HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-12-31, Page 2ML
ow SeNT EI #.+Vl. ct , ammo
• Luckoow • Ontario.
Authorized'as Second Class Mail, Post Office Department,Ottawa
= Member of The C. W. N, A:'•
Sulptkin Rate' —42.00 1 'Year in Advance? -=To U. S. A. $2.50
Established - 1873 Pub d ae edne. orn�ng
Publisher and Proprietor
• : • Iy, C. Thompson, Pub e
Wednesday; December: 31st, 194.7
Changes in- automobile insur-
ance rates in the province of On-
tario, to• take effect January '1st,;
1948,; announced by the -Canadian
t,Underwriters' Association include
reducti ns of rates in some cat-
egories,. 'eases in others, while
the rate rusome classifications
remain un enged. •
'The offiicia . announcement fol-
In the :.province of Ontario,' for
private. "passenger • automobiles
li li�abilit', • acid °propei:ty
pub .c. y,•
*magi:rates' are reduced 20 per -
tent: in,
er-cent:'in.. Northeastern ,Ontario
Col isien rates • are increased
from, 10. to 20 percent in various
territories for certain deductibles.
in health.
Fire :arid' theft .rates are•,inkreas-•
ed ".1O percent ,in Toronto, Ham=
There �.
• Ilton and Windsor while ":in cer-
prey upon, health and of thein Slip
none . is more insidious. "than. tu- tain
parts' of the provnnce such
than ' rates: are reduced by 20 percent.
berculosis. Last year more't •
of B • and In the province of'Ontario, for,
5,000 'Canadians died . , � ob'les—in Tor-:
commercial autoznn _ �� r
another 60,000 are ill`'with it Fight• - i eon fire
now. A lot of eople have :got'' onto, Hainilton and W nd
P and: theft' rates 'are, reduced 'by
to thinking -lately that; because';
rculosis. is not nearly.. the approximately 18 percent'.
tube Y In Brantford, ',Guelph, Kingston
scourge it used to• •be,„, we don't •
have to.wor about. it any more:. and London, Niagara, Falls ,arid.
yOttawa districts, public . liability
'Figures like these should make. , .
revile' their 'ud ent... Propeirrty . darntage and . collision
them rev.. ] � •
o Huimanity falls largely► into tw.o
classes' when' _ it comes. to; invest-.
ing noney:a; There are those that
like to gai'nble and those that
like, to play it 'sa'fe. There one
kind of i ivestment,' howeve that
should • appeal = to •people o all
types. And that is an investment
Th e are many d eases which
This is the. -time of year, 'when,
liousefictiders are reminded,..to re-
member the birds.. by' •sprinkling
norne 'crumbs bn the• snow -cover
ed ' grot�tnd,
_ 0 . ..
Provincial policing of t h e
atmaller centres seerns necessarily
• imminent, and ; has, already been
adopted in some municipalities::
-The need for .such law , enforce-
Bent: is en pliasized 'by' the
_ f,
-qu of rawling outbreaks,
' that are -most common during and • ,
dances. , Both Ripley.' and
Lucknow had demonstrations of
this.. at Christmas time.
• •
o .
Advertising seeks, and : news
gives, is ' a;' fairly., accurate des -
.•ps. to self: Don't ;expect
aper haw }
than k
•dor nothing,,;any•' more t Y
would 'expectthebutcher, tt
grocer, the baker, the: -farmer
giveaway his products. Ito is
fallacy that ' an advertisement,
determined; by `' whether or not
charge ismade for . the event b '-
Ing•Put '.on.
An advertisement is
airy notice .which serves to adv;,
or 'inform any •individual or grot
:ofindividuals, als.of 'something
� u ,.
particular, concern or benefit
that individual `' er group..
edr slay, Decerzi'ber lst ,1 ;G :-,
�`` ' '.,:a — enc ►:-! t mmi .moi
Canada, ' tuberculoses stands 7th Proxima e y . iercen , w -
amon the' list of death ;dealing. and theft..rates 'have'been reduc
byapproxirnately 9, percer'it
.diseases •:and it ; is still. the ;chief.._
There is a lot'of.' In northeastern -Ontario, public
killer of youth. r..
kick in the TB' ` bug yet:
That is ` why .';,it is so -important
at '• thts time,'of. year to , support:
the. :Christmas .'Seal campaign of
the tuberculosis. associations.
e a' little.'of our "risk capital” into
P health'this year by contributing'
if ; 'to' the Seal 'fund. This is an in
rates have been increased by ap-
.Sixty Years Ago.
