HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1947-12-04, Page 1OA A Year. -,Yrs Addance; '50c Extra to T.T., S. A.
APPOINTEES TO 'r0 HOLD GAME CLUB pain r� w► ..,.
LU1�i;L�►W', -OAl T1BI{fl�; -2HIi S., . D
' • rveiyone in this cornmuni
° ty
Local and district organizations.interested in Fish and
and. muni �ipal boards, are naming •
Who is At a. meeting" of the Business
Club actmvitres is. invited to
t' s..to: the vis
re me en y
P , . attend a meeting in the, Council
ourit:il 9f ..the. new • Cornrnu. nity •Rami of: the Town Hall t ni r '`
'Thursd-a MJ' .Decem .e
Yx ,b r 4th'.at eight.
o'clock.'. -, .�
• The purpose Y 'is i to organize'
locally iii cohitinction•• with the.
Wmngherrr4 ;Fish ..ancl••Game._- 1
C ub;
ecz eatirta '�Cert;tre, and tordat
u •w� ids of twenty appointments.
":have•.been 'made.
This Counoil will :act
junction: with a five -man.' -board
Men's Assoelatiori.°on Tuesday.ev-
ening, plans were made: for the
.children •s Christina` ..1.ar"t hick
is _scheduled. for• Saturday, •. Deco'
• Village busin'e s .aces 9
b s p1 will re-
main'�openvMonday, , Tuesday 'and
The village municipal arbage
.collection servicg will �teimina. e
� t
this week for the' winter, months..
The collection will be made as
•usual onThur'sd°ay -and-Frid "
this week, and then Will 'be tern-,
this*Week, it t m
porarily ,disco.'ntinued as has been;
toinar' k • `
V ednesda Tevenhi s of •Chri -tmas
that will have charge of •actrvitmes fr ot�� which oi•g aniz�ttion 1 . a '- Y g , s TAX .TO. APPLY •.O
Speak, vikee
in the community centre, and the er w11 be inn attendance .to' ad=:. k ands will not .observe the UL
object.. is•• to •have it^ representa-: � •Thursday.,half holiday in the prey
dress: tonight's f' -,
tive of every group in.the a dis=. •
trice, so • that. the interests of the
entire'. community' may best be
served. •
• g gathering. ceding week Stores will be; open
until 0 p,m.. on New• Year's ,Eve,
the meeting decided 'Nine Mem-
bers were in. attendance.,
Official.- notice' has.• -been •re
ed • its original regulation .regard -
At the ,first part 'of the vtreek
Contributions to the Community
Recreational. Centre Fund had;
-c ider bl�
:oma- a Y ex p d .the�•$2,Q00 _..
mark, ,with 'at, good .deal of ' work'
y, et, to :;be done , b , :village "(A -n-.
. : g
vassers ,.
At a ,meeting' of „The,
Club on, Monday, night ; it*.* as f
reported that total cost of the
building to date : vias, in round .'
figures, .$5,600,Y Monies put. into
•The Hydro' ElectricPow•er' the ro'eet b. the.Clansmen ,
Corrimission of aritario'•has atter:-
prof y ter
• ing •the 8pe cent .sales. tax - on
•The• .co-operative
It was decided to request. the
a continued '•
c'eived 'b E H Agnew Clans medical plan, •Coun'cml to declare Boxing Day
;domestic bills which is ,niiw dis-
Clans- sponsored b the u. •
Y Huron 'Feder- civic` holiday sk :..o•
•men--secrotary,-•-.of the- ..followin . aY .a t '1'he-�tax•=a : ' i_
anon of A riculture :•n .
. 607 adults/and 475
S.O.S.•,: Club, Kay Mac•I� "h
a �Ointments� g ow' covers, municipal plebiscite, on daylight. bills' ntil t'
u he ;end of November,
children •in the.saving time' in event .of an. 'elec.- so • that ideally the `
.Leos,. ;a y October. `and
November billing will have.. the
Kinloss; Township, Reeve. • Alex
1V[cKenzie ::.t Kairahea ' .:Institute,'
Mrs;` Fred Gilchrist; Legftn Aux
iliary, 'Mrs.. The, lma ` MacDonald;
• Ashfield Township School.'Board,
, Wm G Hunter, •Village of Luck-'
•now, eeve , .. oynt; - nited
, Church Y.P.S., `Willard, Thom.:.
son;' West Wawanosh School Area
' Board;' Eldon Miller; Girl Guides;:
Mr. , -George Ja3mt,.
