HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-12-31, Page 1$2A0 Year ---In Advance; 50e Extra to U...S. w R' A.:"SOLOMON REEVE BY• ACCLAMATION LVCKNO:W ONTARIO; Wednesday, December 1947 .. _u• Seven and a 'halt years as, a councillor had , its reward cur. Monday night When W.. A. Solo- mon was elected to the reeVesh ip of the village by acclamation. Mr. c Solomon was..;Council to n . In a' bY-election in July of '1940. ' He sUcceds..Reeve.J, W" Joynt,. den of Bruce:County,: County„ Current war r� . �- who was unable to be at 'Mon', day- night's, • meeting. because of a serious; leg. "fractu"re which •he suffered a few weeks ago: Resolution Of :Appreciation, ' . At the close •of the meeting, the ..gathering , heartily ;approved • a . resolution.. by. .. Messrs.. Harry •Npcon:and Hrvey Treleaven that . a letter of , appreciation •be sent Reeve Joynt commending him for - ''his valued service to the village, and•the honor he earned for him- self'. and Lucknow on winning the wardenship, • ' «: Mr"' Nixon • said in proposing the :resolution, : "We Miss the Reeve's Y his County council report". Conn- cillor. Treleaven. . 'added, •."It has been 'my pleasure to :work'• with him for :two years. We are proud of htmrLc1 the.honour he brought to,`'the 'Vi1la�ge''. Clerk Joseph.: Agnew 'capably. presided ' as•, chairxnan; of the meeting and . during th4 nominates. • ins•hour received:: five nominal. tions. forth• e,•:reveship, seven.'for the four 'council seats,.:.and ; four' 'for' the three;'.seats on • the Board `of . Education:. Nominations' were received as fo,lows:i For Iieeze: . Austin'Solomon by R. I las and Charles Steward.-. Harvey -Treleaven by Harvey Webster and Wm:, G.•. Webster, ., Milne and S, E:: Collyer,' (Continued on • Page 8) vti!" ttirtwo ti'0 iti, tiatf1 ' %b!mot"geottott o { botI11 ttti# itottetwo It loot " giusrutvi ertr. ' it tt iltr' INFANTS BAPTIZED T ZED.' N S AP I 1 Fourr, children were baptized by -Rev: J.. W. Stewart at,,h t e •,znornt• , ing`. service, Lathe Uiited 'Church;•: The infants were,,. •Lucy Anne, daughter • oftkMr. and ,Mrs Melvin Morrison; Tune Elizabeth, datgh te'r :of 'Mr. and Mrs.' Raynard Ackert; .Margaret Madeline, dau- ghter of: Mr. and Mrs" Russell Button •and Douglas Roy; son ` of Mr, and Mrs: Ernest Button, oti - g.: WILL' BE• 96' SATURDAY: Mr;_ W. 'J: .Little, Lucknow' grand• old man;. will observe his 96th birthday: od Saturday. Mr. ,Little is still` quite{•keen of mind: and' enjoying fairly .good' health, kki: •:confining him • indoors - The ' ndoors,The' Sentinel expresses the best wishes • of the . entire' community. extending '"Many Happy Re turns" °to,'Mi ,Little. " NAME *ON • EGG BRINGS :CALENDAR FROM ENGLAND' .o time ago Bowen ;Ross,•.12 ar-old son ' of? Mr.. and ..• Mrs., John D: Ross; wrote his name' and address, ion an ,egg at'Raker'.s •i gg Shop. The incident was for:: gotten about until .,just before Christmas, when, a calendar. land- ed Along' from London England, with the following. salutation: "Merry •yhristrnas. 1:. received :your egg,' the first: for.:a- month. Do please write. Kathleen Player, 39A . Mare 'St.,Woolwich S. E. ;18, on:don, England" The, sender didn't give her age and • Bowen was ' non -committal bout .his intentions of striking. up a •' correspondence. acquaint- atriceship with "Kathleen" 500' PAIRS. Silk and nylon. hosie,. '. news stock, new colors, �ixiost sizes: On sale at $1.00: TBE. MARKET STORE,- • Little Donalda 1VicQuiilin •had her -left hand actually • torn 'off by • the mysterious discharge 'of a shotgun.'