HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-12-18, Page 4..3E7�ztl�tlFlYkSF„w. -... N. • • THE ' 1U9KNOW aFiTIIEit!, LUCOW, ONTARIO • i (» a ky • .WANT. AD” RATES—lst insertion 2 ' cents •:a word, subseque • • Insertions 1 cent a. word. Minimum charge 25 cents. Replies ' • re of The 'Sentinel 10 cents extra. Legal advertising 10 cents per countline first. insertion, 5 cents per line subsequent insertions. SEWING MACHINE SERVICE' - Repairs tb all- makes work guaranteed -= free{, estimates • Machines electrified, Needles and. Belts. Agents— • "Wm. "& Sod's Hardware,. 'Phone. 10, '.Lucknow'.• :FOR SALE ---baby cutter. Apply at Sentinel Office or ',phone. 84 Lucknow, • . , OS.T ' hild a. alk -black ski mitt`, L, .—o , • .Finder. please 71eav'e at '$entin,e1. Office,: .:. FOR • SALE --:'purebred. Suffolk ream lamb, •.Apply to James For: ster 43-r-12, Lucknoww FOR SALE --numb of .turkey p Mets. Kelso McNaS "Paramount, Phone 68-r-22 Dungannon.: YOUNG,,CATTLE FOR SALE- • Keith Johnston,' R. 7, Lucknow; Phone 76'-r-11, Dungannon: •FOR SALE -10 Holstein' cows '&.' heifers, Some' to, freshen soon - 'Wilfred '.(Pete),` Farirsh,. R. R...7, • Lucknow. PEP UP -take C.C.:and• B. Tonic Tablets, excellent for .low vitality, nervous' and general ' debility.` 60c and • $1.00 at .Down's Drug Store.. • •N THURS., DECEMBER 18th, 1947; CARD OFTHANKS •' RESIDENT DIES IN CHICAGO FORMER WEST WAWANOSH - Mr. John Murdoch of town has receivers word of the death of his aunt, Mrs'. Ntilon'R. Harris, which' occurred recently in Chicago. ' Mrs.....Harris 'was a sister of tie. late Mrs, Neil . Murdoch, :and. Was the last sur v v ng -m ter••'of a fainly of five sons and two dao-' Mrs. W. G. Webster wishes to• Mo$t heartily thank all those who have so .kindly rernernbered her in. Many 'ways . Since undergoing: - �- eeerixi.._.:Dperation,'Alt these kind rand. though`ttul .,acts 7a -re -d eeply...approciated• + Mrs. Conrad Decker wishes to, sincerely : thank •friends a n d neighbors for the many kind and helpful acts and ecpressiors of sympathy extended hersduring the. illness and at the time of Mr: Decker's, death :.' ' Mr, Godfrey Hall of Dungan- 'non who was 90.years ot,age`on December '9th. 'and observed. his birthday wishes •to ,convey thank tophus: 'many friends who:remem, bered him.. NOTICE 'RE ; LOGS As: we have now filled all our orders • for beech- .lumber we are 'therefo're riot iri a position to take any • more ' beech "logs until fur• tiler notice,' , , We ' are . prepared to • buy hard. maple; basswood, soft maple:and er -Togs •'exce elm- -and do- al�oth .�"" NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND. OTHERS ' • • In 'the Estate of ..Selene Keith, de- ceased. All' persons having any •claims' or .demands against the 'estate of the said 'Selene Keith. ,who., died on or about:, the Twerity-first day. of September, A D:-19-4.7, -arexe- not. want any elm before ,spring, quired On -or before.' the Ninth day ' We will pay as good prices' as 'of January, 1948, to .Send 'their ever' for first: class logs•. but are not in the market for any rough, 1cgs. of any kind.' Call atour of- fleefor' .full particulars. The Lucknow' Sawmill Co., • • WANTED — . second hand :grain SE ING• :7VMACH31VES' repaire !grinder, roller :'preferred, for'.use. Ex ert factory ' methods, •' all with Ford'tractor, Apply` Frank makes, , .electric or treadle, '23 Mackenzie, R' 5, Lucknow years' 1 experience, New machine ' results. guaranteed ;:regardless;• -of FOR SALE= -Two Alladin Tames, age or make:' Satisfactory work • a hanging lamp and,a table laMP. vicinity' ,fo The pair for $9,00: Jack McIntosh, this vier ni t. lice. A. 3,,Lucknow Craig, . • General SALE.