HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-12-31, Page 5•
December 31'st, .I94?' THE. LUCK
ice rn Thea#re A year:t1a ' card wreceived by,•1V.it•:: and.
yrs. 714 m. -Buckie gh> azl re
ed to their son'Eldon.It was from::
a member of'•Eldon's .A:F. crew,
George Wraith, whose`home is in
Fremantle, West Australia.
Mr. Buckingham had the sad
duty of replying to it fern, 'him
of Eldori'•s death, and at Christi
mas �tne this year he r eived
J .. a
`lette'r''•from George . which read.
in ,part;
as ,he was to
and T spent quite a number
aves to er,' Since of
`le ' et i .
g h .. ce We
both so far from''ihozite 1 suppose
'it was; natural;•for us tq go 'on,
leave together 'and '*Vvo •got ' to
"lmow each other very well. We
all thought a lot of 'him so I can
honestly say for the rest of the
,crew, no matter how many,'years.
elapse, time will• never diti . the
memory of ,the, -whitest man I
have :had the honour •to.. v tet''. ,
Tvvo ' Shaws' Eaoh Night
JANUARY 1, 2, 3
Matinee Saturday at 2.00 'p.m.
Monday, :,Tuesday
AR•Y S -- 6
GH, .OST-,
Since .his discharge • in March.
1946; the 'writer 'said he 1 ad'•been,
with. the' Australian* Commdn-.
wealth Department of Works and
Housing as a. chraftsn-ian, but the
position; appears to 'give him. no
advantages, 'as: he states that his
marriage . is. being. delayed for,; a.
year as it: is "impossible to 'se-:
description'.: Hehas had a build •.
ing permit . applied. for, ,for . two•
ars:' '
ii1n., a;
The Sunday School.' Christmas
free, entertainments which were
held in both ,
were a.: decided success.
'�:/i Y��L•�1;: �,,, r*r•y "�✓r«iA ads .'�'a. u4�c.
Students ;are now enrolling. for
churches: lash weep the Nursing Assistants • Course .to
.commenge ori January 6 at Harm
Mrs. Robt. Mowbray was, pre.. ilton, Kingston and Toronto: This
rented with •a 'life rnember'ship .is the fourth course -to' be spongy
certificate' by .the. W.M.S. of the cored by the'Ontario Department
Presbyterian' church on Sunday
morning at the regular service.. Vater. witkt ap•
proximately 175 ux �
Mrs, Mowbray has been president
de'r training at the present' time,
Torr a number of years and a great:..R
worker • in the church; Mr, and Graduates are enthusiastic
Mrs. Mowbra are , movin to about the course',and the inter
y � esting. wank they find upon grad-
Wingham iii ,,'the near 'future. .
They will be greatly missecrhere .cation. The ¢curse .consists of 3
b t h months'' clssroom instruction X01 -
of Health; To. date there have
been well over one hundred grad -
u . we .wis ;them happiness 3n: d
lowed by sic"•months , practical
their new heme,. .
hospital experience. Trainees re-
- Mr.,. Geo. Ross of Owen r Sound. ; . •te.
rve. - $6Q , a ;month lesscost of
spent• a felly days .with his pari "maintenance with uniforms pro-
ents, Mr. arid 'Mrs. Robt. Ross, vided
Mr. , and Mrs.' Groskorth . and Applications 'are now' being re-
two children spent Christmas at ,ceived by the bivisiori of • Nurse
her parents at Unionville Registration, *at the, .Parliament
r and .Mrs. Carmen F�arrie Buildings,, Queen's Park, Toronto.
and Winnifired of ,Toronto visited Entrance requirementsare that,
with 1VIr. arid Mrs.. W. R. Farrier, applicants, ••be between eighteen
Proudly Presents
In `Technioollord
Starring Roddy • MaeDowellt
This positively$he,' ` swellest
sho` w •'' we've `ever., played, ' If
you've, Seen it you'll`enaoy,see-.
'ing,.:'rt ,again;' If :'you . haVen't
now. is'your : chance.' n
Matinees Playing' Both Days
N1r. Ira McLean of Wroxeter 'and 40 .years of age, `have .Grade
and;Mr, and Mrs. Cross of •Walk
erton withMr.,' .and 'Mrs: .. J F.
