HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-12-24, Page 3Wednesday, December '24th, 19147" ocaand general 'Harry Nixon.° commenced work at' the Lucknow Industries plant,' • on Friday. '- • Miss Bell Robertson: left. on 'Fri- day .for Toronto where. she will 1' . • . S end••tlre winter. Miss Blanche Stewart 'onto is a Christmas visitor with her parents, Revd and Mrs, -;J;.'W°' 'Stewart. Mr.' and Mrs. Cecil Mullix _,and. family of Listowel visited.eh Sun- day with his Mother, Mrs. H.• Mullin :. Elizabeth -Doyle, young, daugh= ter of Mr:; and Mrs. C.'l'. Doyle of town,' ' has been seriously ill, with ` pneumonia in - .Wingham. Hospital: • 1VIr..D'oyle -is he 'ac-. co'un.taPt •at Trelea'Oen's iVi ll. : THE LUCKN•OW SENTINEL,. LUCK!1OW,. ONTARIO Mks Margaret 'Taylor of'Wing- hain is • spending Christmas with Mr.. and Mrs. Kw`art. Taylor. Mr, Thomas Hill left .t ie first f of the, � week for Chicago where he will spend the winter With his. daughter'. :. Mr's, Conrad Decker is spending the Christmas season' i, i Kitchen- er with . Mr. and 'Mrs.' Sidney Decker. ' Mr. and Mrs.. N. E Busliell -visited ' last vireek • at • 'Fort¢. Col- borne°with Mr. and: Mrs. Stevuar.t John Gilmore of : Paramount •-left the end of , the: weelc for Iowa' 'City, .Iowa;. to Visit hts uncle, Mr. John''Gilpin, whom he.. 'hasn't seen ;since •childlood;' lMARIt • CHRISTMAS:. Special 'services viic s in :local and • district churches. ,have' been held to mark the advent o the birth: of 'Christ. `In .St. Peter's •'ch'urch,. o• Christmas •Eve service will be held. tonight at 1130 `: and Holy -Com runi .,v'i11.be observed., cin• • ,Christman morning,. •: : :.In •the United` Church on' Sun-: day evening the :Junior :choir pre= sented an, irnpressive cantata. Solo '`;parts' -were• taken 'by Miss Margaret Rae and little.:�Nariey( Webster; The; cantata was. Under 'the direction of. Mrs J.:,W. Joynt, ' Miss - lsh at the organ. NAME W. I.. COMMITTEE FOR BLUE CROSS PLAN •The Christmas meeting l Iof the Women's Institute, was held : in the , Town Hall:. on Friday,:. with MrS. ,Wilson presiding.. The ' roll call, was answered by a gift . ex; change A paper •on the rriotto for the day, "Keeping .the Christmas spirit ,alive throughout the year”, was giveifby 'Mrs W. G. Andrew. Mrs. J. ;W: Joynt ' gave,. a, ;paper on "Christmas Carols" and led. in the singing of ;several carols.. Miss E 'W'elsh .gave :an interesting derionstrntion ' on making Christ- • mas candy. • PAGE `THI El M ;BITU.ARY •.. •1 WILLIAM EDGAR SMITH The death: occurred's,uddenly at Iffley, Sask., of William Edgar Smith, age 56; Cause of death •was a heart attack. Deceased •was a .graduate of Lucknow High School,. and London Normal. He - went West in• 1911 with_ his. ' • arents,. t e late Mr, and 'Mrs. Andrew Smith;- Sr., of Paramount. He. had, Completed 35 years of teaching service • in Saskatchewan and was. planning to retire on superannu- ation at his home at;the coast. He is survived by, his wife, four sons, and four:daughters or North :Battleford,•„also two.brothera and two-. sisters:' . :Funeral services -were conduct.. ed in. Sallow's F'umeral 'Chapel$. and interment, was, in North .Bat-. tleford ,cemetery. The 'many .fl'ora'l' . tributes; ex pressed, the deep regard in which he 'was held , by4 a large cit`cle of friends and. his fellow -workers of the • Medstead School Unita • ,ROBERT IRWIN: • A resident • of Kincardine for 27 years and of the district for a much, longer period, .Robert