HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-12-24, Page 1r.
;2,00 A Year -=In Advance; 3O xtra. t
tRN W,- 6 ' 'TiNR.10 `7kedniesday,'Deeember -24th, 1V47
PAGE',. '..._.,...,•..
inl}11mg:!°' lt'3,r#0,01t`>D1!>lti►t,!rl0! - , t a r
alt , tosti di zttgeli .. t",.00401 11 > if :. f Co
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bl; Di;,z.10 egtiz > tim 'ti`tiez,e oDt ilippivognio►l irentivuo. Doi tithomti alovro ' . • , naiiii . , A 0
• y . __ .. �Ut oerio>>L,,. IteD�" o1!'��tt��I# "�40>� •f"._.0�"�t�s^�w�t�'+�n�it�x i2:o4t��` lt.x�"., "'.#s'"` has.
• ,• ,,Lucstnow's: ri unicipal ''riomina
,'tion meeting will be head on Mon-
day ,'evening of. neXt • week fon
7.30 to "8.30, o'clock, and.what the
develop -Merits will. be' cannot he
Reeve J. W. Joynt, • who 'brought.
the wardenship of Bruce' County.
to Luek.now` this` -,year, is likely
meeting, He suffered :a•. bad�''leg
fraotui.e"•.a, few weeks ,,ago, an'
has sirine' been 'confined to. his
home: a
Reeve Jo nt has; intiniateci that
Y t..
he will' i etre, but he may be.
"prevailed upon to continue in o1=
fice for'• another, year, •
CouncillIlors Salomon,
and�Sherwood: have all been men-
tioned'as .possible. •reeveship ',can
didates,' should Reeve 3oynt. reg
• tire Mr.' Solorhon is the .'senior.
ineinber,'of "the .Board, but..it..r,•
uestionable• if he . will 'seek the.
o .•
•reeveship •
+: retiring, members Of
iThc ..hr*ee ret g . ., • be s
lie .Bortr`d of '''Education are
Messrs: T. W. Smith, A E."' Mc':-
e• Al • of course:
-Kim and I�,obt: Ra 1, course,
are eligible for .re-elec,ion
New• Procedure
Under • amendments to t h e
Municipal Act some ne:w°'reeul"a-
tions will apply in regard to nom-
nation procedure.•
.As was the' 'case last year,_if
a:: candidate ,is nominated " for
more. than one 'office,he'• must
state. at the meeting' 'what office
•he,will ,stand for. Failing• this; he
can qualify o nly,:for the : first of- •
fic:e .to 'which •he was nominated
A new 'regulation this' year re-
quires that 'i f .,a nominee is not
at the'"' meeting,, his nomination
cannot be accepted `unless -the-re=
turnin . officer•• is: informed
wz titlg.,tl a_t-he s...aware'. that his
,; name is . being. presented, , Th"is,:
however, does not mean •that he.
'Under.any obligation to..qualify..
for the office. to -which. he mciy
.be nominated ,.:,.
In renewirig his. Se.nti•nel :sub
�• .ori �: �� ,� • ° � On, Monday ev.etiing young, `pe
, f ev• ..• ,l. Murchison Mr. Wm. ',. a le Of the • four villa e -•churches
of I� oxwarr en Man.., ' McDonald • o ':4kre p g h
, and a native, • ...
L-ucl4rio . ., g toured .
. • ..,. ,_w .High School tea�l-iiri ... the `-town .singing Chnst-
of. Paramount, encloses a •10.00,f
staff has been • victimized' by*'" he ` mos, carols, at the homes:' Qf • the
donation to., the Coitirnunity Re
., ricaxlest'. thief ~aged and. ill;• .The arollers. trav-
.ci:,eational,.Centi e.