McLean; 1V r. and Mrs. Ab Coultes'
and; family . -with Mr. and Mrs.
Norman Coultes, Belgrave Mr.
and Mrs. Geo"Watt and Mr.. Don-
ald Watt 'of Toronto . with Rev.
and Mrs: Watt; Mr.. Nat Thomp-
Son a +. , . -orre 11S ....
er there.
• ,(Adnulpt Entertainment)•
The :Mission Band:;
ri-::held their
Deccler, meeting: at 'the: hoine'
of Mrs. Wxxr:.Scott. •After:,the:pr•o
rami -t e..election f: officers ;was
ga ,� o f
held:`leader, Mrs.• Fai ish-Moffat;
assistant, 1\1r•s ., VVtn. .Scott, `pies:,
Lois\: Crowston; :• st' vice,-;R;onald.
son•.:treas.,'•BettyMiller.:It • was
decided not to hold another :,meet-
On:;the evening of::Decerriber
lith the school children presented
a•good program in:the Hall under
the. leadership . _.. `of' their , teacher,
Miss' Marjorie McDonald. The
program' consisted of Highland
Rev: Wi°ll'lam Matheson, in con, •
Me. and. Mrs.'C.' Heffer'
ver sation .the other day; was'. tell- y
spent . with her ,bro-
Mr.,'-end Mrs. Victor Emmerson,
they Mr arid. Mrs. ChaT•les Tiffin.
Mr. an `1VIrs.• Ezra , Welwood • &
1'Tnrman visited at, Wingham With
112r keri':Patterson is spending
ing' us that it is 'th.ir ty- years this
month' that hp, care to ClesleY: p�'l at,Ieoit
He recalls; the ;inter• yeiy w ell • illi'. and Mrs. ' James. McIn'nes..
1 n And fanril.:, and her mother, " Mrs;
was' cftitc a �ou�li, 'One, very. • ,. Y . - � .
cold;: tiilel'. the: people weie kept, t'oane spent Christrrias with' Mr.
busy,' that'ifrb. Out: .water•ni es -Geo.°McKaguesof,"Pees=.
which would; freeze nearly :every '\vatez :.
bight. There was: no thaw.` until, Mrs.: 'Kennedy's' family 's.pent
,. b. in Point; of
cbivar .'•X'et� the naa .
k. Y..,p
intei•d,t in • this `s.toiy. is that Mr.,
ii. s`ld` have' been' 'rizi.n
' 112at11e>ol `ro.u. .
inter of the Associate Presbyter-.
• is . Church for such *a long '.`ei rod
Cli•i'is:tmas • with their Mother., Mr
and 1' tri.:-T'ichb . e' ` ••Goderich .
lr' and •Mrs: Dune Kennedy: Of
lair �liani. Mr. and, :Mrs. Lorne
13 urntii of St. Heleris and 'Mr and
of time: We doubt•if •res ey as. ;Mrs. - George wo
cver:.had a "minister in,.:a local—boys.' -
' pul .i--. f- - A2r
.and-Mrs; Walter J.a e
s vis
of the kesr•ecoids of' any chtucha1cd-.wrti"her. ar,ch s
Mr, ands
• :in .Ontario, Fo:r:' many .years ` Mr. Mr, A ,t, oor e.:
...� Mrs. 1 M _
dancing choruses, recitations;
dialogues :and drills ' which were
well presented arid enjoyed - by
The Y,PS meeting was :held
at the hone of Mr. and Mrs',Wm.
Scott on .Monday :evening.. After:
Christmas program was pre
sented,i, the election of officer
Washeld: preys;,.,Elmer' Scott;' 1st
vice, _ Charlie; IPTiffin; treas ,',
Richardson; sec., George Moffat.
it was• decided 'to ahold •a; little
Christmas party in' the basement
of the church • on the evening; of
January 6th . to which .everyone.
is invited.
Miss - D;olena 'Orr of LoricAori is•
visiting With hei%..paren.ts, Mr. and.
