HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-12-18, Page 7THURS., .DECEMBER, 18th, '1947 ,. OBI TI MRY MRs. R. M, :1VIacLEAN • Many friends here; were shock ed and saddened to learn ,of the stidde'ar' rising- ,-9f - M .s= -r;:. M, MacLean 9f- Welland, which oc- curred • at her- home in Welland on Thursday . morning, at, ten o'clock. ' t � ., • Mrs, MacLean had been :appar- ehtly ' in her ,usual. health, and had been doing •a. good •deal• of practising : for a • musicale, at :.which. she was.–topact -as pianist • 'the "ening of ,the day of her death. She had•feltill in the early • h urs ,oflightly. ,the••morning.but 'passed l l it off Ig t y. ' Early Thursday: • morning her, condition:yucirsenerl and by ten o'clock,' the end came, • with her' :de tli,:att ibuted'. .� �. x � to. a: worn-out heart ' .Mrs.. MacLean .was , formerly ,Irene, Graham, Sherrif. She was a daughter :: of , the late David 'and '''Mary Ann Sherriff and 'was. born •in Lucknow, and for' th.e"place of' • her • birth,, and her many friends • here; ,she always&. held a warm attachment,and looked forward to her •visits here which were frequent because -'of a • summer' -,cottage ;which the'MacLeans had at Eruce Beach; , , • Miss Sherriff taught 4th room in the L•uckno.w Public School for 'several terms, and.. was; leader of .' the. Presbyterian. 'Church; Choir:; She was . a' .kind and thoughtful. fpersori, and ' Old friends .speak s zb Since ;her marriage in 1918 to lir R, M. MacLean, she has' re- sided in Well'and,' where the 'fun_ ... ilral service was held • •on Satur= ay: The ' remains • were. brought jiere• by motor: hearse on Sunday or interment: in ,Greenhill Cern- 1 ry. The :graveside service was onducted bt Very Rev. C. H. • eeDonald. Pallbearers i .w e r'e elso arid Alex ,McNay, Frank Graham, Jim Graham, W. L, Mac- - Kenzie. and 'Donald McC.h:arles, .Mrs.;;MacLean:.is survived.,,, by. hh;el.,. •husband : and ;•a . son, Bruce, • aiid 'by• one brother, Berwick: of ''Lond.on. Her mother was' laid. . to rest .:ten -years ago: on Monday, in Greenhill Cemetery, a n d lie r father: passed away .a . number' of years' .prior to her ' mother's •.death: , KIN:L O.04H Congratulations' to Mr. & :1VIrs.: James 'Burt:-ain the:" arrivalof a baby ;daughter: • Mr. and IVlrs J•R Lane re turned home after' visiting with 'pronto.friends, • -. . Mr$' James Hodgins underwent an opeartion at Vittoria Hospital, London, on Monday. • ::,, :... Mr, Frank' Currie returned; to' his home. here -'after spending•over' • a year. at' Yellowknife. , " Mr .Levi Eckenswiller narrow- ly'escaped Aerious injuries when' II an accident.�occurred at the ,plant Of, Coleina.n & Mr. and Mrs.:. Tom Hodgins and Jim, Miss, Eetty Gillespie and Mr. °Don•Gillespe-'motored to London -on .Friday The Anglican Sunday School.. . Christmas tree: • will be held on • Thursday evening," December. 18.• 'The school concert will be ; :on' December 17th. • We are sorry'. to ep ort that Mr.Win. CoCox has been quite .forthe.past two weeks.`. 'The, Sr.' W;A, met' on Thursklay kat the home of'Mrs:"'John-Colwell With a good attendance, Mrs. Wm:, Wall was''in the chair. The carol, "Silent .Night" :was'surrgy and Mrs. Wi' J.. McLean. read the Christmas,. story: Prayers' followed :•Minutes were • r.ead and..the • r611 call .was aoswvered with a scripture .verse 'from • the' Cl ristrn . story, Cor– respondence :and business folioed:- ed, it was decided to hold the monthly meetings on, the second 1:]!riday in the month for the win- ter. The' nekt . meeting ' will ' be held at the home of Mrs' W.. J. McLean. Mrs: Owen ded for , the .election of.'.bf dersl which were; Hon, Pres., ' Mrs. L • W;,. Oven; past pros., Mrs. Wm Wail;,. •pres,, Mrs Milton Walsh' 1st vice Mrs, Jas., Hodgins•; 2nd 'Vice Mrs. Geo. G rahem', ' sec.-treas., # Mrs. Tom Hod 1laldei,b zns; ass't,, Mrs. George. y; social service '& Pray- er partnersec. Mrs. W. 'J. •Mc - A buying committee,. Mrs .:.