;, "The MacDonald Tamil was err gilled by teams. aiid sleighs driven
Jim, , as he is best l nowri Y
-, to route �ta; Ches ey late ;1Vlonday"•.af by Torrance Anderson and' :Bob
old friends, says:.,
• . •ternoo i to" spend Christmas :i y.lvieNay.' There' were about forty`
.,I .am 'sure that -.every, ol'd- Mr.. , , ri h
MaeUonald s• old; home: town; q t e two: sleigh. loads, "who were
timer..wi11'_ be ••. to, know, :.: �,_ _
pleasedov'• Near the:Tenth Concess>.on; rror.•t1i later. :served- soup• and, Crackers
,.. ,.. �, fir.«:___._
in, the lapse:.of years and, with a' g '
Mr. ' MacDonald'. got too far off, Rev; • S'te.wart ..conducted a '•serie$
sense ,of pi ide in. the, fine .'corer- Mr.
, • ..of;game •
e beaten track:.ar�d his: car bE- ,. g .,s• " . ; ,
radeship : of . other' :.years .will be ,
carne ,stuck ' in ,,tl e ,snow. ' The T,;
proud to Help keep the. old, home MacDonald set ...Put:: � r. 'DU •G.ANNON CH.A1Ql.IP:S.
1 � u on• foot. t t.. _i`
town to the. fore": :get help' and,:on' their returh•,to RECEIVE SOFTBALL..CUP•
a ,. their 'car f6i '
o ind a wnd4ir srri'ash
'ed 'ai�d�•all .their r'. ��fihe; Will; Schmid trophy,- em-
,: ,.. •. e C�hr]strri�i5 gifts � . ; p y
and parcels .'gone'. ..Not sali'sfied': ,�blematic of ' the.' ;Indoor Softball:
The t'affle.' of .a thiPty •htlund with this .valuab)� haulthe t�iet,•share'piotshiP, ',Was preSented
turkey Was:. held �:at 'the `.• bingci
pai tY ,in the .Town
own all en Thurs- also took .1411 the'. ear.
ar. to
o s 'thyDunganrox i team on T•
hur da
ping',-attheClans ens :bine:
.Mi,ItViacDonald; who is ae us.eye
day ,night:, Winnerof:�the anitomedao 'the city•.practiseof �sl•= pamty in the.Town Hall.: •
ial'L:AwsGruntMcDiaimid: :The- •ways. -lock ng:one,s.Car, had, leek- .
hys• who• fin
driw''.was'xade. 'by. CecilBlake,ppd his-car.:upon going :for •: help, 'ished_the ;sehediile ...on top` and
rie thirty-pound.:.bird
W.as . ob- but this didn't deter the
;wir:14..6 . then after ia,five_w:.e
tabled:fi on Kenneth Pu ves•andsniash]ng thief :,. : the playof:finals. in twostiaght;
as:raffled ,off with proeee:ds: for.
'tiTer.e' out in. a bed. ;or :Tlfur. d
• y.._ s ay.
"Crirriinunit' •FReci eational Cen-t �. The Y, , pi°csei}t«ton..of the ti -o h
_ •.. •t-onditian Itt�tproved,. p Y
I .was•`mad'e: by,Dr '.•W. V. Johnston`
Miss'..Te:nixie moons is s endin .
'''Binge', winners' o;,f: three lovely.. 1?• g•a --,, .- . r•__- Blake,
tl:u, • winter in; Haniilten•'with her - -J. Cecil
to this, fund; by.:, inand er•of the ID
;sig sister', Mt -s. Stanley�1Vialldu h.. . • g . t ungannon; team."
Dave Anierson were J. C.• •Armt
Nlns: Mallough..• has net:.been,era.
sti:ori , .Mi•s. W.-.-4:, Solomon',and r II .
a . ;la:i•nzg .good health'•for a..tirrie.' .
Mrs.. Russell• Robertson..:
of:'. late . heir --.b• `
• .. . ' - �:. • rrd4t-C.141-.10n7..---�h-as- ':. , • : .
: , hewn considerable rtnproveinent.