Injuri received by Robert
McMillan of Par•'a+mount hastened
his.' death,: -He fell ' f ronr-a-.ladder.
while engaged in"building a house
for James Murdock; of the Lake
Malcolm C. ampbell, ' • • pioneer
merchant, took .W'. J: Brunipton
into: partnership.
The. ...site •occu pied'' •by. Knox
Church. was ' decided.: ;upon ,by 'a
con.g negational -vote, as the • loca-
tion for the' proposed new build
Capt, John McPherson lost his
schooner, Marwood, in Lake Sup-:
erior, The entire crew was saved.
Thonias Todd' of St Helens in-
stalled a set of stones for. • chop-
ping grainy in his sawmill, '
A- • public •meeting ; approved
..loaning $, 4.000 without: interest
for ten years to the furn)ture•
plant of• .Cliff and Stovell. The
plant'. was 'also ' exempted . from,
taxation for • ten ' years. ' The
Money. was, to; be used ' in buying
new -machinery which •Would en-
able the cOnipaiiy to expand and
seg v_.._ _then.
J; Webster J.
i e lige numbered twenty.
• The `nine-year-old daughter of
Mr. John. Murphy of West Wawa-;
nosh' injured :her foot while com-
ing; f Orin . sehogl, whic'h•.later nec-'•.
0 — .i
L .S
'• N
The .right .r ght to control their: own
affairs was once ' gained' by the
municipalities of Ontario at ':the
. st . ; nf... • ansiderable . effort " and
:struggle. `In the' early •• days' t e
ers-that-be . were'none .
Pow ,_ .too.
keen. to have the people of these
municipalities - elect ..• their : own
-councils, spend their. own :'Simony
and L operate •'their' own :..institu
tions.. They wished to have these
, powers vested in a. central
• Whether :or' ,not we areaware
of 'it, we are rapidly returning
to.: those distant . days' As the ,;• . • •
t But it was to be:Otherwise,• and.
Provincial Government ,makes .
i his • passing, his 'party •leas• lost
Larger and, -larger •. grants :towards one of its' ;most able, advisers,' his
'ti • ance of `local services . d
the, mai ten
' and institutions,'• it 'is demanding,
••perhaps not improperly, that it
shall have'' more and more to say
about how they` • are operated • and -
able; trusted and even brilliant
• how' the money„:it contributes •
• member of 'his political party,: in
'• its spent'. In consequence, the
Y, . 'the Legislature, he :had :proved
vounicipahties find .: `themselves
witch • dirninis)ing ;control' over
Within. .t their
What takes lace w h
own borders,'• where. the p ni
cial authority is assuming more.
and More responsibilities:
In 'view of this,' it ;is strange.
that we should have municipal
representatives ' suggesting' that
'the province should,, for instance,'
pay . the whole. 'shot in : regard to'
Children's., Aid Societies, They
must 'realize that . if their wishes
are met 'and the; . Provincial gov-
ernment is induced' to make • even
a larger' outlay 'Upon civic ser-
vices, _it.w ll. undouj tedlydemand
control •elver•, these expenditures
and a larger voice •m. municipal'
adrninistration. '
Pe �.iodi all.
r c y wehear' coma
plaints from Toronto of . central=.
ization of; authority in''Ottawa at
the • expense. of- the provinces.' In
this province, however, the whole
tendency' is towerd3 additional
,centralization . by Toronto at the'
eipense of the municipalities and.
if it keeps on, there will soon be'
very little. for the,municipal• coun-
ells to do except to3 meet° period-,
icall'y and pass, their accounte:,�
vestment that its sure to pay off.
liability., 'property ., darnage, . fire
and • theft,' rates' have bee, reduc••
esstated , it being `amputated • •
ed by 'approximately 9 p 'rcent. . An .us- McKenzie,' 'Con.•'.2, ' Kin-
In' the Burlington -Oak ille dist'_ g u f ' severe loss in the
trice; Cornwall dist ice, North- loss,: Suffereda,
•Valuable 'im cited
� death of, a p
'western : Ontario; Sa nia district, li•
stal on.. • .
Torontd Township • ist ict ,a ri d
J. B. •Hunter completed •; the
Welland '.:'district,” ' f e ` •, d :, theft .
building of;"a fine new:,town hall
have been reduced by approxi- at •Holyrood":'
1 Bion
1 23 , percent, . nd collision ;mate y p Wm, ' Mellis; and•family left for
by approximately. 9 • Mexico to make their home.: Mr.