Irwin' diedat his home in the Lakeside town on 1Vlonday, December 15th. Though his health had been in - :different .for the past year, he was confined to his bed. only 'a few days prior .to his ''demise. He • was .born at . Belfast on; • March 4th, 1303 a son of the late William 'and:. Elizabeth (Green)'. Irwin, pioneers in , that 'section. PASSED AWAY SATURDAY. The death of Albert 'Edison Hald'enb'y, occurred in. Culross on Saturday' . evening, in his!' 56th year::The funeral', serviceis be- ing held' this ; Wednesday after= noon° in Kinlough:' •.Anglican chrirch,. cand'uc'ted by Rev. L. W. Owen; <Interment , will. li'e in. ;Greenhill Cerrietery 1 . . .. . .-• ITT r •.., .R. Johnstone,' 'Mrs.' R Jc' Cern- eron'and Mass Mary-. McLeod was appointed.•to look after Christmas cheer boxes for Shut. -ins.`. Mrs J. l). -Bryce of: Ripley ex-. plained ;tl.e Blue :Cross 'Hospital- ization plan and •, Miss E ;Welsh and Miss • Eva Greer were..ap- pointed:'to interview rnembeis re- gai ding this. The correspondence. inclu1de.d,°a letter'of•thanks from Alex, AfeIntyre••`for the :scholar, •shi.p, :of $50' given by the Institut 'fir .G rade XII ui 'th•e Lu'cknow High School which he had re, U: I E�' CHU'RCH roived.`;'At'the close of the meet- ing' lunch was served. `'• '. LUCKNOW ev.,.1. W. Stewart;:B.A.;: Pastor Austin Martin has received de-: livei;y o:fa :new Monar ch from the. oral dealer • Mr Garfield. Ostrander:. 9 3 1 1 1 3 3 spND.Ay, DECEMBER 28th 11 a ii.:' "Risky • Sto -Overs".' Story: Q "Kni hthood 1 . fi Today." iia tism of. .Children• 12.f.5 p:m: Sunday School. 7`pm: "Finis" ,•`�b�Q�D�#�'#�".#lb`3'#SCM#I" 0 . #{�! �S" f Moved. To. Georgetgwn Mr. and ; Mrs. A. ` G. Andrews and ,sone' George have moved to Georgetown) to' make their. home:. During their -residence here, they occupied: Mr..`' and °1VIrs Rabert: F'isher's home. "Alf". was: form.. erly:' employed;. • at!• the Hobrough Metal '.Plant; :hilt more . recently; while awaiting to obtain possess ion' of , their Georgetown' hdpie, was assisting. at Greer's Radi Electric.- • dine he was a farmer, specializing. horse .lRreedirig. In tlie: latter .capacity he, was widely•: known rind':he'was'an'ardent enthusiast. in matters ' pertaining to ; the, equine;wkdl. Mr.'I vein x had farm- ,holdings, in: Western Canada'. and. •visited thorn annually, returning.only .a•., ..few months ago from the ;Fertile ...Valley' district of Saskatchewan: He• was an: active rnetnber, of. the.' Masonic .' Oi:der.,;; being affil-' isiterk with Old Lights Lodge, Lucknow, whose . members° had chai•ge .' of •. final i'rtes Thursday afternoon at: ,the: 'gra•ve'side .,i:n Greenhill' Cemetery.,, 'Lucknow. He was a. melrnber, of: Kincardine. Uiiiited Church: The minister;:th'e ,Rev, . I-farold-"-La. wson, ':conducted the ,funeral service... • Sur 'vi GR,EETI NGS: AICD THANK -YOU. • Itis our pleasure to wish 'you one and all much happiness. May this : Christmas bei" the ;best ever and :May an 'your fondest dreams' come ;trim in the year to cornte: Arid with out. bes .wishes 'goes our Thost sincere thanks for •your valued friendship and 'your ' ap-' preciated patronage, x H ._. T:HE'.TOT TO• TEEN :SHO•PPE' .. • aW. fornier Catherine .`Farrell four daughters, Mrs. Charles King, De- troit; Mrs. •Reginald :Palmer, 'Lon - den; Kathleen, 'Tororitooard Dor= -othyi.Nanairrio,: British Columbia and three: sons;, Captain:',Boberf.• Irwi.n,. Oakville; John;''. Calgary and William, : AMOS PALIVIER' Bedfast for the past' "sir years, the.. death • of.