. in the 'kitchen of the' McQuilin home the •da'y before Christi -n.0. On :Christma'sEve in Wmgharn•Hospital ,the ,you.ngster. had'the shattered stump` amputat- e about an inch arid a;half..above. the • wriest. She has been getting :along ,real w; 1 since, and it was •hoped to have 1iei home :for New ,Year's -Day: Clip istnias Day` °wase. 'fear. from the z.i�re,rry• one It would otherwise: have been In this' home • is five is the . Dung - .Dorra�lda, age.. > � Y...,: g est •ofl, a family of eight' children. of :Mr.: and Mrs: Dick':McQu•illin; Jr , of Concession 6, Kinloss.. The -father was- riot home at: the time.. '.of the accident. .:.,SPENT FIRST CHRISTMAS. . , HERE IN 25 YEARS ' Mr: and 'Mrs Sandy Nicholson With. their. daughters,;., Ruth, •`and Mary . „Anna ' and `son Alexander,. spent''a' week with Mr. and Mrs: Archie•Macliityre on the.. Second • Coe$Sion _...Sandy .is nc' e C'CF .Ma?, for• Mackenzie, 'Saskatche wan. ;This was the'first time.' .he `spent 'Christmas at Lucknow since ''REMOVED' SNOW • • The main' busin ,ss section ` of :tie, village .was.: cleared of snow banks- that had piled up along the. 'curbs; The . job, which was,'com- pleted before Christmas, -made , a big, improvement to': the .main thoroughfare; Button's , tractor-� • powered manure shovel was: Used in'' loading the sleighs that hauled away: "the beautiful"..7 Th'ieP ower shovel` .:replaced the usual gang of shovellers that . would ordin-• arily have been employed. It was operated in- turn by • Ernest But tori 'and Jim Reid A SERIES\ OF . ACCIDENTS;. BUT O INJURIES Slippery roads, were. 'chieflyire • sponsible'"fora series.: of. Motor , rriishps; that 'Occurred' within . a miff north. of Lticknow in 'about four days"''From Saturday until • :Christmas .eve,' no less than•thiee ears and a truck left the. •roadK One .car damaged the guard rail ,just -al ; thevillage: outskirts ;bu the Drat, i,ve fence.. held "suf., ficlent1y to-preVont • he ;vehicle trom rlitnging into the' river. To). 'injuries 'inj'uries were suffered in thy', mishaps, • t' s art otgun B1a I.INOSS:NONA.GE,NAtUAN .DIED ON :SATURDAY , The death occurred at bis -home on Concession Four,'Iinloss Twp: Saturday, of Peter McKinnon.. "rte was '91' years ;of age.. The .funeral 'service was' held at Joh stone's uneral. Forge on. 'Tuesday afternoon• with ixiter merit in . South Kinloss Cemetery.. NAMED REC NAL, I T DIRECTOR AT S G ROWEL :' At a . special meeting: Saturday ciftierrion. the ..Listowel: etreat: o R ion Council 'accepted the •recom- mendation of the executive com- mittee to engage Lloyd_ _ 11- Ackert, 1 ,Ackert, son of • Mr. and Mrs. Ern. est Ackert of Holycrood, as - re-„ creation director for' :Listowel.. Mr,` Ackert will be appointed for three 'months at a:salary of $200 -a" month, If-his•:•work is esatisfac• tory to the.council` and Mr. •Ack ert is satisfied with the, facilities and opportunities `there, 'the app pointrnent wilL be made perrnan- ent: The .'new recreation director, who `will •commence : his .duties on January 1st, •was a student ;at i o'11L'O ani'. • ies and - Was resident adviser at .the, Weorge ,.Williams University, Chicago. Although: not a graduate n' physical, education, he has had ,zceilent experience. 'For :a con-' '•siderable time. he'' ;was engaged work in :Chicago arid' Toronto and .conducted •a summer camp : in • Western Canada, . here ane s ent't- h ree summers in r•- p s m . s sionary ' work I EIGI1T PAGES y . LIGHTING. -COSTS: • BELOW ESTIMATE stiteee cost. of . installing the new t lighting system 'will ' prub ' ably be $1,000' •below the -original estimate, Councillor Solomon, stated :..at the nom natinxl ,meeting on Monday ,night:, He was , the first .speaker in. the,. absence of • ReeveJoynt Mr;:, sofonon 'said the-o'riginal, estimate had been •$3,80Q, but the actual cost would. be $1,000 less. Hydro and water arrears• • were practically nil, ,with "outstanding hydra 'less than; $100 and Water. le,s•than' .