Mr, Garfield '•Ostr aiidei and.
L+LLW TO" P.Q1111 ,ARTHUR.:,�-�+� • , , • . ..:.. Rexford ;made a busiiZess trig 'to
I, p
FOR. CHIiiSTMAS. _ 'Toronto :' last`;• Week Where..R'ex'
•`.purchased"a new .`800• ro'ecter
On Monda3 Mr. Win:` Muirdiefor , the':..:.Rex Theatre: The y
r r , brou', ht' t.h :.
Y ••.g . , e ritaline horine'with
DANCh AT , ST.. HL�.FNS� ,,.
y therri'arid.have:'it'in se vi
, ,. . ,' � 1 ce. With
- ••Danc•.ing' in St. I3el.ens ,Com-
two • projectors now ...in operation,:
munity Hall, Monday,. "Decerniber. ;
. • better; .theatre perforrn'ances:= •can'
29th 'starting at.' 9 •• sharp. W. 'L.
auspices, Fai rier's : orchestra, ;ad='
mission. 50c.
left for Toronto,' and este day
Tuesday) took off by: plane from.
Malton :with",Por°t, Arthur as • his'
destination; where he. will; spend.
Christmas,with hi's'dauhter, M'rs:..
11�Ialeolrn• < Armstrong and . 1VIi.
GIIRISTMAS SEAL FUND ' , CommunitY 'Hall; Wiiteehu ch
: en Tuesday, December 30th, un-'
• . ,der • Women's Institute auspices.
Donations•.to •the Christmas. Seat,:
Farr rens orchestra:: Lunch 'count.,
find'.. continue to steadily be re er. •Admission:50c.,& 25c.
• ceived,': ' and at the first: of the
.wee -total'receipts` considerably •
I theTo • n• H
'exceeded. $,700 .n -. w f .- all, ,_ Lucknow,
.WERE. However , there- are',•many • who• :Thursday, 'December 25 :(Christ -
P,0, SATURDAY" ha'Ve not yet '.contributed, • who mas •'Night) and Thur`sday, Jan-
• carr be: •expected to do so,. but ua1•y 1st.' (New Year's Night),' un-
she Pest' " have probably neglected the mat der, Fire Company'• auspices. Far-
Office., •was': sold out p Y delaying rides .. ,.
Far -
9s one -cent' stamps on Saturdayter or 'ate', put po'sely... de'l,aying ' ries s orchestra.Admissron 50c::: • •
morning, but obtained a new sup- making their • conifibution.'until
KENO, , AND DANCE Two New Tractors
after. the Christmas, season. , ,
ply that .afternoon: The, .sellout ' St: Jose •ih's•'.Hall, Kingsbridge; G. Ostrander .received. two new
added to: the problems of a• har The, • folk of • • this district :;Mai e' ,� 1
: , Y, , 'r�.. • .. .. . i lry-,.
• �iried'staff Who have 'been work- '::quite conscious •of, the ;worthiness' Frida Deceixiber 2Fith..:10 rounds' Ford : tracto.rs last' week:' Vie,
inl :cause nd are• res onding keno ,at 9.00 sharp, useful prizes, Cry•of the pair• has .been taken. by
g ong hours in an effort to of ther ... . p ,, .Eve : •.:... •. SPECIAL! Men's, bo girls' wo
clear thedquite well although :as et .not Dancing sharp at, 10. Mackenzie s ; reit Finnigan, „,reeve elect of . n Y.s .g
tremendous volumq q,�. �k , , , ,. g '
if .° . go , - , the r rouse 'orchestra. • Admission. 50c `. each:: West c Wawanosh and Jack Me -men's MARKET
n coming and, out -going, lette�ks, in comparison• witl "1 .., r;unch eitti'a,. Kenzie., .
cards n of: a year, ago,,
a ad " ._
parcels. � . _
ie•, R 3, Lucknow
rfto4tmlili% .iWR�n'�T�,ern"•r�•en..roh�nnne.,,�rHTr+.nm'snm"siv**in7n?f3viifw�h.^,v'i�to3td:?wiilits•h�fit.�t+�"lires#:^0R+��+,.�zarr•ynr�nM-1*JrJi+.+^7!i!ni��►rfr1rtJ+X11:+!n►J}"ii1.N_^117A1�jg
kie screened,..with "b.etween `reel
!o'e Screened;' without ':"bet*een.
reel" -'delays.