•,Mrs W n; Orr;
Mr. and 1 Mrs.. Lance :Moffat
from" the West: ,are visiting, with
relative's 'aid friends here
Mr. and 'Mrs. J. W .Ross Wand
Ronald and Miss Margaret Mof-
fat of Toronto spent . Christmas
with M. F G Moffat. '
Mr; -aid Mrs:'; Robert' Brown'
pan:d Garry and,.. Mr. brit"vans
of London spent the holiday with
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. ;Evans.
Mrs, Clake••J.ohnstone & Linda
•of Belgrave are'.vlsiting with ljer
parents,. Mi . and Mrs. W. Brown..
Mr; and:MVfrs, Graham Pinkney
of .Ajay; are visiting at Mr. • Dada
Shall Bible . says.' "They meek
inherit the earth",. but the
Government says::, "subject to :a'
:3Q perce, t inheritance tax".
with theSchool Boards, .,being
sec. -ti eas; ,in recent •years, ,a, posi-
tion 'which he ,has new. resigned;
Many friendswi11 extend ; con-,
gratulatioris on" reaching this im
ortai.t milestone, and extend'
wishes for `' many '• happy 'returns:
C.hes1 Enterprise.-
of: the day. eY
Ch•ristmas ,in Goderich with rela-
tives •he>.e:
Mi': Wni. Pardon is:.not; :as: well
as • his: man.Y. friends wish.:•
and .:Mrs: Joe Tiffin; Sr-.,.
spent 'Christmas ` with.: their 'son,
Vir:'and Mrs .Geo Tiffin.
Conditions Is Improved
Elizabeth 'Doyle who has been
a Patient in W.ingham : Hospital
.for more., than ,, five: Weeks With
Pneumonia, ;is ,, much improved.
The little girl received morethan
ixty .dosesof penicillin in check-,,
ing the -stubborn infection: •
'A S, H'F. I E L D
Happy 1Vew .Year . ToAll.:
Donald `:Simpson who has
been` ip British ' Columbia. • with
the Storms Road Construction •Co
was'., home 'for` Christmas. •
MI-.' Donald 1VIa°cKay ° s p e.rrt
Christmas .'under the.• parental'
-Mrs. David- -Farrish' is here,from
t•h.e .. t tc spend the whiter
with her father and .mother,
and' -Mi s: •W, 'A. Johnston.. Mrs
Johnston 'will celebrate, het 50th
lsirthclay; next Sunday -•end her
htisicand is .wolf past , the .90th
'r)ie, friends of Mr.'John Mac-
Kay, Sti:, Will be pleased to know`
he is much better after'his.i.ocent
serious illness; '
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cardis &
family have moved to the house
lately vacated by Mr. and Mrs.
George. Elliott. -
Mi:.:Corrie' Hasty' spent' Christ-
mas with • his .brother Aloin and
family at Crystal Beach
Messrs. `Ivan "and N.,,orman'Riv
ett are ;home for • the. Christnmas'
Mi'. arid .Mrs, Palmer ' Kilpa--•
rick and children of ; -Toronto are
'visiting friends here..
Visitors on Christmas day with
Mr. and -Mrs • Jinn Sherwood re
Mr. and Mrs , -Andrew, Gaurit'and
urray. of St Hele s, Mr.. :and
Mrs:; Les': Ritchie and 'Alvin. of
Guests of ..Mr., 'and • Mrs. Bert
Treleaven were' Mr. '8z. Mrs:' Jack.
•Curran and family, Mr. and Mrs.
V?ernonHunter • and., family •and
and Mrs. Ronald. Treleaven.:
Mr, ..and Mrs.'iHugh Wood of
Warreitf spent last week -end with
his sister, Mrs, Jinn Sherwood and
family•. -
Mr. and , Mrs.' Bill 'Petrie and
family'spent Christmas with' Mr.
and Mrs. Ebner Black, '
Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Sillib,
1VCr E11vi''iri Sillib and• Misss Eileen;
Sproul visited with Mr, iiiid Mrs,
Ronald Treleaven • last Sunday.'
