HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-12-31, Page 8• PAGE Bioirr 1 Back. to school ,S ECIALS 111 TIE LUCKNOW LTJC owa ONTARIO ; . . BOYS' . L t PUTTS;.:. Woo --tweed. •. •ek1 ;ude. , The -rig weight for school. Size: 2944*. ,..aQ• C , ° . CLEARING J,INE; of. boys' ' sweaters and sweater • coats, .re • duced to' clear. ' ' . • • ' .. BOYS' ` GOLF. HOSE -Heather yarn `Size 81/2;"- 9, 91/i; KIDDIES' CORDUROY' 'OVERAL S -Sizes 2:61 years Colors $4 • brown, navy and red.. Reg "$2;,,,� Special•• r , . ° 2.00 6 ..BOYS'' P'AR'KAS•. Danko, 'lue•, well limed, detachable hoods,' I` • Greatly 'reduced °` ,.. $ ,, lr>t4t0V0iP0g0a,I0t?.0e>it,I •WISHING ONE AND ALLA VERY, HAPPY•AND PROSPEROUS:' 1948. serr.a+tiotc.ttiaotta>iaraott inpleti'•' >t iamososo s> ,tI e> tiat to tt, ff` I a a a SOLOMON IS REEVE : (Continued. 'from. page .1r Wesley;' Joynt• by Harvey Tre- leaven and W. A. Solomon -Wilfred ,Anderson. • by Robert. Rae and, Donald McLean:- , yti HarVey. Treleaven by. Solomon 'and S. Sherwood. Austin Solomon by:Harry, 1:sTix-11 • oil' and 'Fred Steward • Wellington Henderson. . by'• H. Webster • and. David Milne. Ernie, Crawford by -S. C. Rath 'well: . and •Harvey,••Treleaven • Harry,,.,,NiXon •by Harvey. Tre- • leaven' and S. C. Rathwell; Horace Lavery by A: :C. Agnew. and . W. G .,'Webster. Samuel Sherwood' by' 'W. A Solomon' and ,Alex Havens. For Beard' of a Education T. Ww Smith by .A E,: McKin and•`Wellington Henderson: `•:J.• L. MacMiIlaii'by R E. Craw- ford :and R'.F. Button Treleaaven:•and J W Stewart. Roberta: Rae ' by A: • E. McKim :arid R E. Crawford.. J: L. -MacMillan by' W `G Web ster' and A. 'C. Agnew :Mr. Solomon's acclamation was indicated .• early in the' meeting, when, as the ifirst: speaker,.:he Stated his intention ,of •qualifying •for . : the • , reeveship. ' Councillors • 11 A• ;a. • 4 • Treleaven and Sherwood stated. they would qualify; as councillors, and W. B. Anderson, while favor- 'ing , avor-'ing. ann election periodicallyy •stat ed .'he had no . intentions ' of .qual dying: Reeve Joynt::had'.previous- ' ly announced. his. decision: to.' re A special meeting will be held. Wednesday afteryoon at 4 o'„clock. in fheArena,.community room, All :those whe wish to go to Tororito 'with ; the Guides please attend 'HIGil SCHOOL .EXAM I NATIONS Grade:: $III' . ••. • Passed in all subjects A. Mac-' Inty, re 86; S° Sherwood 78; ; M. Irwin 77; 1V1, ;Graham 71;- J. B'ar .ger' 64; J.•.Marshall 59. Failed in one or more . examinations: G.; Chin 6.0;' D. MacIntosh 56',, Grade 'fIIb' Passed. in all subjects•: A. 'John- ston 82; W.:Black. 78,• B. Shaddick 78 B.`' Marshall f76; E, Purvis' 61;, L. 'SalkeId '60: Absent . for exam - i • utions er failed in, one: M. Mae4• herson 60; 5.' Treleaven; 56. Grade XI • ;Passed in all subjects ' J. Camp s R.; Stanley 78; -L: John= •Thus,.'while wego to .Press •e ston,15; V. ,Cook. 71; . �. •er fore the deadline, for .qualifying soli 69; M. Murdoch° 68;..;M Nich- at nine o'clock Tuesday, night, an olson .67, M. Chin '67, G,'' Stewart •acclamati9on. for ..Mr. Solomon 60 D. MacQuaig x54 Absent for • •examinations :or failed in one or More;:: G. Treleaven 63;' B Gil- liespie . 