`-= '`Beat g ohne. now, Phone 115 FOR Y, :washing macs .ine, nearly new; : Apply.Mr Lloyd, MacDougall, R. 6, Lucknow; Phone', 26-30. Rip- ley.. NQT•ICE A rabbit drive will be held: on; Boxing • Day,' December' 26,, spon • sored' by Lucknow:, Fish` and Game :.Protective Association. 'Anyone'.is :.,welcome to join'. •in . the drive, clairns,' duly proved; to theun- dersigned Admirlistratrix of, the estatie.' • And farther: .take noticethat after such last' mentioned date.: the • 'said' Adininistratrix will ,proceed R S' Hetherington, K. Barrister,, te. am and ueknow `yingh IN LUCKNOW ';Each need a� YVlnnday & Wed Y Located on the grouiid floor in the front of John ' Kilpatrick's Building 'Phone Winghait Office 48 . Residence 97 • •deceased, :'having regard, only to the claims of which she ;Shall then have notice, '.andthat .the said "Administratrix willnot be liable Ar thesaid assets or -:any : part thereof ,to any person or persoris r last. 15 years, Write• C: ,: of whose claims ,notice' shall not used.. has e'been received.by her at the Delivery; Luck time' of such, distribution. w;. Dated the :Sixth day. •of • Decern- ter; 1947 . . • NOTICE TO CREDITORS.• of the Estate of In the:: Matter •Peter Mckinnon, late of " : the Township of Kinloss in the Comi- ty of Bruce, Farmer,, deceased... 'NOTICE is .hereby given,. , pur= suant to the ;Statute in.:that: be - Mrs. Hattie 'l ,;ebeeca Roach, Lucknow,: Ontario. Administratri;t• of the said estate, • • • by her. Solicitor,. • P:'.•Stuart MacKenzie, • Walke"rton•,.' .Ont half; `that 'all creditors' and others . NEW ' SWEATERS and. Jackets having claims or demands ,against; for everyone . in the family.. THE .MARKET STORE. I ' which assembles;.: on Lucknow �' thie estate of ' the said Peter m Me Main Street; ` leaving promptly.. at .K Innon who died on or about' the > , . Second :day:- of August:: A D 1947, one'o clock, .are requlrecl.': ,.on or. • • e o � .the: _ Te,ntli day' of ':January :A.D.: 1948 _,. • Mr,. and rs. Omar Brooks v to send by:, Post ,prepaid, or de-` Admin-. ited , • at the• home Liver to, the Undersigned;o f : Mr Oliver • N 'O T'I'C E A -'.Directors?' meeting of the. Lucknow' ' `Agricultural,. Society Will be,:' held.' in -the: Town Hall on .Saturday, December, 20th , at 2,30 All persons s •interested in • boys and girls 'Calf :club activities` arerequested to attend: Joseph :Agnew,. Sec .P,L4-I-M=OJ • �r. R • :�. ANDREW, ., W Barrister and .Solicitor LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Office . in the Joynt Block.. ghtersof the late Mr,• and Mrs. Wm. 'Wilson, Mrs. Harris, former ly Janet Wilson, grew , to young Womanhood on Athe Wilson ural ori • Concession 12, West Wawa. nosh, arid then went' to Unithd. States to train for a nurse, where INSURANCE a ACRE she met and •married• Mr: Harris, whir~ -predeceased her, Sire . Was laid to rest beside' her 'late hus- band at Keota, CASUALTY ,and •AUTOMOBILE; To Protect •. Your Jack .Insure :With. Today' J A: • McDONAGH '.R.R. 3, Lucknow, Ont.; 'Phone 61-5..Dungannon Insure, In ,Sure Insurance• Conf ederatior ' fife; : " WIND,,CAjt, FIRE -Preferred. Rates for.. preferred • risks. ACCIDENT •&SICKNESS-; Consult •14N • 'Phone :82 13 Dungannon • • Telephone' Office 135 Residence 314 MacKenzie tuart .. BARRISTER & SOLICITOR Walkerton, -,Ontario. . .. •. is IN LUCKNOIIV A. Each Wednesday OFFICE .IN HENDERSON •BLOCK • • i•- I. SURANC AUTOMOBILE, : FIRE -.and GENERAL. INSURANCE pe : Sure Tomorrow; Insure Today. t . `�K T..I�ILPATRIC .. R. R R. 7, Lucknow. Eaviugs Bond Salesman 'Phone :77 4.-2 -Dungannon istrator of the • estate of "the' .said McCharles last .Sunday. names':' and ad-.. - - Fri .nds•'of • Mr:. Robt: Reid will •:neceased, .: their a '� dresses full particulars' 'Of then. 