. Lucknow
of 'Education; Mrs. Morgan
Henderson; Fire Company, J. L.
McMillan; Lucknow Women's In=
stitute,: Mrs.; .A..1; Wilson, .Para
a ' • mount Women's Institute,
Orland Richards; Holyrood" Wo=
men's Institute, Mrs. J k Ackert;'
:,Anglican ; Young Peolei :
Cook; ;Boy Scouts, 'Mel
vin ;Stewart; Lo ; La_'' Le Club,
Doris Taylor.
expected that P
e council
P �.
Club, .including 'a; $1,000.00 lean
backed , by members of the C
and public donatibris to - date
about sufficient. to cover
to dater but. a considerably .%
•aount is ::needed '•• to: make • "the * �
m .
building ready for occupancy and
county, Bert Irwin :Hallett, stat=to- equip'' it to serve the' intere t
tion, rt, has since been learned$ s
. a •d.
ed Tin,..re
his port at the familial that; certain' conditions applying
young n old in the .
8 percent apply . on. the total bill.:
meeting. last week in Clinton. The to. such 'a' vote 'di not'' ake,''it
r m Thereafter •this Domiriipn war
plan,;Was put into effect of "Olde Boys `and'"
Aug -g pp p al. revenue tax -will be •#abol Y
fished.. ....Girls" 'are beirm,g • contagted
on Au a ear ractic
•.. „ ... number' ..
ust lst, this. year., Since then,the '' Any furiher .,discussion of the'
groups that have joined up in -"housing situation will"be • defered
ms 'one -
0 1
coo .'�
perative ; •office. ��n
three` Women's. ,Institutes and two A. letter ,of approval his' :to 'be,
church rou �.s. Arno.• nts • .aid .,
g P , .,, u p m sent. the Council :for- the; excellent.
fees no
w total ..$4,343, Arid $136.10 :street lighting job, and 1VIr..:John•
has . already' been aid out' . in.
• Y paid Hanna s efforts. ;in having ;.High=
Claims. :; way .86 paved are to be recogitiz
•It is ex'�"-
pointments 'wkll shortly .be`. com-
� Y.
ple,ted,followii'yg which a meeting
• will, be called: •
The death of; ,:Mrs. •:.Reginald
McKenzie, sister' oge, the :late Miss
' Caroline . 'Vf ellwood, occurred in
11Iamilton Gen eral Hospital on
Wednesday of last week. She suf.
•`fered a stroke the'':previous even-
ing,' sh'orW after being 'in a • minor
motor, ` accident, 'and never re
gained' consciousness':
Mrs '__McKenzie -was--formerly
• Harriet. Mae,. Wellwood a d was
born. at 'Fordyce sixty-three years
three rs
ea ,
ago. ,She. and • her -husband, 'who.
reside in Winnipeg; spent a month
.with relatives in: Ontario .this fall.
They: were enroute ' home to the
West -accompanied by her .sister,.
Miss •'Caroline Wellwood, R.N.,
When: the latter. suffered a heart
: attack ' at Grand :Rapids, where
she passed 'away. •.:
Mrs. ,McKenzie
.. cl�enzie •returned to
Wmgham•for her sister's went to Toronto; to visit
hono'r. Mr. ,arid Mrs. Elliott, who,
and•later' 't have g Y . been hi hl esteemed .resi-.'
her son Donald" before recon- `dents of that community; .are
moving to Lucknow' this:week to
make... their.. home.,• They.: have
bought the former Taylor. home
on. Station•St.,.from Mr. and Mrs.
:Rb C. _MacKenzie who will' 'm'ake
their . home in London where Bob
Gd in; a' letter from the Associa-
- Dr. ,James E.Little was: •�ap
•onted:,`to the .,Advisor • Council
Mlk.price increase .o� two cents p. Advisory'. n
a quart went into effect here .on. 'of•the Recreational Centre�as'the
Monday, raising`'the 'cost': t .1 representative of the Business
cents: .:a •uart: • Distrib r` 'Men's Association
q iito s are
paying the *Producer an additional
55 cents a hundred f: 'r'
o . the: pro
-1 es an For it
xn •Fire Bombs •
duet, with the thio cent a. `quart
increase authorizedArte:. Brec�kles, who. has, 'taken
by the:` Nlilk
Control Beard 'over. the�:manufacture and sale:of,
control' • o rd of Onta'rio': - . • ;... �-,_ ..