$50 '•: Complaints' had been received about the dump, which is it Kin loss Township. From time to tulie. .it gets in a ,deplorable condition as people persist in dumping 're- fuse'' anywhere. By 'co-operation, muchtrouble and expense could '. oe saved he ,said. Councillor Solomon concludes! by' stating . he intendedto qualify: for -the e reeveship., t 1 •C • •. • _'•tarts'' Glove. ;Collection S The •.annual gloves'' and ,mitts :ollection; 'has' already.' got ;.well The.. Sentinel' Office iznderway•at . ;., arid twill "no doubt be: , greatly augniented before 'the" .'spring breezes., arrive. currntly we have' a child's` leather`::gauntlet, 'a blue knitted. glove. and '•a pair of:,_children's` cloth. : gloves, They're ;here for. the cla•imi'ng " Donalda's • older brothers :had : out � untin .that; afternoon been. g • and upon.:returning .homeward had unlioaded the gun. Near: the barn they ,sppttec�.. a rabbit Wand d. lin'case,ahey got 'Within, reic�ade y 'firing range. On' entering the, house• they'; laid the 'gun on- ...the table; and :in' a few nao,nents,. Without- an ene•-.--being-'near the,. witho Y wea on it discharged and ripped P ,. off Donalda's. hand. • She narrowly ' escaped . death;: as. some • of the p pellets grazed her hip; but 'in flicted, ;,only superficial. wounds,. The little tot.was .about four :feet' from 'the-. gun when it went off, .Other • members of '' the . farriery were .'in. the kitchen , at they, time, fwere'n't with:. also but fortunately � ' in range of the .blast.. • , ver as much • L• iatle Donald�a never as whimpered at the 'mangled sight of 'where her. hand had bee'tx ands even as:she pass -ed. her froth- er, on her way to the' operating. room cheerfully saluted her with' "Hi " Mum".' Anyone Find A' Hyninary?• ' , Our . Zion . corresponde1it, Mrs WM.. Gardner,` made the pre - Christmas purchase of a , hylnn- ary, but either lost it, , or left it in some store• in the village. Any- : ° > found the one •v�ho ,may have , hymn •book ,,is asked. to leave it Yt •th r- ir+r (1I I "^'z. or t0 . con- e �_ e.'t • COMING EVENTS for , 30 words'.; additional wcir•'ds,,'2c each;:.minimum charge any , or every .Week, 50c., NEW YEAR'S DANCE Town ' ' i Iall, - Lucknow, 'Year's Night, ;January' lst,'-aiis- 'ices ' Lucknow Fire', Company. .Farrier's, orchestra, lunch count- er . Admission 50c, •. , AUXILIARY' MEETJN :The.''January ;meeting o Ladies Auxiliary to the Cana Legion will' be ;held, on Tuesday night; ' :January 6th at .8 Members are requested to'atte • RECEPTION AND " DANCE In 'Whitechurch 'Memorial Hall, ori : Friday, `January 2nd,, in honor of Mr. and Mrs.: Lorne Johnston, who are 25 years married. Col- lection • at .'door, ',lunch served, everyone .welcome. -; AT THE •REX THIS WEEK On New Year's .Eve and - New. Year;'s night, plus matinees both days, the Rex Theatre presents Roddy McDowell in "Thunder- head"..,, The week -end show, Fri- • lay, Saturday and Monday, feat res, Roy Rogers in "My, Pal Trig-. Move To. Clinton Mr: and 1VIrs;• BertramCurran. moved- toClinton •'this week Where ' Bertram.:will be. • : engaged in, the undertaking:business. •Ber-- tram has 'closed ;his business ' at Dungannon, MANY JOIN •I'N `BOXI DAY'. RABBIT 'D1tIY'E:• • t "1 • • 'Councillor Harvey :.Treleaven. pointed out 'that.. of the current year's tax .. bill;r of $19,123:94, only :L• 95:51 was outstanding and this.. would be 'sharply` redtaced vvtilin :the next few days. Previous taxes.: outstanding, totalled •' $91,82 , 'and there is'' $8U 91:'.