Mellis • was: succeeded as express
and •telegraph : agent by Fra
The teacher vas' Annie Clarkson,
The death:; occurred': of Jessie
McPherson, age. 40. ' • John Joynt purchased the Reid
Hotel and. "intends 'erecting thr
fine new residences". '
Lucknow council• `was compris.,
ed ; of Reeve J. G. Anderson and
Councillors John. •Joyrt;. M. Mit--
chell, D. N. Lawrence and
Earl`s.• ,
Minnie A. 'Greer of West Wa
an . died . in'her yv . osh .....
x �3�lath year; .,
She was ' a graduate .of Buffalo
General Hospital . '
• When •their horse• took -fright
and: overturned„ the ' buggy, ',
and Mrs, Dan' Martyn of White-
church escaped injury, but it took
the : services of B'lacks'mith Sam,
Hutchison to repair the buggy for'
J,. W. Moise d's:posed
horseshoeing • business' to
Horne. - =.•
'THE, LATE. R: HOBBS � � Iii .the,. remainder', ' bf
The people of this County 'sin= -thrice, : collision rap h
e 1 'regret' the death of Dr,. R. sere y ,increased ,by ` approxima
Hobbs Taylor, ` MLA.; which oc percent, while fire =and t
curred suddenly at his home in have been. reduced by
Dashwood on Wednesday.: of. last mately ` .26 percent.`
Many believed and 'hoped that.
the illness that necessitated his.
.directing' his .. campaign from his
bed in : a; Toronto hospital,'-dur
ing ; the Provincial election of
1945,, when. he was returned to the
Legislature • as' member 'for the
riding' of. Huron, bad.been 'coin
letel • overcome, ,'and until . the
:day' of his death, :'it seemed that
that; hope would be realized.
riding, an.. outstanding;represent-
ative, . and his community • a' be-
loved physician.
Dr. 'Taylor, Was • .not ',only ' .an
himself to be a willing and, able
representative of every ;constitj
went in '.his, ri
din , regardless
station'; in life, and regardless of
political party.=Seaforth Expos-
A letter -writer '.`to the New
York T30iles' Pens 'these, words of
wisdom:', "The' war' and;its after-.
math• cannot have failed to bring'
horde to us' the fact that a gen-
.eral education cannot be. confined
td' fields of knowledge only, but
must be = 1broadened to include
Studies in human' relationship. If
children, while young. and malle-
able, .can be taught to handle the
inimical forces of fear, hate, greed,
and jealousy, which cause a
breakdown of the•' personality and
which are ' at the • root of the evil
undermining human society; then
a great step forward will • have
been taken on the road to a more
lasting peace. To give our child-
ren the kind of• strength ;necess-
.ary • for an all-around good life
we must teach them, the art of
living in 'addition' to thetart of
the .pro-
'e .been.
elyA nhie
eft rates
autom bile ' and garage'
re u'c i n' of a roxirn
o a
'percent • entire 'province.
Due to the reduced. c
payableJanuraY, , , toist, 8•agents, , on
�, turning .outhouses, 'removng',aign
have been •: able to : ad a pt a re-. boards, etc. • but theyc ertain'l
Y c Y,
wised rating' formula • hich :_re= crowned their efforts b ` placing
Sults. in the • •insuring p blit bene ' . p 'n
. James � Gordon s butcher . wagon'
;.fitting to an extent greater than on' the roof of Dr. McCruriiion s
the actual` reduction in commis- ".office"
tion: A reduction in the scale;•of
agents' commission• of 5 percent.
with respect to cominercial Veh-
icles as''Whole., ,
e, together with
the adoption of a higher loss fac-
tor, , means a 'reduction of .9 per-:
cent in 'the cost 'Of'insiirance on
commercial., vehicles.: This' saving
is reflected. in the above rate ad-
McDonald. .
Archie ,;Harper, .Con. ' 10, .West
Wawan h sold: 139 ;barrels . of
apples of his .orchard :whleh ,was.
sista Treleaven and was regar ed as
elyy njne *one ofe' finest • orchards in :
this section". •
d after
ompar ies''
``'1Eallowe'en, was " 'celebrated
With the Usual' festivities of over -
_, BORN .
DRENNAN—At Alexandra Hos-
pital, Goderich, on December,' 18',
1947, to .Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Drennan, nee Bernice Matthews),.
R• •7 •L.0
cknow, ,a daughte•r. •
>ln Service
p• Lloydram , Ackert assisted lin:
t l
p p, uly in the morning sera
vice in the United Church, by
leading in the'responsive: reading
as well as reading the : scripture'
lesson. When .Rev. : J. W.. Stewart
discovered he 'had
forgotten his.
glasses,` . Lloyd's assistance, was
called on• while a substitute pair
of glasses -was' being ob• tained for
. .Stewart:
., , for eight your
•due'► areto be raised ,from$ 5.00
'to $6.00; according • to •a decision
of the 'Community Nursing Reg-
istry at the 'regular meeting held
Goderirli. The ,new ''rate' goes
into''effect on January ,.let,
r'orc�r Y ears
Pupils'' at S.S. No.
were 'M::`Ritchie, ; M:'.