New rices here are:: ' .mi1k� "Sentinel's fire:' :bombs, 'has.:,ap-'
p ' pointed,. Melvin •Stewart as .sales-
quart,17c 6 tickets` for :$100;
}.,'. ' '. man:; 'Mel took.:over.'his : pant -time
pi ts. lOc, cream,pinfs.'�2'lc. �
- : "du ies� on - on ay and plans fust
---- to be. So very effective on various
to. contact:village •.households"•:ir
promoting the sale of these fire
extinguishers, :which have. proven
We 'draw attention to a :..occasions.' • '
guest editorial in-thi§ issue;
written. by Dr'' W VJohn
ston on behalf of The "Clans-
mesi Club, in connection with
the .new Community Recrea-
tiona Centre. The article • ap.,j:
pears in the : editorial column •:
on •page : 2
` 30 ' • words; • : additional
50e for wo d
words, 2c each, minimum charge
an;y. 'or :every' week,} '50c
• Mr. and Mrs. ' George' Elliott .of.
Arnberley were 'given' a • "send,•
(IV last Wedn *day night, by,
friia ids.' and neighbors who gath-
ered in Amberley Hail to do them'
:menacing her tits- to• Winnipeg:...
She was, accompanying Mr, and
Mrs. Donald.' 1VIcKerizie to Hamil-
ton by motor 1a1st Tuesday when.
They were involved. in• 'a minor
motor mishap, • lier daughter -in -
'taw, seeing her alright enquired. LL
for the welfare of the passengers
in the -other :'car. were 'ere un
hurt; and upon returning to°their
own car; Mrs'. McKenzie rnade
reference ,to: a pain in her neck,
and soon ,after collapsed. uncon
'SCious, She wag rushed to Ham-,'
ilton Hospital where she"assed'
awayP. �
.the next day. : • -,
.,The funeral'se ,
.vice was on. Sat
urday' with'interrnent iii Niagara
Pans, •
Besides her husband ,Mrs. Mc:
Kenzia is, survived by one son,
three daughters, one,brother Wil
beat' of Win haat' ' a ,
raLg 'arid a sister,
r, 'J„'- H..Tigert o f Hatnilt jn,.
has gone into '`the' 'undertaking.
business. '
At the Amberley gathering a
pleasant ,.evening, of 'cards' and
dancing ncin , was, enjoyed.' 'kilt, Jack
Bradley expressed the regrets 'of
the neighborhood in losing Mr,
and ". Mrs, Elliott,. and extended
best wishes for their future .wel-•
fare and happiness. Several:love
ly gifts were • presented by Jim
1VMcNain4• Jack Ferguson and Matt a
McDonald. '
Mr: Elliott, will operate a: seed
cleaning 'plant here,, having • re-
"ein,tly completed the. new: build -
",4,w ,b,., Lthe site ;of' the -,former.:
The K -C Country'.Club will
sponsor a dance in Langside.For',`
.esters Hall;, Friday,, December 5th.
Tiffin's •orchestra,a lunch' counter
in hall, Admission 40c.
There will be a,• free show and
treats for •the children; upon Sanita.
Claus' visit' to. 'Lucknow on Sat
urday,' December 13th, sponsored
by the Business Mens Association,
In Whitechurch Hall,.. Thursday,.
'December 11th, cornmencing at
8.30. Concert by pupils of •S; S• .
No, 10, Kinloss+ Farrier's orches-
tra, :lunch .counter:' Adults ,50c,,
public` school pupils, lfree.;
The Lucknow' .Public, School
Will .present an `'old-time Christ
Mas concert in the Carnegie Hall
on Friday evening,-. December 12.
at 8.15 a',clock' •Included will be•
choruses, drills, : rhythm band,
selections and plays.
The 'Guild of St. Peter's church
is holding a bazaar and sale of
wont; .and tea • in the Legion
B,00nts Saturday, December 6th
at 2.30 p.m. Draw for coffee table
fres ed doll. Tickets, to be
rrmeinbtA.rr of the Guild:
•reenter . .
N;�W, `� A -
Wet ;_Wawanosh's' 1948 Con i
u cl
Board, elected by ballet on 'Mon-
day;, will be comprised as follows;
• Reeve 'Everett.: Finnigan a n d
Councillors' , John' Durnin,: -Harold
"Gaunt,,' Benson Johnston.a n d
:Thomas Dickson,
In the'! reeveshi : contest 11I1r.
