HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-12-24, Page 7Wednesday, . DeCetpber 24th,, 1947 HELP T.G.;KEEP• ° ONTARIO THRIVING • When .ironiragprepare clothes in advance, then turn' on the Iron .:.turn it off as. you THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL; LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • • OLIYRT On. Thursda.'y afternoon the WP - men's : Missionary ,,.Society -i held their regular monthly meeting at the• acme --.o€ !-rs, Jahn'-C-aH' Mrs. Alex .McTavish, opened the. 'meeting• by telling the story. of. `Christmas. Mrs. S. Gibson„offer,— ',ed prayer. All - enjoyed singing a` number' of carols:_-The-.ro , `call was answered by a favorite carol.. Mrs Jas. McTavish read the slate of officers who were elected. Re- ports of secretaries' were inter- esting, financially the • allocation met and .considerable over. Ara. Harold Vogan: asconvener fo.r' becernber; read a poem', , which was fallowed..by,,the scripture les- son '..by Mrs: Walter Walde.i The' Christmas talk with many irispir frig ,thoughts was',.giver byMks. H• Vogan and Mrs.' -John McChar- les rendered a solo' "Christmas Starlight'', accorrrpth ied' by Miss Beth :McTavish. Mrs. F...M.cChar les 'lave "Open .the Doors" • as a reading., "While: 'Shepherds wat- ched their flocks". -was sung and• all repeated the rnizpah beriedic- tion Refreshments' were served anda, social time, .enjoyed.; Fol lowing,_ are .the 'officers: Pres., Mrs. John .Coiling; vice pres., Mrs. Jas. -McTavish; sec., Mrs. Waiter, Blacl ; treas., Mrs. Howard Hen ry; car,,. sec., .Mrs. 0: Finlayson; Christian. stewardship :sec., Mrs. Melvin Coiling; Lit. see., Mrs. W.`• 5.: McGuire; Ass.;' .Helpers, Mrs. 'Robt. Batkwell;'•'Stranger's sec., OBITUAR . DR. JOHN T. ROSS ° . A, -.noted scholar andeducation- ist died in inghani hospital Fri- a : .after mber 5th -t -•-in the person of . John -T. li',oss,. O•B,E., LI.,D the •result of a heart Gond tiop ' with complica- titins. Although. not -in good health :for some time, he. was.. confined to'hospital only two days.. He'was well known to many inthis cpm-, munity.. . • Dr, Ross, a son ,of the late `Thos, and Elizabeth Roger .Ross, was born on. Con. 4, Fast Wawanosh, February 7;1864. Hereceived his early education at a ,country, school On -Con :4, East Waw.anosh;; later,.attended Clinton' Collegiate Institute, and graduated from St: Catharines : Collegiate " and .Tor 6,nto AlniversitY,' 'Where he.' aas a classmate of Prime Minister Wm. Lyon Mackenzie King, Ile went west ' and received his :13.A., de- gree at'Winnipeg: University; and taught school' in all 'four of the Western Provinces, The. 'Univer- si• ty of Alberta .confered. .on him the degree,..gf .LL.D Of a pioneering nature,, he went farther. west' and was '.appointed by the .,Dominion' Government as superintendent of ..'education :'in the -Yukon 'at the time of tile; gold rush. Later he returned to : Ai= Berta, where "he ::was • made. : impactor of schools for that .pro- vince, and becoming Deputy Min ister of Education• ,ford Alberta; near the end and use the stored heat ` in you . iron..' 447. THE HYDRO -ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIO BORN • . EDGAR - In Wingham Hospital. an, Son ay, Dec ember 14th • to *Mr; and Mrs. ,Janes Edgar,: R. R. 2, Holyrood, a daughter a i • To' each every one of you •..we wish all the—joys IN 'and happr"tiess that Christ mastide brings • To: .all our patrons • we thank : you . Sincerely and ,look'' forward .ti pleasant' `business relations in .1946..' HAROLD �RIT(HI•E BARBER. TO CUSTOMERS 1 1 OLJJ AND;'NEW Sincere good wishes for 'a 'B : Very Merry Christmas and a 'Happy and 'Prosperous blew Year.. • ' 4nd ' to our •customers; • "Thank You" for your, pat- ronage and past favors, R. R. 7, L,UCknow, For •Cutom Work . 2.•kNomcgc toivti.0botiiottitittao e ]ERT ALTO Miss . Monthly;, Mrs. :Waiter•Dex ter; Mission:•Band, Mrs. John Mc-.. Charles;' Baby Band, Mrs. O,.iver, McC;harles; Supply sec., Mrs. Geo, Brooks; :Temperance see.. Mrs,, .D;: McCharles;_ M. & M. Sec:, Mrs, G.' Brooks, Mrs.' II. 'Henry Organizer' In :District ,•Mr ..William C: Woods 'of. Pr•es ton, Dorninion-Provincial organ iker for the Ontario -Liberal •s� sociationwas in, this district re. bently. •" While in Ripley he; -was the -:guest . of Mr.. Donald Blue,' -whosename is.' heard not •infra ` quently•• as a` possible' .candidate for the Liberal ngniiriat•.on.:. FORMER: GODER;ICHITES; Bert II. Mcc'reath and' hissi'tei , Mi•s Flossie•Hyslpl both passed awaya.y on the sawt' d.:,Mr. ;:.1McCreath was p•1:onhinent.