�ralaam .and Mrs. John Col . TH � t .' ; E LUCKNOW SENTINEL, . LUCKNC Wt O TTARIG' `: well work committee; Mrs Wm CHRISTMAS MUSIQ Wall and Mrs. • Ed Shaeffer. A Special vote 'of •thanks was tendered to `.Chi{ s t m'a s S d all the officers and also to the hostess, The committee to plan. –the ' pL ugram fol' 1948,'are Mrs.- Owen, Mrs, M. Walsh,, Mrs, Geo, Graham, Mrs��{ Geo. Haldeiipy and; Mrs; To c dgins, The litany • served by the lestess, as Sympathy, is. extended tc • Mrs: P. A. Murray in the death :9f her brother, the" late T. Collinson.: • "Mrs, Milton .VValsh received ward on. Tu'esda e' f the- d w closed the meeting and'ldnch music in' the United the morning service follows: ' Anthem ''Night •of Van' De Water.. Male , chorus• -"Our BBorn", s y'. o eatti of .her brother, the late John Scott, at Miilforf; Sask..Syrnpathy. is ex=. :t n e ded to, the bereaved ones. �1VIand Ms rs.-6 WM. Wall visited on F i, day with 1VIr,' x I'' ;,Ptn-. hell' at Knic T • .., . ardrne WmK Services in the Anglican church:` will be held• each Sunday at 11 o'clock for tife winter months in- stead of morning and evening Mr. and Mrs. Rey • Gralarri en tertained ;the members of : the Graham, family at their horne•on Thursday evening; • ,; • un ay Church at will be as Nights" • by. Saviour Is vnthern — ; Let Us .Now. Go Even Unto. Bethlehem", by J.. L. Halton At the evening service a, can; tata •will be presented,• , , FOWL FOR BINGO •PRIZES IVB TOWN HALL TONIGHT-' The, Clansmeli. are sixonsoriizg bingo aparty iii 'the .Town ' Hall tonight ; (Thursday) -..cornmenoin. at >r8 'o'cl.oc e k Tie' prizes :�w;ill'� be: fowl; -chickens, .geese , and. tur- keys. 'Games • are 3 for.' 25c with special games, 2'5c, each, .There is no admission ,fee and everybody; is welcome: There is ;arriple seat - 'ink ' aecornodation provided' for those who wish :to • "sit out"; or who haveto wait,, their turn • at' `the tables, . PAGE SEVEN .94,4044/4 14474 t4, 44144/44 f iranboilr 44210. QOam0404'> +f ,' S o Siipp1rSahF1ft1� .:z • • 00tS Pleasead with comfy, good looking ... .slippers__— the ideal gift,..' •: ��... SEE OUR SELECTION Romeos, Low Slippers � ' • ,� , . Soft -Soled . `Felt Lined Slippers. 1-Iere,s Another. Sufig estion . • I�.(�F ZIPPER OVERSHOES.. - •: �,:. •We. 'Hove A��C,�ood Stock RUBBER FOOTWEAR .For'.Men And Bos iKAY:'ST SHOE:REpMR Lwcknow, Ontario., NrPs li ii ivkipiwnw tt^ l tilot r{ # L2Rfi iwinvtY Itd" nemti i t ''.;`°. • o a a °g„ .e. • • M' CHIS asset is. the ,tank of Montreal. -family , .:8,970 men. and: •women' who are working :with : the million' and a half Canadians: who:' bank at . the *$ of M. Nd "amount in .dollars Can ever`'exress; the.•value;of• this .asset: Yet, of its. e•�' • il?eprb-7lieit in .•, P t. nearly i esou ces, no asset of the : a n o " ontrea is a so pro • uctive - as • these - .;people who d'ai'ly serve:: their 'customers_- 'ust as: B o1 M people: le• •before . them :.. . ., hh,ve' �� p served :on ev,ery bu. iness day ::sirx e. November 3rd 18,1.7 . • • 'Behind this asset is. the accumulatedexerieriCe of `+130 ears: Through five genera- tions, the'' experience.. of •the original' staff: of''seven has .multiplied as the B of M' famil has grown in strength and numbers Each. member of this family is a .distinct ;personality .. .:: thotrsan l f them• make the' yB-•f.M4 'TO' -'the: outstanding services 'of the men .and women. of • our• Staff; I 'would, like once., again to ' pay. •i } tribute, said B. C. Gardner: in general • manager's report to..13., of I' shareholders, • • ±r'' Pointn^^ out •that'the volume • •' tlf couriter'trar,,.actions handled • by the Staff dui • together, ' nearly nine. branches periodically and assist Mana- gers and. Staff art improving routine'. ,methods. ' "As an additional aid to 'staff t'a'rring, we have recently' estab- lished •a school• at _Iead•.'office.: and ' we hope oto 'extend this. • form of'. instlruction.. • :int; the past year -hid surpassed all previous"The• organization •and arrangements relating records, and: that. .the, 13,ank'st: deposit accounts , g now "excccded...iuore than "i,Cod,pl)o, Mt •Gardner to' the`' development :. the progress and the welfare • ; de'.cribcd the mc;rsutcs'. kit taken 01-!t. taff are under °continuous' and` careful a� i >„ i,:::►,�.., ii,,, ]cvy study, d L.know of no 'feature.'of our . business that ha's .been given,- more. cars and consideration over the : past year. • ' services to ratite>i burden on ',laic Sta ,are," he said,. "continuing to .carry,'out fuirthei' mechanlx,tion rn connection with -routine entire Staff I Wish to express ii& sincere thanks transactions 'and are adoptw . new . and.: revise,. , for their.: loyalty• 'and 'devotion ' and for their wctirkrnt; `in thods, to b . y �.expedite-,,.efforts in maintaining end int business '' '. proving' the scrviccs. which:;•we j \k'cr have a' grh.up of 'routine rendcr to'' our customers and to organization', officers who visit the community :at large" :,to my 'immediate .associates .. •and to the OF.: 1817 • t0 d:N/1(IONYANAOLOT NTRE 1947 la ,. • • .41 .:z • • 00tS Pleasead with comfy, good looking ... .slippers__— the ideal gift,..' •: ��... SEE OUR SELECTION Romeos, Low Slippers � ' • ,� , . Soft -Soled . `Felt Lined Slippers. 1-Iere,s Another. Sufig estion . • I�.(�F ZIPPER OVERSHOES.. - •: �,:. •We. 'Hove A��C,�ood Stock RUBBER FOOTWEAR .For'.Men And Bos iKAY:'ST SHOE:REpMR Lwcknow, Ontario., NrPs li ii ivkipiwnw tt^ l tilot r{ # L2Rfi iwinvtY Itd" nemti i t ''.;`°. • o a a °g„ .e. • • M' CHIS asset is. the ,tank of Montreal. -family , .:8,970 men. and: •women' who are working :with : the million' and a half Canadians: who:' bank at . the *$ of M. Nd "amount in .dollars Can ever`'exress; the.•value;of• this .asset: Yet, of its. e•�' • il?eprb-7lieit in .•, P t. nearly i esou ces, no asset of the : a n o " ontrea is a so pro • uctive - as • these - .;people who d'ai'ly serve:: their 'customers_- 'ust as: B o1 M people: le• •before . them :.. . ., hh,ve' �� p served :on ev,ery bu. iness day ::sirx e. November 3rd 18,1.7 . • • 'Behind this asset is. the accumulatedexerieriCe of `+130 ears: Through five genera- tions, the'' experience.. of •the original' staff: of''seven has .multiplied as the B of M' famil has grown in strength and numbers Each. member of this family is a .distinct ;personality .. .:: thotrsan l f them• make the' yB-•f.M4 'TO' -'the: outstanding services 'of the men .and women. of • our• Staff; I 'would, like once., again to ' pay. •i } tribute, said B. C. Gardner: in general • manager's report to..13., of I' shareholders, • • ±r'' Pointn^^ out •that'the volume • •' tlf couriter'trar,,.actions handled • by the Staff dui • together, ' nearly nine. branches periodically and assist Mana- gers and. Staff art improving routine'. ,methods. ' "As an additional aid to 'staff t'a'rring, we have recently' estab- lished •a school• at _Iead•.'office.: and ' we hope oto 'extend this. • form of'. instlruction.. • :int; the past year -hid surpassed all previous"The• organization •and arrangements relating records, and: that. .the, 13,ank'st: deposit accounts , g now "excccded...iuore than "i,Cod,pl)o, Mt •Gardner to' the`' development :. the progress and the welfare • ; de'.cribcd the mc;rsutcs'. kit taken 01-!t. taff are under °continuous' and` careful a� i >„ i,:::►,�.., ii,,, ]cvy study, d L.know of no 'feature.'of our . business that ha's .been given,- more. cars and consideration over the : past year. • ' services to ratite>i burden on ',laic Sta ,are," he said,. "continuing to .carry,'out fuirthei' mechanlx,tion rn connection with -routine entire Staff I Wish to express ii& sincere thanks transactions 'and are adoptw . new . and.: revise,. , for their.: loyalty• 'and 'devotion ' and for their wctirkrnt; `in thods, to b . y �.expedite-,,.efforts in maintaining end int business '' '. proving' the scrviccs. which:;•we j \k'cr have a' grh.up of 'routine rendcr to'' our customers and to organization', officers who visit the community :at large" :,to my 'immediate .associates .. •and to the OF.: 1817 • t0 d:N/1(IONYANAOLOT NTRE 1947 la ,. • • .41