A. Happy . and Prosperoits • Xe'
Year to All,
VIII education and `.be ',in good
Friday, Spat.; Monday:
JANUARY' 2nd, ;3rd, 5th
The King.: of the Cowboys. and
Trigger, the smartest horse in:
the movies;
Visitors home for 'Christmas
included `Miss Anna Stuart, Tor-
onto wit lVir. land . Mrs. George
Si. ,Catharines. with Mr. and Mrs:
D: Todd;Mr and Mrs.: Mel Brown
•of. 'Waterlo-
owith 1VIr. and,'Mrs.
R Woods.; .Miss. Zona . Newton of
Toronto -and Mr. and Mrs. Chari
toil of Port Atria with. Rev,.•and:
Mrs. ;1�/i G. Newton-
,.; •.,d ..
(Intended•:for Last Week) •
The regular meeting` of the :Wo -
Men's' Institute will be held` at,
the''`home of Mrs E: _,W.' Rice on
Erich y, January '.2nd.,at 'P.30: Roll-:
:call,,the, qualities of ;a; good neigh:
•bor; subject, :Citizenship., 1 ii
charge • of Mrs. George ; :Stuart.;
program committee,. Mrs. ,G. Mac-.
Pherson, Mrs w;Earl:Durnin hent-
esses, Mrs. S A'Todd,,Mrs. John
Cameron, ' Mrs. Cliff Murray.
Miss,: Vy'. D. • Rutherford of
Ston'' of : Ottawa, Missi Norma Wea-'
therhead :of: Alton and Miss .Grace`
Weatherh.ead - of Ho1yrooarid-
•Mr.. Charles ,McQuillin of, ZUrich
are' spending the; Vacation at their
horbes . here
Mrs;p. 'S, :.McIntyre and Don-"
ald .of Medford • are, holiday visit
ors: ,with'"her `.parents,' Mr. and
Mrs.'' W I;' Miller:
Hili i1 #471t riot t ' rail
ou; .All, A . Very Happy .,
‘'New Year. '
6•466. . •.TY,.. ...." .: -,5 .. •,k f ,.
•A; four weeks' short course
agriculture , and home :ecgnomics •
is to be: held .at'•Dungaimen from
January 6th. to 30th: The morn-
ig e'
n course :be.`from .9.30 a.m.
to noon and• the afternoon; •course'
from 1:30:; to 4 p.m. In the inorn-
inall' .phases .of agriculture riculture. will.
gg •
_e'`yc_ov red, while -in'. the, after-.
noon there Will be special` Speak-
ers fi}oni outside. The -boys' lect-
ures 'will .be ° held in'; the Parish
• s.
the Wir gham Gen
eral. Hospital on Wednesday, - De-.
cember''17th, to Mr.'aild:Mrs, Ari -
drew • Ritchie, R. 7, : Lucknow, a
SHERWO,OD—Mr. and Mrs: F. : E.
Sherwood (nee Stella . Barrett):
announce the . birth of their son,
-Glen Ernest, .at St. Joseph'sIos-
pital,. Toronto; ' on, Thursday; -De-
cember 25th, 1946 Mother ' and
baby both well: -
'basement of .the': Presbyterian
Church. In charge :will be LeRoy .
G• Brown ,Hurori-county;agrict 1,
tural• •.representative;, G. E. • Nel-
sen, assistant representativ'e, anf.
•Miss >~ lora.: Durriin home' eco i
omics coach..
=Mi: and •. Mrs.' Donald Cardis
have -moved. from `Ernie Carter's
1 -..hfield-ta
•farm on:; Con..... 3; •,As•
George-:Elliott's farm on 'Highway
86.,at .
# b erle ... The Carter fain-
� Am b y
ily . will • shortly .• move to 4 their
own place. They have 'been living
with Wm: Johnston, ' by whom
Ernie - 'is. employed and' wherehe
is.. rehired 'fpr another;year.
• Mr. gardis has had the contract
'for . several • terms, of transpolrting:
pupils ,of l that . area to :Lochalsh.
latiblic school..
4 UMW -
I Re : Expiry of Window,"Lighting Permission
s S
0 show window Q'
lighting permitted l:
after December
r0 Powar (omithsioii 1
, t
• 9
: �.'• r�taxf.t.,411N+''Alrta:;�.,��"
t 4