Finnigan :defeated Gordon .Mac-
Pherson' •of . St „Helens :b . a'"major-+
ity. of 57 votes: McPlersori'`.•took
a big.lead in his home polls ' at
St Helens• • and Anderson s, With
Finnigan having a' slight • edge' at
Cameron's .`and':. St .::Ai gusting.
The 'returns from these four. oils
P ,
which came in first,. gave Mc-.
Pherson,,,a lead of` 211 to 1'19, but
'the-, picture --changed as• Yte-two
big polls at Dungannon -and Au John Mclvirllan• ....
burn- 'were. reported.; There. Fin- E:•' :Ackert
nigan received :216 votes and 11,./Id-..T.•
Phersonl 67. The ` result. bore o-
the tradition that as Auburn' and
. Dungannon'; go, : .so-':�goes the_elec=
tion: •• ��• • HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS •
letter soliciting theirt f
• suppor : o
of farmer residents is• not avail,•
able' and no ‘doubt Many Will be
Overlooked '
Previouslyy ackno
Y wledg
ed $1,690.50
Eddy Gaunt 10:00
John Hanna,,' M: PP.' •:20.00
" Collyer. • . 5.00 •
Jim Lem
Mervi•n ,' Solomon•
E. Hollyman
-Archie, 'Bruce, and,
Jean 1VIacMfllari .... 115.00:
• • Garfield'MacDonald' 5.00 *'
1Virs, A J. IVIeLennan ';'2.00
John McIntosh 50.00
Miss E•. Murdie 500
Hollyman Johnston Cig
arette,.Fund, •., 150,•0=0
Wm.: _urdie
. 25.00
Joseph Agnew 10.00
I E-MaeSween 5:0
15.90 ,-
50.00: :
The winning, candidate " . has
served on .the 'council' for the past
five years;; Mr; • McPherson 'has
been a member hof •• the: Board for
nine years:•
Durnirt Welt In : Front
For the .counciV•seats, the de-
feat of . David McAllister,. ..only
sitting member to seek re-elec-..•
tion, will result in °four new mem;
bees taking :offiee;' of which. Har,.,
,; old -Gaunt •.is the only' one with
'Previous council experience.'
Reading,- the : polls with.' 103'
votes more'than the next :con-
testant was., John Durnin.: Harof 1
Oatint: had; a big lead over the
three' other candidates who, were
separated :by only 12 votes, r with
Mr. `McAllister. :Six votes behind
the 'fourth place ,winner, :Mr.
Dickson, ?,
It, was a difficult week • for
electioneering as many. ,roads
were' almost irnpa.sible most of
the• time. Mr. McAllister, we un-
derstand, ; did' no 'canvassing at
ail: '
The!' vote . by io11irig;}... sub-,
divisions was as follows: No `•• 1,
Dungannon; •No, 2,,, Auburn;
3, Touwnship Hall; No. 4, St. Hel-•
ens; No. 5, Anderson's; No.
St.' Augustine. „„ .-
For Reeve 1,
Finnigan'' ,...:... 125
McPherson 32•,:
For Councillors ' .
Durnin •146 95
Gaunt` 1. • 51 6.5
.Tohnaton o ; 42 97
icon Z'. 123' .: 49
60 -• - 43-,_..;._
Under• pr
the Christmas Seal -
,> o
gram aimed at.•the eradication of
tuberculosis,_ .ninety=-five-studenta
of Lucknow,. High•' School were re;
centl 'given the tuberculin =
�tuberculin skin
• It is ,'planned tos.• continue this'.
student check b` , giving g the test
to,,ail pupils as they en
r High
School, and a second test to all:,
pupils upon graduating,,
r ' 'F
,..In the ten days s i..
y s nce Christmas;.
Seals,; were ' distributed' 'to: some.
nine hundred, households :.in' this',::'
community,:•the response.h
P n has been
most 'gratifying.
• Contributions •b:mail and ' in Y,.
person are being "received. daily ,:.
by Mr i': A, Thompson, . chair-
m.an of the Clansmen n •
Seal committee:' ` They range::' in.
value from $1.00 to '$50:00b •
Use • the seals freely 3? ori 'your
Christmas's letters and parcels,, as.
an .=indication. of the prominent
part the „community is playing '
rn • the campaign to wipe , out
' . 2 3 _ 4' . 5.
91,..• : 47 '20 • 18
35 31 72' 84,
•6 .'Total,
34 335
24 11279 •'
67. 61 66 44' 479
58 •83 85 , 44 • 376
38 298 `
53. • 18/ .32' • 17 , 292
53 40 _ = 46 34 , 288-