<r etur.red' to ••the: 'County.,. • He 'referred to last` year's bad' 'winter when $1;135.31 was .spent on .snowplowing switti not too sat- isfactory„ results, • at', 'times: He • stated that a- hydraulic., lift: had ' been .installed. •th's' `fall :oi the: .plow firing, and. felt they were in.: goodshape' to•'plow:. •practically'; '. any., street' irx town and give sat isfacti•o'rr, • i • • About 800 yards of gravel had .: been. put...on' village : roads. this next -t -ea .s�irrre-mOL paying ,was.; ;:plainned, '.The High- :ways Department :had approved An . 'expenditure' of $2,451 on mun icipal roads this year, of which :• : the Province would pay' -50. per- cent.; This, full amount had not.- been. ot. been: ' expended : up': ;to• the'last meeting (Continued on Page . 8) .Ideal -weather prevailed.for the i .spon- sored.Dy': rabbit dri v .e , .s pon 'sored by 'the ,newly J organized .Fish and -i andGame protective A"s sot iation Tlie` drive was `held -it 3iltr.-or' Towiiihip., in the vicinity . •of . the 15th;Sideroad between the Second and 'Fourth .Concessions•.. More than' forty hunters 'shouldered -shotg: uns-•-for the._- drive, but the_, exact toll ,of -rabbits' was 'not re- corded,. although it possibly aver, aged a couple,. of bunnies for every : marksMan. •A' •.couple -of` 'foxes,.:, were`` also included' in the bag.: A number of. Winghamites join. ed in the' drive. LQNGTIME RESIDENT PASSI R AWAI SUDDENLY Stricken ..with a severe para- lytic.`" stroke ara-lytic"stroke Aast Wednesday, Mr:. Samuel Murchison•:, ` failed` to "re- gain ..consciousness and died on Christmas eve''a'.few hours; after suffering . the fatal''s°"eizure,' • Ibis, ath •oceurr'ed' at the home . 6f, rs':.R . J; . Cameron, where he boarded for .several :Months. r. Murchison was. 83'; years 'of, age and Was bbrn -in the Para mount cormunity, ' Few e v e r' ;commanded more genuine respect admiration'. than did he and•. everyone was his :friend.' The funeral service was held in the United Charch on Tuesday afternoon conducted, by Bev, W. Stewart: The •funeral was 'de- layed. awaiting de-layed..awaitingthe arrival of his only brother, Mr. J`, 1U1. Murchi. .son, a retired 'clergyman,. whose home is in.Foxwarren, Man: Interment ' .was in Greenhill with members, a Old . i rse ASF. 8i, A.M. observ- -' • ,+44 of t11e order':. • cert'.. Suffered. Strokes : Mr's: Robert Phillips :hilli of .coder- `4 ,Y. -lch and foriner1 ---of-hucknow sLiffered two,. .severe .: paralytic, strokes: last week, to make her condition quite :grave: •.. C . ,:. HOLIDAY V151TORS HELP �SWELL: FUND .Donations .."to the Community Recreational Centre have now. surpassed the $2,500 mark: Over the holiday "season a ,number of "old. boys • and girls"J: made con_ ' • - tributions to the fuhd which• are' Much appreciated. 'Amount ,previously acknw2350:50' Miss''ITanna 'McDonald • 5:00 Leonard Irwin,. Toronto ,': 5:00 's Graham Pinkney Ajax .:,.: 2.0'0 Harold Btitton,. Dundas r 2:00 • Dickie• Richards, --Jr•: .:, 5.00 '. J. M. Murchison, , 'oxwarren, Man, - ° ..,10.90.' Alex Havens ' 5.00 Harold:Johnston • 2.0.0 .Mrs; G. B.' Alliin, Toronto 100 " Roy McInnes,; Toronto • 2,00'• ..w A. M' Nicholson, M.P.. 25:00'. Turkey Raffle ' 40.00 Robert Boak .:,:..:, 10.00 Floyd Wilson .. 5.00 • Richard Elliott ..."...... Mrs. C. Hodgins : ',... •' .3.00: Mrs.'M. A. Grahame .. Toronto P.• S.'' McKenzie, Walker tori ,.. rte •