•'Anti* Palmer oc- curved at his home in Kincardine on Wednesday,- December :Re was,, the' oldest; member of Kincardine Lodge A:F & A.M.. and' Members of the Order 'held. a service ` at .0/Water's Funeral Home on Fr iday, evening, 'On Sat= .urday Rev, told Lawson of Kincardine tin d church . con- ducted , the 'funeral • service with into rn ent tri Kincardine Crim- eters ough ,'Belleville,+ was; h i s Th• birthplace, 'Huron township was his horne, and he;, was 'one of the pioneer residents,,' coming • .there , at the agr of 3 with .his parents, e th late 'John"an•d Susan (Wang' naraker) Palmer. He died 12 days priiir to his '94th' birthday. 'or someyears he followed the trade of blacksmith at • Lurgan and w;•s kn",own for the excel]..- ‘ence Of. his workmanship and for his generous and kindly. attitude. He gave :up his trade"and riioved to' a farm southeast of Rileyp- and 42' yoars ago went to Kincardine,.' Ayhe:•e he has since resided, For that length .of' time his health was indifferent and grad• wally worsened. His • constant cotnpatiion, during his long 'ill-,, ries,, giving .hirn loving care, was, htsvdaughter, Margaret, who . sur- vines; as•' do a daughter, 'Mrs. 'homas'=H.. Harris .of` Irolyrtiod; four sons, John and Bruce; , De-'. troit; Edward, Timmins and Rbb e}rt,. Kincardine township; 'a bro., Hier, •John, ivloosornin, Manitoba & two sisters, .Mrs.. Wni; Thompt. son, • trait ''add ,' Mrs, Susan Cliff. atilt Ste,. Marie' A MERRY'. CHRISTMAS '-AND A HAPPY. NEW YEAR ..:. , g Here's to' A 'Very Merry Christ -- e -a-ll and A Ne car made 3- .30 ` ous' *by a' fullfilment . of the • S; ; •.a -fashioned sentiments e • Christmas E; piness, ,tranquility and'prosperity.,_ FAI.RVIE -twine ALEX AIJDREW, • • j .. . �y w/�,,�►/� j}�.y�'�pjy�'j.yyp ��lj. /j �ij j s''f �(if,y.y� J�p••�j�����,�. J.3 44140114 1111040040.1ir0401[%{a/[t✓/' 1101[i1.tl41[i1iK4404-40 iN�°4rVV��[�i .{IN".�[/IT!�f/014- ,,, 3 S. Sincere 'best wishes that 'every, hornet iii: the eommunity` .ay .e1 peri.erice a full measure of .Christ pias joy, and that • the . New Year May' hold 'in shore for you Good l andH i Health, Wealth a pne., ss. • SEASON'S GREETINGS ktiormao n 4 - • #o# #ofe'# ' . r #1rg#u# i #iv# '#4# #!i iv#ezty,v# o" oo7q 40Q +Q (E Q tri m"vhon..;lift« oanwi it-,0&rQ ctsn4monr o,.:. YULETIDE :'BESTWISHES To you a •rd'. yours..go our hearttl lest :good }wishes. for :a; joyous •Christmas,,. and in : the` New Year '11,0y • your' fondest dreams come" ti, tie 'And to our patrons .We add a• t special "Thank You", r• FISHE'R'S BARBER S:HOP. .04044ti Y0441' 1011•040 E i+ l Q7 # ?it►. „' i,. upas { $oo.. , GREET.INGS RAND THANK Y May the musical bells .:of Inas resound with. Peals of jay: and happiness for , you and yours this Holiday Season and.: thro:ragh- out , the;l=New• ' 'Year, And. we .take this opportunity to:; • thank all our- customers ,: for their patronage ;thru the years. MURDLE AND ,54N Norotriittiotrott000eislianiezttiptiotopieiiipteollisleitikartmoonfotivioor . • m i re,l#ol s owe tawoo eau; a nottoconb +ua+ra+ x ti A . MERRY . CHRISTMAS . • AND'AHAPPY APPY NEW.'YEAR ,.., � �•. v..., �' Christmas Time again., affords - • `sic, :s.. us the Opportdriity and the Pleas tire' of wishing you a Rig t 1VIerry IN D, Christmas, land A 'Happy .. and Prosper ous. New Year... 'And Thanks a Million for your `• Patronage : during ' the.: Year, CHARLES ' MASON p,. 1+% # 'ec E�> l:Asa'I a ►,+ # i ?# t e # a �i ri , ✓a • a • 0'