Nixon, J. Cook, L.
Hunter, M. ;Woods, R
Hackett, H. ' Gardner,
5 Ashfield,
Hackett, M.
Hunter, ,'G:
. Ritchie, G.
J. Hackett,
of .his
Twenty .Years Ago
,;;lilirs.•. John '.Joyntwas injured
in a fall' down the cellar steps,
School Literary' Societe were:
pres., Alex Srrmith; vice lyres:, Jim
Stewart sec.,' Lorraine Brabson•
program corn Phyllis Itilael)on� ••
aid, Allan : Murdoch; °.Form
Jack Brabson, Journial editors,
C,arlyle•;Mclntosh; Art .Andrew:
Jack 'Cain -took• . charge of the
Cain ,House which -,.."-for. •.,many
yeas was operated b$� .his grand -
'father., . Mr..rr;: F. 'Cain,'
13ev . R -W Craw' underwent'
ati zt m London.;
• �'ma'r�o'e a o •�'
a 7 P r
The. Pearlman. family escaped
serious, ',insur y .when• :their : car
overturned :east. of town. '
.When ' their cars'collided. near
Holyrood during' a blinding snow
storm;; Cliff Aitchison: of town and
D.: R. Mclntosh and: Mr..McVittie
of. Southampton escaped, injuries. -
''A steel barn` was being erected `.
• at R..1 Button's...
•-Jose h:Matliers one ofd ten -bro-
thers Who' was: reared - on . `tite'
homestead east ,,of.,Lucknow, died.
in Vancouver ' in 'his' 59th: `year, ' '
M. A. MacCallurn, whd:seas un-
seated as•.a member 'of. the Pro
vincal Legislature, was :again,''
selected` as' the Progressive can- • '
:dilate in•' the :Ilk -election 'which..
Mrs, 'Wellington Henderson to
derwent a : `major < operation, in'•.
' Hamilton... ' •
Mr' Paul''Smeltzer died at God-
erich'`at the home' of his ;daugh-„;
ter, Mrs McNiven:
•After months of sufferin g Rob -T?'!
Mter ,.S.' Cook,'"W..Ritchie, ert Henry' Griffin hied • at .his;
J. Hackett;'' H. Beaton, E. Ritchie,. home in Lucknow:
,An Old 'Country' publication'
notes a, revival of interest ' in
'Highland games and says:
•• "The highlight• of t
he, Carries is
the tossin
• , g of the 'eaber. In';tYlis,:
event brawny,, :kilted Scots rus't
heave:' tree trunks .over twenty
feet in length. Origin of this game
is said fo' be with Scottish woods,
men who, . in. transporting felled
timber ,from the hillside: to the
len _ I
g s, •had to heave the manage-
anage able 'tree trunks over man small
Many a 1.
Streams in4 the 'manner " demon-
Strated in .the Games.
Scots still speak with pride, of.
Donald ' Dinr}ie, noted for his
caber,- throwing prowess'. many
years ' ago. Donald wasborn in
I8377and was still a champion' at"
fifty-three years of age.' So out-
standing' was his 'skill that it is
reported that he could win more
"in.prize money in one da"y' at, the
Games than . his hotel business
.produced in one :week. 'It• ft : re-
corded that ',an elderly' eidmirer
trampedtrim) beeside to lzae-
mar ' to: see Dinnie and, havin f .
seen • him : performs ' exclaimed.:
"A a 'he's. a bi�aw'. thiel -J11 I'll awa'
Y "
seon •
moo.. I 11 dee happy moo, I ve
.Donel' :Omnia' . •
Highland ariles are ;still held- ,
g. genies:
inCa,toanad' h'g
u h:'.n'ot with••the:
enthusiasm that, s' according,: to
what. we. have heard. .and read
of these ' ev ,
them in bygone, dayhars.. acteIri ourrized
young ' da�s.
d td see.
bills aderts>ng•'the
'games' 'at 'Lucknow and' .bearing
the picture of a.• brawny Soot:._
with immense muscles; which we'
were led :to believe v is'the'like•
nest of ' Donald' Dinnie. Probably
it •was sol eWliat of . a` caricature,
• a
:but at; any 'rate it Was :calculated'. •
to• draw rwds .to see
famous Da action.-- odether
ich Si nal-the,Statc'
arena • at early hour SunaY,
morning. The building which was
taken over recently by' the town'
at a cost of •$5,600, . carried no