62; D Cameron 59;' ' MacMillan 45.;.H. Ross 41: J. Mor•- •risori 29. ' Grade X. :Passed • in; all subjects: •R. Arid-; erson 62, M •:'Chino 79;' G: Milne. 78; B..Johnston 77.; . J.• Campbell .77; ,S Johnston .7.7; E., 'Elliott 76;.. G': i11/iacMi'llari."76, J ' Johnstone 75; R MacKenzie 75;'S. Robinson•68, V; :Stanley'.' 66 :Morley Chin 64. • Absent.,for examinations or failed in one or more D. -Lyons 59 K. Horace Lavery . and Wellington .Lane 67, A MaciT tyre 63; G. Gib- da3 ori son 61; M. Irwin.,60; W '•Scurrah; seems .a certainty • Council, Seats Filled • Councillors Treleaven a n d Sherwood and ex councillor Harry: Nixonqualified at': the close of 'the meeting. One council. vacancy still ` ' existed, "' due to. Councillor • Solomon 'stepping . ; up and Councillor ..Healey not being nominated, •as , it is, understood he is leaving the'•village\ : - For this :seat., there appeared :.on Monday night to be only .two. :candidates, : who might ..consider. ,filling' the' vacancies. They were n 11 Wednesday,' December 3i41,1947 • :.• 4•.:7..:4,4,-.. alt44 *10,/ ,+ *. ^' *4* 'Pt* !,1,44 PefhTe,�rIM.e- ... w+F Yk .l«r - 4�f."'0/40` 0rorK,rw :!t'+t,**Wy ISWIOPOrl yt040 0.4414,t4t.00**girIOW.4/wi!eilatti414 ter„` p We take this opportunity to.. express our appreciation 14.• for, the pleasant business relationg we have enjoyed' daring the past year,and 'to one and all.:.Heartiest `Best ,Wislhes! for a :Healthy', 'Happy ,and Prosperous • New , Year. l CI Soiij I � . 1 ' 1 ,.1��1 i ), ) , '11' 1 k't_ Jwit • IT1 As the old. year ends we wish to acknowledge obi grit= •q ry 'tilde for' the good will'' and ..loyalty of our • many'. friends with, ' whom .it, has -'beeii areal pleasure do business. . � v w o F... We extend our thanks together with our :best iuishes.;g for your Haapiness and Prosperity inthe year:hat lies ahead. ingMLavery. qualified to. com .60Whitby 59; P, MaMillan• NOMINATION 'SPEECHES '.ways • grant, and e• .ou plete the Council foursome.':. 59, L. Cardin 58 ,l.,MacMillan 54•• t that file •Department,Y�'; ould`pay. , D. `Barkwell 52; K,' Kilpatrick' 51, •(Continued from• Page 1); •'80 percent of approved ';bridge •C :=Gibson =' 51 :H- . .--:Cooke- 9ven. `, • B;' Councillor''Trelea'•said- that b ildir �u g MacGrego ; 36, D, ';Burgess 23;'' h: ::. „MacDonald.. , Grade IX ` • •Passed in 'all'. subjects: N4 Kit- patrick,: 76; M. .Anderson , 76; D. Haldenby-• 72; J,, McKim ,71:;.'S: ;:Mofaft 71; D: •Lannan' 66; M. "Cook • ;For the Board of 'Education the three retiring men bees, J. ` L: MacMillan, T, Smith' and Robt. 'Rae were nominated; as was Ger- ald Rathwell. -The latter express- edhis interestin school 'affairs and following the.. meeting qual-, • ified for • office 'mitt 1948 BRING. YOU iEALTH 1�11�TD HAPPINESS : AN • A GOODLY SHA;R* . OF 'THE ,BETTER, THINGS R'`W ,T"HOMPSO;N . ►ND .S011$ 64; J Haldenby: '. 6.3 `. Absent' 'for examiliaticns or failed.. in one'. ori rziore W Stewart 62,`D: Ila nrl='a ton 62,;•,M. MacNain 62; M Percy ;)$1, S.:. Hodgins. 