•Toi'on to1'uan: dnd Mrs :H;y-slo'j7• made her home:, at'' Geneva;:Ohio, was• awarded the O BF, iii - the King's.� New Year's .honors list,' 1935... , His wife,, the former :Miss Maud Burns of Caledonia; -'di.ed .iii 193'6. After her 'death • he .and, his, son• Gor Jori •„rnade their home • with• his sister,,, Mb's Daniel McGowan, Blyth, where. Gordon diethin 1942:• Sul �iv%ng are one; sori,1 Douglas' who is'' on.' the staf f of •tli6 .imperial:Bank of Canada .at.V.e1•=.. lowkrrife; , N:WI'':,, and Who spent. two weeks With his , father ;early' in November.; also .one. brother, Rev. R:.: W.. 'Ross,: D D ,,: Toronto; and t'wo.sisters,.Mrs Daniel'(Isa- belle NlcGo,wati and Miss Annie RM oss, :M:D.,, C,.; ;both of Blyth.; A ,private funeral servic- was. held” on Sunday...evening •. &t , the 1 "ome of •Mrs.. McGowan, conduct d: by Rev 'W J: Rogers of ;the United•. :Church, and 'Monday. of ''PAGE7. oo-'.°ace in. Pleasant cem'etefy, Toronto... • t. .REV. W'M` .' MATHESON .has.:. re THE limo TO SPEAK ugned ' as secretary -treasure• r ' of His MajeSty the King will' de- liver a : Christmas message to his people throughout ' the 'Common wealth and Empire •on Christmas Day.m His" Majesty's. essage-•will be heard here at 10•. a m. -EST,. on all CBC networks.' . : �4• . the Chesley.,:Board,'of t � "Education, osr ion e years, : p h held for several SEVEN. Re Expiry of WindowLiV htin tiS. F. : No . show window'. lighting permitted S�KKYi f ter December 25 Permission • • • - Y •OEDER<, OF THE i ' �(ommksion • _,k UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE . r COVERAGE .(Authori* P:C. 48.4, :dated'December Srd,.1947) ON AND AFTER,: January 1st, :51948, every . ••.'.employee in 'insurable` ernployrnent paid by the month whose annual, :remuteration does' not exceed'' $3,120:00` will be insured recd 'under the Unemployment, Insurance Att. '1 Un?mployment AT PRESENT those . paid' by the ' month Whose'` annual' remuneration is $2,400.00`' or less are insured : under the Act THE CHANGE will not affect ..the coverage • ..g of all hourly, daily and piece rated :employees .: and those 'paid on. a mileage. basis, who will, continue• to be: insured' regardlessof earnings:, WEEKLY RATED . employees whose .earn.-. ings are expected �to.'be $8,120:00 Qr:less per year .will : continue to be insured:under the Act,. • J: •ISSO•N;: R:°J. Tar,Lorr; 'Commissioner hied .:Coynmissioner - C A L. MURCHISON', Co nv issionei .It will follow the BBC's annual' round -the world goodwill - pro= .gram from • 9 to, 10-a:rri, -The Can adian . contribution •ito the BBC program ;•this year. will .originate.' in Winnipeg.: It `wti ,bring as. speaker Rita eBiadt, . ari Esthonian girl who came• to Canada from a displaced ,persons' camp in Ger many. A Ukrainian• male, choir, an a Christi las:.visit to a . Canadian •hospital;'•w ll `also be heard. .,' ASithELI) SCHOOL BOARD' iM,IINUTF S • The 'Board ' met : at the••• Town ship Nail on:Decemb•er 9th with. all -memlberi present. Minutes of- • last . meeting were - read and adopted. . , Dr. Little of Luck -nem 'attended the :, meeting to . discuss the dental care of pup�is: • Wrri. Hunter gave, a report on. his 'visit to the Trustees' & Rate- payers' convention in •Toronto,.' The 'Board agreed to continue' hot lunches in the schools be- ginning after New Years. . The 'secretary's books were ordered` closed' for the 1,947 -audit., The* secretary, was 'instruc'ted to .advertise Moir caretakers . for .schools, "duties 'tb ' commence :Feb. lst, . 1948. Bill's to the arnount of '$260.00 were ordered .paid. . Next meeting. is to°be held at NO. 9`,scilool at 1 l .nx,• on J 'n- bark' 18th, 1948, • • Richard Kilpatr: y x 4th:•1945 Course. start$' Januar,, an ar schools - at centrally ,ocated` Hamilton Kingston, unitovms. provided Certificate on,graduaton ppy while lenrhinft • e. 3 employment .M •.• Free transpo�ation acts of rntereSt"9 ears Good ptosp ea t0 40 Y' ants . A9 �irem NIec+1tK; • fCe . R®4 Good Fntr Gr V.111 Educa'fron months': .Grade dasircom ►nstroction and six CourteI " anths, lion d the eonsists,o hospital,. 1, Apon.successful comp of •Health• Phis Course hose 1hs PsparlMePt Trgnspor • pr•actical instruction' e a certificate from month less; maintenance, free •• graduates will recd 60.00 tier' m you feceivs; �. chile training f om yaw, place Of residsnCe to the central' school and talion is paid � Vided.. . are P 40 "the origami, Appy imrnedlRttely tlofll Regtstra o Nurse, Toronto: Division . s� Qoeeh',5 park• • • y i ant gvildin9 RIran+ ar , • N 5-7 4' DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH FOR THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO 0 • • • •