• Lucknow'Intermediates, open
the hockey schedule' '' here next.
Tuesday, December 30th, , :with
Port Elgin as the: visiting Club.
The; 72 -'" game::. schedule" was'
drawn "+'' p on ; Monday night.' :at
Paisley. }t
In attendance fr"om'`�u
, ck-
now ,were Clark Finlayson" and,
Pob'Andrew. 'The' complete sche-
dule will be' -published next'week.
Plans for: special excursion rate'..
fares' -from. anywhere: • in Canada '
to Walkerton: are now `being:,
fermi -dated wi li; , ,tlie Caiiadiari.:'
Passenger °AssociLtion at a.Vion-'
treat and, something•'definite; will'.
be published, shortly' in regard to
these special fares..: This . should
be of. interest to. all ruee,C.oun-
ty peop e .an • a so griller •ruce
.'County old, Boys; and Girls:
, Interesting' lette s 'of inquiry
are being ."received. daily: et the
County being
secretary's office.•
and these are' being handled and
answered as quickly'as..possible
A. census of•�''all of 'tne ,names
. and. addi�esses 'of' •al ; Bos • and `:
Girls of Bruce County,i;iow in'the
haunts'• of`.•tlie reunion secretary,
"shows:•that the Majorityaf::these.
former residents 'are •now reside
in ii � :the, \este n ' rovincei,
tp �,,
with •13ritish Columbia' ;in: the.
lead.. Also, :a ver.,larre ro or:
, Y. g, p p
.tionoI the': ria,'n cs •••already re=
`Ce• \%ed. show., ui e, a• number
.q b,r in.':,.
'the United 'States. and •also some;
as,.,far 'north' 'as the `Yukon 'and''
Alas ta. ;with, a'.' few listed , iii
'Europe.' There. is:rid 'doubt, ' but
:what a v.er•y interesting -reunion:
will :1.;rke :-place.: in" • Bl uce, . County:
len : le ' rna� ority • o
these ;O].d Bays and.`Girls,•'gather,
together :•and, •meet after :all •the,
separating :3 ears. Like• a 'snow-
ball rolling dowv i a snow covered,
hill;, intere t•and''p'lanS, are grow
in'g .evei'y nmiite:
A special': letter ,` of `•.•sincere
thanks to : all :the 'teachers and
pupils' oi` 1Bi?uce. County is snow:
being pi e�'ared. The 'thousands o
p � ,
navies and. addresses.. now :in the •
:hands of the county, secreta.r`y's'
office .ivould.'hot have-' been:-tioss�
ible withoii't the::w.ond.erful- help'
of these. teachers and pupils-,
A iineeting •Of interest was held'.
between 'the. publicity committee
o the:Bruce County Reunion As-
sociatio l•`::and ;the Press A•ssoeia
tion of Bruce :County recently in
Southampton: j 4
. Once again: all 'the ';local :sec-
retaries are urged" , to complete:,...,.
their lists:!of names'and addresses
of all former Bruce+•C,ounty•Boys:
and' Girls In aria arourid: their:,
coinmuniti.es, arid ,to send theth.
to the County Reunion secretary,
Allan W. Perkins, Paisley,: Ont.
�p.p�p..�wyep •
$o- # > svi ciAMolp+w515 '= , G=*i 0'°a£+•Mitl...o ..`_�....'.? 40.41#404:040. t # #«fEol
c. ; , 41rt
. ,h