61, R MacNay 59; , R:l-Bridge 59;,' T, '1VZacbonald 58; M.. Berry 58;f: E. Miir•ray ,56; W Johnston 56, B. MacLean'. 55 McQuillin 54;' P.'' Chadwick 53,' H. •Hotvald 53; N. Murdoch: .52.; E. Austin 51;' Dry Rose 50; W.' Mc- Quillin.' 49. E MacKenzie 47' F. Johnston :47;' , J. Hodgins 44;, "Ss. St art 4,:D..Agnew.:41; 0. Mac= Innes,- 41; ' G. MacLennan 41,; I:• Campbell :31.• •the arena debenture .:`of $4,096 would retire iri}`1957,, and.. up :to' the • ratepayers.' ' ad `.this° yearhadn't been:called on to meet the annual payments; • Block "A"•debentures :. run to 1961, but the building: has. been• ,sold' for •$4,000 ` and sortie of the ;issue at least: can be called and :retired. Havelock St. de-. benture--retircfs - -in:: 19521–and : the, Canning Street 'bridge in 1950. Sunday'Storni' • `.' Snowflurries "and .a. Stiff wind• on Sunday 'sent Christmas holi- day. visitors ,scurrying' for home,. as drifting made 'roads• heavy, and blocked. a number of..:concesgion i1> ,'t> t i>tgit0.tr t t ,0000 s>r t0it, t00t,i t0t> t '. 'rods, nd sideroads, • Dump A 'S'hame Councillor Sherwood touch(d briefly,, on .'road, work,: and.. then paid a compliment' to Dive Milne in . his ..ha..ndling•<,:of _the.ga-rbage.: Collection system. As -chairman of tile' ' committee; 1Mr. :Sherwood, stressed :that he hadn't brie.,com plaint during the, year. The .condition 'of :the dump. "is' really . a shame". he. 'said and "something • has, got to be- 'done 'about •it". It cost about 50' this ;year to : have a • bulldozer push, back. refuse..that ,had'. been :dump► `.ed'•:on the approach to the dump- ing., grounds. This was the first year athat the village was receiving, the. ` high.- • dent under the new plan, 1 # + t I>kt l >a ; #>+ # rSgit t 0t4e4040 'tztt> it, t ttragoa, 0 t !t it .03100 r41t tI>? 01i t a t;ii-Orb is #> iratbOriaro tio,De kvital W. 'B, Anderson, Horace Lav= ery, ,:Harry. Nixon, ' Ernie: Craw-, ford and :Wellington ton • Henderson g 'were among those present .lames were tailed and each. spoke.: briefly. t en Fight To Retain School Donald I enderson,.gave'a: 'cry' complete -•-resume; of school -mat ters,;.a detailed' report of ghich Will have to be `carried .over, until next .week. ' Mr..;•Robert •Rae, a member the Board, • `comp1n tented• Donald on • his •' masterly statement and - stressed that costs are largely out,: of the ' hands • of the: Board.' Sal- aries 'represent 80 percent of the school costs, but :to .Obtain teach- ers, there -is no alternative ,butto' : pay ' the .prevaling scale. ' . Grants are working toward the shuting ' out' • of small, schools, .Mr. • Rae said. We must face it,,and he 'Called for a ,, fight .'against this centr'a ,liz ation. Talk it in the coin munity:, • he advised, We.`may be,• •wrong; •but we can'tsee any .great advantage to. the .individual, :stu= •' • anuar Learing e... ,a • UNDERWEAR,MA aW E�►TI RS, ' COATS ' CI�INAW HEAVY BREEKS, • - � • LUMBERMEN'S SOCKS FOR MEN AND BOYS r • ryy, lyjyn A may yy{alr,i 1 ' t P:. 04,