'he` pleased : to know he is able • to claims, .a .Statement. of their'ac- be.out again after his recent ill counts,,. and the nature: of: the• se-, Less: < curities • (if any:) . held. by •them; A . pleasant 'afternoon' was en duly' verified by ::affidavit : 'o .ed at the 'home, of.• Mrs. Oliver.• John Durn�in a GREETINGS . And take notice that after' such joy ' McCharles by :Paramount . W T. Johns to extends' Christmas' 'last mentioned 'date : the said .Ad 'where 'they :'held` their:; December • - .Gree'tngs ; to'. •the ratepayers of , ,. _ IT -i � : and ministrator' will, proceed to dis- Meeting' A:,,, Christmas. recitation • West y thn ks p tribute' the assets of the said de was given by:�Mrs ,Orland'• Rich; sincerely thanks %thein ' for their ceased anion •the,,persons en- ards2 Mrs,: Robt.•. Campbell. sang • splendid . support .° at he ;recent., titled; thereto, having :regard. only' •' election.., • •. � � , y . a , Chrrstnas carol. Mrs. James to, the claims of which he shall 'McTavish sang.. 'a solo and • all:, AN :OP • PORTUNITY then -have 'notice, and that the joined in ;singing. carols Mrs : H. l Watkins s' .cis, 1'said . Administrator will, not he Ensign gave .current events:, Af- et availabl ;tura n r liable. b1e' for . the, said assets or any ter "the::meeting a' of 1uc'k supper Aria ay.,ailable If,you are .aggres- a • part thereof to any :person ' or was served: The•: January meeting; sive, and between the ages of 25 ; persons of';' whose claims • notice will be held at :the home of. Mrs: : and• S5.; have or ;Cartsecure travel shall • not. hav"te: ;been received by . James 'Ketchabaw. , Program' coni outfit, this is your opportunity him ''at ile time 'of such distri- ;'mittee, Mrs . Dan Wylds, Mrs L. to get .established in .a !profitable :bution. ° ' ':Morrison,:‘ " "business .°f your•. own ' For; full 'Dated: at Lucknow Ontario, particulars . ;write ,. today to, The' this'' Fifteenth day of December• ,'''s"--"'-'''''''-''''''"'"'"`""'''''''''''-`"--""•`-'1' :J, R Watkins'' Company, 'Dept•' 'AD 1947 • • O -L-2, 2177 Masson S, :Montreal; , Joseph Agnew, Lucknow, Ont. State Farm Mutual • . Que. • ` ' Administrator.-= ''� ro. • ACCOUNTANCY .. Service: . for the Small Mer- chant,/ Professional .. Man : and the . Farmer Iiietilekow Tues., Thurs and Friday. Office in •..Kilpatrick Block: I' to feed : Dr. Hess Products'. ,I ( takes one-third les Supplement 'and 10 percent less Grain. ° when you "use HQG SPECIAL. • You 'get.10, percent more egg& when you add PAN,EYMIN` ,To 'The Mast. • , Cows produce 25 lbs. more • milk' from each 100 lbs. ' grain . when you feed DR. HESS. STOCK TONIC.. When' You Order NEW LIFE & . LIFETERIA FEEDS ORDER DR.• HESS, PRODUCTS' TO ;ADDED,• rns y ` e ... • • For Free. Deliver Of wHalf-T Or Tons CRA FORD'S' Feed Store 'PRONE 11-w I4JChNOW.' ' ALL CONCENTRATES; DACIt•• ON .THE MARKET Automobile Insurance • Offers 'Vlore Auto 'Insurance at LOWER COST v .for Service and 'Satisfaction, g. See CiLMERON Lucknow, Ontario: Also Hospitalization and Sick. and 4,ceident Insurance Representative Mutual Life of- Canada J.::.P Y 1VI VI Box 74': Lucknow,'. Ont: •; 'Phone 23:': ARMSTRONG OPTOMETRISi IN LUCKNOW FIRST :WEDNESDAT . cot- EACH. F EACH: MONTH from. 10 ani to '6' pm AT'. WM.:SCHMID'S STORE 4 RANCE POLICIES` L; ►LL .'�IN5UOO. • MUCH ALIKE •of loss i .:. ."At• time ,.ts service and satisfaction that ' counts. E GIVE. IT ur Policyholders news'' INSURANCE. Established 37 'Yeats Lucknow 4 - Ontario, g'ency For .All. Your Needs LIFE,. FIRE, CASUALTY, SPECIAL RATES FOR FARMERS' CARS " ... ClaimsQuickly' a • nd • Efficiently Adjusted ' • . i . (ly. Licensed Adjustor Living In the District,: 5. Stewart Insurance AgencY PHONE' 8; ' LUCKNOW'- •