, Lorne' Hodgins, . • Wesley -•:,Guest, Jack Ackert, ' Archie' McKinnon, Her- bert. Miller,. J. erbert'Miller,•J. F. Dawson, Wesley Tiffin, Robert Ross;''' fence 'view, ers Wm. Stanley, Jarnes gins,'. Rpss McMillan, Archie. Me I,ntyre,; . Peter, Moffat,,' John S. Craig, Walter •Lott , Council' adjourned to meet a-; ;gain on. Monday 'ties :.9th day. of 4Febru. ary' 1948 at the usual time and. place. G 1 WJRS] AY, JANUARY 22, A7 ;,State Farm Mutual saran Offers More 'Auto • Insurance • at • LOWER COST for 'Service 'and ,Satisfaction•., 'gee• A , Also Hospitalization 'quid Sid And Aecidnt Insurance"'• Hc1tesefltati'v ... e • Air tuai, •Life .of Canada' A. CAMERON LucknoW, •: Ontario • vet Cheques, issued: Treas, Town.: • ship of Kinloss, Scott -Tiffin `draut: repair, •$19.04; ..john :Wraith;` one.' fox bounty, 4.00; Howard Harris, 3 fox bounties; 12000; Harold Den. nis,r 11 fox bounties, .44.00; Ted: Howey, • 17 fox bounties,. 68.00; Wesley Young;, 1 fox 'bounty. 4.00; Donald McE'wan, 1 fox. bounty,. '4:00;• Municipal World, supplies, • 1.•8.54 'E. Howard Agnew, ''a Div. Court costs 1947 •13.00• R. J. Lay.' e,. o. t• ,. supp les,. Lane, postage, :4.00; • Orley• Cooper,:' • • .Highway; cheques: Pay Boll No,' 1, $111 55; :E, R. Gaunt, delivering fence; 33.50; Mrs. George Percy,; stamps, 1.0.0 J R.' LANE, 'Clerk. TENDERS' WANTED Aigned . an. d sealed • tenders wanted for the following . "Omit- ities' of wood for West Wawanosh schools N ;17; 2Q' co'rds, No, 2',-20 • 'cor'ds No. 3, 25 cords; . No. 4 25 cords; No. 12, '20 cords.: The wood to be maple and 'beech body wood inches long ; and not 'under; 5 - inches in diameter and no blocks over' 10 inches In diameter. The wood, tot be • delivered; by June .1st, 1948. tenders to be in secretary'& hands not later than •January'26, 1948,'° Also 1 cord • of cedar for each ,school. Lowest 'tender not necessarily,:accepted. ' ' W. A. Stewart, Sec., Dungannon- Ont.. • l E G •ARANTEE • RICHER PRODUCTION -= REACT IER.B)tRDS' . If Yoiu.I Order DR. HESS PANAIVIIN' ADDED TO YOUR NEW LIFE'' OR LIFETERIA LAYING MASH, C AWFOWS• - eed Store For FREEr DELIVERY' Of New I ife:.:•.11 g-Grawer • Dairy Ration :S.tnei Fattener-I,- 'Laying attener;,_- in.. 'Mash O ster' She11s Etc:' .in V2 -ion ,or Ton Lots. Lay g � y . r TONICS, MEDICINES, 'TABA.CA FLOUR,LOUSE KILLERS 'PHONE 77-w LUCKNO'VV , ONTARIO • • • Have you rehew:e•d tinel' 'subscription?. Your:. Seng BOUNDARY EAST A CLA1 CE : 6GiacDONALD' h a s been' elected .president of the Goderith branch' of the. Canadian Legion. t S Hetherington, K C: '• P '' Barrister, 'Etc. Wingham and Lucknow PP; IN :LUCKNOV' Each Monday .'& ''WednesdaY Located, on the ground floor in. the front of John Kilpatrick's Building 'Phone., Wingham Office 48 Residence 97 Mrs , Alex • Robertson. visited. With her .:parents, M'r. •and •James Forster last 'week.'' Mr:'e: and Mrs. John, 'MacMillan, spent. Friday • with . Mrs. MacMil= Ian's mother Mrs. John Morrison, who :celebrated her '87th birthday that day and is enjoying the best of health, ' - • , • ' The' Wome�i'.s`Institute met last Tuesday at the home of Mrs. G. Gil,lesp'e with a' large attendance. Mrs. Ben McClenaghan presided;; Plans .were,' ,made for 'a .concert early , in ' February .Mr's, '.lames 'Falconer gave ;a reading. Current events' were prepared • by'Mrs, Pharis' Mathers and read :by, Mrs. "C. Falconer and •Miss Olive Ter- riff. The topic ort Social Welfare was 'prepared by Mrs. Ed..Mc . Quillin and read by Mrs.'G. Fish- er. Mrs. Garnet Farrier ° favored with, . solo with •'accompaniment by :Mr W.R, .:'Farrier`.' The r. 01+1 Kcal � was answered by ,ways cif imiroving, . our: community" A motion was .carried to send $5.00 to the Sick Children's Hospital, Toronto, • : AV -the- euchre, arid, dance-44- tables ance 44 tables played. High Prizes were won by Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Case- More. Low prizes. by Orville Fa- liott and Mrs. McLean, Nat Thompson and Ernest Casentore scut fel' lone' hands,. the 'former. winning, Music was supplied by Tiffin's orchestra for the dance:., • ANDREW Barrister and :Solicitor- • L• UCKNOW,- ONTARIO Office in the Joynt Block. Telephone Residence:314 Office 7135' P� 5t'uart MacKenzie. BARRISTER. &.. SOLICITOR •Walkerton, .Ontario/ •° INAUCKNOW :•Each Wednesday -' ' OFFICE ,1111 ; HENDERSON'BLOCK ACCOUNTANCY ; Service for the Small Mer- chant, 'P'rofessional'. Mali ' and, the. Farmer. IC'n Lucknow Tues:; ' Cltrs. and'. Friday. Office in Kiipa.trick Block. ` S. J. P Y"' M M. P:O. Box" 74,, Lucknow, .Ont. °'Phone 23 , • INSURANc•E FIRE, CASUALTY • 'and AUTOMOBILE -To :.,Protect Your Jack Insure With '.Jack: Today J. A. 1VIcD►ONAGH ` •R.R, •3 '.Ludknow, Ont,: Phone 61-5 • Ilungannon Insure,' In "Insurance Conf ecleration • Life WIND,:CAR, f - _ -Rates or ff IICtE-_ re erico preferred` ACCIDENT= &, SICJ 41ESS: Consult . JOHN • F'ARRISB .. Phone 8243: Dungannon: INSURANCE AUTOMOBILE, FIRE and, ` , '•• , • 'GENERAL' INSURANCE Be Sure Tomorrow; insure Today R. ' T. KILPATRICK Lucknow Sa*,ings ,Bond 'Salesman 'Phone 77.-r-2 Dungannof' • "ARMSTRQNG OJ'T.OMETRIS''T LUCKNOW , FIlltSTA WEDNESoAY' ` . EACH IIOIVTII . , frons '1.0 a.m. to' 6 p.m.' WM , SC I� •, $TO0